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8990842 No.8990842 [Reply] [Original]

Playing this in the 90s is the peak experience of my lifetime.

>> No.8990848
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That first playthrough was something special. The dorky renames, using just Tifa and Barret for most of it, not getting Vincent or Yuffie.

>> No.8991141

This and Super Metroid were the only games I’ve written fanfics for.

Good fanfics.

>> No.8991201

I replay it every couple years and the nostalgia feels are still powerful. Still get sore eyes a few moments in the game all these years later.

>> No.8991271
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This but with VIII instead of VII

>> No.8991562


>> No.8991615

I played it for the first time last summer, and it really was a great experience.

>> No.8991827

It's also infinitely better than the remake.
Having replayed after playing the remake, watching them padding out the original into Jap jank.... And those fucking plastic bag monsters


There are graphical moments that are so beautiful in 7... For example walking through the ruins of sector 7 really brought up the devastating effects of cloud and co being terrorists

>> No.8991840

True. The PSX era was something else.

>> No.8991886

But I'm the best looking guy here

>> No.8991960 [DELETED] 

Literally playing FF7R right now. Just got to the part where they blew up the first reactor and doing some soul-searching. I think the ENG voice acting is excellent so far and the fidelity of the visual design seems to be there. The gameplay is also pretty fun, though I don't think it'll hold up throughout the entire experience.

What's everyone's gripe about it (besides it being incomplete)?

>> No.8991982

I mean, it's a classic game, but... that's still pretty sad.

>> No.8992130

Bait and switch. Never trust Square Enix, they will always disappoint you.

>> No.8992145

>What's everyone's gripe about it (besides it being incomplete)?
Too much filler that ranges from pointless to awful. The original story had focus, intensity, and purpose especially for the midgar portion, the remake ruins that.

>> No.8992175
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>> No.8992209

For me it was Suikoden II. Blew FFVII out of the water

>> No.8992220
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it looks like garbage
it's just garbage, 2020 is garabage, cope seethe dilate, I don't care old good new bad nothing you say will change that

>> No.8992234

There's a lesbian down the street from me who was probably the character model for nuCloud.

>> No.8992248

>What's everyone's gripe about it (besides it being incomplete)?

Everything involving the Whispers, Sephiroth, and the multiverse nonsense they added to the story. It's like the worst parts of Kingdom Hearts' writing, and not what I want out of a remake of FFVII.

>> No.8992256

>What's everyone's gripe about it
it's genuinely bizarre that people ask this about a game that has nomura ghosts, midgar daylight, the cringiest dialogue ever written, 80% filler content, the lowest form of fanservice (that's right, it's not panty shots), a staggered release schedule and the pacing of a late night 4 hour telemarketing special

>> No.8992302

Pretty much the entire generation that FF 7 accompanied was the pinnacle of the transition. It's why the video game industry still heavily lingers to the PSX/N64/Saturn era with the 2D=>3D that changed not only the lifetime boomers and millennials, but the entire focus of the wacky 90s era, Although FF 7 was redeemably better and had more focus, I hated the flashback segments. FF 8 was a fever dream too.

>> No.8992323

>Name is "final" fantasy
>Has a zillion sequels
Disregarded due to false advertising

>> No.8992340

Yeah it was good. Parasite Eve and Legacy of Kain were some other favorites but they make my eyes hurt now.

>> No.8992348

It feels empty. It feels like a cashgrab and not something to please fans.

>> No.8992391

Go back

>> No.8992397

Gameplay-wise it's good with a few issues since combat can get repetitive once you get the gist of it. the real problem is GHOSTS NIGGAS and them shoehorning a somewhat Butterfly Effect to the game that is not part of FF7. The rest is fine to medicore to outright bad (lab/deepground is a BIG mention). It also misses some of the finer points of tension the original brought unexpected gore?/horror elements with JENOVA .

A travesty what they did and still feel it's just a reimagined FF7. Alas, this is what makes the OG keep it's spotlight.

>> No.8992409
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They put so much fucking effort into those pre-rendered backgrounds. The character models are lacking in detail but they're surround *by* detail so every screen has so much charm to it.

it was so obvious that would suffer with the remake. They have to worry about realistic hair and skin textures and recording sessions and physics engines, shit like the background of an elevator becomes a secondary concern. It's rendered competently but with no creativity. It's just a wall.

>> No.8992441

Vincent I can understand, but yuffie is hard to miss.

>> No.8992552
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The sewers and train graveyard chapters are fucking awful and drag on far too long, and the latter specifically clashes horribly with the tone of the main plot.

