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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 420 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8982132 No.8982132 [Reply] [Original]

Hidekazu Yukawa, face of the Sega Dreamcast has died. He was Managing Director at Sega of Japan at the time for the launch of the Dreamcast and spearheaded the launch campaign as himself, essentially filling in the role for Segata Sanshiro but for the Dreamcast. He played an important role in Sega at the time and became the face of the Dreamcast's advertisements as the director with humility seeking to take Japan back from Sony.
If you're not familiar with the ads:

RIP to a big one.

>> No.8982135
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He is also video games.

>> No.8982137


>> No.8982191

He's gone to join his creation.

>> No.8982208

>take Japan
But Sega never had Japan

>> No.8982232
File: 541 KB, 690x580, bernie_old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip in peace, my good friend.

>> No.8982238

Mods ain't stickying shit unless it's some nintendrone faggot LMAO

>> No.8982239

Segata Sanshiro will protect him

>> No.8982248
File: 40 KB, 200x200, be60d77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold the DC fondly in my heart.

>> No.8982254

Why isn't this stickied? Or at least mentioned on general /v/?

>> No.8982271 [DELETED] 

Those ads are crazy. At no point should anyone ever be saying dreamcast or sega sucks and they should not be saying how can we sell dreamcast - it should be obvious to all sega and dreamcast is the best. No wonder they failed.

>> No.8982283

Those ads are crazy. At no point should anyone ever be saying dreamcast or sega sucks and they should not be saying how can we sell dreamcast - it should be obvious to all sega and dreamcast is the best. One or two of those ads seems like an ad campaign for playstation with the bumbling dreamcast suit unable to understand why the cool kids prefer it. It's possible to create a cult/cool figure like Reggie was for Nintendo, but it has to be done in a particular way and not just in your face advertisements. Maybe a little more actual sega gameplay and less of his face eh?

With ad campaigns like that no wonder they completely failed.

>> No.8982321

That first ad was straight out of Yakuza, a series that didn't even exist yet

>> No.8982337

he was not only a buisness man, he was a sega fan and a real gamer. F for this epic dude

>> No.8982353

we're the autistic older brother of /v/, fren

>> No.8982357
File: 261 KB, 605x658, 56u3e5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1)it's not nintendo
2)it's not elden ring
3)it's not twitter garbage
4)it's not a heavily marketed new game

>> No.8982364
File: 194 KB, 874x1200, EkIi_a5X0AIqaFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is however maximum soul

>> No.8982376

Dial8. Sir Clyde got stickied, and this man arguably deserves it far more than he.

>> No.8982379

*Sir Clive

>> No.8982383

I didn't know Kubo made dreamcast ads

>> No.8982386
File: 724 KB, 1200x1056, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah i made this pic for that thread, glad you all enjoyed it at the time. I also made this thread so please post as much Yukawa as possible. Reaction images, tributes, whatever. People who work to bring us happiness in games would want us to celebrate their lives with happiness too.

>> No.8982428

That's awesome, OP. Thanks for these. Also, Oi me speccy! Best and most soulfup budget computer ever.

>> No.8982430
File: 63 KB, 250x245, Yukawa_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Sheissen...

>> No.8982447
File: 1.58 MB, 465x592, 1649665663228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping in memory of mr sega

>> No.8982448
File: 923 KB, 240x175, managingdirector.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never had a speccy but its all about the video games at the end of the day

>> No.8982450

Based. Same, and agreed.

>> No.8982456

Dreamcast is the console I've enjoyed pirating the most.

>> No.8982457

why indeed, vr mods are disappointing

>> No.8982471

the dreamcast might be the best vr console if you think about it

>> No.8982485

RIP. Sega died under his watch but it was inevitable from the day Sega of Japan stopped listening to Sega of America.

>> No.8982619

bump 𖦹

>> No.8982625

/v/ doesn't care about Dreamcast, and apparently neither does this board. Meanwhile some dumb e-celeb kills himself and the mods throw a sticky up that lasts half a week.

>> No.8982647
File: 203 KB, 800x798, bangai-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post what Dreamcast game you're playing tonight in honour of him, /vr/.

>> No.8982658

Its the last purely /vr/ console. Then comes the early PS2, OG Xbox, Gamecube, Wonderswan Color, GBA , and some 2000s PC and Mac games. They should both bring back the frames AND roll back the cutoff date of retro to 2004.

>> No.8982684
File: 2.17 MB, 744x420, LOOK_MOM-NO-MOD-VideoToMp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8982687


>> No.8982738
File: 339 KB, 1170x1046, 9BDC48DD-142B-4A66-8C88-C0E2E671B4FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be difficult for you to understand
there is beauty in losing

>> No.8982740

the mods are zoomers never happening
360 posters within 3 more years

>> No.8982747 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn in hell, you Japanese bastard

>> No.8982778 [DELETED] 

He was 2 years old when the war ended and never even served in the military, you fucking retard.

