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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8973064 No.8973064 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like the old tomb raider games are some of the least talked about retro games despite their high popularity during the time.

>> No.8973080

maybe it's their low accessibility?

>> No.8973086

Are you joking

>> No.8973090 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 350x196, 1645217133247.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. I love them, true /vr/ loves them. These games just have things stacked against them in 2022. The controls are the prime low IQ filter, and Lara is sexist, so trannies and cuckolds won't really touch them.
If you do a deep dive on the development cycle you'll start to appreciate the series even more, Core did some great stuff considering their nonstop crunch.

>> No.8973126 [DELETED] 

ya youre right
its been atleast 400 minutes since the last tomb raider thread


>> No.8973149 [DELETED] 

Bet you're gay.

>> No.8973186 [DELETED] 

there's tr threads every fucking day

>> No.8973330 [DELETED] 

low IQ take, nice webm
I hate that fucking predictive snapping so much.
In the crystal dynamic games you can't tell which jumps you can make like in the old games. The game has to make that snippy snappy thing were you suddenly jump twice the distance because it's some setpiece shit. But then you have shit you could easily reach, but it wasn't programmed to be climbable so you get killboxed. Or worse, some part is climbable but the game screws up the prediction and you wander around the level for half an hour thinking there must be another way and you can't just pull out a lightsource to take a better look. Fucking Rise.

>> No.8973485 [DELETED] 

Tomb Reddit is one of the earliest examples of successful coomer bait video game
no one would care about this turd if you remove Lara

>> No.8973775

They're great. I've beat tomb raider 2.
I've started a playthrogh on the first one. there are also expansion levels for 1 and 2 which i didn't know existed.

>> No.8973841 [DELETED] 

Nigger, before we were flooded by 6th gen kiddies, you could have three simultaneous TR threads - that despite the retarded weekly autosage. And even now we are on average having one up at all times

Maybe you are retarded

>> No.8973843 [DELETED] 

What this webm should be use instead is simple gliding of jumps. But I think that was Rise, not '13. So you could jump head-on into a chasm, and then glide in the air, changing direction to nearest surface.

>> No.8973848 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 500x501, 317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8973895 [DELETED] 

>before we were flooded by 6th gen kiddies, you could have three simultaneous TR threads
WTF 6th zoomers have good taste!

>> No.8974003

tombraider is ground zero for the awkwardness of early console 3d. dpad tank controls in third person with a full 3d camera and platforming, that's the worst combination.

>> No.8974067

>t. never played the games

captcha: 0ASSS

>> No.8974085

>dpad tank controls in third person with a full 3d camera and platforming
you mean best combination

>> No.8974090

The fuck are you on about? PS1 TR control well and better than the PS2 ones with ''modern'' controls.
Same goes for Tenchu.

>> No.8974104

>Crispy, precise controls
>Zoomers complain about them to no end
I'm also gonna bet you never played any Core-era TR

>> No.8974105

go down a list of the most fondly remembered ps1 games, very few of them went with 3d to the extent tombraider did, it's mostly 2.5d stuff or racing games.

>> No.8974164 [DELETED] 

>Tomb Reddit
>Crispy, precise controls
anon i...

>> No.8974175 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 376laNSq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so fucking young, the ONLY recollection of TR you have is the '13 reboot, yet showing up on a fucking /vr/ out of all places.
It always confuses me - why the fuck zoomers, literal fucking zoomers, show up on this board. Even with the date set to '08, you are too fucking young to catch up on ANY of those games, even the tail end of the 6th gen. I mean you are what? 20? 22? That would mean you were in your fucking diapers when the Core era wrapped and probably still struggle with reading by the time of LAU was done.
So what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.8974183

I use this board exclusively for Tomb Raider threads and there are at least 2 up at all times. It also has a relatively large and dedicated fan forum on its own site, a relatively high amount of youtubers, etc. Are you mental?

>> No.8974194 [DELETED] 

They are crisp and precise, retard.
They're just not as intuitive and flexible as the Mario64-style controls that became standard for 3d zoomer games.

