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/vr/ - Retro Games

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894736 No.894736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the mystique of early PlayStation.

>> No.894740
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What did you think when first learned about it? Was it your first CD based system? How did it feel coming from Nintendo or Sega?

>> No.894752
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My first exposure to the PlayStation was in EGM or Gamepro. I can't really remember at this time. There was a feature in the news section showing off the various features of the system. I would have been about 10 or 11 a the time.

I thought it was a very strange looking system, with two cartridge ports on the front, and the CD medium for games. I also didn't think the controller would be very easy to use because of the usual look of the directional buttons. I assumed they were each individual buttons rather than a d-pad.

The price seemed astronomical, and the screenshots of games were hard to connect with what I knew about gaming at the time.

But still, I very much desired one. Out of the CD-i, 3do, PlayStation, and Neo Geo it was dream system.

>> No.894758

>The price seemed astronomical, and the screenshots of
I remember hearing rumors about the blue playstation, something to do with developers but i never really knew

>> No.894764

i used to own a mega drive, and cd looked very fragile and easy to break, same thing goes for the cd case it looks bad and fragile compared to the mega drive cartridge housing which looks elegant and indestructible and it is

>> No.894767
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A lot of people don't know this, but the "original" PlayStation controller was not the one released in North America and Europe on launch day.

In Japan the very earliest units came with a slightly smaller version of the digital pad with a slightly larger face for the buttons. It is called the SCPH-1010. The cord is only about 3 feet long.

>> No.894779

The blue PlayStation units were the early debugging units. They don't have any copyright protection, so they'll play CD-Rs without a mod chip. They were revised a couple of times, but the absolute first ones had a slightly different GPU that will cause some games to have different colors.

>> No.894784

The vibration scared the shit out of me the first time because i wasnt used to play consoles with vibration. It was my first cd system thats the reason why i dint ask for games frequently because i thought the games were expensive. I had the snes and felt preety cool to play with those preety graphics

>> No.894792

mine came with one of those

>> No.894794

I saw the Sega Saturn before I saw the Playstation. I was six, and the only thing I'd had to this point was a Super Nintendo, and I wasn't impressed when I saw Virtua Fighter at the store. I felt it looked only a little better than Stunt Race FX, which I already owned.

>> No.894798
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I felt the same way. I didn't understand why a company would choose such a flimsy medium for games, and for some reason I assumed a CD would hold far less data (which was the opposite of reality).

When I got my PlayStation I was blown away. I had only ever owned Nintendo systems, and everything on the new system felt very "alternative". The CD audio was way better than anything I had heard before, and I had an N64 at that point. And the games had that 90s Japan gritty techno feel. Very edgy.

I don't think a system has ever made me feel more like one of the cool kids than a PlayStation.

>> No.894806
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Unless you got a mixup, or a Japanese model, it didn't. Keep in mind the North American SCPH-1080 is extremely similar in design.

>> No.894813

My family got the Playstation Duel Shock and the N64 one Christmas. I played mostly with the N64, but one day when I had the PSX and my brother's library of awesome platformers and JRPGs to myself, I fell in love the console. I played Suikoden, Azure Dreams, Wild Arms, Tomba, Alundra, Castlevania SotN, FFVII, Klona, and the rest of his collection whenever I could.
And yes, I was that little brother who accidentally erased an entire memory card.

>> No.894828


When I first read about it a lot of the early games didn't impress me. A lot of slow RPG looking stuff like Kings Field and odd stuff like Silverload. None of the big franchises had jumped over yet.

Now, when it started getting things like Tekken and Area 51 I wanted one real bad.

>> No.894829

The Playstation had a rumble feature after the Nintendo 64 did. The first force feedback was offered by Nintendo with the Rumble Pak. So you must have got it pretty late.

>> No.894830

Oh i see, its this one not the first one :D
the grips on the japanese one are tiny

>> No.894841


This is the song that greeted me upon my first boot-up of my PlayStation on December 25th, 1997.


Still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

>> No.894856
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I remember being worried about my games becoming too scratched to play very easily. I handled my first games with extreme caution. And I was partially right. It's going to be interesting to see how PlayStation collecting turns out, since it's the first major CD based system.

Also, this is now happening.

>> No.894862

>first major CD based system
>forgetting about the saturn that was released half a year before the Playstation in the US

Everyone always forgets the Saturn. For shame.

>> No.894871

you sega fans are retards

>> No.894876


But is the Saturn a major system outside of Japan? I'd say it's not. Many more people got their start in CD based gaming with Sony than any other.

>> No.894895

I didn't mention Sega at all in my post.

And you're judging the typical opinions of kids in 90s. Most everyone handled CDs with white gloves back then.

You're the retard, retard.

