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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8942809 No.8942809 [Reply] [Original]

How is this one gonna play out? Poster says he wants to dump it himself so that’s a good sign. This is a big deal but he shouldn’t have shared this before dumping the rom. He’s going to get offers from hoarders now.
Will we get a brand new N64 game or will Reddit drop the ball?


>> No.8942879

Who cares about this shit game

>> No.8942881

He’s gonna sell that shit to a chang hoarder that offers him $20k

>> No.8942889

Once again reddit proving to be vastly superior to this pozzed board

>> No.8942950

I just offered him 25K, wish me luck!!!

>> No.8942962

>iphone filename
unironically kys yourself you phone posting faggot

>> No.8942971

He'll pull a byuu and only throw up a CRC hash after dumping the rom. Maybe he'll give the game to EA too, just to fucking ruin things.

>> No.8942989

I was waiting for this response. Yes sometimes I lay in bed and use my phone to browse the internet sometimes and so do you, sperg.

>> No.8943005

>and so do you, sperg.

Not him but I don't. Keeping up with mobile phones is for zoomies and I hate how everyone expects you to be available 24/7 and answer within the second. Fuck off, I'm not your dog.

>> No.8943062

making yourself tracible instead of just dumping the rom anonymously

>> No.8943067

Sorry guys, I tried to dump it myself but erased the ROM in the process. Oh well now I have a nice cart to put my favourite OoT romhacks into :D

>> No.8943102

>dump rom
>show it off one leddit for gold
>get offered $20k from a hoarder
>accept the offer
>upload the rom later

>> No.8943112

>"Gonna look into making a backup, I want to do this myself and will try to do it soon"
This fucking redditor is about to fuck up his own dev cart isn't he?

>> No.8943114

Oh actually fucking based idea if I ever get a prototype that's exactly what I'll do. Fuck hoarders they deserve hell.

>> No.8943117

That doesn't stick it to the hoarders. They still own the only cart in existence. It has value while your files don't.

>> No.8943135

i wonder if they could sue you for that.

>> No.8943139

they can't legally that's your backup

>> No.8943147

They probably anticipate this and have you sign some contract before you sell it.

>> No.8943148

knowingly selling it on the pretense that it has significantly more value than it does might be illegal

>> No.8943149

That's what a sane person would think but we all know hoarders do what they do out of spite for the rest of mortals and a sense of exclusivity.
I remember hearing about this NES prototype, the dude who found it was getting offers like 3k and the likes but then he dumped it and made it public. Because of this he ended up selling it for 600.

>> No.8943151

At the time of selling it it still has the value, it's after you release the rom that it loses part of it.
Bonus points if you wait and do it anonymously.

>> No.8943152

that would make sense

>> No.8943216

This game looks really boring. is this a previously unknown project?

>> No.8943223

Not who you were talking to but if you just posted it anonymously somewhere how could the guy prove it was you? Isn’t it possible someone else had the same files? or would there be a way to compare the romdumps files and know? Either way this game looks like the most autistic use of 20k, maybe if it was something interesting I could understand

>> No.8943225

Sorry what I mean is, if this game existed on this cartridge, isn’t it within the realm of possibility a second or third cartridge contains the exact same build as a backup? Even if you didn’t upload the code, how would you know some other guy out there feasibly didn’t also have the same build on a different cart?

>> No.8943238

You can't, that's how people that leak things can get away with it.

>> No.8943252

That isn't how any of this works newfag

>> No.8943256

no opie i will not put in an offer on your shitty unfinished pilotwings 64 remake

>> No.8943257

based /vr/trooper

>> No.8943262

>SimCopter 64
Holy shit I would have spent so many hours in this as a kid. Hopefully this guy doesn’t fuck it up.

>> No.8943263

>he cant DELET read-only memory with only an N64 and a controller
wow scrub much?
git gud

>> No.8943395

>They still own the only cart in existence. It has value while your files don't.
they dont care about value they care about owning something that no one else will be able to, if anyone can play a rom they wont want to hoard it because they cant circle jerk over it or show off screenshots so people suck their virtual cocks

>> No.8943406

Selling it to them is still feeding the market, regardless of whether you dump it afterwards or not. If you want to "stick it", you dump the rom and destroy the cart. If you keep it you're also a hoarder. So are "museums".


