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/vr/ - Retro Games

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894727 No.894727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been collecting games for 14 years. Judging by the collections posted on here, most of you are underage or are just getting into it now because apparently it's the cool thing to do. However i don't really judge you guys for either of these things.

I have a collection of over 1200 games and over 20 unique consoles. Ask me anything. You guys need advice.

>> No.894730

how much was your AES?

>> No.894729

Pics with timestamp, you know the rules.

>> No.894737

Not OP, but I've been doing this for about 7 years and probably have near 600 different games for at least as many consoles. Going back as far as the Fairchild Channel F, of which I have 12 games for.

>> No.894750


>> No.894776

How is Tumblr doing?

>> No.894782
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just the snes/nes. i'm not spending all night taking pictures with my laptop.

>> No.894790
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>> No.894804

How many in your collection have you not played? Two minutes past the start screen doesn't count.

>> No.894812

In return, OP, I'll tell you what having sex with a woman feels like.

>> No.894815


I'm too cheap for one. I almost only go dumpster diving at thrift stores, pawn shops, flea mrkts, consignment shops, yard sales, antique stores and the occasional retro game store. The most I ever paid for a retro console was $60 when i got my TG-16 from ebay, and I kicked myself for months because I didn't wait to find a cheaper one.


noice. I'm not much on vintage era games anymore, but that is pretty sweet.


I gis'd the phrase "NES wizard" three minutes before starting this thread.

>> No.894816

any advice on collecting for neogeo?

>> No.894823

Do you actually play the games you collect?
Or do you just stare at the unopened boxes on your shelf?

>> No.894834


phew, lots to be honest. I used to buy lots of cheap NES games in bulk, because I was hoping to own a complete collection someday, but I gave up on that in recent years. I've given a lot more attention to games for other consoles, but I do buy lots of my games with the intent of playing them later.

>> No.894842


I play them. And I don't collect boxes, because that's for autists.

>> No.894852


None, but to give up on any illusions about seeing either a game or console in the wild.

>> No.894858

I'm 26. I had a Super Nintendo as a kid. I may eventually get a Sega Genesis, but I'm reluctant because the game I want most is Monster World IV, and it's pretty fucking expensive. Plus I'm 99% sure it was never localized and I don't know Japanese. It's fourth or fifth on my to-learn list, and at present I'm not even that fluent in Spanish, which is first.

>> No.894864

I guess enjoy spending money on a collection of games that are mostly shitty. There's no way there's even half that many good games, even decent games for those 20 consoles.

>> No.894903


OP: No reason not to get a genesis. Probably the cheapest of the major retro consoles, and the cheapest to collect for. Plus on amazon that game is 60 bucks, which i myself wouldn't be happy to pay for, but that's only the cost of a new game. So if you're desperate to own it, then go for it. I kick myself everyday for telling myself a decade ago that I could find Earthbound for cheaper than 40 dollars.

>> No.894918

Why don't you fuck off?

>> No.894924


Even shitty games are often interesting to play.

And it's so fucking fun to buy a box random games on the cheap, take them home, and to spend your night working your way through the stack. You'll get laughable garbage, weirdo shit, original but half-baked ideas, and awesome games that you never knew existed.

>> No.894940


why? "post your collection threads" are full of people showing off like six nes games that they clearly just recently found at goodwill.

and that's okay, everybody has to start somewhere. but i'm just encouraging people to step it up.

>> No.894960


Lots of people sold off their collections and are rebuilding. Others came from poor families and couldn't afford over a thousand games. I fall into both of these categories. Therefore, why don't you fuck off?

>> No.894965

the arch nerd has spoken

burn your collections, he's got us covered

>> No.894978

Ouch. Though I do agree, far too many of them fetch too high a price. I love having most of my games complete, but some are just outright insane. The ~600 game bro from the top, and I wanna say at least 80% of my stuff is out of box and completely loose. The majority of my N64 games, Saturn games, and Master System games, however are boxed. But, that makes sense(for the MS and Saturn at least). Only an idiot would throw away the jewel case/hard plastic they came in.

>> No.894986


My dad worked construction and my mother stayed at home. I have never been anywhere near rich. I've bought my games for very cheap, over a long period of time.

>> No.894989
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>only an idiot would through away the case it came in

A lot of people do.

>> No.894992


I'm saying the exact opposite of this.

>> No.895000

And I am very sorry that you've had to sell yours. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

>> No.895009

I've been collecting since the the mid-2000s or so, but I'm not close to OP, partially because:
>A lot of sellers already "knew what they had" by then in my city.
>I ran out of room in my room and didn't want to be some turbo autist taking over my parent's basement.
>You don't make a lot of money in high school.
>I play guitar, a fairly expensive hobby if you get into it.
That being said, it's been a lot of fun. Even in college, total normals that are over for parties or whatever always pick something up and say "oh wow, I remember X game! I played it all the time..." I love helping people relive their childhood.

Anyway, OP, you've already nixed questions about Neo Geo stuff, so I'll just say don't let the youngin butthurt in this thread bother you. There's still a few people over the age of 18 that post here.