>> No.8974235 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 350x196, 1626194874970.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't play a 1-5 TR after going through Croft's manor obstacle course, you might unironically have some sort of neurological disorder or problem with your muscle control. The controls are super-precise, and unlike your average tank control game of that era, everything is build around them, rather than simply having them. Meaning pulling shit like pic related is a matter of simply playing the game.

>> No.8974258 [DELETED] 

He is just a redditor who thinks he fits in here by pretending he hates that website and that he doesn't post regularly there.

>> No.8974348 [DELETED] 

yeah and there's nothing you can do about it
id call you a breeder but we all know that isn't happening kek

>> No.8974353 [DELETED] 

kill yourself faggot.

>> No.8974361 [DELETED] 

hmm think im going to suck a cock instead

>> No.8974367

Tomb Raiders controls were considered shitty when the games were current, you're revealing yourself as being the idiots who weren't even alive then.

>> No.8974376 [DELETED] 

>yeah and there's nothing you can do about it
Except collect my winnings, because I was right!

>> No.8974390 [DELETED] 

wanna fuck?

>> No.8974425 [DELETED] 

>y-y-you're a zoomer
the fuck you going on about you schizo? my first Tomb Reddit game was Chronicles it was one of the first PS1 games i played and i still remember being creeped out by the labyrinth level
and for years i avoided the 2013 game because of Square Enix hacks involvement but i tried it last month only to drop it because it was clear to me it's just a movie game with shit ton of QTE
anyway i played all of the old Tomb Reddit game and i can say that the first 3 ones fucking sucks, TLR and Chronicles are good, AOD is garbage, Legends and Anniversary are mediocre and Underworld is the best one
now kys you nostalgic blinded faggots

>> No.8974426

The people who thought that were actual retards though, just like now

>> No.8974435 [DELETED] 

absolutely seething

>> No.8974446 [DELETED] 

>no argument
i accept your concession

>> No.8974457 [DELETED] 

i don't care what other people think either way
but you sir are absolutely seething

>> No.8974464 [DELETED] 

>y-y-you're seething!!!
whatever makes you sleeps better at night faggot

>> No.8974482

>Source: trust me, I'm a zoomer

But you ARE a zoomer, so what's your problem? Filtered by the game you didn't even bother to launch? It's like that last thread where some zoom-zoom was crying about hitscan enemies, just for another anon load the level he was bitching about, get to the moment he was crying to and post a video of taking zero damage, while taking out the target.
In other words: git gud, or at least fucking PLAY the game you are bitching about.

>> No.8974486
File: 2.81 MB, 800x416, 1653399679117.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, so you don't even have to check the archive.

>> No.8974487
File: 49 KB, 497x304, jack-lemmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see mods institute a permaban on anyone who inserts "reddit" into a game's name. Worst meme on /vr/.

>> No.8974492

I'd rather have the one-week auto-sage removed. I miss threads that didn't fucking die around 150+ posts, because it auto-saged

>> No.8974508 [DELETED] 

seething harder now

>> No.8974514

lmfao i didn't see this get posted in the thread, that zoom got btfo

>> No.8974536

It was absolutely epic, because anon was also super-polite while posting it, genuinely meaning it as an advice on how to improve your play, rather than just sheer mockery. On the flip-side, the zoomer admitted being corrected and thanked for the solution, so there is that.

>> No.8974547

It's 1 (one) guy. You can always tell when he's browsing, because there will be 4 or 5 threads where the latest post does that.

>> No.8974564 [DELETED] 

You don't have an argument, either. You simply made a blatantly false assertion (technically, passive-sarcastic greentext faggotry) that TR does not have precise, responsive ("crisp") controls.
You posted absolutely ZERO evidence to support this claim, which everyone who has played these games knows to be false anyway.

People calling you are zoomer are just having fun at your expense. They have correctly identified a stupid faggot and are torturing you. If you actually want an argument, make an argument. If you just want to shitpost, be prepared to eat shit.

>> No.8974576

Yeah, I assumed it's one guy, which makes it better because it would be a targeted ban for the dumbest shitposter here.