How would that even work considering neither person own the cart or its content. This isn't a game you bought in a store (and even if it was, you still don't own the data on the ROM), the entirety of it belongs to the original publisher or whoever was passed on the rights since then. Two people can't make a contract deciding how someone else's properties should be handled, it has no value.

>> No.8943409

It's really not that hard to make a backup if you have the right equipment.

>> No.8943479

Or the guy who bought it leaks the ROM to get otu of the contract. It'd never work

>> No.8943496

either clueless or a desperate hoarder coping

>> No.8944051

Hope it doesn't end up like the starcraft beta. Looks like a pretty funny thing to do would be to make a mock up of earthbound 64 in unity and then a blurry video of a screen to make people think you have a prototype.

This got trashed badly in pc reviews because of technical difficulties, you were supposed to be able to fly in cities you made in sim city.

Looks awesome like pilotwings but its probably only a small demo area.

>> No.8944123

>Selling it to them is still feeding the market
What is so bad about this? I don't care if retards waste their money in old tech just because mhu nostalgia. What is important is that the files are public and that we get all the info we can about the product for the next generations.
>How would that even work considering neither person own the cart or its content.
But you do, else you wouldn't be able to sell it at all. Sames with every second hand game ever.

>> No.8944281

Why larp this hard dude? It's ok to use a phone, everyone does. Stop trying to be a contrarian. It's not impressive to be so out of touch with normality. You just come off as kind of down syndrome kid

>> No.8944285

I would doomp it, sell the game, and then release the ROM lol

>> No.8944316

I'm not talking about resale value, it's the quality of it being one of a kind. Anybody can download a rom, not anybody can own the cart.

>> No.8944340

>it's the quality of it being one of a kind. Anybody can download a rom, not anybody can own the cart.
yeah and thats why hoarders dont want people having roms

>> No.8944342

I never said I don't use a mobile phone. I said I'm not glued to it like a slave and certainly aren't going to cuddle with it in bed. I've never bought one personally and have always used those older phones given by relatives. Last month I even forgot what my PIN was. Mobile phones are nice in case of emergencies but otherwise society was better off without them. They even made video games worse, as the kind of ad-driven, free to play / pay to win shovelware design that first emerged on mobiles made its way to other platforms.

>> No.8944349

>will Reddit drop the ball?
what do you think?

>> No.8944362

The faggot will probably sell it to hoarders then donate the money to some shit charity for the upboats.

>> No.8944374

I might just dump it out of spite. 20k is a lot of money though.
I would definitely dump it first, but anyone who would pay 20k would probably want you to sign some contract.

>> No.8944479

>in the hands of a redditor
it's gone

>> No.8944485

byuu did share the differences in the revisions he found, faggot. He just publicly stated that he didn't.

>> No.8944494

Don't get too hopeful. R*dditors like showing off their protos then selling them without dumping them.

>> No.8944513

>Dump cart
>Sell cart to some dumbfuck hoarder for an easy payday, sign whatever stupid contract or whatever they want you to sign
>Release dump anonymously after a year or two anyway
>If confronted by the hoarder, say it wasn't you and you don't know shit
Any flaw in this plan?

>> No.8944552

These people are just dumpster divers that accidentally stumbled upon something """rare""" digging through the garbage heaps of Craigslist & yard sales. They know they can cash in while the price is high so they don't feel bad about flipping burgers at McDonald's. They don't really care about the game. They just know there's some slimy retard like themselves out there willing to spend thousands of pesos on it.

>> No.8944589

Even if others have the rom they still have the only cart in existence. Don't see what's so hard to understand about this.

>> No.8944707
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do they not show downvote numbers?

dude does mention he wants to sell it

>> No.8944713
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hes selling, theres several people who he coulda reached out to to get the game dumped and he hasn't been responding to them so despite saying he wants the game preserved hes not going to kek

>> No.8944726

reddit strikes again.

>> No.8944753

>But you do, else you wouldn't be able to sell it at all. Sames with every second hand game ever.

