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8944157 No.8944157 [Reply] [Original]

So Micheal Jackson bought out the creative distribution rights of a bunch of bands and made them essentially employees that make music for him, and one of those bands is "The Jetzons", and they made this song "Hard Times", which MJ then went on to put into Sonic 3 in the "IceCap" level because he owned the melody etc. But then Sega decided they didn't wanna be associated with MJ so his name was removed from the credits. But the song was still in the game so that's why Sega never fucking re-releases Sonic 3. Because they are too cheap to pay Paris Jackson or whoever the fuck?

>> No.8944176

>never re releases
Quit parroting this shit
The ps3 collection and xbla versions of Sonic 3 have all the original music intact, and not that anti-MJ pc midi jank

>> No.8944189

It's cheaper to put out sonic shovelware #267 in the current year than to pay royalties to the Jackson estate. Sonic absolutely peaked at 3, the greatest platformer if all time, and it is forever shunned by Sega. Another dumb move by the dumbest motherfuckers in the industry

>> No.8944193

Sega always avoids porting Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles whenever they can get away with it. "Mega Drive Classics" on PS4 doesn't have Sonic 3 or Sonic & Knuckles. I'm guessing because it's a giant headache due to the MJ stuff.

>> No.8944201

I remember one of those shitty plug-and-play Genesis multi-games that had Sonic 1, 2, and S&K, but no Sonic 3.

>> No.8944206

>that anti-MJ pc midi jank
Apparently the replacement tracks sound good on a Genesis, for which they were originally composed.

>> No.8944215

Brad Buxer, Michael's producer and creative collaborator was also in Sonic 3 and was one of The Jetzons, it's due him we got Ice Cap, however in interviews back in the very late 00's he claimed never playing the game so he probably doesn't even know Hard Times is Ice Cap Zone.

>> No.8944216

anything sounds good on genesis chip if you're aint a retard composer, my dude

>> No.8944217

They sounded more like rejected Sonic 2 songs compared to how Angel Island, Hydrocity, and Marble Garden sounded.

>> No.8944225

>anything sounds good on genesis chip
If you like fart sounds, I guess.

>> No.8944259
File: 71 KB, 500x723, mj sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the song that means that Sega doesn't wanna port/remaster Sonic 3. It's exactly the same as 'IceCap Zone". Maybe Sega has to pay the MJ estate a percentage everytime or something?

>> No.8944282

Genesis sound is famously terrible

>> No.8944293

S3 credits is also a song called Stranger in Moscow
I’m guessing things got messier after he went moonwalking in the afterlife

>> No.8944303
File: 1022 KB, 1200x1600, SO_base_portrait_1200x1600-b6561f0de87bd51dd83b3b338dd54310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys live in a cave? Sonic 3 will get rereleased in a month. Wait until we hear what music it uses, than we will have more information to speculate on.

>> No.8944312

Stranger in Moscow is on the MJ HIStory album

>> No.8944370

oh yeah, the credits theme from Sonic 3 sounded like it a lot. Cheap-ass Sega depriving innocent autists of a good Sonic 3 port because they're scared of Sony or the MJ estate.


This and IceCap are why we haven't got a decent S3 port.

>> No.8944998

Is sonic 3 like hard to find or something? Is there no room of it? Why worry about a re release when you can get the original game? Sure it's convenient to have them all on one disk, but you can have the entire Genesis library on one cart. This is just complaining to have something to say, no different than what I'm doing.

>> No.8945035

I kinda hope they do use Genesis versions of the PC tracks, just because it would be neat to hear them in an official product and I can go play the original versions a shit ton of different ways if I actually want the original music.

>> No.8945302

he is either lying or didn't know that MJ ganked it for Icecap Zone. It is literally the same song.

>> No.8945562

I think it's more likely he put in Hard Times in because it was unreleased and he thought because he wrote it that the rights are his to give away. But then the record company actually released it and he realised he fucked up so had to claim it wasn't him.

