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8968000 No.8968000 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest love story since Romeo & Juliet

>> No.8968003

Even Tidus and Yuna had more chemistry.

>> No.8968010

I don't think a single game has ever destroyed a genre like ff8 did. jrpgs went right back to irrelevance after it.

>> No.8968012
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trips of truth

its not a love story
its about fate, time, destiny, war, politics, the corrupt educational system, while simultaneously proving that no matter what soulmates will beat the odds and find eachother

>> No.8968015

mental gymnastics

if you were somehow right, which you aren't -
it would mean that every jrpg after it got BTFO by ff8

>> No.8968021

It has its moments toward the end, but >>8968003
is right, they tried to make a love story but - like all of FF8 - it turned out to be a clusterfuck.

>> No.8968025

its not just the best rpg ever made
its not just the best final fantasy ever made
it transcends the medium and is possibly the best game ever made.

>story so profound and esoteric/allegorical that even the hardcore fanbase was mostly confused

that level of pretentiousness will never be pulled off with such grandeur ever again

>> No.8968029

FFX literally sucked
replay it as an adult with objective taste

nothing about has aged well

>> No.8968130

I have no desire to replay it, but (except for the big plot twist) it was not an autistic mess like FF8

>> No.8968154

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand final fantasy viii. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical players head. There's also squalls nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these weaving plotlines, to realise that they're not just playing though a cookiecutter rpg- the game truly says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike FF8 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in squalls existential catchphrase "Whatever," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as nobuo uematsus genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.8968162

and then ye die.

>> No.8968169

It’s got cool music, and Lulu and Rikku, and also Auron who is cool

>> No.8968172

does it have a random pop song at the end that hit the top 100 randomly as an off-the-wall home run?

eyes on me is a masterpiece

>> No.8968190

It wasn’t a “random pop song”. Faye Wong was hired by the dev team to record it for the game.

>> No.8968197

they didnt expect it to be an out of the park homerun on the charts though

>> No.8968198

Suteki Da Ne? Admittedly I don’t like either as much as Melodies of Life.

>> No.8968206

Maybe, but it wasn’t random. Choose your wording more carefully next time.

>> No.8968212

the idea is v random &
only happened because of ff7s success

you think square would be wasting money like that on any other game?

>> No.8968226

I don’t think the concept is strange considering it’s a big budget JRPG with a pop song geared toward the Japanese market.

>> No.8968292

Were you alive at the time? FF8 was designed as an experiment to see if an RPG could be considered a cultural phenomenon, the same way as a blockbuster movie. Didn't work, but I think that's mostly because the game itself is just ok.

>> No.8968307

FFVII was also marketed like a summer blockbuster event movie and it’s a huge part of why it sold so well in the west. I don’t know how you can call FFVIII a failure by any metric. It was easily one of the best selling video games of 1999.

>> No.8968320

>FFVII was also marketed like a summer blockbuster event movie
Yes, I'm aware. Probably not Square's idea, but they certainly leaned into it for FF8.
>I don’t know how you can call FFVIII a failure by any metric.
Until that point, every US-released FF had been getting a better reception than the last. While FF8 sold a lot, this was due to FF7's reputation, and its legs quickly dropped out.

>> No.8968327

Everything about it has aged well bro

>> No.8968329

>While FF8 sold a lot, this was due to FF7's reputation, and its legs quickly dropped out.

I see no real world proof of this. The game was well reviewed, sold millions of copies and continues to be re-released on modern consoles. What more do you want?

>> No.8968363

>I see no real world proof of this
Where is FF8 Remake?

>> No.8968367

Is that really what it would take to justify it as a successful game to you? Why?

>> No.8968380

Less successful than its predecessor, certainly. Why am I even having this debate when the facts are obvious? Shut up retard.

>> No.8968382

The facts aren’t obvious, you simply like VII more than VIII. VIII was objectively a very successful Final Fantasy release in every conceivable way.

>> No.8968615

this pasta falls flat because VIII might be the most humourless entry in the series

>> No.8968821

I really enjoyed FFVIII on PS4 but I’ll admit I wouldn’t have finished it without using the built-in cheats. Same goes for the other PS1 era FF games on modern consoles.

>> No.8968827

the real romance was between Seifer and Edea the Witch

that is a very deep story

>> No.8968916
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Not him, but I agree with Anon. All he said was that up until FF8, every subsequent FF after the original sold better than the one immediately preceding it. FF8 did not sell as well as FF7. I've no horse in this race as I dislike both immensely, but his statement is an incontrovertible fact, regardless of which FF games you like.