>> No.894912
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The Saturn was never really a factor outside of Japan. To me it goes on the end of the first gen of CD gaming with the Turbo CD, Sega CD, and a couple of others. It hung around for a long time, and had tons of great games, but it didn't change the world like the PlayStation.

>> No.894930

It didn't need to 'change the world'. The fact of the matter is, it was the Playstation's strongest competitor for three years. It sold almost two million units in the US. That may be low, but it's still a major competitor that generation. And the second best selling CD based system of that generation(third overall)

>> No.894950

I found one of those in a thrift store once.

Holy fuck they're tiny.

>> No.894954
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>Most everyone handled CDs with white gloves back then

>> No.894957

I was a poorfag so I didn't bother getting excited. I got handhelds if I wad lucky.

>> No.894979

My first console was a SNES. However, at the time, I wasn't THAT into videogames. I played whatever my friends were playing or whatever my parents happened to buy for me. I played the usual Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country, as well as some wildcards like Legend of the Mystical Ninja.

Then I got a Playstation. I don't remember why I wanted one, I just did. I got it for Christmas. It wasn't until I played Chrono Cross that I got way, way into games. I went on a JRPG bender starting with that and then with Final Fantasy Chronicles, Vagrant Story, Suikoden II, and Legend of Legaia.

Gradually, I got into games of more genres. My most vivid memory from the first Playstation, sadly enough, is when it broke...but I kept playing. My family was poor and couldn't afford another one. The little round thing in the middle snapped in half. I pieced it back together with a rubberband from my sister's braces.

The disc wouldn't start to spin on its own though. I had to manually spin it. Once it got going it was fine, but when I started a game or got to a loading screen I had to open the tray, give the disc a spin, and close it really quickly while hoping it would work. About 80% of the time it would, but there was always a chance of the game quitting on me while loading.

Using this method I successfully completed Digimon World as well as YuGiOh: Forbidden Memories. God, I hated Forbidden Memories.

>> No.895350

I couldn't beat forbidden memories, the cheating and starchip grind was just too much for me, I couldn't handle it.

>> No.895417

Towards the end of its days, my old Playstation also wouldn't start spinning on its own.

I ended up running the console without its case, taping down the nub that tells the system that the disc cover is closed, and spinning the disc whenever I started a game.

Never did find the screws that previously held the console together.

>> No.895434

I knew a total of one person who had one when I was a kid, and I wasn't friends with him. Everyone I knew had an N64 and we really looked down on the PlayStation, even though most of us had never even touched one.

>> No.895542
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I was born with a variety of social and educational problems, anyways I was given a Playstation as part of the Lightspan Education/ Grey Children project. They never did find a proper diagnosis for me but fuck it I got a free PS1

>> No.895546

>this sound


>> No.895552

That's quite a Lunar Silver Star collection.

>> No.895562

Not mine, only picture of the Lightspan series i could find

>> No.895569

My friends giving me his modded Japanese ps1 (model# SCPH-7501/94009) What brand of cd-rs should I use, at what speed do I burn games, and which game should I burn?

>> No.895572

My parents bought a PSX with a demo disc. Wipeout was on there and maybe Twisted Metal (I forgot the rest). I still played my SNES from time to time.

>tfw PSX stopped reading discs for some reason and you resorted to tilting it at odd angles or turning it over just so it would work
>tfw you started saving your allowance to purchase games


dat sound

>> No.895578

That awesome boot...

>> No.895582

I remember having no exposure to that gen of games and just having our 16 bit systems and NES. I remember attempting to play one at Toys R Us, but I didn't think it would work because the D-pad buttons weren't connected. That was very bizarre to me and it felt cheap. Then I recall visiting my cousin and attempting to play Crash Bandicoot on his PS1 and I couldn't get the 3-D depth perception down and I dismissed the console as garbage. My older brother always told me of the fabled Sega Saturn, and I always told my friends about this legendary machine. I didn't actually see one or really know what a saturn was until about 2004

>> No.895589

Needs the CD loading sounds to be complete.

>> No.895593

having to explain terms like Loading, Demos, attempting to use duel joy sticks the first time and drowning while trying to play the ape escape demo, Intelligence Qube, your mom asking the dr. if the rumble feature would increase your chance of arthritis, SOTN instead of castlevania 64

>> No.895643

I remember I got it for Christmas the year it came out. It was 1995, I didn't have a PC, internet, and didn't subscribe to any game magazines, so I had no idea how much more advanced it was going to be than SNES.

I remember spending a week in total fucking awe of the graphics at the time, playing stuff like Battle Arena Toshinden to death.

>> No.895650

After about 3 years mine got to the point it wouldnt work unless I flipped it upside down

>> No.895662

Nice. My friend had an imported Yaroze unit but those debugger units were even better.

>What did you think when first learned about it?
Underwhelmed. Jiggy iaggy everywhere and muh happy sprites were being kicked out of the back door while load times were being welcomed in the front.

