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File: 42 KB, 313x310, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8928563 No.8928563 [Reply] [Original]

>We need to collect the 4 Huge Materias to stop Shinra from using them against Sephiroth and Meteor.

This part of the story always confused me. Also if it wasn't for Shinra the Northern Crater never would've lost its barrier. It seems like just a poorly written lazy attempt at incorporating a "collect the crystals" homage to the earlier FF games. Do these 4 Huge Materia play any role in the story after you collect them? No.

>> No.8928748

Don’t forget about the Weapons being released to protect the planet, I agree that the story is a convoluted mess.

>> No.8928753

They thought they were being cute.
>It seems like just a poorly written lazy attempt at incorporating a "collect the crystals" homage to the earlier FF games.

>> No.8928791

Man, I completely forgot about this lol

Shoehorned in or not, I still remember it leading to some fun scenarios

>> No.8928819

>Do these 4 Huge Materia play any role in the story after you collect them?
How else are you going to get the 3 master materia or bahamut zero?

>> No.8928832
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>It seems like just .... attempt at incorporating a "collect the crystals"
Yes, it's a videogame, the last game in the series to remember that, and collecting crystals is a good way to have a bunch of gameplay objectives.
>Do these 4 Huge Materia play any role in the story after you collect them?
They have gameplay relevance, you can use them to get Master Materia, if you succeed in obtaining them. (You can fail at this)

Story-wise, the point of the huge materia quests is to allow time to pass for Cloud and Tifa in Mideel and then to have an immediate objective once he recovers. In case you can't recall, which I assume you cannot since you are a complete idiot, the Mideel sequence is the culmination of Cloud's growth as a character, it is the part of the game when he finally fully confronts his past, recovers his memories and reconciles the truth. It's one of the most climactic moments in the game and involves a LOT of cutscenes and storytelling. After all that, a couple of solid gameplay-focused "collect the crystal" quests and open world access is exactly what a player is going to be ready for, before the final build-up.

>> No.8928837
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It was so fucking worth it.

>> No.8928856

Not to mention that the rocket manages to significantly damage Meteor even without the Huge Materias. Maybe Shinra knew what they were doing...

>> No.8928912

>Not to mention that the rocket manages to significantly damage Meteor
No it doesn't. It just cracks the stone coating and shows the much more durable inside

>> No.8928929

>t. corporatist

>> No.8928937
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>> No.8928992

pretty sure it was so they wouldn't use them to wtfpwnbbq the planet anymore, as they usually do with such things

>> No.8929558

You can't destroy a meteor like that with a nuke either. The total mass doesn't change and gravity will pull it all back together anyway

>> No.8929728

I'd rather not have the most powerful materia in the world in the hands of Shinra, thank you.

>> No.8929851

Not everything has to be Citizen Kane, geek. It's a video game.

>> No.8930396

FF7's story is kind of a mess overall, but the first half of the game holds together better because there's always the clear goal of chasing Sephiroth stringing vignettes together. I can't even remember what was keeping you from going back to the Northern Crater until the endgame.

>> No.8930579

They weren't chasing him.
Sephiroth was summoning cloud.

>> No.8930610

>Sephiroth was summoning cloud.
It's cute that people still believe this.

>> No.8930613

Poor translation mainly. Besides that, Hojo has always been an unreliable narrator, so this should have clued people into the fact he may have just been lying out his ass.

>> No.8930615

No, it's that it's quite literally in Jenova's nature to 1) fuck with people's minds, and 2) reunion.

>> No.8930627

Yeah all the clones and cloud showed up at the same time because coincidence.

>> No.8930630

No, I mean that it wasn't Sephiroth.

>> No.8930639

But it was.
Sephiroth was controlling Jenova so he was doing the summoning

>> No.8930649

>dude a really good soldier who got stabbed by a mad country bumpkin totally dominated and controlled an eldritch parasite-alien that destroyed an entire civilization

>> No.8930650

Sephiroth was controlling Jenova to do what Jenova wants to do but Sephiroth has no reason to do?

>> No.8930664

Did tout guys even play the game?
Sephiroth made Jenova do his bidding that's how he ended up with he black materia and summoned meteor.
Jenova didn't do that he did.

>> No.8930669

yes, but the country bumpkin is an insanely strong and talented one, and the alien parasite probably isn't even sentient nor has a consciousness of its own.

>> No.8930674

Jenova deliberately deceived the Cetra. Jenova definitely has will and intelligence of its own.

>> No.8930680

It's arguable whether it has a "will" or it just "does."
Either way, within the game, as released then, Jenova being in control of it all is a perfectly legitimate interpretation of the story.

>> No.8930694

>Sephiroth made Jenova do his bidding
There's no evidence for this other than "people who are obsessed with Sephiroth were told that."
Ifalna confirmed that Jenova fucked with you based on your emotions, memories, etc.

Remember as well, that body in the tank is an ancient INFECTED with Jenova.

