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8947170 No.8947170 [Reply] [Original]

If you let Magus live you're a cuck. It's basically the equivalent of "if you kill your enemies they win" mindset. He killed Cyrus. Make his ass pay.

>> No.8947176

>killing him instead of forcing him to help you kill Lavos as punishment

>> No.8947183


I keep him to date him

>> No.8947185

he's trying to kill lavos, what kind of punishment is that.

smoke the stupid cunt

>> No.8947186

Magus is the true protagonist of the game.

>> No.8947189


>He killed Cyrus.

It was self defense.

>> No.8947192

I killed him on my first playthrough and regreted it once I started finding his equipment and realized he was playable

>> No.8947193

Isn't he just a shittier Lucca with no combo techs? I'd rather keep the dead weight out of my party anyways.

>> No.8947210

His punishment would be hanging up with protag and his friends until the end of game

>> No.8947212

Yeah but I never met Cyrus so him doing that is irrelevant to me. Frog is the one with the beef with him, not me.

>> No.8947230

If Trigger wasn't hamfisted SHIT, losing to Magus here should have gotten Frog killed.

>> No.8947237

I don't give a shit about Cyrus and Magus is cool.

>> No.8947254

imagine killing frog, or wanting this to happen unironically- why do you hate the best characters in the game?

>> No.8947271
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i murder him and then sell his worthless amulet for 1G to that garbage-collecting Nu

>> No.8947286
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>cringe loser
>spends half the game fixing a sword that is superseded by a store sword 20 minutes later
>worse than Robo in every way

The only use Frog has is feeding a frenchie

>> No.8947287

>subjugating some former ruler/despot or whatever and forcing him to just be on the level of your retarded servant robot isn't "alpha" behavior
i don't understand the logic of people like you

>> No.8947348
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He's actually pretty good during a regular, non-NG+ playthrough, and even then, he still has a use during NG+ as his Black Hole spell exclusively removes two or three of Son of Sun's flames, making that battle less of a pain. Also he changes Queen Zeal's generic boss battle theme to reprise his own appropriately, I never not have him there.

>> No.8947435

He's kind of a pain to keep around though until you're so strong that it doesn't matter who's in your party anyway. When you get him your very next mission involves Lavos Spawns which Magus is garbage against since he doesn't have anything that can hit the head without also hitting the shell aside from his basic ass attack, which isn't that strong. He has no dual techs at all and his only two triple techs require someone equips a specific accessory, eating up a slot that would be better off filled by a gold stud. And neither of those techs involve Crono, who is required for every other triple tech in the game. So putting Magus and Crono in a party together totally gimps you. Sure, if you're strong enough you can just Luminaire and Dark Matter everything to death but by then it doesn't matter who you take along and you're likely deep into New Game + runs.

Magus's real benefit is that he's all four elements in one character but by the time you get him the gimmicky enemies where that would make a difference are few and far between. Instead you run into a bunch of fights where you have to judiciously attack certain parts or use only physicals or something. And Magus is just too one note in that regard. He has no physical techs and all his magic attacks are area of effect or whole screen affairs aside from Black Hole, which has limited use. It's nice having Magus because of his story elements and killing him doesn't net you anything other than a slightly different ending. It would be a much more interesting choice if killing him changed Frog back to a human right then and there.

>> No.8947636


>> No.8947637

Interesting write-up. I never quite considered all the drawbacks like this. I always just put in on my team literally because he's pretty much Vegeta and the game isn't exactly hard so it's not like it REALLY matters past a certain point, similar to how in FFVI Cyan sucks compared to most everyone else but he's a cool character and the game's easy as shit so it's not like you're outright punished by using him. But yeah, seems in the grand scheme of things, he's suboptimal.

>> No.8947673

>He's actually pretty good during a regular, non-NG+ playthrough
Really lower-level runs - the game isn't designed to feel TOO gimped if you missed him - but Son of Sun is an interesting edge case.
>your very next mission involves Lavos Spawns
The sidequests actually open up as soon as the Black Omen appears, I like doing some of the shorter ones before tackling Crono's since you get him back too soon otherwise.

>> No.8947851
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>Play game
>Magus, this fake-out antagonist, becomes playable
>Get FFVII one generation later
>Read manual
>Sephiroth is listed as one of the characters
>"Oh, he's definitely playable."
>Starts looking like a fake anatagonist
>"I'm totally getting him in my party soon. They even let me do a little preview of him in combat!"

>> No.8947876

Now I'm wondering how FFVII would've been received had they actually taken this route by, say, having it turn out Jenova preyed on Sephiroth's own fragile psyche the same way he preyed on Cloud's, and him realizing he's been a pawn in her hand the entire time and joining your party for the final encounter against her. So basically Golbez 2.0, except after you beat her, he decides being an evil douche with a God complex is still rad as fuck anyway and betrays you now that Jenova is no longer a threat and you've outlived your usefulness, and Cloud has to put him out of his misery.

>> No.8948015

FFVII was all about undermining the stable of RPG cliches that had been developed up to that point. It's become a cliche itself ever since but at the time it was pretty bold to make the main villain fit the characteristics of a typical RPG hero.

>> No.8948076
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>crying over ONE lost party member

Get on the level, this game kills 11 party members out of 13 and forces you to use only those remaining two for the end game.

>> No.8948171

>save right before
>kill him with frog
>turn game off and on again
>add him as a party member
if you don't do this every playthrough you're a cuck

>> No.8948180

Haven't we had this discussion before? Like with the same kinda post?

>> No.8948182

this thread, again

>> No.8948203

I used to do this all the time but grew out of it when I read a novelization fanfic do the same thing because I then realized that it is a VERY autistic thing to do.

>> No.8948289

>"if you kill your enemies they win"
But that's true. Maybe when you turn 18 you'll start to realize the world is more complex than your adolescent /pol/ fantasies.