>Was it your first CD based system?
Yes, since my Dreamcast was GD-ROM based. (I've told the story on /vr/ before, but I skipped this generation until buying an N64 and GBA after college.)

>How did it feel coming from Nintendo or Sega?
Nothing special; N64 and Dreamcast had already spoiled me.

I learned a lot about its tech specs from Next Generation magazine. I was disappointed that its audio chip was less capable than the Saturn's and its d-pad looked like it was going to be poo. Shapes being used to represent button names = poo too.

When I learned that US consoles wouldn't have direct S-video output, my opinion of Sony shot through the floor. I would say that was maybe 40% of the reason I decided to skip the generation before any of the systems were even released. (I didn't know that the multi-av out would eventually be used just like Nintendo's and that there would be an S-video cable.)

>I saw the Sega Saturn before I saw the Playstation.
Me too, eventually, at a Toys'R'Us kiosk. That US Saturn controller's d-pad was maybe another 15% of why I decided to skip the generation.

>Battle Arena Toshinden

>> No.895692


Why'd they have to change it to grey? The blue looks good.

>> No.895716
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There was also a green one.

>> No.895719


Damn. Were there any other colors than green and blue?

>> No.895728

Not that I know of.
Green and Blue were dev consoles
then you got the black net yaroze console.
Standard was always grey. Bet there's some nice replacement shells though that are different colors.

>> No.895738


>> No.895742

FUCK I REMEMBER THOSE GAMES. I wasn't in a special class, but we got those in elementary. The math games were fun.

>> No.895743

I assume that you were in your teens or older when the ps1 came out?

>> No.895751
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I wish I remembered what the hell happened to my PS1. I'd look into those shells. I can't believe Sony and Microsoft haven't released their consoles in any alternate colors like purple, pink, green, blue, etc. It's just black/white.

Or see-thru consoles.

>> No.895801

Yep. Brought a SNES to college, lived off that and local arcades that had the Street Fighter Alpha games, went to work after college, bought a GBA on launch day (and an N64 for OOT at about the same time, maybe a couple weeks earlier or later) after doing nothing with my "big boy" earnings for a year, bought a Dreamcast for CVS1, went back and caught up with the rest of the generation I skipped (PS, Saturn), kept up since then besides skipping 360, PS3, and Wii U (for now).

>> No.895912


I have done extensive testing on this. Cheapo CD's will work, but you can't go wrong with Taiyo Yuden at 8x.

>> No.895915


It seems like everybody skips the current gen in college.

>> No.895917
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There was also a white one.

>> No.895923
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And a midnight blue one.

>> No.895925


But the US consoles did have S-video, you just had to buy a separate cable.

>> No.895934

>Forbidden Memories.
My nigga. You beat as kid? Amazing.

>> No.895952

Japan had many different colors of PS2, and there have been special edition Xbox and 360 units in different colors before. MS also did removable faceplates with different designs on the 360.

>white one
Non-Japan Asia-only model, for countries where VCD was actually a thing.

Exactly, but that wasn't in the magazines and that information wasn't common outside of Japan. Al I knew was that the Japanese model had an S-video jack and the US one didn't...which I found insane for a consumer electronics company like Sony to do after I'd been using S-video for years on my SNES. I did mention that eventually the Sony multi-out worked just like Nintendo's (that you'd need a special cable). I have S-video cables on my PSone now.

>> No.895967
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Holy shit.

>> No.895979

Yeah. I'm tired off all the dust and fingerprint magnet black. I remember my PSX turned this awful grey/brown color after a few years.

Alternate colors are attractive and break up the monotony of a boring black, white and grey setup. Maybe the black and white is supposed to match your decor easily. Like the woodgrain consoles of the 70s and early 80s. But I'm no interior decorator. Everything I have is kinda mismatched and I don't care.

>> No.895994
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>then you got the black net yaroze console.
I want it so badly.

>> No.896046

Sony and Microsoft want their products to appeal to people who would be ashamed to own video game consoles. If they make them in boring colors, they'll blend in with the DVD player and whatnot.

>> No.896063




Yeah it was pretty rad

>> No.896071

that cool effect how polygons seem to randomly flicker through space and time, that is caused by the magic known as no z buffer.

>> No.896378

that's my windows boot sound

>> No.896796

>tfw PSX stopped reading discs for some reason and you resorted to tilting it at odd angles or turning it over just so it would work

And it took a bunch of complaints from Final Fantasy VII players (who'd play the fucking game for hours and hours in those days) to get sony's attention and actually fix it.

>> No.896963
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Yes, they sure fixed the problem alright.

>> No.897083


Is this meant to be common or something? My TV's have occasionally had an s-video in but I have never owned an s-video cable or owned anything that had it as an output.