Final Fantasy Famicom sold 600,000 units in Japan. Final Fantasy II, 800,000 units. Final Fantasy III, 1.4 million. FF IV on Super Famicom, 1.5 million units. FFV, 2.45 million. FFVI, 2.55 million. FFVII, 4.2 million. Now, we've come to Final Fantasy VIII. Care to guess how many units it sold? Don't. As you clearly misunderstand plainly written English, I'm sure you'll get it wrong, so I'll just tell you: 3.7 million. Last I checked, 3.7 < 4.2, a drop of 500,000 units of sale. Especially when you compare it to the growth in sales FF7 experienced over FF6 (1.65 million). Worldwide, FF8 also performed poorly (within the context of sales growth).
To me? They're all kinda bad and I'll will never understand their popularity, but numbers don't lie, pic related.

>> No.8968940

3rd best FF game ever made. Only brainlets don't appreciate it.

>> No.8969332

please please please never let them do this

>> No.8969336


>> No.8969346

I’m not denying anything you’ve posted. My point was always that FFVIII was an objectively successful game no matter how you slice it, even if it didn’t reach the heights of FFVII, which would’ve been a very tall order indeed.

>> No.8969360

selling millions of copies is by no stretch a failure
saying it sold less than ff7 is an unfair comparison
and likely impossible even if it was a 10/10

FF8 gets flamed because it has a story that is not easily digestible & VERY strange magic system (compared to materia)

>> No.8970602


>> No.8970668
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Not even the greatest love story in Final Fantasy

>> No.8970672

I thought it was cringe at 12 years old. Dropped it and never played it again.

>> No.8970676

Rinoa is a SLUT

>> No.8971602

In terms of sales growth, yes: it is indeed a failure. I understand it sold millions but remember that in business, if you're not growing, you're failing.

Due to its failure to attract growth, FF8 has had scant rereleases (two, IINM?) as well as zero spin-offs and reboots. In fact, only one other mainline FF game has achieved that same "honour" of no spin-offs or reboots and only two rereleases, IINM: FF9. FF6, for example, has no spin-offs or reboots, but was rereleased five or six times now.
To be fair, FF8 sold more guidebooks than any other FF game, I think. Nearly 4 million worldwide, IINM, well over double FF7's puny (in comparison) 1,5mil. I can only guess why it sold so many books but I'm sure all of my attempts would fall short of the truth.

>> No.8971608

>pronounced "keen-wah"
Is Rinoa pronounced "reen-wah," then?
I always said "Ri'no-wah" like adding the first two letters of "rinse" to the front of the biblical name "Noah." How about y'all?

>> No.8971614

>>pronounced "keen-wah"
God I hate exclusively English speaking people so much it's unreal.

>> No.8971634

Their names are pronounced Quin-ah and Rin-oh-wa
I don't care if this is what japs intended because they think Ti is pronounced Tee, and Aeris should be pronounced with a san fran fag lisp.

>> No.8971885

The irony of you calling me an "exclusively English speaking" person is delicious.
Friend, English isn't even my /second/ language. It's my fourth. But we're on an English language website so I'm using the most common English language pronunciation. When I'm speaking English, I don't pronounce "spaghetti" with a geminated T, "perestroika" with a trilled R or penultimate stress or "sauna" with three syllables, either. Doing so needlessly calls attention to oneself rather than what one is saying. It's rude and serves only to alienate the listener.

Didn't ask about Quina, friend.

>> No.8971903

FF8 is available on:
Xbox One

>> No.8971907

Forgot iPhone/iPad

>> No.8971989

>she thinks ports are the same as rereleases and reboots

>> No.8972196

You have a weird axe to grind against Final Fantasy 8.

>> No.8973560

FF8 is objectively pretty awful

>> No.8974697

Not at all. I just dislike the inaccurate description of a port, whether emulated on VC/PSN or otherwise, as a rerelease.
That's like saying The ABC Sunday Night Movie, which aired every Sunday between 1960something to the late 90s, was a rerelease of whatever movie they happened to air that week. No. That would be an inaccurate and disingenuous claim to make.

