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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 90 KB, 578x537, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8942115 No.8942115 [Reply] [Original]

>''''''''''stealth''''''''' game
>the stealth sucks and it's barely there
>combat (bosses) is by far the best part and saves the whole game

>> No.8942146

the bosses in Reddit Gear Solid sucks ass
it literally has no redeemable qualities except maybe the graphics for a PS1 game

>> No.8942206

I played half of mgs1 and got bored, should i start over and try it again? I beat mgs2 like 5 times and loved that one. really kino.

instead of this open world garbage why can’t they do another prequel so we can have something taking place around the mgs1 mgs2 timelines but with modern graphics with the older playstyle?

Best stealth game I ever played was mgs2, controls are great and there are a ridiculous amount of options to utilize

>> No.8942220

>I don't like popular game

>> No.8942242

but i do like it, the stealth is just bad

>> No.8942256

It took a decade for games to start releasing that had stealth as good as MGS. Try the shit in Wind Waker if you want bad stealth.

>> No.8942261

You might want to check out the twin snakes. It was a remake of 1 on 2's engine, so you get the first person aiming, holding up guards, etc. Your mileage may vary.

>> No.8942263

was the sniper rifle aiming supposed to be dogshit on purpose? I can't see why they would make it so slow.

>> No.8942264

>the stealth sucks because I'm bad at it

>> No.8942265

>sniper rifle aiming supposed to be dogshit on purpose?
yes, that's why you have the pills for the shakes

>> No.8942269

cope, i finished the game and the stealth is barebones as fuck, Thief came a year before and it was better

>> No.8942310

I didn’t play twin snakes because people said they changed way too much stuff but I may try it anyways. I feel like the entire system of mgs2 was perfect, I can’t see why no group has stolen it to use. Konami abandoned it after 1 game or 2

>> No.8942317

and he reveals himself. MGS is loved and remembered fondly by everyone while thief is as irrelevant as it gets. immersive sims have always been a trash meme genre and they never sold well for a reason.

>> No.8942321

>western pcshit

>> No.8942327

thief is the epitome of zero depth red light green light "stealth", with the added downside of a lame edgy main character and ugly graphics

>> No.8942337

Not him but I’ve only played one or two mgs games and the first one didn’t seem to rely much on stealth, from what I’ve seen almost every other mgs game plays so differently it’s almost a different series or genre. Half of mgs being so well known is how absurd or outrageous it is, not in its gameplay. unironically half of the fans got in for memes.

>> No.8942339

Thief released in the same year and had much better stealth mechanics. Splinter Cell, especially into Chaos Theory are significantly more indepth. Even Tenchu had elements that made it better.

MGS1 is just arcade stealth meant to appeal to casuals. It was never deep or even good and the whole claim to fame was that it was the game that nailed a cinematic presentation.

>> No.8942356

wasn't just the shaking, it took forever to move around, then you would get shot and have to re-adjust again, over and over

>> No.8943030

Play MG1
It was never about stealth, it was there because Snake is a pussy ass bitch

>> No.8943034

>Splinter Cell
You have shit taste.

>> No.8943043

There's a patch now to put the old PS1 music on Twin Snakes if you're interested

>> No.8943092
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 76600-snake-s-revenge-nes-screenshot-and-finds-himself-on-a-cargo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only played MG1 and Snake's Revenge on NES and MGS1

Snake's Revenge is my favourite.

>> No.8943198

If someone stole the controls and cloned the gameplay of mgs2 would they get sued or is it just too vague to be a problem? I hated every tenchu game personally because they were too clunky and Mgs2 is pretty much perfect control wise for what your tasks are. Tenchu concepts applied to mgs2 would be great. Idk why no one has combined the two into some kind of penultimate ninja game

>> No.8943205

It’s actually a tactical espionage action game.

>> No.8943232

You're right except for the part that the combat and boss fights also suck balls.

>> No.8943276


>> No.8943402

So are arcade-style games easy or hard? You schizos can't make up your goddamn minds.

>> No.8943403

You can't copyright game mechanics. Also, go play Mark of the Ninja.

>> No.8943841 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 760x704, GifSoy83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8943904

the basic stealth system in mgs1 can work, the levels just aren't designed well to accommodate it, too many wide open spaces where guard view cones aren't realistically going to be a threat. mgs2 addressed this by making every area in the game tight corridors and slightly buffing guard vision, your movement needs to be constrained for it to work.

