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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8926893 No.8926893 [Reply] [Original]

Was it justified?
I never understood why some people freak out about violence in video games, it's not like they are real people.

>> No.8926896

I mean Manhunt was admittedly a pretty fucked up game, but that was kinda the point.

>> No.8926902

I would rather have that then modern wokeness, especially since the progs have infiltrated the developers themselves.

>> No.8926905

It's unironically just the same story with people saying that games are corrupting our youth, and the other side saying "well just don't play it then". The reality is everyone except hardcore libertarians (who I hate for entirely different reasons) have no principles on this and are perfectly willing to ban anything they don't like.

>> No.8926906

It's history. Actually, factually this happens with every new entertainment medium. There's articles about how mass production of newpapers and books would lead to family values being degraded as people read and no longer talk to each other, which sounds awfully familiar. Music had bans on blues and rock and roll for similar reasons. Movies were rallied against, then color was seen as this thing that was going to render people blind. I'm sure if we ever get a virtual reality space that isn't an advertising trap, there will be bans and rallying against that as well. It never fails. New is scary.

>> No.8926913

It was akin to the backlash EC Comics got back in the 50’s

>> No.8926915
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It's still around, but on a much smaller scale. Moral panics are part of human nature.

>> No.8926918

Neck yourself.

>> No.8926919

This, every generation thinks technology is going to warp the next generation into the wrong type of people and destroy society. When historically, the societies that do get destroyed from within (ike the Soviet Union largely are destroyed for the exact opposite reason, that they were so ideologically committed to one way of doing things forever that they were incapable of handling reforms without tearing themselves apart when said reforms actually became necessary to save the system.

>> No.8926929

So when are we going to have a sex game hysteria? Since we partly normalized gore and blood, the next logical step is go from softcore to hardcore porn in mainstream games. Even based Japan is pretty reactionary here and refuses to show full penetration in FF15.

>> No.8926930

No, whataboutism would be me saying "ignore X because the other side does Y" which is not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's wrong when either side does it, let creators make the games they want and if they make a shitty product, don't buy it. This isn't the days of Comcast being the only ISP in town, you have near-infinite choice of what kinds of games you want to play.

>> No.8926934

do yank boomers still buy into that crap? it seems pretty quaint now

>> No.8926942

>So when are we going to have a sex game hysteria?
I mean there was the Rapelay incident

>> No.8926945

Nobody wants full blown sex in mainstream games.

>> No.8926948

I mean maybe if they could find a way to not make it look cringey every single goddamn time they try.

>> No.8926962

Nobody wanted full blown gore in mainstream games either before some people started pushing the boundaries.
And I am pretty zoomers are a lot hornier than the previous generations.

>> No.8926975

I mean, porn games are now listed on steam, and they sometimes appear in the best sellers section.

>> No.8926980

One thing is for certain, only people who don't play games take this kind of alarmism seriously. Tucker will probably switch to covering gaming drama when zoomers and GenXers become his main audience.

>> No.8926990

And still no nudity in Elden Ring. Get with the times, From.

>> No.8927003

there definitely will be one; sex is the new topic because there are a lot of games that glorify kinks that people shame a lot, and because of VR. Calling it right now that a lot of fake porn that is deemed "degenerate" will be banned in the future once VR porn catches on, people will worry about the implications/brainwashing of VR.

>> No.8927008

No media scare is ever justified.

>> No.8927012


>> No.8927025

Oh man, if /vr/ hits mainstream, I promise you some of the first major apps will be the following.

Social media app that focuses on virtual hangout (VR chat is basically this.)
App that lets you digitally go to events as if you were there, focused on games, concerts and the like. (Facebook is trying to do this, mixed results.)
App that focuses on heavy milsim with realistic movements (Pavlov is getting here)
App that's the internet but VR, effectively the matrix (We aren't quite here yet)

Followed by the following.

App that simulates sex
Church apps funded by Christian think tanks.
Apps that are actually viruses meant to fuck with the user, maid mainly for clout, followed by actual malicious wares.
Probably the first actual exclusive VR gaming app, most likely a sim of some sort, like a dog-fighter.

From there, it get's fuzzy. Promise you about the time the church gets it's claws in that you're gonna see major censoring.

>> No.8927028

Everyone was offended when Master Chief had seggs

>> No.8927046

No, it was genuinely just old people being terrified of things they didn't understand. It's blatantly obvious that fictional depictions of violence don't turn people into killers. The generation that grew up with things like Spaghetti Westerns and Hammer Horror movies should have known this to begin with.
If video games are doing anything, it's getting kids addicted to video games, and that is maybe an issue that bears looking at, although then again, video games are more often than not just a retreat from a shitty life. Are we going to talk about the elements of modern life, and modern schooling that are making children depressed, or are we just going to keep finding scapegoats?

>> No.8927105


>> No.8927118

>So when are we going to have a sex game hysteria?
I mean we already have a huge new wave of people on social media sites going on witch hunts and calling people pedophiles over loli hentai. Only a matter of time before it starts extending to rape porn, incest porn, furry porn, eventually it'll be "he didn't ask for consent on camera only rapists watch this" and then the logical conclusion will be trying to cancel Brazzers and PH and getting porn banned altogether.

>> No.8927119
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Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?

>> No.8927135

>Apps that are actually viruses meant to fuck with the user
LOL imagine the VR equivalent of those old prank sites where you try to solve a maze and then a screaming exorcist image comes out of nowhere.

They were offended because it's retarded not because it was sex.

>> No.8927165

Damn, I forgot about The Suffering and State of Emergency. I love both of those games. SoE was like a prototype to Dead Rising and even had a semi-decent sequel, and The Suffering was basically Silent Hill meets Manhunt in a prison setting.

>> No.8927181

The moral panic around video games was never anything more than Nintendo trying to start shit anytime they were getting their ass kicked in sales in America. They eventually realized their wholesome kiddie image repealed more people than it brought in, and the negative controversy just increased the sales for competitors, and stopped doing it, which is why it's hasnt been a thing for almost 20 years now, outside of a short news bit to scare boomers whenever a mass shooting happens

>> No.8927189

Shitty parents in Anglosphere countries always need a scapegoat for their shitty kids' shitty behaviour other than their own inability to raise (or disinteresting in raising) good children. In the 90s, it was muh vidya gaem vailintz and ADHD. In the 80s, it was MTV and Satanic panic. In the 2000s, it was the internet at large. In the 2010s, it was brown immigrants and screens in general. And today, it's schools and human rights. Somehow, schools and human fucking rights are bad for children now.

>> No.8927190

I think you vastly overestimate Japanese zaibatsu boomers ability to understand and manipulate US politics and culture like that. They couldn't even figure out why the WiiU was a bad idea.

>> No.8927203

To be honest, I don't understand why it was a bad idea. Why was it, anyway? I've never seen one, never mind played one.

>> No.8927207 [DELETED] 

It absolutely was justified, and soon you will see that.
Read the Bible.
This man has been indoctrinated.

>> No.8927212

All M rated games should be banned, any content that would warrant more than a T rating is obscene.

>> No.8927215

1. The name confused consumers who thought it was just another addon for the Wii
2. It looks like a fisher price piece of shit
3. Boring central hardware gimmick that doesn't really do anything new or interesting but still isolates Nintendo from more 3rd party support

>> No.8927227

Japanese boomers didn't understand shit about anything, which is partly what lead to it. Howard Lincoln did basically everything Nintendo PR related throughout the 80s and 90s, and was the force behind all of it. He's also the reason why Nintendo spent 20 years filing court claims against everyone for every single thing, and losing every single one of them.

>> No.8927229

That's kind of dumb, because Nintendo past the SNES were clearly making efforts to get their share of the violent games. GC was basically home to Resident Evil for a little while there.
Sometimes it's not a conspiracy. Sometimes people genuinely are just this stupid.

>> No.8927237

If there's one thing that is absolute cancer for a child's mental health, it's school.

