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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 260 KB, 592x498, twitterfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8997774 No.8997774 [Reply] [Original]

Why do LCD vs CRT comparisons always use really zoomed in screenshots? You're not playing these games two inches away from the monitor. At a normal viewing distance the only real differences you should notice are the superior brightness and colors of a CRT. Even that Hiroshi Ono interview that gets posted talks more about color bleed than scanlines.

>> No.8997781

Post far away comparison's please Im still wondering if I want a CRT

>> No.8997783

Consoom old TV get excited for tube failure

>> No.8997819

I will try when I get home

>> No.8997845

Left is better.

Right only looks like that because his PVM is really old and overused, so the colors are all washed out and the picture brightness is very dim. But twitter normalfags are extremely ignorant and think that people in 90s actually played video games like that.

>> No.8997848
File: 73 KB, 480x270, crt vs lcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this one on Google.

>> No.8997885

>the superior brightness and colors of a CRT
Ah it’s a troll. Move along.

>> No.8997891
File: 1.40 MB, 2016x1512, nigger_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8997892

now turn on the lights and stop living like a basement dwelling troglodyte

>> No.8997896

Just get a CRT
You have no excuse unless you can’t lift it or don’t own transportation, in which case you’re too young to browse this site.

>> No.8997921

zoomer moment

>> No.8997923

right is obviously better. you can clearly see the teeth.

>> No.8997936
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, 1641297491954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from viewing distance. Not an LCD comparison but the point is you can absolutely see the effects of the display.

>> No.8997960

It's not trolling. LCDs are scientifically brighter than CRTs but the glow of CRTs + better black levels give the illusion of being brighter.
Again, its mainly the color differences that I notice.

>> No.8997969

I just tried taking pictures of my PVM, it's impossible with a phone as far as i know
you can always make out the lines in a photo but sitting back from it you cant really see the lines because each line is so bright

>> No.8997978

That isn't a PVM. It's a fucking TV, tard.

>> No.8997984

lol fucking retard

>> No.8997991

thats not even a aperture grille you mental midget

>> No.8998010

i love how every retarded zoomer thinks every CRT is a pvm or bvm, even when it's consumer models. He probably thinks the jvc here >>8997891
is a pvm

>> No.8998025

At normal viewing distance from a fuckhuge HDTV, sharp 240p resolution pixels are pretty obvious and can look bad if the art was designed to be blend together
On the other hand emulating on a phone generally looks fine even without CRT filters by virtue of being small

>> No.8998150

just play games the way they look nice to you
it doesn't have to be "accurate"
it doesn't have to be "muh developers intended"
you don't need to be a dumb retard slave to /vr/'s stillborn basement virgin opinions
you don't need to scourge yourself on the back for anyone's approval
just stop being an npc
decide for yourself

>> No.8998420

>decide for yourself
you're talking to a crowd that doesn't even know what games they like and rely on some youtube personality to tell them what a hidden gem is

>> No.8998448

>now go carelessly waste electricity during an energy and fuel crisis
No thanks I actually have morals unlike you conservatives.

>> No.8998456

>worried about wasting electricity
>uses CRTs
don't tell him

>> No.8998461

Worst thread on the board currently.

>> No.8998470

It says JVC right there you fucking idiot

>> No.8998472

Because the nature of CRT requires very high photo resolutions to show the color bleed between phosphors when using digital image files. I’ve tried taking 24 megapixel photos of my CRT’s aperture grill and couldn’t get the file sizes small enough with JPG to post here with file size restrictions.

>> No.8998473

It's OK, anon. I'm here to pull you out of the dogpile

>> No.8998487


>> No.8998565

Based fence sitting retard

>> No.8998571

Did it really hurt you that much to be told your irrelevant opinions don't matter?

>> No.8998827
File: 52 KB, 498x636, A6E1029E-E245-441A-82B4-09126E1201B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people saying which one looks better it
At least look at the actual images instead of OPs screenshot

>> No.8998831
File: 839 KB, 1549x2048, 72DBD56E-EBBC-43BB-B087-37F9A1AC590A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998841

Why does that matter?
If you’re looking at the image on a massive screen that’s only 1080p of course it’s going to look worse than on a smaller screen that is 4K
Do you not understand how resolution and scale works?
Look at these two images vertically on your phone then

>> No.8998848

the real retards are the dumbasses making threads about anything but video games
if you wanna spend all day setting up tvs and changing the colors or modding the screens or whatever go right ahead but stick to /g/

>> No.8998880

It's really retarded because you would never notice the scanlines irl but you would still see the effect they have. Basically the best of both sides of that picture.