>> No.8974654 [DELETED] 

>git gud
you exposed yourself for being a redditor zoomer
only you manchilden faggots resort to the pathetic cope of ''y-y-you didn't play the game or you were filtered!''
as i said you retard i played all of retro Tomb Reddit games (except the ones on GBA) but you ignored that part because you can't help but find any opportunity to post ''Git Gud!!''

>> No.8974668

Isn't it two week? Or was it changed recently?

>> No.8974682

I see original trilogy threads all the time here, most of us dropped the series on 3

>> No.8974689 [DELETED] 

>dat webm
lol kudos

>> No.8974701 [DELETED] 

yeah we all were waiting for the series to become good but after 3 shit games we were no longer patient and gave up on it

>> No.8974714 [DELETED] 

anon I've no idea why are you so pissed off at a game that came out 25 years ago, and I wont bother

>> No.8974742 [DELETED] 

those "dlc" leves for 2 were dope as fuck

>> No.8974758 [DELETED] 

It's because they are trash.

>> No.8974851

nice. I was never able to kill that guy without taking damage but that looks pretty effective

>> No.8974874 [DELETED] 

>still won't defend his original claim
>insanely mad at mockery

>> No.8974885
File: 340 KB, 750x1048, delmgm2-90b97c13-a2c7-4355-98de-719c422dd619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather talk about Lara desu.

>> No.8974895

>Tomb Raiders controls were considered shitty when the games were current
No, not really. 3D "platforming" games were still so new that there wasn't much to compare it to. So, even if the controls were shitty, we wouldn't have necessarily known that. But, the controls weren't shitty and still aren't. Pretty much any control scheme, even "tank controls" can be just fine so long as two conditions are met: 1) the gameplay and level design are built around the control scheme and 2) the player is not a fucking moron. In the case of TR, condition #1 was squarely met. However, in your case, condition #2 was not, so wipe the drool from your face and go play flappy bird.

>> No.8974918

She was so perfect, bros. Nothing will ever compare...

>> No.8975045
File: 290 KB, 788x1052, Lara_Croft_-_TR2_by_Dalejomej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best combination of what a true femme fatale is. Both sexiness and intelligence in its own correct measure. She didn't need anyone (man or woman) because she really knew precisely how to do the thing and had the training to endure any trouble in her way.
Also, i think it's quite admirable her way to treat people around her without losing her nerves or having a lot of "women moment"s.

>> No.8975082 [DELETED] 

you do realize that bogeymanning an entire generation is just as retarded as that fag bogeymanning an entire website, right?

>> No.8975554
File: 1.16 MB, 190x200, 1652916267660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some questions for you classic TR veterans. I watched my dad play them but never beat them myself, so I'm wondering:

>>How soon was the massive opera house skip discovered?
>>On the 40 fathoms map, has anyone used a level editor or cheats to explore the entire initial underwater section? How far up can you swim?
>>Does anyone have any good pictures of the labyrinth creature from tomb raider Chronicles? iirc even the guide I had didn't have a picture.
>>Anyone still have their original prima games tomb raider 2 guide? Love that thing, not in the best condition but I read the snot out of that thing

>> No.8975845

>>>On the 40 fathoms map, has anyone used a level editor or cheats to explore the entire initial underwater section? How far up can you swim?

I haven't cheated but played the PC version with the draw distance greatly enhanced and the area outside of the ship is just a big underwater cave, so if you swim up you'll just hit a rock ceiling eventually.

TR2 having multiple levels that start you off underwater and expect you to trial and error your way into the solution before drowning were retarded.

>> No.8975851 [DELETED] 

They are precise. Down to a grid. The real problem is that they are FUCKING SLOW AS MOLASSES.

>> No.8975882 [DELETED] 

AVGN has a lot to answer for.