>> No.8927256

This isn't conspiratorial, this is actually what happened. The moral panic over games was most heavy during the senate hearings, which were heavily influenced by Nintendo grandstanding about Sega's violent games, and spending most of the hearing trying to label Sega as smut peddlers, and themselves as kid friendly angels who are looking out for American youth. Go read the court transcripts of it, and look at what scummy pieces of they shit they were during it.

>> No.8927263

Maybe for that one instance in time, but as soon as Killer Instinct happened it was clear they had changed their tune to wanting their own share of the violent games, since that's what was selling.
Once you get to the 6th gen era, all of that stuff is way behind Nintendo. Nintendo were desperately trying to escape their childish image by that point.

>> No.8927279

What I find more concerning is that people conveniently ignore the societal problems that video games and other media cause as soon as it starts making money.

>> No.8927283

Oh, well yeah: that makes total sense. Bet whoever suggested Wii U now either has a window seat or has quit out of shame.

>> No.8927291

Which societal problems are caused by video games?

>> No.8927298

95% of this sites userbase are addicted to some form of escapist media, and you'll never get anything more than whataboutism when you bring it up.

>> No.8927303

IIRC, Based Yakuza man who was the temporaty Nintendo global president after Iwata but before >current guy sacked the entire Wii U marketing team, and outsourced for the Switch.

>> No.8927305

>90's video game violence hysteria
>posts article from the 2000's
You had one job OP.

>> No.8927306

I'm addicted to the fucking internet. I wish I was addicted to video games.

>> No.8927310

The reality is Howard Lincoln was a scumbag who had agreed prior to the hearings with SEGA to work together against the senate to save their business and industry, and as soon as the hearings began, Lincoln backstabbed SEGA. He was ruthless and out to destroy the competition. He learned from Yamauchi, after all.

>> No.8927318

No one wants in the public sphere wants to ask the question why life sucks so much that we need this escapism in the first place.

>> No.8927321

No. Fucking. Way. Really? I am genuinely surprised. Japanese business culture doesn't often sack people, but I guess Wii U was such an abject failure that, cultural mores be damned, the team got pink slipped. Any source on this? idk who or what to look up to confirm (or refute) your claim, sorry.

>> No.8927323

>Was it justified?
Yes. Those games suck ass.

>> No.8927326

>No one wants in the public sphere wants to ask the question

>> No.8927330

Yeah I accidentally forgot to delete the first wants when rewriting the sentence, what about it?

>> No.8927336

I can't find the source, it was ages ago when the Switch was picking up steam and I remember /v/ having a field day with it. However, if it's a valid replacement, I found this while looking: apparently when he was interviewed by a Japanese site called Nikkei, Kimishima was the one most strongly opposed to the Wii U, calling it dead on arrival.

Sauce for that tho: >https://atomix.vg/kimishima-nuevo-presidente-de-nintendo-predijo-el-fracaso-del-wii-u/

>> No.8927346

Yes. The millenialcucks that played those game gave birth to the zoomercucks of today and look where we are.

>> No.8927353

The industrial revolution and its consequences...

>> No.8927365

That's not how that works, man. Zoomers are like five to ten years younger than Millennials. They all had kids when they were ten?

>> No.8927375

>Zoomers are like five to ten years younger than Millennials
You're a fucking retard

>> No.8927378

>ban western jank
if only they included every western developer...

>> No.8927382

If you were a teenager when the PS2 was out, you were born in the late 80's to early 90's. Zoomers begin in the mid-90's.

>> No.8927383

oh god. here comes the generation of home-schooled retards.
better make way..
justified? like the headlines? and news reports? ummmm no. because me and my brother didnt know you couls fuck hookers in gta until the news told us you could.. - also the news saying " these games are bad" is legit the best way to get those amoral kids to try them. manhunt was an eyebrow raising game though deff made parents shit themselves. but so do stories from the bible / quran.

>> No.8927387

What? I went to a public school. That's why I know it's basically prison for children.

>> No.8927393

British boomers love to ban things.
>Oh, somebody got shot with an airgun one time? Time to ban them for everybody forever.

>> No.8927421

Any one remember the lunatic, Tipper Gore?

>> No.8927475

The difference is that censorious conservatives are filling their role, they're supposed to fight creeping degeneracy, preserve valuable traditions, and help keep society clean and functional. Liberals are not supposed to support censorship. Liberals are supposed to be the ones defending freedom of speech, independent thought, tolerance, the marketplace of ideas, and so on.

But the situation now is that we have both sides fighting over what gets censored with absolute dipshits like you in the middle.

>> No.8927483

It was pedophilia, because they were fucking immature cunts. The #1 cause of murder is murderers, there is no #2 cause.

>> No.8927492
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Has escapism ever been a problem? Not everybody wants to have the grind on their mind 24/7.

>> No.8927493

I dunno, anon. Have you seen society these days. Maybe they were onto something.

>> No.8927521

I don't see everyone who played State of Emergency maturing into a murderer, so no, I don't think they were.

>> No.8927525 [DELETED] 

I can think of a few negatives but I think there's a more generally positive effect on the worst social issues like crime (although homicide is booming in the US right now thanks to the BLM movement), with would-be offenders more likely to be sitting home getting fat and sweating soi than being out getting into barfights over being dissed.

Social Media is far more cancerous than videogames. Kids and teenagers are not psychologically equipped to cope with mass social connectivity, girls in particular. Teenage girls have long engaged in psychological bullying of each other but social media has allowed them to take it to vicious extremes. So you have psych problems, and that's before you even get to the dopamine cycle of posting your tits and ass to instagram/tiktok for upvotes or whatever instant feedback you get on those sites.

>> No.8927539

Bullshit, my generation grew up watching R-rated ultraviolent action movies of the 80s as kids and we turned out fine.

>> No.8927589 [DELETED] 

>tl;dr i have no evidence of correlation between vidya and crime, but here's my opinion that you didn't ask for on an unrelated topic
That's nice, dear. : 3

>> No.8927679

whats the point of lovecraftian horrors beyond my comprehension if i cant put my dick in them

>> No.8927681
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it wasn't a bad idea but they didn't ever do anything cool with it

>> No.8927685 [DELETED] 

i don't think you've ever talked to any girls anon. go back to clutching your pearls watching tucker carlson (also kys)

>> No.8927692

It was kind of redundant as an idea. They could have just made a system that could connect wirelessly to a 3DS, and had all the same functionality.
It was a console with an awkward stock controller (which is hard to replace if you break it)
It was a handheld that wasn't really portable.
It was built around this "asymmetrical multiplayer" concept, which is ultimately way too niche of an idea to model a whole system around. As you said, no one really made games that utilised the concept.

>> No.8927694

It's about power. If I can ban a thing that you like, you have to ask me for permission in the future. One more step and you're paying my organization for approvals.

>> No.8927712

It's interesting looking at vidya age ratings in my own collection.
PS1-era games are mostly rated teen or even lower. PS2 we start seeing some for adults but still mostly teen. PS3 is a mixed bag with shit like MotorStorm somehow having the same teen rating as Call of Duty 4 but the ratings are starting to really creep up especially later in the gen.
Then you've got PS4 where it's just all 18+ all the time. In Europe the Tomb Raider series started at a 12+ for the Core games, went to 16 for the Crystal Dynamics trilogy and the current reboot series is a strict 18.

>> No.8927713

And come to think of it, they couldn't even do a Four Swords game on WiiU, because it was strictly two screens, whereas the GC could hook up to four GBA's. Total misfire of a gimmick. I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.8927720 [DELETED] 

What in that post made you so angry?

>> No.8927731

I'd play that

>> No.8927738

Ah the Playstation 2, my favorite mid 90s console

>> No.8927772

just dumb boomers being dumb

>> No.8927790
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>> No.8927794
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I was in a Catholic private school in Mexico and the nuns absolutely hated pokemon for some reason. Evetually, every sort of figurine or card became a "pokemon" and was confiscated and destroyed.