>> No.8930698

>Remember as well, that body in the tank is an ancient INFECTED with Jenova.

>> No.8930701

>that body in the tank is an ancient INFECTED with Jenova.
It most certainly is not.

>> No.8930705

>within the game, as released then, Jenova being in control of it all is a perfectly legitimate interpretation of the story.
no it wasn't, because the game explicitly says and shows otherwise.

>> No.8930708


>> No.8930713

The guy infected with Jenova said he's the one in charge.

>> No.8930715

Well it looks like its cannon that Sephiroth was in control the whole time

>One of the most popular theories to come out of the Final Fantasy VII fandom is that its notorious villain, Sephiroth, was a pawn of his alien forebear Jenova. The theory claims that, because Jenova has the ability to manipulate life-forms infected with her cells, Sephiroth must have been following her will throughout the plot. It's an idea that casts the antagonist as a victim of fate, forced to carry out the will of a parasite, and reframes the story as more of a cosmic horror.

>Unfortunately for theorists, it's also incorrect. The supplementary Ultimania Omega lore book confirms Sephiroth became powerful enough to dominate Jenova, not the other way around. As such, every act Sephiroth commits is entirely of his own volition. Nevertheless, the question of how the game would have changed had their roles been reversed makes for a compelling "what if?" scenario. How might Final Fantasy VII have gone had Jenova been its primary antagonist, and could such a story have been as good as what Square Enix delivered back in 1997?

>> No.8930717

>supplementary lore
stopped reading htere

>> No.8930718

You can stop reading whenever you like willful ignorance won't save you.

>> No.8930721

>The supplementary Ultimania Omega
You mean something released after years of "OMG SEPHY!!" shit?
Also, we're talking about the game, and what the game says, and not what shit that came later says.

>> No.8930728

your deliberate miscomprehension won't make ff7 any different

>> No.8930828

Maybe I'm wrong but didn't they already know at that point that Meteor couldn't be destroyed by anything other than Holy?
It would make more sense to use Huge Materia against Sephiroth who was blocking Holy and thus stopping Meteor.

>> No.8930993

No, it's Jenova pretending to be an ancient.Shinra THOUGHT it was an ancient, and used it to make weapons like Sephiroth.

>> No.8931000
File: 215 KB, 1200x882, ff7-final-battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no evidence for this
I get the argument but think you're wrong here. The main evidence is obviously that the final boss of the game is fucking Sephiroth, not Jenova. And it's Sephiroth's torso with wings coming out of the bottom suggesting that it's the final form of the original Sephiroth that was thrown by Cloud into the Mako reactor, not some kind of clone, metaphor or hallucination. Sephiroth's upper body winds up preserved in the Northern Crater where Cloud gives him the Black Materia.

It would be pointless for any sane storyteller to go through these lengths to portray Sephiroth as the final villain only for it to be "ackshually" the 3rd-to-last boss you killed.

>> No.8931015

iirc they were collecting the huge materia because they appear where Shinra is doing shit like trying to kill the bird on Mt. Condor.There's a reason you can fail and if you succeed you end up getting master materia and bahamut zero.
>allow time to pass
This is also true.

>> No.8931023

Checked, trips of truth.
It's also important to note the final final cinematic 'fight' where Cloud fights Sephiroth in his head is Cloud defeating the Jenova(sephiroth) cells in his own body, thus deleting the 'last' piece of sephiroth in hte world.

>> No.8931063

So yeah, Sephi was the villain all along, not spacemommy.

>> No.8931670

This is correct. Want to add something I said last time. FF7 is a very simple game story wise. The villains are all killed one by one in order of importance.
So Heidegger/Scarlet <Hojo <Jenova <Sephiroth finally

Jenova is a character in FF7 despite people saying it is braindead. Earlier drafts gave it more of a speaking role which was fairly feminine in comparison to Sephiroth. In the final cut it's reduced to that single line. When you fight Synthesis Cloud addresses it as: Jenova! Like an opponent. A point is made to separate it from Sephiroth. It's all in the original game.
Since the original game there has been a trend to make Jenova brain dead though. In the recent FF7 remake and Advent Children it exists only through clones which do Sephiroth's will.

>> No.8931741


Also about Jenova. I'm fairly certain Jenova is the one who killed Aerith. And this is why Square have been reluctant to attribute any agency to her since. Because it means his greatest kill was not his.
Take a look at the Ultimania for that scene:

>the battle with Jenova-LIFE begins, doing so such that it interrupts Sephiroth's words;
they're continued after the battle, but the title of whom they're credited to changes from "Sephiroth" to "Jenova." The reason for this is that the confrontation on the altar occurs with Jenova while it's displaying Sephiroth's mimed form. It then changes to a more accurate display of its true nature.

They're trying too hard to wriggle their way out of that line. Jenova left parts of herself each time she fled. Jenova Death was the end of that body but it reformed using the clones is pushed off the cliffs in whirlwind maze into Synthesis.