>> No.8945603

not really.
while michael did the music from sonic 3 sega wasn't the one that didn't want to be associated with michael it was michael that didn't want to be associated with games so he asked his name to be removed from the game.
sonic 3 is released on the megadrive classics at least japan version.

>> No.8945662
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>But then the record company actually released it and he realised he fucked up
Except the original song wasn't released until 2008

>> No.8945698

Wasn't it because he wasn't satisfied with the results of his work and didn't want to be associated with it?

>> No.8945731

The Sonic 3 tune came first, Jackson heard it and liked it so much he turned it into Stranger in Moscow. Brad Buxer, his music director who wrote the Sonic 3 songs talked about it on a podcast.


>> No.8945738 [DELETED] 

Not him but according to Kalinske it was the diddling charges that resulted in Michael not being associated with Sega at that time. But he did later come back as Space Michael.

>> No.8945904


>> No.8946027

They released S3 and S&K on most compilations until mid-late 2011, when they suddenly stopped being included on anything new. That was also right around the same time when some of the composers MJ worked with started talking about lawsuits, so it's pretty clear what happened.

>> No.8946186
File: 7 KB, 320x224, mcsonic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Micheal Jackson bought out the creative distribution rights of a bunch of bands and made them essentially employees that make music for him, and one of those bands is "The Jetzons", and they made this song "Hard Times", which MJ then went on to put into Sonic 3 in the "IceCap" level because he owned the melody etc. But then Sega decided they didn't wanna be associated with MJ so his name was removed from the credits. But the song was still in the game so that's why Sega never fucking re-releases Sonic 3. Because they are too cheap to pay Paris Jackson or whoever the fuck?
This is fiction by Anti-MJ shitposters/Sonic 2 Nostalgia Boomers/Sonic 3 haters with Mickey Mouse ears

The truth is that MJ had nothing to do with Th Jetzons or any bands. Brad Buxer who was working for MJ at the time simply repurposed one of the unreleased songs he had composed for The Jetzons for Ice Cap Zoe.

The rest of the songs were created entirely original with some references to MJ's songs like Carnival Night referencing "Jam"

Sonic Pocket Adventure also used the MJ version of Knuckles theme iirc.

They sound like crap. Like discarded Genesis 3D Blast/Game Gear tracks and not like 3&K tracks. They were clearly placeholder junk.
The only good one and the only that is 3&K-worth is the Competition Select one

Also most likely they they intended to replace all of MJ's work when the allegations came out but due to the McDonalds tie-in they didn't have any time and they couldn't use those awful replacement tracks to so they said fuck it and went with the MJ tracks for the remaining stuff(10 tracks in total).

>> No.8946193

>They sounded more like rejected Sonic 2 songs
They sounded nothing like Sonic 2.
More like rejected Genesis Sonic 3D Blast or Game Gear tracks.
Only good one was the Competition Select one although that one imo didn't fit for a Competition Select and I would have preferred it if they used it for an extra 2P Stage instead ala Chrome Gadget/Endless Mine/Azure Lake etc.

>> No.8946195

>"referencing" a song that was created 2 years later

>> No.8946206
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>Jackson heard it
Jackson literally participated in composing it in the first place.
He definitely heard all of those finished 41 demo tracks before they mailed them to Sega of Japan in 1993.

Fuck MJ Estate/Sony/Sega for holding those Demo Tapes hostage. Greedy Jews.
That's like 3-4 albums worth of MJ stuff right there.

>tfw you will never ever know what the original MJ version of Hydrocity Zone Act 2 sounded like
And that fucker Roger Hector really hyped up the version MJ composed and even Naoto Oshima said it sounded crazy.

>Naoto Ohshima: Michael Jackson was kind enough to make some music for the game. He sent us a demo tape, and we all gathered around to listen to it. And it was music, but… Michael Jackson had made all of it with his mouth. <hums a beat> It was like that, but layer after layer of it, complete with oohs and aahs, a drum track, simulated trumpets - all simply hummed by Michael Jackson. And of course his trademark "Wow!" A multitrack recording in which every track was hummed by Michael Jackson - we could not believe it.
>Ultimately, due to various incidents which took place, we were not able to use the Michael Jackson songs. But Sega probably still possesses that phantom Michael Jackson tape!