>> No.8948302
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>guys please please PLEASE tell me how to save General Leo, I KNOW you can do it, they even let you play as him for a bit, he has to be a party member

>> No.8948321

i killed him then reloaded and let him join the party
hit im with that undertale psycho flex

>> No.8948345
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They even gave him a unique combat move!

>> No.8948473

the first time playing the game I killed him, thinking it would affect the story (turn Frog back into a human) but it didn't so I reloaded my save

>> No.8948512

The whole story is his family, gurus and lavos. Everyone else is just people dragged into the mess. But that is story telling 101.

>> No.8948567

I do this with Cid in FFVI.

>> No.8948586

I'm also guilty of this, that scene is a damn good one

>> No.8948720

You make this thread all the time.

>> No.8948772
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Childhood is idolizing Magus.
Adulthood is realizing Frog makes more sense.

>> No.8948807

Elderhood is understanding that both are rather sucky characters to have in your party.

>> No.8948837

Chrono trigger is the most overrated retro game. It's an okay game but nothing great and nothing that hadn't been done before. It's like ff7 in that it was normies first rpg

>> No.8948842

That would have actually given the decision weight, so obviously they couldn't have that

>> No.8948971

Chrono/Ayla/Robo ftw

Also Lucca

>> No.8948980

What? Killing him DOES let you turn Frog back into a human (at the end of the game), and is mandatory for that purpose.

>> No.8948993

When you kill Magus he says the curse on Frog will be broken. When you play for the first time you assume he means right then and there, not hours later after you've beaten the game.

>> No.8948994

1) The PSX/DS rereleases reveal that he turns back later anyway, rendering that bit entirely pointless. 2) They obviously meant right away, you dunce.

>> No.8949004

>1) The PSX/DS rereleases reveal that he turns back later anyway
Oh I don't play garbage remakes or rereleases. Guess that's more of a you problem.

>> No.8949182

Are these "if magus lives you're a cuck" threads always by the same anon?

>> No.8949187

>reading novelization fanfiction
this is an autistic thing to do, saving before magus to fight him as frog and get him as a party member isn't.

>> No.8949189

No. I made all the previous threads but not this one.

>> No.8949218
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>couldn't save him from the mind rape fucking near the end
Sad waste of a dilf...

>> No.8949234

I feel like not enough games kill off or remove party members anymore. Even in games that rotate characters in an out they're never gone for too long it feels like.

>> No.8949445
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Kind of Cyrus's fault for getting in his way. Spontaneously combusting him into ashes was kind of fucked though.

>> No.8949639

has anyone played crimson echoes/flames of eternity? I wanted to give it a try but got filtered right way. I somehow explored the very beginning when the game starts and somehow the game started with just chrono. I can see other characters talk in cutscenes and whatnot but my party is just chrono. I know thats not correct because I saw others play it with a full functional party. did I select "hard mode" or whatever by accident? is the game actually worth my time? the dialogs seem cringe so thats not a good sign.

>> No.8949676

>Not saving the game, fighting him, defeat and kill him, then reload the save and proceed with recruiting him
It's just a game, OP. You gotta learn to deal with your angst.

>> No.8949957

It think anon was headcanoning a fight without the finishing blow so then he joins you anyway.

>> No.8949969

Marle and Ayla is best. Not even because they're the hotties.

>> No.8949973

I read recently that Flames has a lot of cringe writing in it.

>> No.8950101
File: 568 KB, 883x716, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crimson Echoes is eternally unfinished, but Flames of Eternity is really bad. It's made by a self-hating teen modder who constantly shits on the original authors for listening to the SE's C&D, lampooning the characters and writing nonstop. Honestly, the best way to experience Crimson Echoes is https://www.youtube.com/user/CEMemorial with Annotations Restorations for YouTube. The creator commentary's a trip.

>> No.8950247

I kill him. But on my first ever playthrough, I let him live and I dont remember anything cool or special about doing that.

>> No.8950271

>I let him live and I dont remember anything cool or special about doing that.
So there wasn't
>A more fulfilling take on the Ozzie's Fort sidequest
>A more bearable Son of the Sun boss fight
>The campfire scene making more sense with his line sieguing into the next point
>A more climatic Zeal third form theme
>Idk him basicaly caling Marle an idiot for forgetting the Rainbow Shell was kina funny, s'why I always have Marle Magus and Ayla for max comedy during the silly king trial subplot, and seeing Middle Ages king thank Magus' party was hilarious.
Him just cowering in his cape when the Masamune powers up was lame but seeing that the fan aternative made me throw up I'd prefer it remain understated than not.

>> No.8950274

Magus wasn't trying to kill Frog though (or Lucca or Marle depending on who you bring). He tried to fight Lavos and got buttfucked and decided to commit suicide by cop, taunting the party until they finished him off. Choosing not to fight is calling his bluff.

>> No.8950303

Don't you need all the playable characters alive to unlock New Game +?

>> No.8950314
File: 146 KB, 500x347, The warriors did it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He killed Cyrus.

>> No.8950325

>Play brand new world (with the non-cringe translation patch.)
>Discover Cider NPC gives new item.
>Bring new item to Thalmasa
>Get new obscure relic I've never seen before.
>Runic has now turned into shock.

The fucking hype. This hack has it's issues but holy fuck, that was cool.

>> No.8950459

Honestly reviving crono is s pretty cuck move too. You're giving another male a better edge in having sex.

>> No.8950914

T-Edition sort of brings him back too as a Magitek zombie you fight in Kefka's Tower. If you bring Terra along to face him, she gets some unique dialogue, and he drops a relic which gives massive stat boosts and changes Morph into Shock.

