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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8931174 No.8931174 [Reply] [Original]

So uhh...is it good?

>> No.8931351

Volleyball simulator (really).

I recall enjoying it back in 2016, but I forgot almost everything specific. Except volleyball.

>> No.8931538

it's a hidden gem bro!
in all seriousness yes it's good one of Konami best games, you never hear people talking about it because it wasn't released in NA which is a good thing keeping dirty reddit and e-celeb hands away from it, it's one of those games that are better to remain obscure

>> No.8931641

for god's sake keep quiet about this game don't let MJR learn about it

>> No.8931707

Too late this one's already expensive

>> No.8931725

Being popular or obscure does not affect a game's quality, take your meds.

>> No.8931751

it literally does though. bad fanbases ruin games. just look at SOTN or earthbound

>> No.8931891


>> No.8931903

If you're filtered by fanbases you might as well fuck off to /v/.
Sonic isnt bad because 99% of it's fans are furfaggot cocksuckers. Mario isn't bad because it's fans are diaper wearing toddlers. Good games transcend homo fandoms

>> No.8931906

bro if everytime you want to talk about a game you're met with really bad people yeah the game is ruined

>> No.8931913

Shut the fuck up you little punk ass bitch

>> No.8931926

Is no one going to talk about the game
What the hell do you mean by "volleyball"

>> No.8931942

You play as three characters at once. You can send an enemy flying towards the other characters, and they'll in turn give the enemy back to you (or the other character). You do this in order to build chains, which net you higher rewards when the enemy dies. It also fills your super attack bar.

The name in japanese is Over Zenith, which is also the name of the super attack. Over Zenith.OZ, got it? Like the Wizard of Oz. There's also a character named Dorothy, and you can even play as her.

Anyway, imagine you're playing Devil May Cry, but instead of SSS combos, you have volleyball chains. The game is nothing stellar, but it's unique. You also have in-battle choices that can make some bosses join you.

>> No.8932305

earthbound has enough modern indie game derivatives like undertale that i could see souring on it a bit, but do people really go on about SotN enough that it affects your opinion of the game? where are you reading this stuff? i think /vr/ talks more about CV3 or shit like SCV4 then they do symphony at this point

>> No.8932325

metroidvanias are quickly competing with earthbound inspirations

>> No.8932330

So how the fuck do i play this then?

>> No.8932401

>another PS2 """hidden gem"""
It's probably painfully mediocre and overpraised by a tiny handful of hipsters.

>> No.8933291

I tried to play this game a couple years back and thought it was jank, clunky, and boring, but you guys seem to like it a lot so I'll give it another try. Anybody have any advice so I don't get filtered?

>> No.8933294

pirate it retard

>> No.8933296

so you didn't play it? well then keep your worthless opinion to yourself faggoot

>> No.8933357
File: 259 KB, 500x215, woah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that even possible!?

>> No.8933718

Good games

>> No.8933752

Game was absolute garbage, just like the PS2 'vanias. Konami stopped being good after 5th gen.

>> No.8933767
File: 190 KB, 256x367, goemon_bjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was better.

>> No.8933862

>Game was absolute garbage
really? go on....
>just like the PS2 'vanias
oh you're that CV64 contrarian fag, i guess this confirms the game in OP pic if good

>> No.8933867

Nah, Castlevania hasn't been good since 4th gen. Konami's last good game they developed themselves was Gradius Gaiden.

>> No.8933876

>why yes i think CV2 is better than SOTN and Rondo combined how did you know?!
kys contrarian schizo

>> No.8933927

I didn't say CV2 was good lol. But yes, Rondo, Chronicles, Bloodlines all shit on the likes of CV64, SotN, Lament, Curse, and so on.