>> No.8975912


> Tomb Raider 1 Lara
> Highly intelligent
> Classically educated
> Brave in the face of dangerous situations
> Supports her lifestyle by writing books about her adventures
> Flirtatious but not a whore
> Only kills people when she is forced to
> Literally saves the entire human race
> Capable of taking care of herself, no matter the situation

> Modern TR2013 Lara
> Is a whiny teenage girl
> Cries because its raining and she's cold
> Has a simp in the crew, leads him on, gets him killed, doesn't care at all
> Needs constant reassurance from everyone to do anything, "I can't do this" blah blah blah
> Also, despite being a whiny blubbering mess somehow has gains mental toughness required to kill 600+ people over the course of a weekend

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days...

>> No.8975914

I like following the speedrun community of classic PS1 TR games, mainly because a lot of them are women. Actual women, I mean

>> No.8976202 [DELETED] 

Because it was just coomer shot that aged like milk?

>> No.8976318

2013 Lara sounds like a typical woman apart from the last point (maybe).

>> No.8976467

That's something I find amazing with the classic PS1 TR games.. Some good players are actually girls who seemed to enjoy the game at release too. That's hard to find in that generationof vydia (or the previous one) - legitimate players who can play superbly not some fucking e-thots who are just flashing boobs at the screen to get views.

>> No.8976597

Anyone else found the modern controls of LAU total ass compared to tank controls? I mean the camera automatically turns when you move left or right, which screws you over when platforming.
This shit still exists today in platformers and there is almost never an option to turn it off. Only third person shooters don't do this shit.
I replayed the Tenchu games recently and it's baffling how much better tank controls are in hindsight once you get used to them.

>> No.8976615

Yeah representation matters. I could talk with some hot girls 20 years ago because they played Tomb Raider or Tekken. No wonder current teens are so radicalised closet fags if they grew up with mald military brown and bloom shooters.

>> No.8976886 [DELETED] 

It's one week now. Because fuck us, right? /vr/ is a fast board, and if posters won't make it fast, then let's just enforce it as a fast one.

>> No.8976891 [DELETED] 

It's called "expansion", zoomer.

>> No.8976894 [DELETED] 

I mean... Stella is running one of the best TR sites for nearly two decades at this point, plus there was the famous "Kurtis fanclub" (actually just general TR fanbase), which only closed their site last year. It's been like this since... pretty long time.
Ironically the only TR without actual, solid, concrete female fanbase is the nu-Lara stuff, which was ostensibly marketed as "le strong le independent le woman"

>> No.8977834 [DELETED] 

>>>How soon was the massive opera house skip discovered?
I learned about it a year ago watching TR2 speedruns
>>>On the 40 fathoms map, has anyone used a level editor or cheats to explore the entire initial underwater section? How far up can you swim?
dont remember the map
>>>Does anyone have any good pictures of the labyrinth creature from tomb raider Chronicles? iirc even the guide I had didn't have a picture.
I don't remember this either
>>>Anyone still have their original prima games tomb raider 2 guide? Love that thing, not in the best condition but I read the snot out of that thing

>> No.8977849 [DELETED] 

>Tomb Raiders controls were considered shitty when the games were current
No, that started probably 4-5 years later.

>> No.8978025 [DELETED] 

an anon once posted links to a polish collection which featured the first six games including the gold expansions, let me see if I can find them in the archive because these are probably the best versions of those games

>> No.8978150 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 700x1040, Aragorn protects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing it times and again for years
>let me see if I can find them
You ain't gonna find shit, since I didn't repost them in a long while and the last set of links died around late March... but I've got you, homie!

The Aragorn-posting Polish dump of Core-era TRs is back once again, GOLDs and top patches as always included. This time, anonfiles uploads

>TR1 + GOLD (Unfinished Business)

>TR2 + GOLD (The Golden Mask)


>TR3 GOLD (The Lost Artifact)

>TR: The Last Revelation (TR4)
You need both, since originals were cut for zippyshare 500 MB limit and I never adjusted the package

>TR: Chronicles (TR5)

AoD will be tomorrow (and on zippy, because fuck you, cunts), it's 1 AM here and I was still up only due to filling paperwork for my job

>> No.8978248

I haven't been here in years so I thought they were forgotten. That's good to know, I think I gonna create a torrent as a failsafe.

>> No.8978249

>Statues of Jesus provides internet
Imagine how much porn goes through there. Jesus must be a serious coombrain.