>> No.8927802

>LOL imagine the VR equivalent of those old prank sites where you try to solve a maze and then a screaming exorcist image comes out of nowhere.
In late 2030's, some old fart millenial will have a heart-attack and die from something like this. I'm calling it now. Come post here when it happens.

>> No.8927807

Nobody knew how far games would go in the 90s, it was a rapidly growing technology and entertainment sector. Little did we know that games would remain mostly the same but with higher budgets and Hollywood writers.

>> No.8927820

The video game panic never really existed. It was driven mainly by attorney jack Thompson who wanted to cash in on the columbine shootings for self profit. He became a self appointed expert on violent video games.

He also sued wwe on behalf of a violent sociopath 6 foot 300 pound 12 year old who beat his sister to death during a tard rage. He didn’t even watch pro wrestling but jack only wanted headlines and we’d was peaking in the late 90s.

For the next decade after every school shooting jack Thompson would tour CNN, Fox News and good morning America claiming he had medical evidence that video games were murder sim brainwashing tools.he was finally disbarred for all his shady lawsuits.

>> No.8927823

Yeah there's been enough studies into the impact of violent games, pornography, propaganda, commercials and advertising and media as a whole to determine that of course it affects how people think. You'd have to be woefully retarded and probably an atheist to think otherwise. Why do you think they make it? Understanding the impact it has on you is essential to how you engage with it.

>> No.8927841

Fine with this as long as we ban horror/violent movies too

>> No.8927848

I genuinely would ban those news reports and documentaries where they suddenly bombard you with images of dead bodies. Like, fuck off with that. I might be eating.

>> No.8927851

Banning shit doesn't make sociopaths NOT be sociopaths.
Also, OP, that was 2000s, the Jack Thompson+Hillary Clinton+Joe Lieberman era.
You gotta wonder how many dudes that consider themselves hardcore gamers, voted for Queen Cunt in 2016 forgetting her anti-game past. Not that King Orange and the rest of these power-grabbing faggots aren't anti-game as well. Bear that in mind!

Sociopaths are a VERY hard problem to deal with in human civilization, sadly.

>> No.8927854

Fellow Mexicunt, they hated they were fantasy creatures and used the word "evolution".

>> No.8927856 [DELETED] 

Read the Bible, then you will realize it was true.

>> No.8927871

This. Also, fuck journalists.

>> No.8927879

Ban journalists in general, to be honest. All they do is rabble rouse. Must have gotten countless people killed. We don't actually need the news, if you think about it.

>> No.8927905

I will never forget the day he was disbarred. I was on /v/ that day, anons were celebrating but I vividly remember one anon going
>You retards, this is horrible news. With Thompson out, the spot is free for someone competent to take over on the crusade against videogames.
Fast forward a few years with the sudden return of censorship of videogamt during western localization and Sarkeesian and it felt like that anon was right. Jwck just had the wrong angle to ruin videogames.

>> No.8927926

those controls are horrible and people says that 6gen games plays like 7th gen and current gen games.

Go. Go and play manhunt and then come back.

>> No.8927928

The thing about Sarkeesian, is she's not even competent. Turns out, people are just massive suckers, whenever it's a woman that's being dishonest for money.

>> No.8927932 [DELETED] 


>> No.8927935

Oh, I absolutely agree anon, but think back at that time how dire things really looked. Fortunately she fucked up herself.

>> No.8927940

Holy fuck what a blast from the past. I didn't remember it 100% perfectly but hey, it's been 14 years (fuck that hurts to type)

>> No.8927969

people want an easy to vilify bad guy for whats wrong with kids/society, if you look at the crime rate at a %, the rate just rises through the 60's and 70's and plateaus in the 80's with the peak in the early 90's and then it sharply declines to half of what it was by 2000

people love to claim X entertainment was the reason, but really, who can say what was the absolute causes, or why they went away.

>> No.8927980

Bottom 40% openness trait + low IQ is a hell of a drug.

>> No.8928013

Well, yeah, ban The Suffering, it's pure shit.

>> No.8928078

this turned out to be bullshit as the kid didnt even own manhunt, from what i remember it was only a hammer not a knife attack.

parents blaming violent films or games for their kids being psychos is rediculuous, things that have an adult age rating can only be bought by the parents, then they blame game companies or society for exposing their children to such things.

now its like all phone networks blocking adult content by default, which also blocks most sites or google searches, even if they are ok.

this was done to protect children from harmful content or pornography

its not societys responsibility to parent your kids, if you cant.

if anything is corrupting todays youth, its the gender movement, perpetrated by the mainstream media and the music industry and we all know the people that are behind that.

i was a kid in the 90's, and i cant believe whats happening to the world, and what now has become socially acceptable in public.

fyi. i remember as an 8yo, getting my dad to rent me mortal kombat 3 from blockbuster when it released, it was scary as shit i had to get him to take it back and swap it for MK2, also i havent killed anyone yet.

>> No.8928137
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As long as it's interracial or gay sex, plenty of """""""""people"""""""""" want it. Where have you been?

>> No.8928148

why are you so obsessed with j*wish indoctrination centers?

>> No.8928164

>why are people freaking out over children being trained that murder is fun
Beats me man...

>> No.8928171
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The Metal Slug one gets me every time because it's just some ridiculous quality out of nowhere

>> No.8928175

Take it up with Agatha Christie.

>> No.8928186

Link to studies?

>> No.8928187

This. It’s actually sort of incredible how everything has come full-circle in the past 15 years or so. Back then I used to think conservatives were fucking retards who couldn’t think for themselves, and now it’s become the total opposite. Social dynamics are really amazing.

>> No.8928190

If you're going to do a bit, you better goddamn commit to it.

>> No.8928258


Study on pornography.

>> No.8928268

>nobody wants full-blown gore in mainstream games
I do. Outrageous/realistic death effects are based, way more based than full-blown sex.

>> No.8928281

>External stimuli influnences your mentality
Who would have thought?

>> No.8928303

>things that have an adult age rating can only be bought by the parents, then they blame game companies or society for exposing their children to such things

Would you let your child play Grand Theft Auto?

Would you let your child watch pornography?

Both are intended for adults but i dont see a problem with children playing GTA.

>if anything is corrupting todays youth
Its porn

>> No.8928350

All of those claims are true though.

>> No.8928410

What about the rest of them? Video game violence in particular since this is a fucking video game board?

>> No.8928417

Only in Anglo countries is this sham of a "diagnosis" given out. Simply put, it's bullshit.

>> No.8928435
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I am still firmly in the "Videogames don't cause violence" camp but Call of Duty definitely tests my commitment to that belief. Call of Duty is literally CIA propaganda. This isn't /pol/-tier schizo garbage. The Department of Defense is literally listed in the credits and they hired Oliver North as a consultant for one of the Black Ops games. If you play the campaign of any COD game the entire thing revolves around justifying war crimes. Bombing buildings that have terrorists in them, torture (a fuckton of torture), situations that encourage you to endanger and kill civillains. Oh shit that guy in the press jacket has a gun! shoot him! Price...the only way to do this is to paint our tanks with red crosses and spook the Russians! Hell I think one game even tried to pin the highway of death on the Ruskies. At what point does it stop being a game and start being propaganda. If Russia made their own version of Call of Duty where you invade Ukraine to stop COVID 2 and the game forces you to do questionable things like shooting old men at a fishing hole for the "greater good", I think that distinction would be clear. Funny I've yet to see a single parent complain about Call of Duty. They are more worried about Fort-nite (nigga what?)

The whole irony is that most people don't even play the campaigns in those games, so the DOD is probably just pissing away millions for probably nothing.

>> No.8928438

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.8928439
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>If you play the campaign of any COD game
Minor correction. Any COD game post 4, which by the way was just a ripoff of Soldier of Fortune 2 and Black Hawk Down, both way better games.

