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File: 101 KB, 1024x768, Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-resident-evil-35242185-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8975492 No.8975492 [Reply] [Original]

Any fun RE3 memories?

>> No.8975552

Shitting my pants felt great back then.

>> No.8975678

Yeah but that wasn't because of RE3.

>> No.8975785
File: 59 KB, 600x600, a6414d7c30f83e13ccfd7dbadb1a380a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beating Nikolai Mercs is the standiout memory for me. I had a lot of fun with this game, playing it over and over for those epilogues.

>> No.8975787

My girlfriend once cosplayed as Jill and gave me a bj.

>> No.8975849

when i finished the game,i was glad it was over.

>> No.8975897

Killing Nemesis outside of scripted event and realizing that he drops shit every time he dies and THEN beating the game with all the choices that seemed wrong at first was fantastic, one of the earliest memories of "holy shit they cared".

>> No.8975902

The first time you beat Nemesis on his first screen.

>> No.8975921

What would be the correct plural term for Nemesis? Nemesii? Nemesises?

>> No.8975925

I'm an idiot, it's Nemeses.

>> No.8975932

Getting the water sample puzzle right for the first time
Playing as Carlos was also kino because he had an M4 and I quite liked his design
Figuring out that there were multiple ways to kill the graveyard worm boss
Realizing that STI Eagle is by far the best weapon in the game for everything

>> No.8976002

Unlocking a lever shotgun that Jill reloads by twirling, like Arnold does in T2 in the motorcycle chase, fucking ruled and I was enamored with it. It's called Western Custom M37, is faster and stronger than the regular shotgun but holds 1 less shell and can't use Enhanced Ammo. You have to kill Nemmy 5 times on hard mode to get it. The regular shotgun is slow enough that it can get you hit against Nemesis, so a faster one makes a great difference.

Speaking of ammo, I found it a revelation that AMMO LEVELS UP. When you mix and create ammo, every time 'trains' you at making it and you start making more and more of it. Eventually you can make Enhanced handgun and shotgun ammo, or keep making larger amounts of regular. Enhanced is super strong so that you can keep using default pistol/shotty after unlocking the Eagle and Western in a kind of power:speed tradeoff without being strictly outclassed, but overall the upgraded weapons are better than Enhanced Ammo benefit.

It trains per use, not by amount, so it creates a lot of strategy. You get more ammo immediately by using double and triple mixes (AAA > AA+A > A+A+A) but if you mix them singly, you level your ammo creation 3 times. So you could mix B, B, B, B, etc for your early game, then mix BBBs lategame to cash in huge amounts of ammo! But maybe you need some extra shots now... so it's complex.

>> No.8976015

>no parking

>> No.8976025

like most of the fanbase
i spent more time fapping to jill than actually playing

>> No.8976040

Playing as Carlos and killing hunters after their cool introduction scene I guess. The game is honestly way too short and boring to have any memorable or standout moments

>> No.8976131
File: 1.16 MB, 979x556, railgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time I played 3 I somehow managed to get to the final lab without dying once(this was right after going through 1 and 2 so I wasn't going at it completely fresh). I hadn't thought of it being a run a up until then but after I was really pulling hard to complete it. Scrambling to figure out the rail gun puzzle and then finishing nemmy off with the magnum first try has to be my top gaming moment.

>> No.8976158

>Speaking of ammo, I found it a revelation that AMMO LEVELS UP.
I had no fucking idea about that.

>> No.8976172
File: 357 KB, 135x332, RE3costumes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding a new costume for Jill made by the devs of the PC port and hidden in the GameCube version

>> No.8976182

>friend in college tells me he has a burned copy of RE3 for psx
>give him a cdr and ask him to make me a copy
>get it next day and pop it in
>its actually biohazard 3 with a cracktro
>beggars cant be choosers so play it for a bit
>suddenly nemesis appears and kills me
>restart and encounter him again
>run into save room

That crack must have triggered something, been meaning to retry it for years now but alas.. I dont really give a fuck.

>> No.8976183
File: 2.80 MB, 640x480, RE3 Nem break doors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this save room?

>> No.8976195

I think it was the one in the police station near the stairs, there's a save room there right? Its been too long.

>> No.8976198

are you sure you're not thinking of the lockers room?

>> No.8976210

No, pretty sure it was the save room. I was already in my 20s so its not a false memory either.
I distinctly remember freaking out because at the time I was suffering from a pretty bad nervous breakdown (life aint pretty) and I recall running to the save room to hide.
I still have the cracked iso with that cracktro, guess I could upload it for people to test.

>> No.8976226

In order for monsters to appear in a room, there needs to be their texture data affiliated to the room, in other words any room that can potentially have Nemesis in it needs his texture data AND the briefcase texture.

Room117, the save room in the police station, is empty and doesn't have any texture data. I'm not sure that modders even know how to ADD enemies data in empty rooms these days, instead of just replacing existing ones, as you might need to add non existent code to do that.