>> No.8943925

mgs1's main problem in regards to stealth was level design and guard placement and twin snakes doesn't really do much to solve those issues.

>> No.8944165

I wish I could just punch people in the side three times and have every atom in their body dissociate.

>> No.8944170
File: 12 KB, 474x475, 1641911710031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8945013

so what exactly stops you from just playing the game loud instead of using stealth

>> No.8945382

Trick is not to readjust while aiming down sight, you're supposed to stand up, then get back down and aim. It's an intentional mechanic to make the fights with sniper wolf harder.

>> No.8945390

Yeah, but those games suck.

>> No.8945398

>unequip sniper (R1)
>press up on the D-pad
>reequip sniper
>now perfectly realigned
Wow so hard

>> No.8945403


>> No.8945704

the bosses involving the sniper are hiding, so you need to be using the scope to look for them

>> No.8945793

If you want pure gameplay, that’s what the VR missions are for, but you already knew that.

>> No.8945816
File: 137 KB, 1024x923, J-Blau-1024x923[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved by the translator.

>> No.8945836

It blew my mind learning that stuff like "codec" was coined by this guy. Kojima just called it a radio lol.

>> No.8945838

There can’t be that many differences between the Japanese and English scripts. Do you have examples?

>> No.8945857

VR Missions doesn't fix the garbage braindead simplistic as fuck stealth mechanics.

>> No.8945992

literally always thought this game was overrated. I used to go on long ass rants about it on gamefags and always got tomatoes thrown at me. Meanwhile over here everyone like yea it kinda sucks
>hey bruh backtrack to heat up the key
>oops dropped the key, backtrack more plz

>> No.8945995

You're a fag. Raiden is barely even a ninja
Tenchu is kino

>> No.8946000
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, 28251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many such cases

>> No.8946007

That’s some abysmal reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.8946019

Oh I comprehended it. That's why I called you a fag. There's nothing in MGS2 that would benefit Tenchu

>> No.8946024

no they don't bro you just like cinematic presentation it's fine admit it you want to watch a movie instead of playing a game we ain't judging bruh

>> No.8946250

Splinter Cell is so boring compared to MGS

>> No.8946263

One thing mgs(well at least 2 and 3 anyways) does well compared to splintercell especially but also thief is getting a fuzziness in your dynamic with guards, going from mgs2 or 3 to splintercell and it's really noticeable how much more robotic guard interaction is, the way guards snap instantly to different actions just feels a bit off in SC. Even as primative as mgs1 is I feel it's a little better in this area overall.

>> No.8947836

>can’t read

>> No.8947842

To this day I still haven’t finished MGS4’s story cause I just don’t care. I’ve still beaten the game a bunch of times and gotten the Big Boss rank, I just skip the cutscenes. Seethe.

>> No.8948209

>When Campbell told Snake that he would have to do 現地調達 (“acquire locally”) for his weapons, I knew I needed something that sounded like military jargon. The only problem is that no one in real life would ever put themselves in that situation if they could help it, so I coined the term OSP, or “on-site procurement,” which is still used to this day.
Damn, this guy was essential to the series.
>also created the "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!" line
what a guy

>> No.8949196 [DELETED] 

I didn't know about this but I'm familiar with JRPG localizations and they seem to do it all the time to make their game seem better than it is so I can 100% see it and believe it

>> No.8949201

I didn't know about this but I'm familiar with JRPG localizations and they seem to do it all the time to make their game seem better than it is, so I can 100% see it and believe it

>> No.8949220

Tenchu has kino ideas but of the games I’ve played, they all played roughly, like, movement speed felt off, jumping felt floaty, attacks lacked weight, it didn’t ever feel tight or responsive the way it should considering the theme. projectiles also moved really cartoonishly slow if I remember correctly.

>> No.8949323
File: 144 KB, 1024x583, what-is-a-man-miserable-pile-of-secrets-origin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't write that line, but he did find it in a pretty obscure source. I'm honestly glad he didn't write it himself, because then he would have been wasting his talent translating video games when he should have been writing plays or something.

>> No.8951134

>Stealth bad
eh I thought it was fine