>> No.8998884

I have a 28” CRT and I can see the “scan lines”

>> No.8998887

Who cares what you think?
Who cares what you think?

>> No.8998891

Do you know the point of a discussion board?

>> No.8998901

Because they're biased towards CRTs. They think by showing zoomed-in huge square pixels it's going to prove it looks worse, and at the same time they have to zoom in on all that "colour bleed" for it to be even noticeable.
But when you play with raw pixels, you're not sitting two inches from the screen either, not even if you're emulating on your desktop computer.


>> No.8998902

Yes, to discuss things of meaning or note. Constantly shrieking "*I* don't like the way *YOU* play video games" is not discussion. It's beyond belief that people like you think it is. Your incessant asspain that others aren't playing games the way you demand they must is the lowest form of garbage. Get a personality, find something real to talk about.

>> No.8998904

At no point did I say anything about what you shouldn’t do but it’s nice that you’re telling me I did and also try to insult me

>> No.8998906

I have decided for myself that I will continue to use the same TV I've gamed on since I was 8

>> No.8998923

Oh fuck off. This garbage is literally all you do all day. Every single one of these moronic threads.

>> No.8998930

A small 14" CRT uses less electricity than a modern 55" TV
Same with much of modern electronics. Devices now are a lot faster and prettier but compared to the standard models from 20 years ago they use way way more power, for example gaming computers used to have 200-watt power supplies in the Pentium 2-era and now they can suck back a 1000w of power!

>> No.8998936

Even long distances, once scaled >3x, nearest neighbour begins to look too 'busy' and sometimes you see the pixels used to create the illusion of an image when it's small, especially on 16 and 32 bit console emulations (the simpler graphics of older games get away with it more easily).

>> No.8998941

>I have a 28” CRT and I can see the “scan lines”
what a horrible post, truly I am the spawn of satan
you can fuck right off mate, I'm done with you

>> No.8998948


this video explains it all

>> No.8999212

>video tries to explain why CRT's look better by using a retro tink with an LCD


>> No.8999225

It's just a better way to display the difference and farm attention on social media. Just keep in mind that there's a range of results depending on the crt display model and output setup. Either way, it's not coming back so thank god for shaders.

>> No.8999231

>ITT: OP is a blind faggot

>> No.8999237


>> No.8999274
File: 52 KB, 800x600, CRTvsLCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my image, but here you go. Not the perfect comparison because the CRT is using composite while the LCD isn't.
Yep, that CRT sure is darker.

>> No.8999287

zoomer hands typed this garbage

>> No.8999339

While that image is much clearer as far as photos go
There appears to be an issue with the CRT’s deflection board maybe
I see horizontal bars of squiggly lines

>> No.8999492

that's the mosaic effect you retarded larper

>> No.8999504

no it's not
and I assume you mean Moiré pattern, which is not uniform
but of course you knew this right?

>> No.8999520
File: 2.32 MB, 3024x4032, borbhof8nqo71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8999545

>LCDs are scientifically brighter than CRTs
Yes, but the blacks and grey are also that much brighter, due the nature of how a backlight works.
Which means the extra brightness goes absolutely nowhere.
But there is one more issue: A LCD screen do not have a pure whit color, you instead see a brightness over the combination of layers of the screen, that has a grey tinge.

>> No.8999608

CRTs don't, or shouldn't, look that fucking dim and washed out.

>> No.8999617

it's most likely not, I guarantee the camera used has a filter against glare and light

>> No.8999784

You can see people in the replies to that twitter account trying to configure their shaders to match those dim colors too. I've even seen it happen on this board a couple times. OP is really gonna lead a generation of gamers to playing their retro vidya with fucked up colors kek

>> No.8999793

Isn’t this with a retrotink not a real crt?

>> No.8999808
File: 3.90 MB, 2697x2876, 8EA525CD-3A7C-41F5-B4A3-481E2062A751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I mean it does take a bit of fiddling to get the colours working correctly on the camera though

>> No.8999845

It smooths out the shading, but otherwise this is one of the less impressive comparison. The stone floor is a better example

>> No.8999859

>it's blurry and grey so it's gud

>> No.9000454
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 2044072011235800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so sick of CRT shader fags. You dont see the fucking lines.