>John Szczepaniak: Was there a working prototype with his voiced music?

>Naoto Ohshima: I don't know. But even if there was, I'd think it would pale in comparison to the value of a never-released tape of Michael Jackson doing a cappella recordings.


>> No.8946213

Fucking kill yourself.
You are not a real fan.

>> No.8946221

Those are unsubstantiated reports based on Buxer hypothesizing that maybe MJ didn't like the audio quality of the Genesis.

MJ knew how the Genesis sounded. FFS he designed both the Arcade and Genesis versions of his Moonwalker game.

>> No.8946232

Jam single came out in 1992 dumbass
It was featured in his Dangerous album in 1991 before that

>> No.8946238

If that’s true, how come people didn’t immediately recognise that the Sonic track was literally sampling Jam?

>> No.8946258

>how come people didn’t immediately recognise that the Sonic track was literally sampling Jam?
They did. Just back then the internet wasn't really around.
There's been Sonic 3/MJ music comparisons in Youtube since the 2000s.

Also to be fair the sampling from Jam used in Carnival Night is brief and subtle.

>> No.8946271

>o no a music sequence in my game has copyright that I don't want to pay
>how could I ever get around this, I don't know
>what do you mean modify a couple of bytes so that the melody is different?

>> No.8946275

Also another thing to keep in mind is that back in the 90s those were the "sampling days" after Vanilla Ice blew that lid open with "Ice Ice Baby" so it became pretty acceptable practice to sample and nobody thought anything of it since people who recognized it probably just assumed that Sonic 3 sampled MJ and never thought anything of it.

For example you have Yoko Shimomura and tons of other Capcom composers(like Manami Matsumae) in the late 80s/early 90s literally aping the shit out of Japanese 80s Band "T-Square" with both Shimomura and Matsumae ripping off "TRAVELERS"(Shimomura ripping it off for Guile's theme). I bet Japanese people at the time noticed this but thought nothing of it.

To bring it back to Sonic for a bit, Hataya basically ripped off "Walk the Walk" from UK Jazz-Funk Band "Shakatak" for Stardust Speedway.

>> No.8946280

Changing Sonic 3K's music is sacrilege

>> No.8946318

>my dude

>> No.8946340

>>tfw you will never ever know what the original MJ version of Hydrocity Zone Act 2 sounded like
He didnt compose Hydrocity Act 2. Masayuki Nagao arranged Hydrocity Zone Act 2 & Lava Reef Act 2.

>> No.8946352

Calm your tits, furfag.

>> No.8946620

I have nothing to add but I remember Marvel went bankrupt in the 90's, Micheal Jackson almost bought the entire company. And now I'm imagining how that timeline would've looked like

>> No.8947178

>Also most likely they they intended to replace all of MJ's work when the allegations came out but due to the McDonalds tie-in they didn't have any time and they couldn't use those awful replacement tracks to so they said fuck it and went with the MJ tracks for the remaining stuff(10 tracks in total).
Wrong. The Sega tracks came first, as can be seen by the proto. They began replacing the Sega tracks with the MJ tracks, but never finished.

>> No.8947306 [DELETED] 

>The FALSE and REFUTED diddling charges brought forth by a LYING KIKE
Fixed your typo.

>> No.8947349

>The Sega tracks came first
And they were shit.

>> No.8947415 [DELETED] 

Whether he stuck his dick in there is unknown. What is known is he admitted to sleeping with children in his bed. Macaulay Culkin also admitted to this. The first accuser also identified MJs penis (lmao) so he was obviously naked in front of kids at one point. MJ paid the kid 20 mil to drop the charges and settle out of court.
Would you let MJ sleep with your kids?

>> No.8948265

Right about the time Sonic 3 started being conspicuously absent from compilations. Song was released in September 2008 and the last time Sonic 3 was released in a compilation was February 2009. Lawyers arguing ever since.