>> No.8982902
File: 62 KB, 500x397, 1632011196948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP good sir, thanks for fighting the good fight all those years.

>> No.8982919
File: 27 KB, 296x266, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Dreamcast kino

>> No.8982927


>> No.8982943

It always bothers me to see people writing 'F' when a person dies. It just feels so insincere and like a cop-out. To me, 'F' is the microwave dinner of posthumous honors.

>> No.8983064

Rest on peace, thank you for the Dreamcast!

>> No.8983078

sometimes it's hard to write such things, for various reasons. i remember on metafilter, a site that used to be popular for its community discussions, the tradition became to type a single period when news hit that a respected person died. see here for example when david bowie died. https://www.metafilter.com/156192/The-Fall-of-Ziggy-Stardust
so it's not entirely a lazy zoomer/gamer thing, it's also an acknowledgement that mere words aren't sufficient sometimes.
that said, i loved the dreamcast and am thankful that it was made, F for this guy who made it. sincerely.

>> No.8983216

Rest in peace<3

>> No.8983263

Rest in peace.

When are you going to STICKY this mods?

>> No.8983278

A shame, this nice console has like 6 good games, 15 if you count jap only games.

The gameplay is atrocious.

>> No.8983294

It doesn't need a sticky.

>> No.8983343
File: 828 KB, 2560x1440, 20190113_194248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8983348

The Dreamcast actually did pretty well. It was the Saturn that was incredibly fucked in the west.
The Dreamcast sold 10,000,000 units in 2 years. It's only due to Sega's financial mismanagement that they folded. Not the DC's fault.

Also they were going up against the BEST SELLING VIDEOGAME SYSTEM OF ALL TIME.

The PS3 lost sony $10,000,000,000. They would have folded too if they hadn't other electronic sectors propping them up.

>> No.8983351
File: 3.34 MB, 1344x2625, Dreamcast Yukawa Senmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukawa Senmu sings!
Rest in peace.


>> No.8983392

i typed F not to meme
but in sincerity

sega was a big part of my childhood
the only thing that bums me out is that he had to watch sega crumble before he passed

hopefully the astrocity & genesis mini selling well gave him a bit of happiness as one last sendoff

if they do a mini dreamcast i hope the packaging looks exactly like OPs photo

>> No.8983426
File: 56 KB, 610x814, 1643717347726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi me speccy!

>> No.8983427


>> No.8983429

Rest in peace 𖦹

>> No.8983513

>6 good games
lol he doesn't know the dc library

>> No.8983527

because nobody cares about sega lmao

>> No.8983570

>nobody cares about sega lol
>sega is 70% vr history
cool, a mod

>> No.8983608

Rip king

>> No.8983739

stick it already

>> No.8983770

Sadly, I do.

>> No.8983824

I can see you don't, 95% of the dc library is good

>> No.8983832

I wish it was, but it's not.

>> No.8983847

Unfortunately that library is tiny. It does have some bangers for sure though.

>> No.8983849

yes it is lol

>> No.8983852

its not really tiny, and its good

>> No.8983867

I had DC when it was out, there were barely any games for it. Here's what I can remember that was actually good.

Power Stone
Sonic Adventure
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
Crazy Taxi

Beyond that you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. There's an Unreal Tournament port and Chu Chu Rocket you got for free with the browser or something. I had more games than this but they're not very memorable.

The console ended too early to have a decent library of games. Compare to the fucking Mega Drive which was enormous, probably has like 20x as many titles.

>> No.8983875

This was made worse by the fact that most stores literally stocked less than a dozen Dreamcast games because the console itself sold very poorly. So you'd see the same titles over and over, because those are the ones that sold. Internet was still young and wasn't yet the best way to find out about new games.

>> No.8983890

>Beyond that you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel
>list didnt even include f355, shutokou battle 1 and 2, tomb raider, berzerk, hydro thunder, sega rally 2, stupid invaders, rayman 2
you don't know the dc library thats all. Like I said, dc library is 95% good, the only bad games I can think of are taxi, aqua gt, spirit of speed and some 3 others

>> No.8983981
File: 71 KB, 378x480, 1315591722058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He and the Dreamcast may be dead, but the dream will always live in me and those who experienced those times.


>> No.8983983

Mods will sticky dont worry

>> No.8984007
File: 64 KB, 600x600, loureed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Ladies...

>> No.8984095

stick it faggots

>> No.8984262


>> No.8984361


>> No.8984527

>the mods are Zoomers
How do you know their age, exactly?
>never happening
Perhaps not currently, unless Hiro either dies or resigns, and somebody else, such as Josh, who was once a staff member on 4x2chan, WTsnacks or another former mod from before 2014, or some other patron entirely comes up to buy the site.

>> No.8984647

bump for sticky

>> No.8984678

Just think about it. Look at what gets done here. Looks at who always becomes a mod through threats and overwhelming admins. It's always some mtf born after 2001.