THIS is what games looked like

>> No.9000470

Qd oled + shaders
Destroys crt in every possible metric

Game over man

>> No.9000498

>im so sick of CRT shader fags.
They are completely optional and mostly customizable. I doubt you're considering the displays they are trying to replicate or even the display and settings of the users.

>> No.9000562
File: 227 KB, 768x720, 1645415383685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9000565
File: 627 KB, 1024x960, 1633548403215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9000568
File: 187 KB, 800x600, 1645415589363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9000645

This pretty much debunks retards saying that you should play far from the TV.
Also CRT colors looks more natural, and the bricks looks smoother.

LCD is still pixelated.

>> No.9000653

Left looks good with the dithering difusion, almost a high res look.
Right looks a tad bit pixelated under x shoulders, but still it has darker shading.

>> No.9000670
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1017, snes9x-x64 2022-06-10 12-24-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you ONLY see lines when you take a screenshot under shaders that uses interpolation instead of interlace.
which is the case with some like CRT Royale, Geom and so on.

>> No.9000732

The CRT colors in that image are wrong, the sky in Mario 1 is supposed to be purplish.

>> No.9000740

the sky is blue, we see only purple because of RGB, the ol FAMICOM used composite, same as the ol Sega computer that became master system.

>> No.9000770

holy shit

>> No.9000774
File: 170 KB, 717x426, Screenshot_20220611-161545_Firefox Focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's supposed to be purplish, as said by Miyamoto himself. The NES produced a lot of out of gamut colors that TVs vary on handling. In this case, the LCD handled them better.

>> No.9000778

>talking myamoto's senile words as word of god
that man forgets stuff and changes it more than akira toriyama

>> No.9000802

hearty chuckle

>> No.9000830
File: 509 KB, 843x756, Screenshot_20220611-163111_Firefox Focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That interview is pretty old anon I doubt his memory was failing back then. Especially since we have concept art showing a purplish sky. The arcade port done by the same team also goes for a purplish sky, BTW.

>> No.9000983

Now post full size picture. I never sit more than 2-3 meters from the TV, I'm sure nobody else does too if they have a setup to play.

Also how does distance fix motion and latency problems? Shit bait, no (You).

>> No.9000986

Kek I love that OP thinks people with CRTs here literally haven't tried side-by-side comparisons themselves. Absolute cockmongler of a retarded faggot this OP is.

>> No.9001004 [DELETED] 

>Also how does distance fix motion and latency problems? Shit bait, no (You).
Where did I imply it did? Why is this board filled with people so insecure over the setups? I even acknowledged the strengths of CRT in my OP.

>> No.9001009

>dithering on the pipe
Nice. Clear difference.
Different NES consoles have different palettes because lol 80s electronics. And the camera might be set wrong too.

>> No.9001013

>Also how does distance fix motion and latency problems? Shit bait, no (You).
Where did I imply it did? Why is this board filled with people so insecure over their setups? I even acknowledged the strengths of CRT in the OP.

>> No.9001026

>Where did I imply it did? Why is this board filled with people so insecure over their setups? I even acknowledged the strengths of CRT in the OP.
Shit bait, will no (You) or bump.

>> No.9001050

>I've made myself look like an insecure, illiterate child and now I will attempt to save face by boasting about how I'm not directly replying
You really gotta get the last word in, eh? Whatever helps your frail ego.

>> No.9001091

It’s indigo
When going through the NES ppu, it comes out more blue
There’s a reason that colour palettes exist for the emulators

>> No.9001323

left is unironically better. right has shit washed out colors. weird because i remember my jvc crt having good colors

>> No.9001341

TLDR, camera filters

>> No.9001902

so... your saying the whole thread is a bad joke? And you only woke up to that just now?

>> No.9001906

well, that didn't help.

>> No.9002036

no, because there is valid discussion

>> No.9002183
File: 4.00 MB, 4128x3096, 1403154923392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I had to use an image compression tool to be able to post this one.

>> No.9002485

you're thinking of a different thread, anon.

>> No.9002509

Desperate for more followers? Go start bait troll threads elsewhere. No one in 2022 is buying your overpriced CRTs anymore. We use OLEDs with scalers and our PVMs we bought years ago.

>> No.9004337

Don't care what Miyamoto says, right looks much better. Sony TVs produce some nice colors.

>> No.9004550

that's just NTSC composite

>> No.9005565
File: 820 KB, 1638x1229, 1654870548756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to have garbage eyesight if you don't see the jaggies caused by integer scaling.