>> No.895013

>1200 games
Why the fuck would you buy games you don't even play?

>> No.895020

i hope you aren't trying to kid yourself, because you aren't fooling anyone. this thread is obvious ego masturbation.

also, don't try to claim you collect to play. someone with as many games as you claim to own will never play and enjoy them all.

you have a nice collection, but you, as a person, are shitty.

>> No.895027

>someone with as many games as you claim to own will never play and enjoy them all.
casual detected.

>> No.895028

>playing 1200 games

>> No.895051

The Saturn jewel cases? I don't think many people threw those away. Nor did a lot of people throw away the hard-case genesis boxes. The cardboard ones for SNES and N64, though... Yeah. Those were chucked very often.

>> No.895053


Why to see if they're any good of course.

I hated emulation for years, and I bought many of my games for less cost than they would have been to even rent when they were new. Only at my height of collecting, maybe six or seven years ago, would I have dreamed of paying even three dollars for a game that I had no idea about what it was like.

As for games that I am interested in, I hate to pay any more than ten dollars, in the hopes that I can get lucky. Sometimes I pay twenty for a semi-new game. I might buy one or two new games a year that I'm excited for.

And since I haven't mentioned my age. I'm 26, I have been collecting since I was twelve.

>> No.895054

it's not that i'm casual m8, i just have a job and a social life.

>> No.895072

As the near 600 bro from the top, I can tell you, that about a year ago, I gave up on almost all of my mass collecting. This year I've maybe added twenty games. Every one of them I've played to a pretty decent extent. Have I played ALL of my games to completion? No. I mean, I know they should all be in working order, but I haven't beaten every gamegear game I own.. Or every Jaguar game I own. Most of them were the result of buying a 'lot' of games, or games in a bag at a thrift store.

The point I'm trying to make with this post is that my collecting has staggered nearly to a halt. I came to the realization that if I kept going at that rate I would run out of room and end up like OP. I'm already essentially out of room and that I would never get around to playing them all. So I vowed to buy about one game a week, and in the mean-time, stop hunting and play games I already have. So far I've beaten or played through about forty games this year in my spare time. And every new one that I get I play through right away. Coming up next is ShadowGate 64. I owned it when I was younger but never beat it, or even came close. So now I'm going to play through it. The beauty of this change up is that I'm saving up a LOT more extra spending money by not buying as many. It afforded me the ability to get Guardian Heroes and not feel bad about it. I can't wait for that one to get here and play it through with a friend. It's also just nice having this much more disposable income.

>thinking people care

>> No.895114

Just to be le epic troll I'm gonna buy 1000+ games on the cheap....all with the name Madden in the title.

>> No.895123

>this thread is obvious ego masturbation.

As opposed to actual "post your collection" threads? Why would I bother to start a thread like this for my ego and only bother to post a couple of pictures when asked?

I started this thread to say that some people are posting a lucky day at goodwill, and thinking that that's a collection. If you're new, then okay, good on you. If you want to get serious about it, I'll do anything to help. But to people who are jumping on the recent rise in video game collecting, because it's becoming the popular new bandwagon? They'd better get real about this, fast. I hate seeing my hobby being invaded by casuals. And I hate the people who get it in their head that they can buy all their favorite games without suffering for them. They're the ones who wind up paying 300 dollars for games that received a full general release.

>someone with as many games as you claim to own will never play and enjoy them all.

No, no one would enjoy them ALL. I enjoy many though. I've repeatedly said that I've bought games cheaply, sometimes in bulk, with the intent of exploring console libraries. Collecting is as almost an important hobby to me as video gaming is. I collect vinyl records as well.

>> No.895146

I need shelves for my collection.

Where do you buy yours from?

>> No.895153
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Get a load of this hipster.

>> No.895160
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Do you think i'm doing okay, op?

>> No.895163


Old furniture mostly. You could check out salvation army. My dad made some of mine during patches of unemployment. I might work with him over building an arcade cabinet someday.

>> No.895180


Knocking my dick in the dirt. I still need a 3DO, Neo-Geo, Virtual Boy and a Commodore 64.

>> No.895183

Genuinely curious-
About how many games does a collection need before before you get the urge to start cataloging?

>> No.895192


I accuse people of being hipsters.

Get called a hipster.

>> No.895203
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>And I hate the people who get it in their head that they can buy all their favorite games without suffering for them.


>> No.895204

No Nintendo power glove, no sale.

>> No.895214

look closer, on the right low corner

>> No.895216


What do you mean by "suffering" for them?

I've been collecting comic books for 17 years (longer than you've been collecting games, it looks like,) and it's not like I don't see the same crap you're complaining about. How about a bunch of people claiming to know 60 years' worth of comic lore when they only know what was spoonfed to them by one of 50 heavily-abridged-for-the-masses comic book movies out in any given year?

I was collecting comic books when people still made fun of comic book geeks. Now I can't turn around without finding someone desperately labeling themselves as one.