>> No.8976263

Based. FFX trannies seething

>> No.8976326

the pc version is a remaster
the switch version is a remaster
the vita/pstv version is possibly a remaster (if they changed anything)

you are not the arbiter of what constitutes a portVSrerelease

if ANYTHING is changed from the ps1 iso guess what

>> No.8976328

we are the sum of our deeds, not our names

>> No.8976514

sweetheart, anon is saying that the pc, switch and vita versions /are ports of each other/, not of the ps original, you big, disingenuous silly : )

>> No.8977768
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Alright, ENOUGH
I have played FF7 about 100 times, but could never finish 8 past like 1 hour.
Now, by coincidence, I see this thread on the same day I bought a phat PS2 for $40 that came with the FF8.

So now, I swear on this thread that I will beat FF8
What do I need to know? Give me a few tips. I seem to remember grinding the card game to get Tornado magic to pair on fagboy's sword so that I could beat the spider mech in one hit.

>> No.8977790

>What do I need to know? Give me a few tips. I seem to remember grinding the card game to get Tornado magic to pair on fagboy's sword so that I could beat the spider mech in one hit.
Forget about the card game unless you really enjoy the minigame itself. You don't need to draw all the time or play the card game extensively. The best way to enjoy the game is playing as normal and then refine the items you win in battle into magic using GF abilities. That way the game keeps a reasonable pace and you don't end up breaking the difficulty as much nor end up underpowered.

>> No.8977796

oh even if you ignore drawing, don't forget to check the bosses, some have GFs that can be drawn from them

>> No.8977805

>What do I need to know?

If you're not a retard, forget everything you ever heard about the game, play the game, and make sure to read the in game tutorial menus.

If you're a retard well, you're not going to like it anyway so I don't really care

>> No.8977851

I'm not a retard but I did use a GameFAQs guide way back when. Probably written by AbsoluteSteve

>> No.8977854

Should I read the manual?

>> No.8977865

You talk like a zoomer faggot and your shits all retarded

>> No.8977871
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>Cross is "Yes" and Circle is "No" in menus
>Instead of the opposite, which is based
I hate it already

>> No.8977887

Wife just said "Squall" is a gay name...

>> No.8977892
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>> No.8977935

post nudes of ur wife

>> No.8979443


>> No.8979460

End of

>> No.8979572

due to time compression
there is no end

>> No.8980807

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8981058

>right back to irrelevance
Make seven (7) more games after it, each one of them selling million of copies.
>in business, if you're not growing, you're failing
kek, you must have studied business at the University of Life.

>> No.8982649

Are you brain damaged, poodle?

>> No.8984613

always thought angelo was a border collie Australian shepherd mix

>> No.8984615

romeo and juliet was a love story?

>> No.8984617

romeo and juliet wasnt a love story though.

>> No.8984687

depends on your perspective
>long running family fued as two tards kill themselves

In a Shakespearean since it's not even his best work

>> No.8984697


>> No.8986083
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I just played it for the first time as an adult.
It was boring for the most part. The characters have their flaws (in terms of the writing), the gameplay is boring and really fucking linear and easy. Nothing against linear stuff, but I get what people mean when they say hallway simulator.
I enjoyed the story though. And those big ol' moogles.

>> No.8986331

i was always more of a rikku-fag as a kid

>> No.8986392

>mental gymnastics
If you mindlessly hurl this phrase at everything you disagree with you just look like a retard.

>> No.8986803

i'm not the one saying Final Fantasy doesn't sell anymore

>> No.8986810
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I fucking hated this ending.

>> No.8986837

pretty much the perfect ending to any game ever

>> No.8986851
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>> No.8987021

I replayed it last year and made it a bit more challenging with a basic class system and only junctioning the same number of spells as my level

>> No.8987037

t. tastelet

>> No.8987046 [DELETED] 

>only junctioning the same number of spells as my level

>> No.8987047

>only junctioning the same number of spells as my level
interdasting, do you mean quantity of each spell, or number of different spells allowed?

>> No.8987157

More like has the best humor. I still guffaw when they're mocking Rinoa's train mockup.

>> No.8987329

It’s “Time Kompression”

>> No.8988007

Quantity of each spell. I also assigned each character a class and only equipped them with the appropriate magic (Squall - knight, Zell - monk, Rinoa - mage etc). Was pretty fun.

>> No.8989512

based and correct

>> No.8989974

This intro blew me away when I was a kid

>> No.8990550

Is there an easy way to do Open-All and removing all those pesky card rules.

>> No.8990570

No easy way, when you get to a new region, fight the right person, if he abolishes or assigns the rule you want save, if not reload your save.

IIRC once you do one rule change per region, that's it; though I think it may be possible to go back&forth between regions to keep changing the rules in each region.

>> No.8990719

There's an in-depth guide on GameFAQs. It gets quite complicated IIRC.