>> No.8978432

What a lad/lass you are

>> No.8978446

Most people haven't even played the games past the first few levels
There's a reason no one mentions the meat centaurs and womb level in the first game

>> No.8978551


I lived like 10 years of my life thinking Lara fucking just straight up died at the end of Revelations. No idea why I never touched PS2 Tomb Raiders, though I think they largely sucked ass.

>> No.8978552

>those death animations

>> No.8978657

The shittiness of the controls is greatly exaggerated, the games are very playable with a controller.

>> No.8978678


We've gone over this, tank controls are only a problem if the part of your brain that handles spatial reasoning is underdeveloped.

This is why people who can't into tank controls also can't into remote controlled cars.

>> No.8978752

Well to be fair, it's also a problem if the game isn't built to take advantage of tank controls.

Also it's weird to me that we call this "tank controls" when it doesn't involve separate left/right sticks like proper tank controls, a la Battlezone or Vindicators in the arcade

>> No.8979137 [DELETED] 

This. They're talked about all the time on /vr/, disproportionately so relative to their quality, of course a small few are good quality. It's generally all some tired discussion about tank controls and about how the new games suck.

I saw a website forum in recent times about Tomb Raider games and holy moly the thing is huge and very active on old games, new games, general tomb raider discussion. Many of the posters know each other, the sort of place people lose a portion of their lives to, so go have fun there if you want. There are a LOT of good games that deserve more discussion than Tomb Raider gets.

>> No.8979140

This. They're talked about all the time on /vr/, disproportionately so relative to their quality, of course a small few are good quality. It's generally all some tired discussion about tank controls and about how the new games suck.

I saw a website forum in recent times about Tomb Raider games and holy moly the thing is huge and very active on old TR games, new TR games, general tomb raider discussion. Many of the posters know each other, the sort of place people lose a portion of their lives to, so go have fun there if you want. There are a LOT of good games that deserve more discussion than Tomb Raider gets.

>> No.8979245

>They're talked about all the time on /vr/,
People keep pointing this out to OP, but I kinda feel like OP meant that TR isn't talked about in the wider retro gaming scene. It seems to me /vr/ is kinda unusual in how much TR discussion we have.

>> No.8979369
File: 2.31 MB, 2628x2371, 20220519_173646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently beat Tomb Raider 1 a couple weeks ago. Tomb Raider deserves what ever amount of discussion it gets. Exploring levels, scoping them out to plan your path, and platforming is incredibly fun.

>> No.8979374

> PS1 version

Ya fucked up. That version has the worst draw distance (as you can tell, by the fact that you can't even see the other side of the cistern).

>> No.8979376

>Ya fucked up
I think having a steady framerate is way more important

>> No.8979445

Or you could just not be a tard and play the PC version and have both

>> No.8979449

If you have an old setup sure
I don't really like low poly at extremely high resolution

>> No.8979525

So run it at a lower resolution.

Jeeze dude, do I have to tie your shoes for you too?

>> No.8979530

Don't care, had plenty of fun with it.

>> No.8979532

>If you have an old setup sure
please don't respond with inane shit when I have already stated

>> No.8979536

You can run games at a lower resolution on a "new setup" you retard.

>> No.8979557

The TR games are mostly unplayable relics that lost any novelty 2-3 years after their release when basically every other 3D action-adventure game played better than them. Sales and critical reception fell off a cliff after the second game, and the entire series was just copy pasted Assassin's Creed tier shovelware by the end of the 90s and into the early 2000s. The Lara Croft character itself was far far far more notable than the games themselves ever were.
The games are discussed here more than basically anywhere else, because they hit tons of generic shitposts bullseyes, like coomer character design which usually veers into some schizo rant about she's and marxism, brit game development, the fact they have an incredibly successful reboot so you get to be a hipster contrarian, etc.
Basically the series is only "discussed" here more do to the guaranteed shitposting that this website has trained everyone like Pavlov's dog for, and it's ignored in other circles as a game that was impactful and important at release, but holds no real value in the modern day, like Goldeneye or Virtua Fighter

>> No.8979661
File: 109 KB, 1032x774, userimages,20180613,237105,238442,orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's Aragorn

>> No.8979664
File: 39 KB, 625x626, d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-2/10, you over-did it to the point where it is almost a joke by itself how overdone it is.