>> No.8950979

Cyrus was a bitch. Who cares about some shitty knight that couldn't even save himself, let alone protect his kingdom? Fuck that guy.

>> No.8951045

Why wouldn't I let him live? The edgiest character is always the best one. Magus, Vincent, Sid from Suiko II... Ogre Battle was the best game because you could have parties of Liches, Vampires and Ghosts

>> No.8951052

if you let him live you can listen to his badass theme whenever you want

>> No.8951504

>kill the foremost expert on Lavos (who's willing to talk to us and who we know of, at least) and one of the most powerful people who actually intends to stop Lavos in order to settle our small interpersonal grudge
That's the most childish thing in the world. At this point in the story, the characters do not know whether they can take on Lavos without him (or at all really), and you want them to reduce the chances of the PLANET because this guy is mean and killed a person in a war? What kind of baby are you OP?

>> No.8952530

But you have Sephiroth in your party in Kalm. He is a playable character.

>> No.8952537

>playable character
that you can't control

>> No.8952590
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Fuck Cyrus. What did he ever do other than die?

Give me my dark cool scythe homie.

>> No.8952738

>He killed Cyrus
Well maybe Cyrus shouldn't have died like a little bitch.

>> No.8952793

I really want to see a game where you hire people or recruit them for your party. Just rando npcs with rando generation that happen to be in the tavern or on the streets.

Lots of games do this, but you could have all kinds of interactions with the individual, build rapport, become friends or rivals and gain a reputation with how you interacted with your party members.

The best part would be the perma death. No rez. If they die, you would have to leave them or bring them back. Instead of "oh shit, Blart died!" It would have an effect on the party, like darkest dungeon. You would have to figure out if you were going to bury them there or bring them back to their families and some kind of karma system would get applied. Being callous and cruel would make some types not want to join so virtuous hero's would stay away from you or our right curse your name, and the more evil would appreciate your resourcefulness and cunning.

Every one should be romanceable if you fit their preference, so you could have a harem of heal sluts or just go on fun adventures with your boyfriend. The point of the game being that you could clear the game any way you wanted with the only limits on party size being how you pay them, how good you are at maintaining morale, and a few other things.

But the point is to make players grow attached to their best bro for life and then watch him die pointlessly in a dark depressing dungeon, or watch as the cute bubbly girl he recruited get ripped in half by an ogre.

Death should be given the respect it deserves.

>> No.8952832

What's the point of beating the Black Omen ship three times?
Grinding? Items for a NG+ run?
If I'm not interested in either, is there any downside to just beating it in 12,000BC?

This sounds like it would be fun and then incredibly frustrating.
>perma death
Your character too or just party members?

>> No.8952834


an eye-for-an-eye leaves everybody blind

>> No.8952849

you can get a lot of exp, items, and money, but more importantly, you can fight queen zeal and thus charm queen zeal three times, and she has a prism helm and a prism dress (and a megaelixir)
i don't think you can get the magic and speed tabs multiple times though (or the accessories from the other bosses)
if you beat the one in 12000, the ones in 600 and 1000 will disappear (likewise, if you do the one in 600, the one in 1000 will disappear), so if you don't wanna do three times it you can do it whenever

>> No.8952850

So were Cyrus and Frog in love with Queen Leene? Frog has the one ending where they get married and the way he carries himself around her comes off like a barely concealed crush. Cyrus has a line or two that suggests the same, like how he tells Frog to take care of the Queen. Dude doesn't say shit about the King so it's not just a matter of duty and for his dying thought to be about Leene...

>> No.8952860

That’s funny cause Gandhi was shot in the fucking chest

>> No.8952870

It wasn't that robust but Chrono Cross was what you'd get if every NPC you encountered joined your party right after their brief stint in the story was over. It'd be like the cook joining you after giving you the rations for the army and Pierre joining you after the trial.

>> No.8952885

I love the idea of something like that but it sounds like save scum city. People just don't like the idea of investing in characters for them to just keel over like that, both from a gameplay aspect since you're building their levels and decking them out, and also from a story one. It would start to get very annoying very fast if several characters played a strong role in the story and had their own plot threads only for it all to grind to a halt because some random encounter got the better of you. The story would have to be equally weighted from their death as it is should they live and that's a very hard needle to thread. Just look at how Bioware struggles with just a good/evil dynamic. Playing as an evil character in those games is always weird as shit because you'll do something cartoonishly evil and your party members will admonish you and then immediately forget it happened. The story just isn't equipped for the kind of derailment certain actions would warrant making the whole thing come off as weird. The game will tell you that all your choices matter but the writing quickly devolves into having a "correct" choice with all the others being far less satisfying.

>> No.8954223

When you show up in the middle ages the royal couple have no children despite living together for at least ten years. Either the king is infertile or gay or they're not in a physical relationship. Cyrus has some relationship with Leene, but it's not made clear what kind. They could be distantly related or just friends or he may have sworn an oath to protect her. Frog very clearly has feelings for her which she seems to return but is likely ignoring them and just focusing on his duty of protecting her in Cyrus's stead.

>> No.8954342

I just think it's a really cool fight scene with Frog vs Magus that thematically fits, plus I like Frog regaining his human self in the end. Magus himself is kind of shitty as a character. You get him right when you need single target techs for the Lavos spawns so if you want to use him your gimping yourself for those fights. It's kind of shitty having to use your accessory slot for some subpar triple techs, and he has no double techs which makes his party composition very boring. The biggest selling point to me on the gameplay was how fun the different party combinations are with all the different double techs and triple techs, it's a big shame he's such a boring choice. I imagine people only like using him because MUH DARK MAGIC, MUH SCYTHE, and MUH EDGYING BROODING CHARACTERS

>> No.8954348

You are a dumbass if you kill him.
Glenn is basically the hero honorable archetype.
The fact that he could somehow forgive Magus is what give meaning to his character.