>> No.8992786

It's not a remake by any stretch. They allowed the guy who wrote the worst and most nonsensical plot in videogames to write this trash, and it already deviates from the original very early, and you guessed it, it makes NO FUCKING SENSE. Things just happen and characters say things and you don't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.8992803

Me too, Anon. Me too.
12yo, not one care in the world, life doesn't get any better than that.
Yesterday I started crying after I say a bunch of 12yo kids having icecream at a local mcdonald's right after school in their uniforms, just like I used to do, same exact table.

>> No.8992908

Nothing like nostalgia over getting goyslop. I miss the family barbecues.

>> No.8992909

im a zoom zoom and ive never played FF7 or any final fantasy game. my first game was[notretro] on a [notretro] console. i feel zero nostalgia for any of those times though because all those games were total trash. and i wasn't allowed to go outside until i was 17 not that there even was anything outside because no kids my age were allowed out either and all the local shit people use to walk to as kids was shut down either because of 2008 or some other bullshit reason. I spend most of my time jealous of anyone born before 1991

>> No.8993067

to be fair that guy hadn't gotten to any of the awful parts yet.

>> No.8993073

yeah I probably played through FF8 a dozen times doing stupid shit like abolishing the random rule in literally every place you can play cards, even in space, sitting on the one screen in galbadia garden where the students are doing pushups for a couple hours to see him counting over 100000
good times

>> No.8993080

Well, I just got a glimpse of Sephiroth in the first hour of the game, so that was weird. However, I'm not opposed to the idea of FF7R's plot diverging: the OG exists and its plot is so well-known that, by copying it for the remake, it would likely become a cliche of itself. It seems like the biggest factor will be Nomura's writing — I've never played KH (fuck Disney lmao), so I don't have a strong opinion on him. But I liked FF7 and I like FFX, despite the latter being so emotionally candid and cringe at supernova levels.

The pacing will probably also be a point of contention. I'm a "more is more" guy when it comes to engaging with things I like, and a game set primarily in Midgar seems pretty cool. But goddamn if I don't hate levels that kill momentum. So I'll watch out for that.

>> No.8993196
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>the OG exists and its plot is so well-known that, by copying it for the remake, it would likely become a cliche of itself.
I really don't know where this meme came from. There is really no problem whatsoever telling the same story again, especially when you've already changed so much with the gameplay and production(aesthetics, etc.). There have been thousands of reproductions of Hamlet. There are many different interpretations possible even without editing the script at all. This is true of most stage plays and operas. The fact that people already know the story is not a sufficient reason to make substantial changes to it. That should have almost no bearing whatsoever.

>> No.8993297

Ever since playing FFVII for the first time in 1997, I've been trying to find a game that gives me the same attachment to the characters and emotional impact. Xenogears came close when I played it a few years later, but I'm still searching for that same feeling as back then.

>> No.8993335

Are you calling Cloud a femboy?

>> No.8993378
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this but with fft instead of 7

>> No.8993385

The thing is that Nomura was kept on a leash during FF7 and FFX. Their stories are good in spite of him, not because of him. Kingdom Hearts is Nomura unfiltered. It makes no sense right from the first game, and gets much worse with each sequel.
FF7R made the same mistake of letting him be free and he fucked it up beyond all recognition.

>> No.8993429
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>Nomura was kept on a leash during FF7 and FFX
Maybe story-wise, but not character designs. That's the game that started the belt memes.

>> No.8993431

Seymour might be the gayest design he ever made.

>> No.8993449

Nope. FF8 did.

>> No.8993712

So glad I got it for free on PSN, even then I didnt bother completing it, absolute bag of shite

>> No.8993769

played it for the first time in 2020 and fucking loved it all the way through
the motorcycle scene and the sub minigame are impressive as shit even today

>> No.8993775

The signs were all there starting with VII, but with VIII it was clear Nomura had a "style" and he wasn't going to be pulling back the throttle. X was where it started getting ridiculous.

>> No.8993792
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>abolishing the random rule in literally every place you can play cards, even in space

you almost have to do that if you're going to try the QOC sidequest. I did it once but usually give up after getting the first couple cards from her anymore. Having to reset every time she goes somewhere besides Dollet is just tedious and it's not like you can't break the game with or without her cards. It still kind of bothers me leaving things undone, though

>> No.8993830

Hamlet is one of the most central texts to human psychology, while FF7 is (all things considered) just a video game story. Plus, there have been many insane and lauded retellings of Hamlet (Tom Stoppard's foremost among them). Hamlet itself was a retelling of an earlier play: the 'Ur-Hamlet', possibly written by Shakespeare himself. The Ur-Hamlet, in turn, owed serious narrative debts to various ancient folktales.