It's a maddening trend, but it's one that'll continue whether we appoint ourselves gatekeepers of our chosen hobbies or not. People will do whatever the fuck they want, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Side story: I grew up homeless and missed out on a good chunk of contemporary 90s child culture. Through a dumb stroke of luck, I ended up working at a used video exchange for a year when I was 22, where I managed to buy up the childhood I missed out on because my parents were assholes.

Does that make me one of your casuals?

>> No.895218

My goodness you sound like a huge douche.

>> No.895228
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You are a true gatekeeper. You let all pass your gates, but in your heart you know who deserves to dwell within your realm and who is merely a tourist.

Stand proud, noble guardian. You keep us safe and pure.

>> No.895229
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i need to get a new marker, you can barely see the time stamp, bit of a mess with my setup atm but i will fix that eventually but it may require buying different furniture.

>> No.895234

29 formats here if you count gameboy, gameboy pocket, sega cd, 32x and other side grade/addons as unique systems.

1085 games 1244 counting pc games (this includes steam)

>> No.895237

>You guys need advice.
You need some advice: buy a fucking EverDrive or two.

>> No.895241

oh, and i guess i been collecting for about 10 years but only seriously within the last 7

>> No.895248



You have to suffer to acquire your favorite games. You have to spend years of searching all manner of junk store in order to hunt them down. There's a lot of disappointment and longing involved.

The alternative is buying your way in, ruining things for everyone else by jacking up the value of games.

>> No.895249


>And I hate the people who get it in their head that they can buy all their favorite games without suffering for them.




>> No.895250

Kind of an aspie question.
When your collection reaches a "significant" number, like say 500 or 1000, or whatever number you like best.
How do you deal with the subtle uneasiness of buying another game and bringing the total to a non-significant number?

>> No.895259


Hard to say. It depends on the person.

>> No.895262

Personally for you then, if you don't mind.

>> No.895267

You need some advice: If you want to give someone advice, don't start out by saying "hey look i know you guys are all kids (untrue), and i was totally into game collecting before it was popular, and I know for a fact that i've been doing it longer than pretty much anyone reading this (untrue) so i'm better. You should like me, because i'm better."
nobody wants to take advice from an ass. You're coming off as annoying and distasteful.

>> No.895264

oh. and here i thought games were about having fun.

>> No.895269

Collectors don't actually play their games silly. They just look at them while yelling at people for emulating games.

>> No.895275

I am >>895160 , not OP, but i would say if you're serious about collecting do it as soon as possible, it will be easier later

>> No.895280

He never said we should like him.
An ass may still have his wisdom milked.

>> No.895282


Nah you're awesome. Even if you payed three hundred dollars for a comic at some point, you sound like you more than deserved to.

>> No.895290
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And by the way, construction workers make a lot of money; blue collar =/= a dirty collar, and I stand by that for most blue collar jobs.
I grew up on a single parent because my father died, and my mom worked a desk job from 6-5 every day, which wasn't enough money for my sister in college, and me in high school at the time. Literally everytime I asked for a video game, she would say "It's not in our budget, (my name)."
I had to wait till christmas, really.

>> No.895292

>An ass may still have his wisdom milked.
That is actually really inspiring. I teach a human relations course (Dale Carnegie) and I am going to share that with my class.

>> No.895295

OP: Just to clarify here. People think this is acceptable


>> No.895308

>dat collection
>DJ Hero in the corner there, so confirmed for good taste
9.5/10 bretty gud

>> No.895310

Glad I could help!

>> No.895318

HARDMODE now, what exactly would bring that collection up to 10/10 ?

>> No.895324

No really, it's genius. An ass, like a donkey, can still be milked like any other mammal, even though donkey milk probably tastes awful;
it's still nutritional.

>> No.895320


I started my post as a dick because I don't usually browse 4chan elsewhere than /vr/, and I thought that was normal.

Look I've started off as a bit acerbic and condescending. Though I stated my true feelings, I was a bit overly blunt. Sorry about that.

>> No.895329

There's a lot there, but unless I'm being stupid I'm not seeing anything that exceptionally rare, to top it off.

>> No.895340

I know there's a lot of thing missing in my collection, I don't have a CDi, a genesis 3, a top loading nes, almost anything japanese like a famicom, nothing weird like that taiwan only 16 bits consoles that I forgot the name...

All those thing I am planning to buy one day, if there is something I have learn from collecting is no collection is ever complete.

>> No.895375
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okay yeah my earlier posts were pretty shitty. I apologize again.

>> No.895412

I never thought about having a significant capacity. I don't know anyone that would. You just stop when you decide to stop. Or continue sporadically until it dwindles to a halt. Setting a number is odd. It is more likely to say, collect an entire console library. In which case, there would be a number, but it would be inconsequential.

>> No.895431

You're not missing anything on the CDi, lemme tell ya. So much garbage.

>> No.895439

yeah I guess so.. but the collector in me want it for the zelda shitfest

>> No.895449

I work at a Goodwill and Wand of Gamelon came in not too long ago. I saw it laying in the display case and laughed my ass off.