This is a video game BTW. In real life if you do not kill the guy you are indeed a cuck. But video games are allowed this sort of morality and honor code.

In real life you kill the fucker dead no questions asked.

>> No.8954359

>A knight who lives by honor
>The honor of his friend is insulted by the guy who already dishonored Cyrus right after fucking up everything
Letting him live is basically spitting on his character just so you can have an edge lord party member

>> No.8954363

except said male saved your ass by sacrificing his life. High quality male = AOK I can spend a pussy or two your way.
Random ass degenerate thug = You die = More pussy for me = Good considering thugs are popular with women too for some reason

>> No.8954378

>if you kill your enemies they win

I’ll always bump Canadian hate. What a cucked nation of subhumans.

>> No.8954391

Instead of permadeath, I'd prefer it if they got permanent injuries every time they "died" in combat. Like an injured arm permanently hinders their ability to use two-handed weapons and an injured food reduces speed. Getting too many increases their odds of actually dying for real, so you have to decide when it's time to finally bench them or when to bring the one-eyed, one-armed swordmaster out of retirement because you REALLY need his specific skill for an upcoming boss despite the fact that he's not really fit for combat anymore.

>> No.8954735

That would be well and good if Magus had some kind of redemption or character arc where he actually sought forgiveness but he was an edgy asshole the whole way through.

>> No.8954841

Closest thing I can think of at the moment is Dwarf Fortress in adventure mode. Your reputation determines whether people consider you worth joining up with or not, on top of your social skills, and they can be maimed or turned into vampires or whatever. You can't have too much of a rapport though.

>> No.8954970
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How does that contradict what you were just told?

>> No.8955007

Chrono Trigger is Magus's story. He's the only party member actively making conscious decisions that influence the plot (manipulating Ozzie, summoning Lavos, becoming the prophet, etc). He also has the most personal stake in the plot - his mom is the most authoritative human villain (as opposed to Lavos, which is more a force of nature) and rescuing his sister is a huge motivation. We just don't see it from his point of view directly, but if anybody embodies the (Byronic) hero of the story, it's him. By contrast, Chrono and the rest of the party stumble through the whole plot by accident and being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.8955014

I'm still annoyed that Chrono Cross turns Schala blonde without so much as a "whoopsy fuckin daisy"

>> No.8955015

Cyrus was a faggot.

>> No.8955021

He's not just edgy for the sake of being edgy, he's someone who justifies the means with the end. Whether that's using Ozzie for a position of power, killing Cyrus, or transforming Glenn, all of those things are just obstacles in his way to his ultimate goal of rescuing/avenging his sister. Out of anybody in the cast, he's the only one who would likely say "I did what I had to do" and accept the consequences, instead of having some cliche forgiveness arc. It's not that he's a villain for the sake of being one - he's motivated by more personal stakes than "saving the world" or "being a hero." As such, he's one of the only morally interesting characters because he's not just a one-dimensional redeemed bad guy.

>> No.8955032

Supposedly the Zealians dyed their hair... which doesn't explain Magus in 600AD or Gile. Funny to think he'd keep up the habit given that he was happy to embrace a series of new identities to eventually get his revenge.

>> No.8955097

i'm pretty sure the transforming glenn part was just to be an asshole cause it's not like he tried to fight him or anything unlike cyrus
the other stuff though yea

>> No.8955178

>Muh ends.....
>Muh personal stakes
Fuck off. He's a villainous cunt who's only out for revenge. He doesn't act in some greater good or nobler goal and every action he took was just as bad as the actions that his bitch mom did. This is pure super villain bologna.

>> No.8955187

i like information like this.

>> No.8955215

>He doesn't act in some greater good or nobler goal and every action he took was just as bad as the actions that his bitch mom did.

That's exactly why he's interesting as a character.

>> No.8955229

And it's also why he's getting a broadsword to the face.

>> No.8955789

Based Byronic hero-recognizer.

>> No.8956029
File: 84 KB, 500x710, Stupid fucking gimmick the game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda know one? I am 99% sure that some characters can't perma die no matter what (gohan and krillin), but pratically the rest can just die permantly, you also have the ¨Search across the map to recrute a optional teammate¨. Sadly the game fucking sucks with battle rates that make pokemon fucking cry in shame, basically no strategy appart from praying to RNG, and ¨my power is so higher than yours that you literally can't to jackshit to me¨, absurd grinfest and abusing gohan + mooncard to pratically OHKO the superboss of the game, kinda fitting considering is a DBZ game
PD: Game is dragon ball super saiyan desentzu

>> No.8956072

I'm mad at DQ11

>> No.8956242

It could have been a way to spare Glenn while also maintaining plausible deniability in front of Ozzie. Showing too much mercy would rouse suspicion and Magus seemed to recognize he needed the mystics either to help him fight Lavos or to provide the resources needed to summon it in the first place. Magus is far from a nice guy but he didn't seem all that interested in waging war. Ozzie was the one doing all the work.

>> No.8956348

based. magus is cringe

>> No.8956368
File: 183 KB, 1280x905, ayla_chrono_trigger_render_by_blaketattooz_demkgge-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Ayla to sit on my face, anon

>> No.8956441

I only bring my hoes Lucca and Marle with me.

>> No.8956546

When you're dealing with a world-ending threat like Lavos, you need all the help you can get.

Not that it really matters in the end, since Chrono Cross establishes that Trigger's party were a bunch of assholes who fucked things up even more.

>> No.8956583

Radical Dreamers and CC are his redemption arc. Too bad CC is utter dog shit in every possible way except musically.

>> No.8956713

for all of the time travel shit they do in this game, why dont they ever time travel to just... you know... NOT have cyrus get killed?