Beyond Hamlet, it's simply not true that plays and stories are not revised and retold. How many versions of Romeo and Juliet are there? Wagner, who is one of the greatest composers for opera, not only revised the story of Tristan and Iseult but also the entirety of the Ring Cycle. Puccini's Madame Butterfly, revised from a short story, was itself adapted seven ways to Sunday by David Cronenberg, of all people. Don't even get me started on Homer...

I understand your frustration if FF7R really is poorly adapted — how many times have we seen "Shakespeare, but black and gay"? But your point makes zero sense: the entire history of storytelling is one of endless adaptation, revision, integration with newer perspectives, etc.

>> No.8993856

>Plus, there have been many insane and lauded retellings of Hamlet
Yeah I'm not saying you can't change it.
Just that you don't have to. The fact that people have seen it before is not reason enough to change it. You need to have a good reason, and there isn't one for FF7R.

>> No.8993894

Fair enough, but the fact that Hamlet is evergreen does not necessarily hold true for something like FF7. I agree that a faithful reproduction is far better than a bad adaptation, but I think an interpretation that is both good and faithful to the spirit (though not the letter) of the text can be better than either. That said, I already have reason to doubt that FF7R is going to be a good interpretation, though I won't judge it until I finish it.

Also I think I misread your post earlier, sorry.

>> No.8993901
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Which party has the most kino banter?

Barrett/Red XIII?

>> No.8994829

Shakespeare has survived many adaptions over centuries, and now it's all ruined. It's dead, because the
people who made previous adaptions knew
Shakespeare's text spoke for itself,
but now it's seen as irrelevent if it doesn't speak to 2022 politics and have an all female cast etc.

It's more like graffiti than adaption.

>> No.8994870

>current year politics
The Culture War is the rot in the State of Denmark. China is Fortinbras.

>> No.8995052
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This is correct, belt meme started here. No one can fucking tell me Nomura didn't do this skirt design purely as a fuck-you to his critics.

>> No.8995269

I did too, but nowadays I’m only able to replay it on PS4 with 3X battle speed and random encounters mostly kept off. I would never have the patience now to play the PS1 original.

>> No.8995276

cloud gets raped in the hot tub lol

>> No.8995370

no he just has a wonderful bath with his new friends
it's the fuckin' room that he gets raped in

>> No.8995471

Playing Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath of the Lich King with a close group of rl friends can't be topped.

>> No.8995480

Sephiroth, who is the looming force, the legendary warrior you can't hope to defeat, the one man army, the shark in jaws.... runs into you in Midgar.

This completely fucks up the pacing and suspense of introducing him as a villian that the original got right.

>> No.8995649

I spent literally two hundred hours on the card game before fighting Ifrit.

>> No.8995653

>That exposed leg and stocking
I don't think I've ever been more erect.

>> No.8995974

At least you can see what you've missed. A lot of your generation prefer to stay blind, and this stubborness makes them look dumb.

>> No.8995982

Real question.
Is Nanaki a dog or a cat after all?

>> No.8995989
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Her random encounter might be hard to miss, but knowing the answers to all her questions and that answering correctly would lead to recruitment isn't.

>> No.8995991

fuck off man, 8 was utter dogshit, the card minigame was about the best bit

>> No.8996015

She sure is sexy, can’t deny that

>> No.8996526

>looking at the woman instead of her skirt
are you guys seriously this heterosexual

>> No.8996535

I've never seen this art at such high res before. Didn't realize there was a shitty shoop of the Wutai background in it.

>> No.8996543

Yes, sexy girls make me go UNGA SMASH

>> No.8996709

The real thing they should have focused on was improving the dialogue so that the commonly confused sections/themes are much clearer. Eg Sephiroth/Jenova, Hojo's backstory, the role of Zack etc

>> No.8996740


>> No.8996871

Can't argue with that. I think what they're going for is some sort of meta-sequel that presumes familiarity with the original. If you had played the OG, then you wouldn't have that suspense around Sephiroth anyways. Not a Spielberg fan so I haven't seen Jaws, but I assume it's like how every horror movie gets less scary after the monster is shown. But the monster's already been shown: Sephiroth is in Smash Bros ffs.

To be fair, "Remake" is a shitty label if that is indeed what they're going for. But I guess they're technically "remaking" the game.

>> No.8997292

Same. I got Suikoden 2 at launch after reading about it on RPG review sites. I did two runs, first without guides, and a second run to get all 108 characters.

Terrible take. Suikoden 2 is the world's best 32-bit JRPG, maybe the best JRPG ever. It's also not some obscure title, I owned a copy back then (still have it).

>> No.8997871
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>world's best