The real question you should be asking is why do they compare LCD integer upscales vs CRT instead of LCD Native 240p vs CRT 240p?

>> No.9005612

>LCDs are scientifically brighter than CRTs
They actually aren't.
A CRT's electron gun shines at like 10 to 100K nits for a brief microsecond period.
If CRTs were sample-and-hold like LCD's they'd be eye-searingly bright.

>> No.9005615

Left is using composite isn't it?
At least make the comparison fair.

>> No.9005619

Color bleed is garbage
Why do you zoomer hipsters worship it?

>> No.9005625

>You dont see the fucking lines.
You see them if you're using a BVMeme but yeah

>THIS is what games looked like
Games didn't look like they had bilinear filtering all over them... unless you were playing N64

>> No.9005629

That's just Phosphor differences

It's purple
Back when Super Mario Bros. was first made CRTs were using different phosphors which had slightly different color profiles
In later CRTs it might show up as blue purely because of that

>> No.9005632

That looks like garbage bilinear or something

>> No.9005635

>Different NES consoles have different palettes
No they didn't
Stop lying

>> No.9005806
File: 550 KB, 638x414, nemVQQY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If CRTs were sample-and-hold like LCD's
Yeah, well, they aren't

>> No.9005896
File: 428 KB, 1280x799, itsblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In later CRTs it might show up as blue purely because of that
No, it's literally indigo which shows up as blue on all NTSC CRT's through composite
It's even on the back of the box

>> No.9005961
File: 499 KB, 1029x319, EmulatorNoFilter_VS_RealNESPlusCRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This probably shows the difference the best.

TL;DR Emulators with no filter or LCDs with upscalers do not provide anything close to the genuine CRT experience.

>> No.9006000

Left has way better colour.

>> No.9006004
File: 734 KB, 771x1037, mmd_wiiu_ssbbx_megaman_model_1_0dl_by_495557939_dacjruk-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9006012

Trips of truth

>> No.9006014

Left is the image data.
Right is the camera fucking up because its only eating 1/16 of the actual exposure, resulting in wrong color capture.

>> No.9006241
File: 163 KB, 1328x360, 55fe576bd98ce25b3d0c298b06eaab29e94a84eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9006304

I own a 4K OLED and a 40 inch S-Video capable CRT with an amazing picture, amazing brightness, and color. I've posted about this before.

the CRT blows ass next to the OLED.

>> No.9006308
File: 66 KB, 494x741, mario bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder why gamers think pixels should be sharp

>> No.9006393

Not to mention magazine scans looked fairly sharp too. Not emulator tier, but certainly not as blurry as what people actually dealt with on their TVs.
I think >>9006241 explains the motive for most of the CRT fetishism. Backlash over the indie scene. Funnily, @crtpixels is making CRTs more popular among that crowd too. No escaping indie devs.

>> No.9006413

reeeeeeeeeee the developers of that art was intended for you to see that boxart through a crt reeeeeeeee

>> No.9006438


>> No.9007915
File: 769 KB, 679x466, m1Au9U8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job cropping out the grid on the side where it explicitly says the sky is BLUE.

>> No.9007930
File: 1.81 MB, 957x951, mmsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9007932

Because they are literal Zoomers.

>> No.9007934

This was done as a deliberate send up to the old Atari art, which would be epic and fully painted when the game itself was two squares sliding across the screen.

this was Nintendo saying YES the game's graphics look like this.

>> No.9007935

>talks more about color bleed than scanlines.
Color bleed between scanlines was how they could fake more colors displayed so the two are related.

>> No.9008050
File: 85 KB, 551x375, supermariobrosjpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's just Nintendo of America being lazy

>> No.9008064

I don't know if "send up" is the right word, more like being conscientious that Atari burned consumer's trust with their extravagant box art for games that couldn't live up to it, so Nintendo of America was determined to not make that mistake, like "the advertising doesn't lie, what you see is what you get". At least for the black box years when they had to build consumer trust and a sales base.

>> No.9008720
File: 842 KB, 1600x1120, 1636395329042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically you're all irrelevant faggots (as usual), and there's literally nothing you can do to change the way I play video games. You can rant and scream and stamp your feet and shit yourselves and smear it on the walls like you're doing now, and I'm just going to laugh at how silly it is that you think your npc opinions matter.

>> No.9010551

>no written "blue" anywhere

>> No.9010569

>video color
>is blue

>> No.9010616

they didn't have purple markers