>> No.8956889

Let's go fuck on those ROCKS

>> No.8956905

I love when bad guys become good because I grew up with Dinobot, Blackarachnia, Vegeta, Piccolo and this

>> No.8956908

Your opinion is utterly dog shit except musically

>> No.8957502

Did she have those green Cammy stripes in the PS1 cutscenes?

>> No.8957507

Secret of Mana absolutely mogs CT in overratedness by not being a good game at all

>> No.8957674

>actually liking CC
Guess all the lead in the drinking water fucked this country harder than we thought.

>> No.8958421
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And then there is this game where the entire character roster dies. In fact, you get to know each of them by seeng how they died. You even have tlo kill a couple of them before they join your party.
The only playable characters who don't die on-screen are two guest characters who are only there for one battle. Hilariously, one of them is an undead.

>> No.8958423
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Chrono Trigger is overrated but it's also fairly good, and there's a lot about it that's unique.
The reason it's popular is because it's not very long, it's not very hard, it has an amazing soundtrack, and doesn't have any obvious flaws. It's easily digestible and a great first RPG.
Now, none of that makes it a classic. But just because people like it for the wrong reasons doesn't mean it's a bad game.
What makes it great are the amazing moments it has, some of which are among the coolest moments in all of video games. I'll spoilertag these on the off chance someone in the thread hasn't played or finished the game yet.
When you find out in the courtroom scene that everything you did at the beginning of the game was being tracked, the first time you go to the future and find out about Lavos and how fucked up the planet is, when you first get sent to Antiquity, when you get the Epoch, when you have to leave Robo behind and when Chrono dies, when you watch Lucca's mom being mutilated and either figure out how to save her or live with the guilt of having crippled her a second time, and when The Black Omen appears in every era of history... those are just my personal favorites.
I also love how creepy the game mechanic of the treasure chests that appear in multiple eras of history and can be opened more than once through time travel but with unclear consequences is.

So yeah, it is overrated, but I don't think that in any way makes it bad. Don't sleep on a good game just because people like it for bad reasons.

>> No.8958740

he is the only character that legit tried to stop Lavos in the entire timeline before Chrono and co learned about him.

Chrono and co saved him, he most likely realized it during the game which is why he actually ended up helping them and telling them that Chrono was not death forever if they could find a way to bring him back.

He is basically the leader of the second part of the game if he joins you.

>> No.8958848

You will NEVER be a true knight OP

>> No.8958984
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>> No.8958992

Magus was just defending himself from Cyrus.

t. Masato Kato
End yourself

>> No.8959005

Nice tvtropes article

>> No.8959027

Lucca is slow(6 Speed) compared to Magus(12 Speed)
In general Lucca has worse stats than Magus

Magus can hit hard, has all 3 elemental spells(with a much higher Magic stat), has Black Hole, has Dark Matter.

If you pair him with Marle and Lucca he also has the best Triple Tech in the game.

>> No.8959029

Lavos is not just a force of nature.
Without even mentioning cross, he exterminates the dinos and evolves humans from cavemen to eventually reaching the (literal) heights of zeal. He then actively controls the queen.

>> No.8959064

>If Trigger wasn't hamfisted SHIT
Shut the fuck up Crosscuck

>> No.8959071

I don't know why people are shitting on you anon (and they don't either, or they would do more than give meme responses), I think that's a great post. You make strong points.

>> No.8959075

>FFVII was all about undermining the stable of RPG cliches
No it wasn't.
Chrono Trigger was like the one RPG which let you play as the villain while most JRPG's didn't and were straight to the point like FFVII and Sephiroth was nothing like a Hero what in the fuck are you talking about? He was literally a typical villain.

>> No.8959083
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Chrono Cross is the vidya equivalent of pic related.

>> No.8959137

>Sephiroth was nothing like a Hero
Think they're referring to his backstory. He's known worldwide as the absolute peak of SOLDIER, and is idolized by Cloud. He is also shown to have something of a compassionate side before he loses his marbles, shown by his brief bonding with Cloud over him returning to his hometown despite him having no such thing himself.

>> No.8959273
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No, that pic is doctored.
Real talk, Ayla is lowkey the best party member and she never leaves my team when she's permanent. Shame she has the weakest reason to be tagging along and has no real sidequest. Her one downside is her lack of elemental magic, so just so I always have access to spell variety, I do sometimes like to bring Magus if elemental magic is preferred.

>> No.8959280


>> No.8959287

Shut the fuck up retard. Chrono is literally the protagonist and his name is the title of the game.

>> No.8959291

It was karma for Cyrus because he bullied the Frog King and stole his medal.

>> No.8959356

I am 100% behind this theory.

>> No.8959361

Love getting her to 99 to see her hit 9999 with the iron fist.

>> No.8959368

The time gates are fixed. Time is flowing at the same normal rate from all of them simultaneously - which is why you can travel back to a certain time period and appear right after your previous actions instead of starting all over - but there's no traveling between the periods established by the gates, which are supposedly specific "memories" of the entity/planet.

>> No.8959383

And from his perspective, Chrono and party are basically the quirky miniboss squad. They never bother to explain their motivations, they just show up and beat up his minions. The moment he realizes they're not just 600AD characters but are actually time travelers tied into his goals is the moment that he decides to let you join him.

>> No.8959393
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Best party.

>> No.8959396

Can we really take those actions as proof of consciousness, though? I prefer to think of it as just in the nature of the Lavos species to manipulate evolution, like an instinctual thing. That might seem like complex conscious actions from a human perspective, but from the point of view of an unknowable space parasite, it could just be part of the life cycle. Same goes for the influence exerted on humans magically connected to it - I see it less like Zeal is talking to Lavos and getting a response, and more that she's corrupted by exposure.