>> No.8928441

It's propaganda, of course. A less obvious kind, but you are aware of it.
We are not immune it, though.

>> No.8928461

cod ww2 was actually really good though and didn't even have regenerating health

>> No.8928479
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>calling people pedophiles over loli hentai
And over half the time the "lolis" have tits the size of their head and legs longer than the Yangtze River.

>> No.8928505

>They did a psychiatric test on [angry white kid #253] and found he was perfectly normal

If anything; that's an argument against the modern school system, and psychiatry as an institution, and what's considered "normal" in those contexts; but of course that's not a conversation anyone wants to have so hurf durf blame video games, because one of the ways the system defends itself is by placing the blame on whoever is least inconvenient.

>> No.8928551

Because some high school white ass kids with no real problems like starvation or some other real shit, decided to shoot up their school because America is a filed society, and since they were already damaged they searched for stimulation in Doom. Therefore, stupid Americans thought videogames were to blame

>> No.8928567

>implying there is something as actual libertarians in the US
>implying there are actual sides and genuine political postures in the US
Yeah, citizen #329000001, you have the right of freedom to choose between these TWO options I'm giving you, because that's what America is all about, freedom. Just remember number of votes doesn't matter but in 2 or 3 states, but you can still take part in the simulation... I mean, democratic excercise, heh

>> No.8928581

>ways the system defends itself
This goes deeper than just systemic flaws, people in general will take the path of least resistance when it comes to matters of little personal concern. If laziness wasn’t a fundamental aspect of the human condition then 90% of the horseshit we see in the news or media wouldn’t even exist.

>> No.8928615

t. fucking prick who won't sit still-i mean adhd """""patient""""

>> No.8928617


>> No.8928643

>Hell I think one game even tried to pin the highway of death on the Ruskies

This is the conclusion idiot shitlibs drew.
The developers were referencing "the highway of death", but since Russians are the de-facto bad guys within the games universe it was pinned on them.

Also, MW2 literally featured an American general trying to instigate WW3.
Generally speaking all of the torture, CIA crap etc. is depicted in an anti-hero fashion with constant allusions towards the negatives of Western interventionism and the acts commited during covert ops and what not.

The games are propaganda but they're by far more nuanced then you give them credit.

>Funny I've yet to see a single parent complain about Call of Duty. They are more worried about Fort-nite (nigga what?)

Most parents don't know what the games their children play are called and Fortnite was a smash hit spawning entire dance classes, a literal cultural phenomenon.

Hard to neglect the fact your spactic kid is flossing.

>> No.8928773

>Also, MW2 literally featured an American general trying to instigate WW3.
This isn't uncommon in mid 2000's patriotic garbage psuedo propaganda. Look at 24. There were tons of twists where someone high up the gov't was secretly working to take down America. As long as some edgy hero takes them down in the end by violating the geneva convention in 100 ways it's all par for the course
>Generally speaking all of the torture, CIA crap etc. is depicted in an anti-hero fashion with constant allusions towards the negatives of Western interventionism and the acts commited during covert ops and what not.
Not really. It was portrayed as an effective way to get information (which it's not.) The games give very little context or backstory to the characters. They are generally poorly written.
>far more nuanced
If you're a retard maybe. MW2 was an example of piss poor shit writing designed to generate buzz. The damage that that game has done to video-game single player content is irreparable and is still being felt today.

>> No.8928948

i think theres a type of person that can't handle violent games.

>> No.8929031

Exactly why we have a constitution enumerating our literal God-given rights. We are not subject entirely to democratic mobbery or authoritarianism like most countries.

>> No.8929039

>literal God

Hooray for freedom of religion (as long as your religion happens to be some flavor of Christianity)

>> No.8929048 [DELETED] 

the fuck are you talking about? what a weird thing to attack. freedom of religion is probably the one thing we're most autistic about since the early days.

>> No.8929098
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>Most parents don't know what the games their children play are called
I feel like a lack of understanding in media your child consumes is a hallmark of bad parenting. You should be aware of what your child is being exposed to, not only so they don't expose themselves to sissy hypnosis porn by accident, but also so you can avoid being like pic related. I doubt that any of the parents who got caught up in the Satanic Panic read the rulebook of DND or tried to understand it, they just presumed it was some elaborate occult ritual to summon the devil.

>> No.8929118

Only you retards could make this a 100+ post thread.

>> No.8929146

Go to bed lefty.

>> No.8929156

Lmao I was just pointing this out the other day. Alphabet boys went from calling gamers psychopaths and mass killers to racists and mysogynists.

>> No.8929161

I bet you're insufferable.

>> No.8929162

Some people were willing to call CoD propaganda back in the day, I remember quite a few people saying it actually. Nobody actually did anything about it though because the message was in line with the elites.

>> No.8929168

You don't understand evangelical religitards anon. D&D has magic. They literally believe magic is real. They think the spells chapter in D&D is actual, real magic, from Satan's balls himself, printed on real paper to corrupt theor children. D&D just containing magic means it's the devil, because all magic is automatically Satanic to them, unless it comes from Jesus, in which case it's a miracle and not Satanic.

The issue in that case is not them not reading it, it's that their own religion tells them it's literally the devil and they believe it. Thats also why they went ape shit over Harry Potter, because again, to them magic is always Satanic and evil.

>> No.8929173

I think they can be reasoned with an explanation that there's a difference in the meaning of magic in a fantastical world and then the meanining of the word magic in the bible. They're two completely different things.

>> No.8929179

Except they don't believe that. There is no reasoning with them because they do believe there is no such thing as not-real magic, there is simply magic (Satan trying to buttfuck your soul), and Jesus miracles.

Evangelicals are crazy as shit man, I dunno what to tell you. You can't reason with'em.

>> No.8929180

What a spectacularly useless contribution.

>> No.8929189

Holy shit you are a broken delusional fuck

Watch out the boogeyman is coming for you, you fuckin pussy

>> No.8929190

at this point, they may as well equate my dnd manual to the greater or higher keys of solomon

>> No.8929194

This was from the early 80s. Were are they taking issue with fantasy game magic in 2022? Did Evangelic take issue with Chronicles of Narnia in the 80s as well?

>> No.8929195

Moral grandstanding is something both sides do and have always done. In the 70's and 80's it was conservatives fucking everything up, in the 90's it was liberals, in the 00's it was conservatives, and now we're in a rare tug of war of dumbassery between brainless dreg conservitards and ultra liberals who think being called mean words is rape.

>> No.8929201

They pretty much still do consider it evil. Chick Tracts still exist. The South is basically a hotbed of this kind of retardation.

>This was from the early 80s. Were are they taking issue with fantasy game magic in 2022?
Yes. They're pretty deranged. These are the nutjobs you see screaming that liberals abort fetuses to use to power cities by throwing them into incinerators, or that show up to vet's funerals to scream at their grieving family. They're a blight on the fuckin' earth.

Note I'm not saying all religious folk are bad, but evangelicals are the real fruitcakes.

>> No.8929205

They're probably just shunning mass culture then. I don't really know of any religious communities having a big issue with fantasy in general in 2022.

>> No.8929206

Go take a look on /v/ some time and the number of threads screaming about trannies, woke, or people who aren't white in video games. Theres your religious community right there.

>> No.8929207

It was the same thing as steroids in baseball.

Pompous human beings shouldn't be allowed to pretend they care about this.

>> No.8929209

If you go on /v/ and make a fantasy game thread is somebody going to show up and start screaming that you're promoting Satanism? That's what you're suggesting. Go make a thread and find out the answer.

>> No.8929210

No, I'm saying it's the same general kind of person who is actively screaming about that. You know, retards.

>> No.8929214

Evangelicals really are deranged fucks. You got a group of tards that whine about abortions while clamoring on commercial breaks on Fox News to donate monies to the people doing the fucking abortions.
They actually thought Ozzy intentionally bit off a REAL bat's head, not understanding the torment rabies mitigation program that Ozzy had to go through because of that prank.