What? Since when has buying a game in a store granted you rights to modify, sell, or do whatever you want with the game data? Which is what we're talking about here, "a contract to prevent dumping the ROM". Buying a game does not mean you own everything about the game, the only thing you truly own is the plastic and cardboard. The rest of the price is being given the right to enjoy someone else's property.

And that's when you actually buy a game in a store; because on top of this in this situation we're talking about something that wasn't sold but most likely either stolen directly from the publisher, or loaned to journalists (yes, loaned), or even in the off chance it was something given to a journo, it would be given under the idea that they wouldn't spread it and to be solely used for the purpose of journalism.

So no, any sort of "contract" like that makes no sense. In fact, if the rights holder actually bothered to sue hoarders so their properties be returned, they would surely win. Obviously nobody does that because it's not worth the trouble and it would be bad rep.

>> No.8944756

Different anon here, but I don't even own a cell phone, and haven't since the flip phone/Razr days. Believe it or not, there are still a handful of us out there that just don't care about that sort of thing.

>> No.8944767 [DELETED] 
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>Different anon here, but I don't even own a cell phone, and haven't since the flip phone/Razr days. Believe it or not, there are still a handful of us out there that just don't care about that sort of thing.

>> No.8944776

preserving a game is useless if no one can play it

>> No.8944797
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Reddit moment

>> No.8944841

Legit wonder if some of the 'mostly unimportant' leaks that've happened where most of the ROMs are the same as retail with a few gems here and there aren't people getting plausible deniability in doing this.

>> No.8944860

could I "make" games that are half done and simply say that its a new game that never was released?

>> No.8944876 [DELETED] 

/qa/ lost, newfag. Go away already.

>> No.8944883

I want to find something like that and gut it just to make /vr/ seethe

>> No.8945125

>everyone who are not using their phones for browsing shitty website 24/7 are larpers and out of touch
Jump infront of a speeding truck, please.

>> No.8945126

yeah that's called forgery


>> No.8945813

What a fucking faggot. I hate reddit so much it’s unreal.

>> No.8945837

So for those of you who are angry he's selling it. What would you have done?

>> No.8945840

Hoarders will offer to buy on the grounds that the game is not dumped or the seller deletes any dumps they have. But even if you weren't planning to dump the game that's a dumb thing to agree to. Who knows if there's another copy floating around? You can't be 100% sure a dump won't ever show up so its unwise to agree to that. If someone offers to buy it the seller shouldnt guarantee anything beyond delivery of the item. If a rom happens to appear down the line thats not your problem.

>> No.8945842

Dump it, keep your mouth shut, sell it, wait six months, leak the rom.

>> No.8945845


>> No.8945848

Can you use CRISPR to hide the ROM file in binary in your pubic hair?

>> No.8945964

Literally says right there he wants to sell after dumping it so

>> No.8946028

That's literally what Game Grumps did with Soviet Jump Game. They claimed they found an unreleased Denby game from the 80s and completed it to port to PC but really it was just a marketing scam to sell the shit they made.

>> No.8946598

>backing up and preserving
Careful verbiage. Note how he’s not saying “dumping and sharing”.

>> No.8946693

Dump it, sell it, leak it here

>> No.8946715


>> No.8946768

Shut the fuck up faggot and stop talking like a wojack

>> No.8946802

if you care about some prototype of a ahitty unreleased game from 25 years ago when you could be playing an actual good game that already exists or doing literally anything else, you are legitimately retarded.

>> No.8946917

Best part is when they die in another American mass shooting or Japanese earthquake, their shit will go to their families who don't care about the intricacies of dev cart autism and will see unlabeled shit they'll either donate to the Salvation Army or chuck in the trash where it belongs, lol.
I do like when devs are seething over their top sekrit code getting leaked.

>> No.8947534

>everyone who are not using their phones for browsing shitty website 24/7 are larpers and out of touch

He didn't say that

>> No.8947995
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>Reddit OP already deleted his post and the footage he posted to the gamecollecting subreddit
kek, it's fucking over bros. Can't count on reddit for shit

>> No.8949248

Reddit did nothing wrong.

>> No.8949260

I love the PC game so I'm genuinely interested in seeing how the N64 game is.

>> No.8949271

How did anyone fall for that? I guess their audience is retards after all.

>> No.8949280
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see >>8946768

>> No.8949329

Yay we did it reddit!