>> No.8959403

Technically, his name is "Crono." "Chrono" just means "time" in Greek, from Χρόνος ("Chronos", god of time). The title doesn't refer to the kid with the red hair, it refers to the egg that can trigger time travel to a specific moment without a gate.

>> No.8959414
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>I really want to see a game where you hire people or recruit them for your party. Just rando npcs with rando generation that happen to be in the tavern or on the streets.

At least this part of your idea exists in Radiata Stories, a PS2 RPG that few people seem to remember but I enjoyed a lot. Almost every single character walking around town can be added to your party.

No permadeath though, although at one point you lock yourself out of half of your party members due to a "choosing sides" kind of thing, which might put you on the opposite of a war from the people you were pals with until that point in the game.

>> No.8959443

Magus wasn't evil. He was chaotic neutral. He just had to do what he had to do to gain power to kill Lavos.

Cross is Kato fanfiction
It's not by the OG Dream Team hence it's not canon

>> No.8959448

>Chrono Trigger is Magus's story.
Shut up Kato

>He's the only party member actively making conscious decisions that influence the plot

>> No.8959451

>Supposedly the Zealians dyed their hair
This is NEVER EVER mentioned in the original game

>> No.8959459

>Supposedly the Zealians dyed their hair
The Zealians were clearly the descendants of the Laruba tribe from 65 Million BC you moron.
The Superior Laruba Tribe were selected by Lavos while the primitive Iokans remained earthbound.
When Zeal went down the Iokans and Larubans copulated thereafter.

>> No.8959461

>He's a villainous cunt who's only out for revenge.
He's not a villain at all. He's just an anti-hero who wants to stop Lavos.
Cope incel.

>> No.8959472

>Mega Man 2 is the most overrated retro game.

Chrono Trigger is not overrated
It's a masterpiece that hipsters cry about

>> No.8959480

Chrono Trigger is about ensuring Marle's ancestors get laid and their bloodline survives over 65 million years just so Crono can impregnate her and ensure a race of ultra Chads for the next 65 million years. And his wedding gift is killing a planetary parasite.

>> No.8959509

>He's known worldwide
Where in the hell was that ever mentioned in the OG FF7?
All that's mentioned is that he's the most respected member of SOLDIER. Also when the hell did Sephiroth and Cloud bond in the OG?
This must be some Compilation bullshit.

Either way he was never ever considered a hero in the OG FF7.

>> No.8959528

>Technically, his name is "Crono."
Technically that's just text limitation.
His name is obviously Chrono but they were limited to 5 letters.

If you look at the Japanese Katakana they are spelled the same.

クロノ = Kurono
クロノ・トリガー = Kurono Toriga

Stop being a dumbass

>> No.8959607

> It's not that he's a villain for the sake of being one - he's motivated by more personal stakes than "saving the world" or "being a hero."
I mean, there's always an excuse to be evil. Villains usually have a reason to be villains, "evil for the sake of evil" is extremely rare outside of specific types of genre fiction (where it's usually coded propaganda against the mentally ill cough The Joker cough)

>> No.8959689

>Also when the hell did Sephiroth and Cloud bond in the OG?

The flashback, but it was actually Zack bonding with Sephiroth. Or Cloud's deluded fake memories with him in Zack's place. Or both.

>> No.8959762

>Magus wasn't evil. He was chaotic neutral. He just had to do what he had to do to gain power to kill Lavos.

That's evil. If your actions will cause harm to others, and you know they will cause harm to others, then they're evil. And you're an idiot.

>> No.8959774

it's not that evil
it's like saying would you start a war if doing so would prevent a worldwide disease
the war would kill a lot of people sure, but would it kill as many people as it would've if medical science didn't advance as quickly without said war? like a lot quicker that is not like by just months, like by a decade let's say
idk where i'm going with this hypothetical but you get the idea right, it's basically like that except he didn't start the war himself but ya know

>> No.8959780

well actually ig he didn't even care about the "disease", besides as a personal grudge so to speak so the hypothetical was kinda shit and unrelated but yeah

>> No.8959847

>Where in the hell was that ever mentioned in the OG FF7?
I haven't played the game in ages, but cloud failing to be on par with sephiroth and being a lowly shinra grunt was a big part of his backstory (and his shame of not having truly "made it"). Sephiroth was indeed known as being king shit of fuck mountain.

>> No.8959871
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Sephiroth's entire claim to fame even in the original game was that he was a "hero" from the Wutai war. Why do you think people wanted to take pictures with him when he showed up in Nibelheim? It turned out to all be propaganda but he was definitely seen as a hero by the general public thanks to his combat prowess during the war. Shinra covered up the Nibelheim incident so as to avoid the bad PR and secretly try to reproduce the results with all the "clones."

>No it wasn't.
It absolutely was. It just flew over most people's heads if it was one of their first RPGs which for FFVII turned out to be a lot of people. But anyone who had been playing Final Fantasy games for the previous ten years would have had a bunch of oh shit moments.

Cliche: Your hero is a warrior or some kind of high class knight.

FFVII: Cloud presents as a first class member of an elite military unit but turns out to be one of the many random grunts you've been beating up all game.

Cliche: The chesty brawler is assertive and alluring.

FFVII: Tifa is shy and a hopeless romantic.

Cliche: The white mage is purity pureness.

FFVII: Aerith is manipulative, flirty, and streetwise.

The game keeps setting up expectations and then pulling the rug out later on. It even does this doubly so with the Temple of the Ancients. Final Fantasy IV had a lot of fake out deaths. Cait Sith "sacrificies" himself at the Temple of the Ancients and then in a very silly twist shows up again five minutes later because he's a remote controlled doll so there was never any actual danger. There's no real reason for this seemingly pointless event to be in the game until you realize that it was meant to lull the player into a false sense of security by evoking those FFIV fakeouts.