>> No.8929217

They should hire r34 animators

>> No.8929218

>They actually thought Ozzy intentionally bit off a REAL bat's head, not understanding the torment rabies mitigation program that Ozzy had to go through because of that prank.
Zoomer here tell me about this or link me somewhere about it

>> No.8929224

Link you WHAT?
Ozzy's most famous incident, or that a rabies treatment course is absolutely horrible to endure?

>> No.8929225

>App that's the internet but VR, effectively the matrix (We aren't quite here yet)
Finally, VRML will get the recognition it deserves

>> No.8929226

Because I want to learn about what happened because I'm curious.

>> No.8929236

By the way, I know about the bat incident but not about the reaction toward it.

>> No.8929251

From what I remember, every other boomer and their parents thought Ozzy Osbourne was satan and trying to corrupt teh youth because he bit the head off a living bat on stage. These are the same genuine faggots that thought Mortal Kombat was going to make serial killers because Sub Zero cartoonishly rips out a mofos spine as a finishing move and that Night Trap had a legit rape scene in it. Pearl clutchers.
Never mind these people gave no fucks about Night of the Living Dead or Towering Inferno or other IRL horrors.
>G.I.Joe CANNOT shoot real boolits!
Bullshit, just like today but less on the nose.

>> No.8929283

>Never mind these people gave no fucks about Night of the Living Dead or Towering Inferno or other IRL horrors
No, they did. You just probably weren't alive to know of it, or didn't see the backlash because back then news was far more localized or the nutjobs just weren't given as much of a live stage.

The era of non-stop news and every moron's opinion being put front and center has amplified all of the worst of humanity. What was supposed to connect humanity and make an exchange of ideas has instead turned into echo chamber fart sniffing where dissenting opinion is quashed for hive mind idiocy.

>> No.8929287

Rolling news was the biggest mistake ever.

>> No.8929308

>and then the logical conclusion will be trying to cancel Brazzers and PH and getting porn banned altogether
This woldnt really be a bad thing

>> No.8929331

Manhunt was banned in the UK after this

>> No.8929362

Still better than 99% of the posts in here including yours.

>> No.8929393

Video games don't cause violence.

It's bullshit boomers use to blame games for their own fuckup in raising their kids properly.

>> No.8929438
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>> No.8929452

>that first sentence
Perfectly sums up what >>8926906 was saying.

Don't forget the PMRC either: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parents_Music_Resource_Center

When Mrs. Al Gore was involved with it, you just knew it was a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.8929464

to be fair the modern mortal kombat stuff is bit over the line for me. its just unpleasant visually at this point.

>> No.8929468

Western schools are probably the worst thing listed among all of that.

>> No.8929476
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>The committee was founded by four women known as the "Washington Wives"
>a reference to their husbands' connections with government in the Washington, D.C. area.
>Parental Advisory stickers

We're not gonna take it
Oh no, we ain't gonna take it
We're not gonna take it anymore

>> No.8929521

Yeah, no shit.
That was my point. If sugartits wants to talk about muh studies, then she should provide said studies or gtfo.

>> No.8929526

Just like with masks during covid, White people just needed something to be mad about to distract themselves from Western collapse, since they aren’t allowed to talk about race.

The Satanic Panic was totally justified though. They just weren’t allowed to target the satanists lol.

>> No.8929579

Jack Thompson's one sided feud with Janet Reno was pretty funny.

>> No.8929589

Well, that's mostly because Harry Potter's been over with for over a decade. However, Harry Potter books are still banned in some hyper religious school districts because of muh sorcery. And said school districts aren't all in the Southern US, either. Zeeland school district in Michigan banned Harry Potter in 2020, for example.

Try it. Can't be done. I know from personal experience. It can't be fucking done.

>> No.8929612

Harry Potter probably sets them off for different reasons than magic.

>> No.8929986

apparently some people here haven't realized this

>> No.8930051

I don't recall it being banned, just heavily censored.

>> No.8930109

I think the main flaw in your line of thinking is the idea that every other country with an intelligence network doesn't also do this.

>> No.8930157

It's honestly kinda hilarious considering Gary Gygax himself was a devout christian and he created the damn game

>> No.8930167

>G.I.Joe CANNOT shoot real boolits!
In fairness though, GI Joe was basically the only children's cartoon on tv at the time where human characters were allowed to punch each other square in the face without the camera cutting away so that we couldn't see the fist make contact. It also in no way shied away from discussing death when a character died, something that was another big nono on tv.

>> No.8930335

Haha, this dumbfuck got BTFO for pulling "facts" out of his ass, then he goes screeching about retards. Pottery.

>> No.8930356

One of my friends never played fantasy games, then he revealed he was "christian"
We're literally asian, we live in asia, it's pretty wild how many people get roped into this shit, I know a lot of people like this
I don't really know anything about these cults, but I think it's one of these things with organs and nigger music and people shouting in weird voices like "the lAAAWWD"
99% of the time it's family, they're fucking raised like this
Absolutely batshit insane stuff
gooks eat this shit up

>> No.8930367

>that every other country with an intelligence network doesn't also do this
This is very true, but the U.S. is very sneaky about it. It blurs the lines between propaganda and entertainment and it isn't until you look into the credits and the process of making the content that you realize what you are actually consuming. What I want to encourage is people calling shit like COD, 24 and all the fucking cop/cia shows as what they are: state sanction propaganda.

The main problem is the inability for people to distinguish between things like (lets use movies here) Apocalypse now and Dr. Strangelove vs 24 and Zero Dark Thirty, which belong in completely different categories in both their construction and overall message even if they all deal with the same themes of gov't corruption, war crimes, terrorism, western expansionism etc. The former two movies end with a complete lack of faith in our military and government and with the conclusion that sometimes the entire system just fucking fails. The latter two phrases the problem as bad apples, usually controlled by foreign interests, who are quickly vanquished by "Real Americans", and the evils are phrased as "necessary evils." These piece of propaganda do not have the balls to tell the audience the truth: that sometimes it's all for nothing.

Think of the ending of Apocalypse Now. Willard escapes an Island full of rogue "war criminals", and has the option of calling an airstrike. In doing so he would undoubtedly kill women and children, and he calls off the airstrike. The impression the film leaves you with is that the differences between Willard and Kurtz are increasingly vague. The film ends on a question mark. You'll never see another movie like this again under the current circumstances because military equipment is now handled by the DOD itself, who would not allow their equipment to be used in a movie like Apocalypse Now.

>> No.8930389

My point was I've lived in Pakistan for work, the ISI does the exact same shit with their media. This happens everywhere.

>> No.8930390

After watching Decline of Western Civilization and other documentaries, I find it hard to believe that people thought Ozzy was a Satanist. Ditto for bands like Slayer the actual demon worshippers were the snowniggers in the black metal scene

>> No.8930402

Modern MK goes on too long with the fatalities. All of the old ones were a few seconds at best. Now they're like all half a fucking minute long of some knob gobbler playing fucking Wonderwall on some assholes spine after exploding their heart and taking a shit in both their eyesockets.

Like, goddamn, the old ones were quick, inventive, and brutal. You don't need a solid minute and a half of Scorpion tap dancing on someones thrice exploded testicles, shit just drags on and on. The shock value is entirely gone in most of these and it's just tedium.

>> No.8930405

>who would not allow their equipment to be used in a movie like Apocalypse Now.
Except Apocalypse Now DIDN'T use equipment from the DOD, they borrowed equipment from the Filipino military for the film.
...then halfway into production the Philippines kinda wanted those helicopters back because they needed them to fight a war so there wasn't as much usage of military equipment as the film originally planned.

>> No.8930407

Anyone who's actually interested in playing D&D would just play the real thing.
Anyone else would rather take the game with 4-player co-op.

