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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8984027 No.8984027 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it's better to enjoy games alone than being part of a retro game community? I find myself enjoying the games more by myself than being part of a Twitch/Discord/etc group. It used to be more fun chatting with others about retro games but lately a select few communities have kind of taken away the fun for me (aside from here obviously)

>> No.8984035

>but lately a select few communities have kind of taken away the fun
why would you let other people affect your enjoyment of the things you like, specially if it's for the worse?
I don't care about discords or forums. I play games and if I like one a lot I might open a thread or two here or in /v/, and that's it.

>> No.8984036

That's with everything, not just hobbies. When you're part of a community you're seeking validation, not enjoyment. You want people to know you acquired something, made something or beat a game because you need the validation.

>> No.8984090

Don't listen to this guy, everything is more fun with frens anon.

>> No.8984101

Playing games with friends and talking about games online are two different hobbies.

>> No.8984117

Alone. Anytime I've joined communities it's always full of weirdos with dumb opinions who are so anal about being right all the time that they just make it unenjoyable.
The problem isn't me. I have plenty of friends among my other hobbies but when it comes to gaming I don't seek out friends.

>> No.8984126
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Unless it's with actual friends, you're better off alone. The fact you even had to ask such an inane question tells me you're a simpleton. Communities are filled with degenerates, stupid people with stupid opinions, and attention seeking whores looking for validation.

>> No.8984185

I enjoy playing game with other people. But to the best my my knowledge there are people in "retro game communities"

>> No.8984187

the internet aint what it used to be.
almost every corner of it is now used by activists to push their pet cause and/or by blatantly hostile actors who just wish to inflict psychological warfare on anyone they come across. it's better to just disengage. we assumed the internet was forever, but it's golden age is already past and it seems to just be getting worse.

>> No.8984189

online friends aren't real

>> No.8984306

Longform discussion hurts our ability to enjoy art/entertainment. It either colors our expectations or even worse, discourages us from actually experiencing things ourselves.

Play videya and tell no one.

>> No.8984351

Specifically streaming communities seem to spoil it for me because it makes you feel like you should stream.
And i hate streaming vs playing alone, taking however much time i want.
I'm a part of a couple very small retro communities though, less than 100 people each. If it gets bigger than that they tend to go sour from my experience.

>> No.8985310

Only community I have been a part of for any extensive period is 4chan and its an absolute shit community for the most part so obviously its better to enjoy these games alone.

>> No.8985425

>Do you think it's better to enjoy games alone than being part of a retro game community?

>> No.8985436

Dude. Really now?
I'm lurking around some obscure forums with some similarly-minded people, but Twitch or Discord? Please.
Also, >>8984036 might actually be right. Might be wrong though, the answer is in you. Ask yourself what you are looking for.

>> No.8985891

This. I'd argue there are exceptions when it comes to IRL friends and MMO guilds/clans/etc, because in those cases the focus can be on actually playing the games together for enjoyment's sake, and if they're truly friends then there shouldn't be a need or pressure to impress them. However, most online communities are discussion-based and you often aren't close to the people. That often causes echo-chambers and an inclination to do things just to fit in or impress rather than just enjoyment.

>inb4 "but streaming communities.."
It's true that they're actually playing the games and not just talking about them, but the fact they stream it means they don't enjoy the games enough in and of themselves and want to have external validation from it and often money too. Often streamers will end up playing differently than they would for pure enjoyment if they didn't have an audience, because they feel an obligation to entertain the viewers.

>> No.8986172

>Twitch/Discord/etc group.
Sorry is this was zoomers do?
I feel bad. It's bad enough browsing /vr/ but I can only imagine how prejudice you'd get about certain games (for better or worse) from those kind of sites, especially when it's not anonymous.

For instance, I got to experience Earthbound, Super Metroid, and Myst completely unaided and blind. They're all three some of my favorite games of all time now.
However, any time I see a thread about EB here it's just derided as Plebbit garbage and from what I've seen on reddit they overhype it as something much more than it actually is.
Similar things can be said of SM and Myst.

I guess the point is social media is pretty bad for games, but at least you know everything posted here is most likely a shitpost

>> No.8986232

This. I still enjoy earthbound, but the online fandom is the worst thing to happen to it. I feel great shame if anyone in real life asks me what my favorite game is and i have to hesitate and say something else because i feel like people will think lesser of me, not because its a bad game, but because of the type of fanbase its become associated with.

Funky rpg > 2deep4u bs

>> No.8986312

It depends on the games - I'm part of a Dreamcast community, but I don't use the forums very much, don't even lurk. I want to join them, for Quake Night and PSO and Alienfront, but something compells me to stop each time.

>> No.8986315
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the only community i love is you

>> No.8986341

>Funky rpg


>> No.8986492

Why would i need transcord to enjoy my video games? Kek zoomers are fucking stupid.

>> No.8987212

Rather off-topic but I'll post anyways

>> No.8987283

Online friends are real and changed my life.
A bunch of autistic spergs flooding a chatbox with retarded quips in a vie for the streamers validation aren't friend's though.

>> No.8988080

I sometimes talk about retro games with my friends if I think it can interest them, but most of the time I don't because they don't like some specific genres.
On the other hand, I was in the shmup community in the past but they're all so fucking autistic that they almost made me burnt out from the genre. So I just left these retards and started enjoying the games again.
So yeah, just talk about games with people you already know, don't try to join specific communities or read whatever shit gets posted on plebbit, twatter or transcord. 4chan is ok because as another anon said, most posts here are likely shitposts anyway.

>> No.8988752

>2deep4u bs

>> No.8988858

i play retro games with friends but thats it, people who engage in online communities are autistic and weird

>> No.8988878

friendships over shared hobbies can happen organically but you can't force them. if the only thing that connects you to someone is a love of retro games than that's not a very solid or long-lasting friendship. joining a random discord or twitch and expecting to make "friends" is internet-poisoned behavior. learn to talk to people and be a multifaceted individual.

>> No.8988927

Most people I meet at retro game stores are filthy coomlectors that look like they haven’t showed in weeks and have never seen a vagina before in their lives. It would be nice to recreate my childhood memories of playing old games with friends but it gets a lot harder when you’re older.