FFVII is weirdly underrated for such a popular game. All the misdirection doesn't work anymore but it's surprisingly clever if you play it with the perspective of someone in 1997 with a lot of RPGs under their belt at the time.

>> No.8959872

Technically technically, Japanese transliteration is all based on syllable phonetics, so as long as they're pronounced the same, no one cares. Also I believe the DS version added at least one more character and "Crono" is still the default.

>> No.8959886

>Either way he was never ever considered a hero in the OG FF7.

Literally the reason Cloud tries to join SOLDIER is because he wants to feel like a hero like Sephiroth, who is famous even in backwater villages like Nibelheim. It's established super early on.

>> No.8959890

>it's not that evil
It's absolutely evil. Neutral isn't a disregard for the consequences of your actions.

>> No.8959901

I think you're underselling Chrono Trigger's digestibility. There is literally no RPG I can think of that has matched it's plot structure. If you use the names of the save files as a guide you can see how well it's paced. It's the only RPG I can think of that follows an A/B plot with each section having it's own three act structure. Every event opens with a goal, there's a complication of that goal, and then the resolution that closes out that chapter launches into the next goal. And this happens throughout the game. The B plots stay localized to the chapters (ex: save the queen, get the gate key back, etc) while the A plot is the thing you need to complete the B plot to accomplish (ex: get back to 1000AD, stop Lavos, etc.) And each of the B plots is directly connected to the A plot. It's not just random quests thrown at you.

>> No.8959921

There's a theory that the reason the gate that lets Lucca save her mother is red is because it's Lavos that opened it. The theory being that since it was the accident that drove Lucca to take up science in the first place Lavos wanted to give her a chance to fix it on the hunch that she wouldn't become an inventor and then not invent the telepod and gate key in the first place. It turns out to be moot since she takes up science in either scenario but it would have been a cunning strategy if that's what was happening. It's just not clear if Lavos has the intelligence to engage in that kind of indirect warfare. But considering the weirdness of that specific gate (the color, the fact that it goes to a different physical location rather than the same spot in a different time period) it stands to reason there was something going on there.

>> No.8959947
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Marle makes healing practical with aura whirl. Ayla I use for falcon hit and volt bite. Kills everything, pretty much.

>> No.8960035

Marle is underrated. People sleep on her because she lacks a level 3 attack spell but she pairs well with every other character in the game.

>> No.8960060

Totally agree. I kill him every time. No way I'm going to stand there and let him talk shit about my recently killed friend, who died courageously in battle, without instant and fierce reprisal. Much less let him join us afterwards. Fuck Magus. It's also in keeping with Frog's character, who values honor and has been waiting for this moment for ages.

>> No.8960202
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>aaah noooo why did Schala's hair color change what hacks

>Janus' eye color and hair changed, he grew a widow's peak, giant elf ears, a huge chin and vampire teeth? BASED

>> No.8960216

that's just puberty

>> No.8960224

Like most theories there's a pretty obvious flaw in it. Even if Lucca does save her mom, it's not PAST Lucca that does it. It's still future Lucca that did it. More to point even without her mom being an issue with her dad still working as an inventor there's a more than probably chance she'd follow in his shoes anyways. No the more likely reason is that Lucca just needed some actual character development and this was the way they did it and like always fan theories are just retarded.

>> No.8960238
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I wanted him in my party faggot.

>> No.8960337

>It was self defense
Magus was literally waging a war of extermination against all mankind at the time. Might help to put things into perspective.
The Frog King stole it first.

>> No.8960457
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The people of 600 AD are certainly willing to live and let live a tamed Magus. They're affected by him than you are.

>> No.8960816

Its not just wild fan theories though. The game itself gets real weird in that scene. The characters start talking about an entity and shit and how the gates may be deliberately placed by something conscious. The game doesn't address this before or after this one sidequest and that happens to be the exact moment a red gate appears. Its not just people being retarded. The game obviously was insinuating something there.

>> No.8960819

Based FFVII understander

>> No.8960841
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So,where is king zeal?

>> No.8960845

He got Gestahl'd.

>> No.8960874

I imagine it's hinted at elsewhere, but when you decline to fight Magus, he does suggest there's a way to revive Crono. He's not a complete asshole, and like it's been said in this thread, killing Cyrus was self-defense. Cursing Frog was going too far really, but it's not inconceivable that Magus, having been around Ozzie for quite some time, may have become a bit of a dick.

That said, I do think they should've cleared up the conflict better since you can bring Magus along in Frog's sidequest.

Also, are we sure the translation is giving us the right impression? Based Woolsey is great, but...

>> No.8960897

At this point, Magus is convinced that there's nothing more he can do to stop Lavos, so he figures he might as well give Frog his desired vengeance by riling him up into blind rage. Basically "suicide by cop".

>> No.8960958


>> No.8960970
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Anyone else found it silly how in the DS port, you can bring Magus to fight the Dream Devourer, and another Magus shows up? Not to mention you'd think your Magus would react more strongly to meeting himself, or the whole situation, really. I think he just says something alone the lines of "No... Impossible!" Goes to show you how rushed the extra content was.

>> No.8961036
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To be fair, turning Glenn into a Frog-man made him stronger than he ever was as a literal NPC.
DS shittiness aside, it's pretty clear that the Magus in Time's Eclipse is from a possible/alternate future rather than necessarily Crono's party. I mean, you CAN kill Magus and still meet him, which should tip you off. They're clearly trying to rationalize Guile, but at the same time, have their cake and indicate it may not be the same as YOUR Magus.

>> No.8961043

I know what they were going for. It's still shoddily executed. Far better would've been either to have Magus as a required character for the fight (I don't care about an "alternate" Magus, I care about MY Magus), or have him follow you just to get BTFOd, or something like that. Having another Magus show up while yours is right there without meriting any kind of outstanding comment from your party is just lazy.