>> No.8930417

Nah, all of the gay shit in arry rotter came way after the initial reasons all of the morons banned it. They banned it because "hurr witchcraft you taught muh kids THE SATANS with this book"

>> No.8930442

Remember, GI Joe pussied out of killing off Duke because kids cried when Optimus died. He only got away with being "put into a coma" for taking a spear through the fucking heart.


>> No.8930443

Name any longtime developers that went to shit because of wokescolds infiltrating them, and not for reasons that were entirely the fault of the executive staff.

>> No.8930475

You really can't compare later Joe to earlier Joe

>> No.8930479

Like the poker machines that actually do cause harm to society but they keep them because they generate so much revenue

Killing animals was accepted back then in games, these days aladdin would get a higher rating because of the sword

the boomers though games ended with atari so to them mortal kombat came out of no where. After a couple of years no one cared but news stories would bring it up for a few years. They tried to blame all sorts of stuff on video games for a while including epilepsy and misbehaviour. Then the priest stuff came out and videos games didn't seem so bad afterall.

>> No.8930487

no liberals are just retarded
>murder unborn babies?
>murder pixels?

>> No.8930609

Yeah, but it was rated 17+ ain't it? So what's even the issue? A lot of horror movies matches that

>> No.8930617

It sure is helping the absolutely spiraling down that everything else is doing with 0 chances of recovery at that point

>> No.8930623

But you never saw the violence, it would cut away which I thought was lame

>> No.8930636

Once they're born you don't give a single shit about them.

>> No.8930637

Very, very few games utilized the tablet in some meaningful way, Affordable Space Adventures is probably one of the best but it also means it can't be ported to anything.

>> No.8930667

the North American version didn't cut away.

>> No.8930678

Most of that is thanks to 3rd parties not bothering at all, practically the cause of their own prophecy
Honestly tho', being able to just okay on the gamepad was cool enough for most games

>> No.8930683

Anything surrounding a military that generates film celebrity voice-overs & commercials with celebrities has to have something weird about it. I'm just wondering what Jap-only military games are like this.
>I've yet to see a single parent complain
This is part of their propaganda. What you mean is, "a non-profit organization of "parents"" have not complained. Those are the only "parents" the media caters to.

>> No.8930684

Not too surprised. The Wii's marketing was fantastic while the Wii U's one was lacking as fuck. If you were a normalfag you couldn't tell what the hell the thing was

>> No.8930690

Much like the DS' dual screens. Usually, gameplay was either
A) relegated to a single screen with the second one providing either a map or a status screen or
B) just traditional shit, but on 2 screens, ZOMG!

Games which used both touch controls and the second screen in neat ways were very, very rare.

To make this /vr/, I was let down a bit by the GBA cable for GC. Woulda been nice if it made your GBA into a special controller for some 4p co-op GC game, with the GBA acting as your own personal screen for you keep some shit private from the other players.

>> No.8930703

I was in a Catholic grade school too where they banned Pokemon. The year I went to a public middle school, the principal of my old Catholic school banned and confiscated everything except colored pens. No joke, that year, the fad was colored fucking pens.

>> No.8930704

School is absolutely horrible, it leaves a lot of people behind, doesn't actually take cares of geniuses or kids that just needs a little bit of special attention and so much more
I know, like the others, I went through school. I was bored out of my mind, a lot of teachers were horrible assholes, other horrible at their jobs and god forbid if you were picked on
School is a massive disaster where potential passions goes to absolutely die

>> No.8930714

Only when it starts to make your life worse. Otherwise it’s a fundamental aspect of humanity.

>> No.8930719
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Yea that's why I mentioned Affordable Space Adventures, the tablet was used to control all the ships functions, and they built all the puzzles around that, so you had to control your heat, your noise and so on, would have loved to see more like that.
I remember that idiocy around here, thankfully my folks never fell for it.
Its actually kind of insane how harmful school is, I still feel some of the effects it did to me and I've been out off it for nearly 20 years.

>> No.8930737

>Anything surrounding a military that generates film celebrity voice-overs & commercials with celebrities has to have something weird about it.
Cod commercials remind me of the MGS4 PMC ads. But I guess that was the point.

>> No.8930786

Perhaps it depends on the school. Save one experience, I have nothing but fond memories of school.

>> No.8930808

Bungie off the top of my head. Went from making middle east war propaganda kino with Halo to making incomprehensible garbage lore with Destiny after going full woke with the writing staff hires over time.

>> No.8930810

>Its actually kind of insane how harmful school is, I still feel some of the effects it did to me and I've been out off it for nearly 20 years.
Oh yeah, I feel you anon. HS was not a good experience overall. Thankfully I did have friends, but I was bored out of my mind most of the time and I really wanted out

>> No.8930824

I somewhat miss that time when video games media would actually go around and defend the medium. Now they're Jack Thompson themselves

>> No.8930825

I remember all those EGM editorials ripping into him.
Now they preach the same shit.

>> No.8930837

It turned out that Jonathan McIntosh was actually the real mastermind behind it all all along.
He actually has a youtube channel like pop culture detective or something that's apparently doing numbers, but somehow he's irrelevant
The whole thing is absolutely hilarious in how these proponent of this crap are massively dishonest. Anita just fell out of favor once they lost the dude and didn't have anything spinning power or any controversy to capitalize on. They wanted to paint everyone has sexist/misogynist but the reality is that they're just simps who can't look at themselves in the mirror

>> No.8930843

Might? The summer riots and such, because the American can't reign in their propaganda, actually affected stuff around the world with absolute nonsense riots happening in Canada, UK, etc
There absolutely are consequences to it and everyone are just waving these away

>> No.8930863

No, the other anon is kinda right. I remember an older Christian Woman posting on gamefaqs years ago saying that her husband wasn't too hot on Final Fantasy because it has "magic" (it's forbidden in the bible or some crap). She didn't mind because it's clearly not real
Now double that with stupid lazy boomers and you get some nonsense panic out of that

>> No.8930874

If you don't think that crap has been shoved into modern game and game journos, then you really need to get out from under that rock

>> No.8930893

Yeah, these people are killers really. Something needs to be done about journalists. Not even joking.

>> No.8930895

It ruined my life and I never recovered. That's 100% the truth.

>> No.8930896

>it would cut away
Not in the US version

>> No.8930902

>Woulda been nice if it made your GBA into a special controller for some 4p co-op GC game, with the GBA acting as your own personal screen for you keep some shit private from the other players.
That's pretty much the premise of FF Crystal Chronicles, and LoZ Four Swords. They were pretty fun for what they were.

>> No.8930938

No it wasn't lol. It was parents pissy they bought their kids games without looking at them.

>> No.8930950

Yes, it was/is justified. Thing is, I don't care. I want more violence.

>> No.8930995

Even your retarded book doesn't consider a baby alive until it takes it's first breath. Practice what you preach, faggots.

>> No.8931024

Game "journo's" are just yellow journalism muckrakers. If you pay attention to anything they say you've already lost, because they'll write any dumb shit for attention.

Corps design by committee, if the committee says thats what they put in, thats what gets put in. You're an absolute retard if you believe anything other than soulless suits who are trying to earn your dollar will do anything to get that dollar. Don't like a game, don't buy it. Piracy is always as an option, as is not playing it.

"Buh buh buh I can't not play game X!" just makes you a weak willed pussy. Crying nonstop about "muh libs" also makes you a pussy and a retard because you don't even realize it's all about trying to appeal to the dominant social groups and get their money. Look at corporate funds, all of the face time is on blue agendas, but all of the support money goes to red ones that keep their interests (ie: ensuring law lets them continue getting away with murder and free gubbmint handouts) at the top of the order.

>> No.8931032

Yeah? I played both of those but don't remember that. Guess this brain is failing, too, and it's time for a new one. I wish they weren't getting so pricey.