>> No.8984695

It’s a joke about an old call of duty game. Nobody is willing to call out how disrespectful it is because as soon as you do that people will press f just to spite you, better to pretend it isn’t disrespectful for the sake of the deceased

>> No.8984698

RIP, thank you for the last oldschool arcade console! I will rip some Dreamcast this week like I always do.

>> No.8984739


>> No.8984865

bump till it gets sticky

>> No.8984867

>beauty in loss

im crying

>> No.8984868

not him but LURK MOAR faggot
its plain as day

>> No.8985308


>> No.8985316


>> No.8985323

Who was it that decided 'No 2D on the Dreamcast"? Shit decision

>> No.8985335

The consumer market did when they said 2D was gay as FUCK and that 3D was the future

>> No.8985336

There were 2D games on the PS2 and Gamecube

>> No.8985342

No there weren't. Okay there probably were but you know as well as I do that 3D was the industry standard by that point

>> No.8985347

>He played an important role in Sega at the time and became the face of the Dreamcast's advertisements as the director with humility seeking to take Japan back from Sony.
SONY was an actual japanese company at the time, unlike sega which was created by jewish americans, same like NEC and Taito

>> No.8985348

I'm saying there was literally no 2D games for Dreamcast because SEGA deliberately did not allow them to be published for the Dreamcast. The Saturn had a reputation for being a 2D console compare to the PS1 and N64, even though the Saturn could easily handle 3D games.

>> No.8985351

>The Saturn had a reputation for being a 2D console compare to the PS1 and N64
Both the N64 and PS have more actual 2D games than the saturn, the saturn 2D games are all ports or rpg shit

>> No.8985369

Thanks Bernie

>> No.8985371

not sure what this post means but if you're trying to do some console war thing against the saturn pick another thread.

>> No.8985379 [DELETED] 

>no 2D sprite Dreamcast games
What is...
>Gunbird 2
>Mars Matrix
>Elemental Gimmick Gear
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
>Guilty Gear X
>Last Blade 2
>Mr. Driller

>> No.8985390

>all ports

>> No.8985391

>How do you know their age, exactly?
Who over 30 has time to waste moderating for free? Even if you enjoy browsing here, it's literally a pointless waste of your time to look through the absolute worst posts and submit bans.

Only single, childless, unemployed, and young people have enough time and energy for that shit. Young because they aren't yet filled with regret about all the time wasted.

>> No.8985406

I'm stating a fact
I did read here many times that the saturn was a 2D console, but when I researched about its library most of the 2D games were ports, rpg or text games

>> No.8985407

>expecting "muh zoomer" bogeyman fags to ever provide proof of their deranged rantings
lurk more

>> No.8985417
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 10745746b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8985516

are you retarded?

>> No.8985524
File: 666 KB, 898x802, 1647823032731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saying there was literally no 2D games for Dreamcast
kek this zoomer is talking shit and doesn't even know the dc library

>> No.8985529

>Both the N64 and PS have more actual 2D games than the saturn, the saturn 2D games are all ports or rpg shit
the ps1 maybe, but not the n64 you massive retard, go back to /v/ and never come back to /vr/, you obviously don't know shit about vr

>> No.8985552

>for free
4chan janitors are not and never were on the same level as actual moderators. Moderators can show off their power level with a purple 4-leaf clover by their name if they so choose to. And unlike jannies, being chosen to be a member of the moderation team is by invitation from either somebody who is already a mod, a site dev, or the Admin. It is usually not overtly announced publicly when there is change in the mod team.

>> No.8985721

I really wish this scene and the polaroid trading scene was in the recent anime. Major disappointment both were mia.

>> No.8985732

bump for manual sticky

>> No.8985786

and thus 2d games were no longer 2d games

>> No.8985794

>He played an important role in Sega at the time and became the face of the Dreamcast's advertisements as the director with humility seeking to take Japan back from Sony.
Based man.

>> No.8986091

I wonder if this pic is from a fanmade CGI short from the early 2000s, or is from Segagaga?

>> No.8986105

It's from the Shenmue preview disc.

>> No.8986106
File: 46 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is from a Shenmue demo

>> No.8986258

I had a N64 you massive faggot
The piece of trash saturn had no 2D games
exlcusive for it, other than rpg crap and text based shit

>> No.8986279

He died last year and his family wanted to keep it a secret for personal reasons. I'm glad that it was kept well underwraps for his family.

>> No.8986338

yakuza confirmed
they had to make sure they got what owed to them before revealing the truth

it's like when American supreme court justice dies and the democrats are in power- they keep it a secret until it leaks

>> No.8986417

>his family wanted to keep it a secret
All he had was a wife in her 70's. It wasn't a secret, it just wasn't said.

>> No.8986448

Sure it did.
It was called Shenmue back then. Duh.