It's not possible anon, or it would be quite a feat.

>> No.8976236
File: 1.46 MB, 960x720, RE3 best weapon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of given me this game when we were 12 because he was too scared to play it.

I had already played and beaten RE1 one or two years prior so I was thrilled, but the game was filtering me.

Next thing I know came the summer holiday and I went on vacation with my parents to one of their friends houses, which had a TV in it.
I decided to bring the playstation and only one game, RE3, it was time to tear this game a new asshole.

For two weeks, every time I had some free time which happened a lot, I played nothing but RE3, I beat it for the first time and proceeded to unlock all epilogues and costumes, every weapon in the Mercenaries; and finally to beat the game as fast as possible without saving coming up with the best route. Great times.

When we got back home I bought RE2, it wasn't as good but still tons of fun. I kinda repeated the same process with RE2 on another vacation when I spent time with just a laptop at my grandparents home; RE and summer vacations was a tradition for me as I had also spent a lot time playing RE1 when I got it a previous summer and a friend of my brother had lended us his Saturn and the game.

>> No.8976258

being behead by two hunters

>> No.8976302

well its been years, so you might be correct. maybe it was another room? I dont think so though..
I just remember being very surprised, but I could be wrong. maybe someday i'll look into it.

>> No.8976361
File: 787 KB, 559x680, 1652573884750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought RE2, it wasn't as good but still tons of fun
Why did you like RE3 over it?

>> No.8976398

According to the japanese manual, Nemesis is 176 cm tall.

>> No.8976436
File: 359 KB, 1024x717, png & knuckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nemesis & nemesis
I want people to start doing "& nemesis" edits now.

>> No.8976445
File: 978 KB, 1848x3280, 1618231489003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing it since 2001, gotten A rank no saves multiple times and there were a couple of cutscenes I've never seen until recently, as well as the tumble dodge animation where you come out shooting. For some fucking reason I never got that one by accident. Loved it.
Killing all Nemesis + Jill's Diary is a run everyone should do. It's very fun and you get the most out of the game.

>> No.8976471


>> No.8976486

In the save room? I don't remember that.

>> No.8976603

Thanks. I never knew HOW to unlock the enhanced ammo thing.

>> No.8976627

>Realizing that STI Eagle is by far the best weapon in the game for everything
The Eagle is my favorite weapon in the series.

>> No.8976661

It was a cracked Japanese copy, i'll dig it up later tonight and upload it.
Could be that i'm mistaken, but i'm one of those people with a very good menory so the memory is still very fresh to me.
But I could be wrong, i'll look into uploading it in a bit.

>> No.8976669

I'm interested

>> No.8976670

Not him but those branched paths that lead to new item/enemy configurations and cutscenes REALLY amp up the replayability. It's a travesty that capcom dropped this in future games.

>> No.8976682

lol japs

>> No.8976729

3 has more of everything, more enemy types, more zombie types, more puzzles, more weapons and ammo types, better bosses, more different type of environments, etc and as another anon pointed out, it's highly replayable due to all that and all the different things that can happen in a playthrough versus the static scenario system of RE2, in which the A scenarios just feel like a waste of time as on a player's perspective they're just gimped versions of the B scenarios. Almost like Double Dragon 2 on NES where if you play on Normal the game stops before the final stage(s) and tells you "sorry you gotta do it all again on hard!"

>> No.8976864

youre remembering wrong, that doesnt happen and there were no enhanced protections on re3

>> No.8976878

I was hoping the fucking remakes would extend this ammo mixing shit, but nope.

>> No.8976887

Personally I’ve always felt that the ammo crafting mechanic felt a bit out of place in a Resident Evil game. RE3 is obviously more action oriented though, so I kind of put it in the Dino Crisis camp.

>> No.8977391
File: 605 KB, 640x960, Raccoon_Clocktower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get recked by the Nemesis during the Clocktower fight.

>> No.8977475

Here we go, the bin/cue image of said disc.

I'd say give it a spin, it seems to have like a couple options in the cracktro though I don't remember what I used.
I was running it on a PAL console with RGB cable so not sure what I selected there.

Could be, the memory feels very vivid though.
but.. i'm only human.

>> No.8977490

No texture for Nemesis or the briefcase in the save room in that version either

>> No.8977590

Fucking zoomers

>> No.8978337

Yeah, I don't think the game is clear about it at all which is why I felt like mentioning it merited explanation. I forgot to say that ammo types are leveled separately as well.

>> No.8978401

I have a hard time taking this picture too seriously. If people really thought the old inventory was better, you would see more people praising RE5 for bringing it back with only 9 slots(18 with both characters). Instead people praise RE4 and shit all over RE5.

>> No.8978437

It's honestly such bullshit that a size- and position-based case is viewed as LESS survivaly despite being more realistic, just because RE4's was fairly huge. It was the size that made it unrestrictive, nothing else about it.

>> No.8978679

Probably the first time I did a dodge roll and jill fired her gun out of the dodge roll while still on one knee.