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/vr/ - Retro Games

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892236 No.892236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /vr/, gentle/m/an here.
Finished this last night.
Damn Oersted. All these feels.
Nice game, I like how unique the battle system is, and the multiple protags was a nice touch (even though it happened before in SaGa games, right?). I wish I had played it earlier. And more people should play this, seems kinda obscure.
Anyway, what other "unique" RPGs can you guys recommend? For SNES, Genesis, whatever.
Or, if anything, Live-A-Live thread

>> No.892346

What JRPG's have you played? Personally I do like Final Fantasy Legend II and SaGa Frontier, especially since I am a sucker for different growth mechanics that stray away from levels and experience points.

Shadowrun is great for the Genesis, though it is a western game but excellent. Has a slow start though.

>> No.892367

Ah. I wanted to see your reaction to the 8th chapter. Still happy you enjoyed it.

>> No.892487

Thanks. I've tried SaGa Frontier but for some reason never advanced too far. I guess it was too open ended for me, might give it another try later. From SNES I've played most FFs, Bahamut Lagoon and the old Star Ocean. Started Tales of Phantasia but never finished. I've been suggested to play Mother/Earthbound. I guess there must be a few more, because I had never heard about Live a Live until this year (and spent too much time in the last years playing SRW...), so I guess other players could give me advice. And I never owned a Genesis, so everything is new for me, heard good thing for this Shadowrun. Any other suggestions?

Yeah, it was really unexpected. I heard about this game in /m/ because of the mecha chapter (obviously), and it was a fun ride. Despite all the clichés, each chapter had this nice gameplay, and I loved all of them, especially the way they finish Oersted's. But my favourite is still Xin Shan Quan.

>> No.892540
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People like Phantasy Star IV for the Genesis, but I personally never got into RPG's on the Genesis.

Again I suggest Final Fantasy Legend II, it is an early SaGa game for the Gameboy but it is much more linear so chances are it won't put you off like SaGa Frontier. Still has four races that develop differently, and it is a short game clocking in around 8~12 hours. Hell you can make a party of four robots if you wanted to.

Though if you are from /m/ chances are you have played the Front Mission games correct?

>> No.892582

>Again I suggest Final Fantasy Legend II. Hell you can make a party of four robots if you wanted to.


>Though if you are from /m/ chances are you have played the Front Mission games correct?

Actually... I'm ashamed to say that I didn't. I played FM3 for some time but never got too far. I guess I really should take a look at the SNES ones, the lack of time and other flashy stuff always made me skip them.

>> No.892604

You like what you like. I am not huge on strategy RPG's so I haven't played a Front Mission game as well. Just putting it out there in case you haven't already.

Though one word of warning on a four robot party, they are heavily equipment dependent so they can be VERY expensive and they have no magical resistances so you might find some late game bosses REALLY hard. Though it is possible to beat the game with them since they can have some absurd stats due to the way they work.

>> No.892723

Who did you use for the final chapter?

>> No.893414

Sundown, Pogo, Li and Cube. Really wanted to keep Akira more, but he kinda sucked compared to the others. Pogo tanking/killing everything in sight, Sundown and Li doing ranged stuff and Cube... well, just there for when he was needed.

>> No.893572

Mine was the mostly the same, but with Oboro instead of Pogo. If there is a remake of this game then I would love it if Akira and Cube were improved for the final chapter. When I was fighting the final boss I just left Cube dead for most of the fight since it was easier than reviving him over and over just for him to die again.

>> No.894763



Damn, I did't see music fitting so well the mood of the scene in a game since the Magus battle in Chrono Trigger.

Getting out of the saloon, music starts playing... You won't be able to win against a Gatling Gun!!!
The OST is incredibly good overall