>> No.8979674

>It seems to me /vr/ is kinda unusual in how much TR discussion we have.
No, you are just retarded

>> No.8979682

Imagine being this fucking tech-incompetent.
It's genuinely scary how the ability to use electronics is on a steady decline, rather than rise, despite people being born into the world of always-accessible broadband net and smartphones with processing capabilities of a PC from just few years ago.

>> No.8979703

are you finished with your moronic tirade?
It's clear you understood nothing of what I was talking about

>> No.8979750

This is like the retards that tell you to play Silent Hill game with the "enhanced" PC ports. No thanks, I'll play the original.

>> No.8979870

I'm not even that anon, you dumb zoomershit. But thanks for making it clear just how stupid you are, given basic reading comprehension and operating on anonymous Tibetan tanka weaving forum is beyond your mental capacity

>> No.8979873

>People tell you not to shot yourself in the leg
>No thanks, I will do it my way
Ok, if you insist, I guess who I am to stop you. Just remember to never complain about being gimped. Otherwise you would be insincere

>> No.8979878

At least you get plenty of threads on /vr/ about it, you know what's the one series I remember getting sorta big, but that no talks about anymore? Syphon Filter.

>> No.8979890

Noone cares about low drawdistance in a 25 year old game. Having infinite drawdistance doesn't make it look good.

>> No.8979896

>you’re dumb
Enlightening posts anon
Maybe next time you can actually read my first post where I said “old setup” and not “it’s impossible to play on a 3090” like you believe I said

>> No.8979960

>Playing the original game is shooting yourself in the leg
zoom zoom

>> No.8979990

Yet another anon, but how hard it is to grasp you are not having a conversation with a single person? So yeah, you ARE dumb.

>> No.8979998
File: 9 KB, 117x341, darkaeons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing about silly things instead of just admiring Lara

>> No.8980000
File: 273 KB, 400x400, miss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it ELS hours, or American daytime hours? Both, maybe?

Thanks for proving my point on your stupidity, by still thinking you're talking to the original anon

>> No.8980071

more non posts, is that all anyone does here these days

>> No.8980152

Not to shit on your riff here, but this is a bait thread right from the opening. So while you're correct, that doesn't change the fact this discussion opened with a shitpost and then half of the thread is just more shitposts.

>> No.8980394 [DELETED] 

yeah, it's what you get when spics like >>8980152 take over the board
they can can parrot bozzwords and memes while acting all high and mighty because they *barely* know english

>> No.8980459

>t. tourist

>> No.8980758

Eh, for all the supposed edge of 2013's death animations, CORE TR deaths were still more creative and impactful. Half of the fun was checking how many unique animations are there and in how many ways you can get Lara killed.

>> No.8981731

it kinda does
pressing left turns you left
pressing right turns you right
on a ps1 controller, each direction is its own button

>> No.8981750

That would be a tank with a turret. What is understood as tank controls is that up and down will always move the character forward or backward regardless of the cameras orientation, same with left and right rotating the character towards that direction. It isn't as pronounced in Tomb Raider since the camera always follows behind her. If it was an isometric game with tank controls such as Crusader No Remorse then you'll be feeling the tank controls a lot more, but on the other hand it has both absolute and relative options for controlling your character.

>> No.8981751

That's not how a tank's controls work though, you have two sticks, one for each set of treads. To move forward you push them both. To curve left you push only the right one forward. To rotate to the left in place, you push the right one forward and the left one backward.

>> No.8981752

Is it normal if I can't run them on full screen?
It's also kinda weird that only 3 doesn't has a widowed option in settings.

>> No.8981957
File: 13 KB, 267x211, AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god ape escape flashbacks

>> No.8982221

Zoomer post. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.8982237

38yo boomer here. There was a lot of drop-off after TR2. Core was ahead of their time trying to make the franchise an annual release thing that’s now common place. Also, the quality of each new release kept decreasing.

