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892593 No.892593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Considering replaying Xenogears for the first time since I beat it right after its release 15 years ago.

Has it aged well?

>> No.892597


>> No.892693

its really good, i recommend using something to increase its speed since battle with trash can take too long due to the combat system

Shit is more 2deep4you than evangelion , like literally, by the end there are like 30 twists in 5 seconds

>> No.892893
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its still my favorite after all these years. i think it has aged well, but only for those that were already fans. i think it has aged poorly for those that haven't yet played it.
for example, i tend to notice something new every time i play through, but most first timers have more complaints than anything. mostly aimed toward 2deep and the amount of reading involved

we had a few epic xeno threads when the board was getting started. i feel like i could possibly go for another. my main complaint about most xeno threads is the lack of plot discussion.

>> No.892921

The characters are mostly 2D art and the mechs are all blocky by nature, so yeah it looks fine.

>> No.892929

>aged well?
This question shouldn't be asked on /vr/, /v/ perhaps, but not /vr/.

Look, here's the thing kids.
This is probably the only medium in entertainment that advances in so many different ways. Film had sound and color within three decades, but we're still talking about Citizen Kane and charlie chaplin 50-60-70 years later for a reason, and not once is
>But it didnt "age" well
a valid criticism.
From a gameplay perspective, controls can be refined and tweaked with a visual bonus, but if this is all you pride in games, I don't think /vr/ is for you.
In general, Xenogears is still as great as it was in the 90s. The flaws of its platforming and sprites over 3d world were as disjointing then as they are now. Everybody always shit talks the 2nd disc, but I enjoyed the whole damn thing from start to finish.

>> No.893021


It's fucking insanely ridiculous and overdone, but I'm enjoying it.

This is a fun little rundown:


>> No.893132

About to play this after putting it off for about 6 years

I hope I like it. I do like a good JRPG and I did kinda like Xenosaga.

>> No.893176

Video games don't age well or poorly. They don't age at all. They can't.

If a game feels different when someone replays it years later, the player has aged, not the game.

>> No.893329
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newer trends in gaming can skew someone's expectations. it wasn't the best gameplay even when it was still new, but the state of gaming has changed. i think fewer people today would be willing to put up with it

i like xenosaga. it does some things better than gears but ended up suffering the same shortcomings. i bet if they made it with an improved xenogears art style instead of big-time 3D it would have turned out better

>> No.893341

Random encounters suck.

>> No.893417

My issue with the whole aging well thing is it is too vague. Different people are able to adapt to different things when it comes to older and newer standards, so saying something has not aged well without any examples to me is just as bad as saying a game is good or bad without listing any reasons why.

>> No.893467
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I would argue that changes in technology actually do affect the look of games. Today's crisper screens and the fact that so much shit is emulated means these things don't look like they did 20 years ago.

The difference between that and film is that film is a chemically captured image. Its easier to blow up and maintains its quality, because the image is saved on a molecular level, not procedurally generated on a collection of pixels of which the standard has changed and continues to changes.

>> No.893776
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its a shame that square enix is just sitting on the rights. i doubt the current S-E could do it justice, but imagine what Monolith Soft could accomplish. if anyone, they would be the ones able to pull off a "xenogears complete"

>> No.893792


I doubt Takahashi even wants it at this point. He's already tried to tell the same story twice and met with failure twice. Recent interviews have him saying things like, "Most of the RPGs we've created had their main focus on story and cutscenes, but I think that approach has reached a dead end." And now his goal is no longer to express himself, but to create a large and immersive world for the player.

>> No.893820
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i imagine it's a sore subject...trying and "failing" again to deliver his intended vision would be something they can't afford to do, even with their current success. i do think the works still stand on their own, but it would be great to get a directors cut or an enhanced port of sorts. at the very least he could release his notes and draft material.
X looks like it will have a more complex story than Xenoblade. but i guess they've learned their lesson not to make them too complicated...

>> No.893827

>X looks like it will have a more complex story than Xenoblade.

They haven't said a word about the story though. I don't think you can accurately predict complexity just from videos of the gameplay and world. Anyways, Takahashi didn't even write Xenoblade (he served as an ideas guy for the writer), so I'd expect the same thing with X as well.

>> No.893838

he came up with the concept and directed it. considering his standing in the company he must have had a degree of oversight on the script.
story and plot are much more important than dialog, but even then it's not like he wrote the xenogears script by himself either

>> No.893861


He and his wife wrote all of Xenogears. They also wrote all of Xenosaga before Namco fucked around with it in Episode 2. That's not to say that the final script that went into the game was ALL their writing (for example, Masato Kato wrote the Lahan and Shevat scenarios), but everything that went into those games was based on their initial script. They're responsible for the meat and bones of the story.

With Xenoblade, Takahashi came up with the concept, but Yuichiro Takeda wrote it.
>Takeda - "...In terms of working on the entire scenario for a game as I did on this project, my first experience was the Nintendo DS version of Xenosaga. This project was the second."

>Takahashi - "I did not give any detailed instructions in the beginning. At the preliminary stage, I explained the basic premise to him and we agreed on the approach to take."

>Takahashi - "Takeda-san worked on a general overview of the plot, which I then gave to the Monolith team to check over and revise. I then gave that to Takeda-san, and he would do rewrites based on that."

It's undeniable that he had less to do with Xenoblade's story than he did with Gears and Saga.

>> No.893879

>It's undeniable that he had less to do with Xenoblade's story than he did with Gears and Saga.
well im not gonna deny that. it has a much lighter story..one that wasn't necessary for him to have too much involvement with, but i still think he had a certain degree of oversight.
Xenoblade was Monolith's testing of the waters working as a first party Nintendo developer. it made sense for them to make a simpler story.
everything about X seems like it will have a more complicated story. if they're smart they'll keep things accessible to a broader audience, even though i would love to see another epic

>> No.893882

>everything about X seems like it will have a more complicated story

But the only thing we know about it is that it's open world. And open world does not mix well with storytelling.

>> No.893889

i'm not expecting to be disappointed. on an unrelated note, i think i remember reading about them working on a 3DS game too

>> No.893892


Yeah, all they've shown of that is a single advertisement. It's from their Kyoto studio though, so it's likely a completely different team from Xenoblade/X

>> No.893890
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>> No.893898

I don't know how it's aged. But the gameplay was never good.

>> No.894127
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I always loved the ground combat animations. With some fine tuning I think the ground combat could of been pretty amazing.

I hope they don't turn X into monster hunter

>> No.894206
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Hello, my loves.

>> No.894386


Fei and presword Citan had some pretty damn sweet kung fu, though anyone with a actual weapon looked pretty shitty in comparison.