>> No.8961497

>This is weird
Is not validation for inane theories.

>> No.8961650

>Game intentionally raises questions
>"not validation for theories! herp!"

>> No.8961726

Just because there's a question doesn't mean any answer works to fill it. More to the point you're looking at things from the wrong way. As a piece of fiction everything is at the whim of the writer. And while I agree that the writer will bring things up for a reason, but it's the nature of that reason. In this case it's Lucca needing character development and a means to to establish it. All that talk was just a way to set up that thread. Nothing more. Nothing less. You are making a literal mountain out of a molehill with wild theories and accusations that have no greater purpose to their most obvious and functional ones.

>> No.8961738

Personally, I really wish they just wouldn't have done that, like at all, because Guile in CC is absolutely just bland and boring. It would have been better to just imply that your world is safe, but that only applies to your dimension and as a result of Lavos and Schalla morphing, yours is in indirect danger. Have the ending be Lucca and the gang trying their best to alter a parallel dimension, which is where Chrono Cross comes into play.

>> No.8961787
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Why yes I do travel through time with my monkey wife and metal friend, how can you tell?

>> No.8961843

Even official art confirms best team.

>> No.8961869

>made him stronger than he ever was as a literal NPC
If you mean "having a persona gives him more confidence in himself" then you're right, but it's established that Glenn is the superior swordsman out of him and Cyrus, even before the transformation.

>> No.8961885

I don't have a problem with people thinking that the gate is just a plot device. But to call theories retarded when the game is intentionally trying to get you to come up with theories is itself retarded. The game presents a very weird situation and has the characters converse about that exact situation without actually telling you what gives. It clearly wants the player to think about it. If it were just "oh it's Lucca's side quest" then why isn't it set up the same way the other side quests are?

>> No.8962184

Best team is the one that can do Triple Raid.

>> No.8962185

>hurp lets get rid of a useful party member

>> No.8962191

Choose one. Game is just so easy at that point you can get away with gimping yourself by using Magus

>> No.8962201

Theories are retarded because they're just idiots looking for any slight justification for their own goddamn fanfic.

>If it were just "oh it's Lucca's side quest" then why isn't it set up the same way the other side quests are?
Because the writers basically forgot Lucca even existed as a character

>> No.8962563

What are you talking about? She's crucial to the moon stone sidequest, fights Magus if Frog isn't in your active party, and taunts Zeal if Magus isn't there.

>> No.8962606

Having dialogue priority in cutscenes isn't the same as actual relevance.

>> No.8962614

She's at least better off than Ayla who doesn't even get her own sidequest unless you count the Giant's Claw.

>> No.8962720

Killing is too kind though
There should be an option to just cut off all of his limbs

>> No.8962829

>grew a widow's peak
It's called male pattern baldness, and it can happen to the best of us.

>> No.8962835

>but it's established that Glenn is the superior swordsman out of him and Cyrus, even before the transformation.

When and how? From what I can remember of the flashbacks, he might as well have been Tata.

>> No.8962849

One of Frog's flashbacks when you bring him the sword. He as Glenn and Cyrus are chatting on the bridge about the latter joining the knights, and Cyrus admits that Glenn is the better swordsman between them in spite of his pacifism and should also join up.

>> No.8962880

>Marle makes healing practical with aura whirl
Robo’s Heal Beam is way better if you feed him magic tabs when you get the chance

>> No.8962883

Ayla actually still does a better job of being unique. Luca is basically the back up girlfriend to the princess.

>> No.8962920

This is what hurts Marle a lot. There's really no reason Robo should have such good healing. She gets redundant.

>> No.8963096
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Nah, Janus has a fivehead so if that was mpb it would look far worse.

>> No.8963113
File: 7 KB, 506x226, dad9j2h-c8d8b78e-4501-46bb-9b65-66260c951046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's established that Glenn is the superior swordsman out of him and Cyrus

And still a jobber to Magus. Magus deliberately made him stronger, to give him a fair chance for the next time. And he still needed a faggy sword to break through Magus' barrier for him LMAO

>> No.8964040

huh i always allowed him because egdy teen is cool when you are a egdy teen , didnt knew you can kill him for real

>> No.8964137

good point, havent played on years but i assume dev team just assume kids woulndt care because muh dbz egdy qizard

>> No.8964291

*medic sips coffe*
Masato kato
*he and soldier laughs*

>> No.8964296

>Magus was literally waging a war of extermination against all mankind at the time
That was Ozzie. Magus only cared about summoning Lavos.

>> No.8964343

Magus could transform men into frogs.
He had every reason to transform himself to become more intimidating, given the role he was playing in 600 AD.

>> No.8964345
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lol sounds like a nice guy

>> No.8964412

Well, he intended to kill it but the party intervened.
Funnily enough they probably saved his life considering we later see he's no match against Lavos alone.

>> No.8964421

I forget, do they initially present Magus as having been defeated by Guardia? Or does the game not say one way or the other? It makes sense that Guardia won by default due to Magus managing to summon Lavos and getting BTFOd, leaving the Mystics leaderless.

>> No.8964584
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Why did Frog steal Earthworm Jim's suit?

>> No.8964640

When you first get to Medina it's clear Magus lost but made enough of an impact for the Mystics to be really salty about it. Probably because Ozzie was still around feeding the animosity. What's unclear is whether Magus is beaten by Guardia or dies to Lavos after successfully summoning it without your intervention. It's possible that his castle just collapses mysteriously one day and nobody knows what the fuck happened, giving Guardia the advantage. If Ozzie Slash and Flea happened to be chilling there and not having been fighting you at the time they would have been killed too.

>> No.8965621
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>Ozzie Slash and Flea
Hey guys. Have you ever noticed that these are the names of real life musicians?
This is crazy.