>> No.8982250

The PC ports of the classic TR games are nearly unplayable. Are there any patches?

>> No.8982356
File: 1.83 MB, 875x908, lara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill for more original tomb raiders.

>> No.8982763

Believe in the Embracer Group then, anon.

>> No.8982821

I wonder how the series would had evolved if team hadn't been burn out and the executives didn't had meddled with AoD. The series started going for a more urban setting since TR3 but at least it still had tombs and some of the locations in Chronicles were interesting (the ghastly irish island, rome).

>> No.8983317
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The real Lara won't come back and gaming will forever be worse for it. A real pity.
Eh, unless it's 100% classic Lara (face, body, personality, style, weapons, no scanface, no photorealism and gameplay similar in spirit) and 0% reboot shit I'm still done with the series.
Lara Croft never was a nuLara

>> No.8984067

Tomb1Main for TR1
Tomb2Main for TR2
TR3 isn't really supported (yet)
Tomb4 for TR4 (still heavily in progress)


There you have TR1, 2 and 4 (but without FMV)

>> No.8984078

>some of the least talked about
Hey, at least the modern games live up to that part.

>> No.8984079
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late, but here, AoD:
You need all 4, since zippy has 500 MB limit

Nope, that's just you, the special snowflake.

>PC ports of games released on PC
Peasantry truly belongs to /v/

>> No.8984086

So far Embracer announcement is to pull something similar to LAU and TopCow comics - things probably happened, but aren't dwell upon and the games just roll forward with their own stuff. Considering Embracer is bound on using old IPs to appeal to OLD fanbases, I'm cautiously optimistic about their goals. Because at the very least we can get next LAU-like game

>> No.8984116
File: 375 KB, 1200x1200, taking_a_break_by_tombraider4ever-d6hcwls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far they didn't change anything at all in anything TR-related.
Mobile game keeps being developed by a single person (or maybe 2) at snails pace.
Next mainline game is getting developed with Unreal engine 5, no any new announcements after info about merging timelines.
No announcements about any kind of spin-offs.
I'm afraid nothing has changed at all.

>> No.8984183

Speaking of which:
What's the current legal status on DOX?
As long as Squenix had the rights, they've send Nico a C&D and forced him to drop the project. Now they no longer have the copyrights, so technically Nico is in the clear... but did he announce anything, or dropped the project for good?

>> No.8984193

Maybe with the casual masses but not so much on here. I think this is because despite TR back then getting universal acclaim and sales, most casuals of today realize they don't got the chops to go back to those games or they might think that the games are too dated to enjoy today since you know, they are casuals with shit taste. TR franchise is actually surprising how much of a filter it really is against these people.

>> No.8985643

if only Assassin's Creed II looked this good

>> No.8986440

I think the Embracer Group is quiet mostly because they are busy unfucking the legal mess SE left them with. I am cautiously optimistic. Like, it's not that things will get any worse.
t. a Star Wars fan with no self-reflection

>> No.8986443

Christ, the Cairo section in TR4 is filtering me something awful. It's such an ugly, confusing hub that just keeps going and going. And platfirming on a motorbike can fuck off.

>> No.8986604
File: 310 KB, 1280x1280, last_revelation_by_eliott_chacoco-dcn922j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean, I didn't break a wall with bike on the first leap and then tried to search for the way forward with Lara on foot which was impossible. I wouldn't have beaten it without walkthrough for sure.

>> No.8986836

>well technically most games have been created on PC, so there rarely ever have been ports to PC teehee

>> No.8986994

I guess I get the idea behind the section, but the way to actually progress is so obtuse, it's nearly impossible without a walkthrough. At least in previous sections there was some covoluted logic behind it, Cairo is just wholly trial and error. Also, this level is dark and ugly.

>> No.8987234

>Console peasant doubles down on being retarded

>> No.8987235

>busy unfucking the legal mess SE left them with
Such us? SE did highly atypical move for them and handed copyrights without any extra caches or issues, so unless I'm missing something, there is no actual extra baggage here