>> No.8931047

>Corps design by committee, if the committee says thats what they put in, thats what gets put in.
Game companies don't do that, actually. They hire artists to do most of the work and an art director to make the decisions.

>> No.8931181

>"Buh buh buh I can't not play game X!" just makes you a weak willed pussy
I don't think I've ever given a cent to a big western AAA game in my entire life, probably making me better than 95%+ of people
>don't even realize it's all about trying to appeal to the dominant social groups
You're a fucking imbecile if you think that shit is popular in the slightest. It actually isn't, at all
>and get their money
I'm not exactly sure how game journos now being scared of breasts and being the new prudes of today somehow make them more relevant rather than less
As for sheer money, even Disney managed to underperform with Star Wars and similar shit, a lot of that crap is losing money

>> No.8931248

>i-it's n-n-n-ot puh-poplar!
Funny, all of those billions of dollars and millions of sales for all of the biggest games say otherwise.

Really, just stop denying reality already, it's so tiresome. No one said you have to like or buy it.

>> No.8931253

I'm not seeing the part where people are buying the games because of "politics" (they're not)
Here's your (You)

>> No.8931332

the suffering has to be banned? Why? I actually learnt a surprising amount about prison execution methods from the past through that game. So it's educational

>> No.8932156 [DELETED] 


You are part of the problem for EVER assuming any of that. Why are you even assuming that they ever supported freedom of speech, independent thought, tolerance and marketplace of ideas? They only supported it when they were weak. Now that they have power, they don't need such inconvenient things.

When I read cringeworthy comments like this, as a former communist, it is impossible to sympathize. All that makes me happy is reading accounts of people, just like you, who were murdered in communist regimes. It makes me so happy when you read their hopelessness because of their moronic assumptions.

>> No.8932161

You Westerners literally have a game company, Blizzard-Activision, tweeting about a racist and evil diversity inclusion method to make their "characters" diverse. Borderline genocidal beliefs underline it, and yet, here you are defending it.

>> No.8932164

Anyone with a brain believes that. Only the evil people who support that evil disagrees.

Everyone would prefer Jack Thompson and people crying about violent video games. Thats why people like the 2000s. Its brainrot to disagree.

>> No.8932176

>They are so stupid

These people literally cheer about murdering babies, and actively try to make you look like you';re bad for opposing the murder of babies by disgusting women who actively chose to make bad choices. They literally CELEBRATE it. Its not some solemn hard choice for them, its a fun little "liberation" so they can be free from the consequences of their indulgence.

And what do you say to all that? You call those people "stupid", not evil, you call them "stupid". Its amazing how consistently you people have the wrong attitude.

>> No.8932187

What a fascinatingly uninteresting post. From what I gather, you seem to be a coward and do not understand philosophies of power.

>> No.8932191


Why exactly did you people EVER assume any of this? As a former communist (used to be a very political one back in the early 2000s on the internet), it makes me laugh on the inside to think there are people who actually think like this. Gee, no wonder you keep losing, you really do not understand the game being played here.

>> No.8932206

Zoom zoom

>> No.8932221
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Honestly, I think he is dead on. Every company panders to people to sell their product. The issue is, it just doesn't sell as much as they would like it. Everything is run by committee now. Plus, it's an easy out if it fails. Didn't like it? Your customer base is wrong. Hollywood is a prime example of this. Everyone claims they are woke, but look at how hard they pander to China. Does that ad up? If does if you understand they only want fucking money

>> No.8932237

Unironically, what about victims of rape? It's not fair to force them a child of some guy who actually used force on them, rather than a one night stand.

>> No.8932243
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>Hollywood is a prime example of this. Everyone claims they are woke, but look at how hard they pander to China. Does that ad up?
yes, actually

>> No.8932254

If you think China isn't ultra traditionalist, I don't know what to tell you

>> No.8932289

The exception to the rule

>> No.8932402

video games back then had better voice acting in many cases despite the bad graphics and way more violent. Reality is these people got their way and video games and movies are super tame bullshit now.

>> No.8932410

>kill demons bad
>kill monsters bad
>kill aliens bad
>kill terrorist bad
>kill criminals bad

>> No.8932416

>are perfectly willing to ban anything they don't like
That doesn't mean that they don't have principles.

>> No.8932678


>> No.8932781

Fucking retard. Taiwan isn't China (yet)

>> No.8932861

Why was there never any moral panic about social media? Or did I just miss it? It feels like when I was a kid people thought the internet would have too many perverts then facebook started when KI waa 18 next thing I know 3 year olds are being handed tablets and everyone's entire family were on there. But no moral panic inbetween?

>> No.8932867

After all the Sonic OCs and furry point were Nintendo even wrong?

>> No.8932876

Ico was so fucking good.

>> No.8932887

Mental illness.

>> No.8932946

Back when I was studying to take my first communion we used to talk about Pokemon and shit and the head priest would always be like, "my kids having fun with friends is one of many blessings that life can give us but there's a time and place for everything" and we would shut up no questions asked, later we found out he and a nun had to quit the church because the nun was pregnant with the priest kid they went to the country side and nobody heard of them again.

>> No.8932951

Bullshit there are more christian soup kitchens than atheist ones

>> No.8933193

As said previously, a lot of the woke shit is actually generally unpopular (and ignored to some extent. The normalfags gonna get their Fifa regardless). The big issue is that they goes and pander to the non-audience in an attempt to look woke, but all it does it waste money that could have gone towards pleasing the actual audience, or at least, not attempting to outright insult and displace it. Meanwhile the supposed audience being catered to don't care other than empty virtue signaling point, as they're not the audience, and in turn, usually ends up being massively annoying to the actual audience
In the end, this shit has been going on for a decade and they have very little to show for it

>> No.8933519

Sega raised the Sonic OC and furry community with Sonic games.
Nintendo raised the groomer and pedo community with Mario Bros speedrun and Smash Bros games.

You can decide which was worse for yourself.

>> No.8933526
File: 849 KB, 500x340, 1649415733981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been going on since the 90's when current era progressivism really began to take off with the Political Correctness wave
>i-it's just a f-fad!
>it doesn't appeal to a-a-anyone!
I'm not sure if you're a retarded zoomzoom who has been reading too much /pol/, or just a wholly ignorant retard who got left in the past and been huffing echo chamber farts the past 30 years without realizing it's been here for several decades.

>> No.8933549

The only reason those things make money is because they are tied to existing brands that retarded fans will buy regardless. Consumerism is the new religion, and to these "people", missing out on the latest product, regardless of quality, is a sin. But that does not mean said content is beloved by the masses. In fact the ratings for shows that go woke are terrible more often than not.

>> No.8933556

Everything is a cope with you. They wouldn't do it if it didn't make money. Just accept it and move on, you're not going to change it. If companies thought they could make 1/10000000000000000000000000th of a cent more by violently ass raping you with a dozen horse cocks the moment you opened a package and would receive no penalty for it, you'd have died of several rectal trauma ages ago.

Instead you're either willingly a dumbass or unable to cope with reality.

>> No.8933598

>They wouldn't do it if it didn't make money
It doesn't make money though. What woke properties that are completely new IPs fucking break bank? Because I cannot think of a single one, and like stated before everything that goes woke gets critically panned by the audience. The trailer for that Amazon Lord of the Rings comes to mind. Doctor Who, one of the most beloved shows on TV, had its ratings thrown in the trash can once they started to cram preachy propaganda into it. The comic industry is dying while manga is thriving. People are getting absolutely sick of this shit but you're probably right about it not going away anytime soon because of how deep this retarded ideology has ingrained itself into our system.

Do you really think that companies care that much about making an extra dollar when they already have all the money in the world? Because It's more complex than that. They can take the small blow as long as it spreads the message and pleases shareholders.

>> No.8933621

>It doesn't make money though.
The rejection of reality is through the roof.

>> No.8933635

The burden of proof that wokeshit by itself makes money is on you.

>> No.8933676

>who got left in the past
I found the ideological faggot

>> No.8933713

>but you're probably right about it not going away anytime soon because of how deep this retarded ideology has ingrained itself into our system.
I'm not completely sure about that
It has been going in full force for about a decade and they have very little to show for it in results The resentiment is building up and it looks like retaliation is coming because they're increasingly going even more retarded than the last year. The overall messaging is spiraling down fast and is becoming more and more schizophrenic and constantly doing 180 on itself. Without forgetting the biggest proponents of it constantly being ousted as harassers and such
For the big wigs it will just be another failed strategy, but it's gonna leave a lot of idiots behind

>> No.8933758

How old do you think zoomers are exactly?

>> No.8933854

"political correctness" is an eternal truth. There's always going to be some bullshit that some sanctimonious band of killjoys try to push on everyone else.

>> No.8933912

Honestly, if you're going to take the hard stance against killing, that's still killing. You're effectively sentencing someone to death for their father's crime. You can be okay with that, or not, but that's what it is.

>> No.8933920

Double standards. There's perception (certainly perpetuated by the companies themselves) that social media is the "safe internet", when it couldn't be further from the truth. Stands to reason there would be more actual child groomers on social media than a site like this. That's where all the kids are.

>> No.8933939

No, it's not, because companies are making billions of dollars. It's on you to prove your patently false claim, faggot.

>> No.8933967

Things are absolutely underperforming, and slipping from cultural relevancy. Something like Star Wars will always make enough, because it's Star Wars, but those new movies did progressively worse as they came out. Solo did so poorly, they had to completely rethink their business model of releasing a new Star Wars every year. Doctor Who viewing figures are way down. I'm sure Star Trek viewing figures are way down.
And even putting aide the money side of things, these properties are completely done culturally. No one even cared about that new Matrix movie. It came and went like a fart in the wind.

>> No.8933970

Social media attracts things far worse than pedos, Witch-hunting and insufferable narcissists.

>> No.8934086 [DELETED] 

>Was it justified?
Uh no.
Thread over.

>> No.8934091

>Was it justified?
Uh no.
Thread over.

>> No.8934159

Profits are up, retard. They dipped hard in 2020 with the wu flu, shit shutting down all over, and Disney farting out absolute shit like Mulan, but since it's all on the up and up. Your denial of reality is sad.

>> No.8934175

They're probably up ever since Mandalorian was half decent. Those Star Wars movies did progressively perform worse and worse though. This isn't negotiable. That's what happened. Doctor Who viewing figures are absolutely in the toilet, and they're now bringing Russel T Davies and David Tennant back as a last ditch effort.

>> No.8934179

Yeah, they're making billions of dollars because they have their focus in other things other than wokeshit. A multibillion dollar company with its fingers in many industries isn't making that money because they said gurrllll power in their new capeshit movie.

>> No.8934239

Holy shit thought you were going to get raped in this story. Priest sounds kinda based.

>> No.8934248

Only for running with scissors games. Games are bad they make u mad.

>> No.8934425

It does if they then turn around and talk shit about the other side when it does the same thing.

>> No.8934584

You think companies pandering to China but are hypocritical in other times is some contradiction, and that this somehow deters the fact that companies genuinely believe in those ideals because they want money? Winners in this game will always behave ideologically inconsistent as long as they gather power to apply their ideology consistently. Losers behave ideologically consistently will lose power to the point they can only apply their ideology inconsistently. Seems more like a cope to deal with the fact you have no power and are losing ground.

>> No.8934751

kids play M-rated (17+) games all the time.

>> No.8934895

>And I am pretty zoomers are a lot hornier than the previous generations.
They are because they're more repressed sexually than franciscan friars while having to simultaneously accept the complete freedom of their female counterparts.
This is not an environment for coomshit leaking into mainstream vidya.

>> No.8935058

Banned in New Zealand, so I've never played them

>> No.8935321

Wrong, that proves they have principles and are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. Those people win in history because they understand how to play the game of power.

>> No.8935325

Yes anon, we should all strive to be the CCP and abandon all sense of morality or principles for the sake of winning at any cost. That never bites anyone in the ass.

>> No.8935330


Oh wow, you think companies are making money from wokeshit when they are suffering profit wise, they are losing money, Disney in particular, got fucked by their mismanagement, and the moment they actually got punished for publicly supporting that shit, it was enough to get them to start shutting up. But its not because of money, power is more important then money.

Thats some incredible delusion, you are going so far to cope with losing that you talk about an alternative reality where you actually think companies support this because there is a large audience that supports this.

>> No.8935338

>That never bites anyone in the ass

No it doesn't. It doesn't in the end. Since the CCP is about to become the most powerful party in the world. North Korea can survive famines that would cause most democracies to collapse.

See, the problem is you think only of yourself, and not the fact that the party is winning victory after victory and that they can enforce their ideals on you.

>> No.8935340

While you probably shouldn't be like the Soviet Union where you become so ideologically focused on a goal that you're incapable of doing the things to save you when the chips are on the table, at the same time when you say you'll never do X and then you go and do X, it historically only leads to short-term gains that lets the other side wield a long-term advantage. I don't think I need to tell you how many presidents lost their chance at a second term when they promised they wouldn't raise taxes...and then went ahead and raised taxes.

>> No.8935351

>Since the CCP is about to become the most powerful party in the world.
Uh huh, sure Chang. I can't imagine you would actually say that if you really knew anything about the country's long-term problems that the politburo is doing next to nothing to actually prevent because the reality is the CCP is incredibly bad at long-term planning. But that's off-topic to the discussion of violent videogames.

>> No.8935354

The USSR only collapsed because the party decided to relax a bunch of restrictions which worked to undermine the institutions that kept the party powerful. Had they not done that, it would have been in power permanently. Kinda like in China, Vietnam, NK, etc...

>> No.8935360

>t. Mearsheimer

>> No.8935364

It's pretty much entirely because of Columbine. Before that point yeah there was kvetching about it, some senate hearings, but they never felt like they had any "proof" of linking violent vidya to irl violence before that.

>> No.8935379

The logic makes sense.
In movies, you witness everything but in video games, you pilot the killer and to a boomer, they won't know the story, they just watch you killing seemingly innocent people, sometimes they're actually innocent or maybe they're even a woman or child.

>> No.8935381
File: 78 KB, 960x720, in her defense the hostage was an asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't PROVE that woman and child didn't have it coming

>> No.8935385

I can't actually think of a single incident where a killer actually cited a videogame as an inspiration for what they did. The closest we got was NZ with the guy blasting memes.

>> No.8935418


>Harris and Klebold were both fans of shooter video games such as Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D and Postal.[20][249][250] A file on Harris's computer read the massacre will "be like the LA riots, the Oklahoma bombing, WWII, Vietnam, Duke and Doom all mixed together."[11] In his last journal entry, Harris wished to "Get a few extra frags on the scoreboard."[211] After the massacre, it was alleged Harris created Doom and Duke Nukem 3D levels resembling CHS, but these were never found.[21][251][252]

>> No.8935483

>There's perception (certainly perpetuated by the companies themselves) that social media is the "safe internet"
There's something very interesting that seems to be happening with Twitter. The bots purge is looking like it's going to leave a lot of supposed influential voices ending up that nobody actually liked them and it was all fake all along

>> No.8935495

They also watch 17+ rated movies, yet that medium long since won the fight

>> No.8935531

Doom wasn't their inspiration though, they simply used a WAD they made themselves to "plan out" their attack and if you read their blog, they were talking edgy. For Doom and Duke to be their inspiration, they'd probably have to see themselves as warriors going out defeating evil. Hell, Duke at least would make sense if people at the school messed up their ride.

>> No.8935534


Nigga are u a time traveller?

>> No.8935805

>They are because they're more repressed sexually than franciscan friars
>This is not an environment for coomshit leaking into mainstream vidya.
What are you talking about, it couldn't be any more perfect