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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 143 KB, 762x1080, Black-xbox-boxart-2709781861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8918392 No.8918392 [Reply] [Original]

>player moves slow as a snail
>cant fucking jump
>useless silencer mechanic
>cant open doors, need to waste ammo or nades on them
>cant change aim sensitivity
>no blood
>prettyparticle effects from missing your shots, actually hitting targets does nothing
>monochrome artstyle
>unskippable tom clancy fanfilms before every mission
>shitty ai for both enemies and allies
>can only carry two guns
>no melee option at all
>for a game that markets itself on gun porn, most of the weapon models and performance are wrong or missing features compared to their irl versions
i am convinced the only reason this shit gets praised is because players dont know any better.

>> No.8918452

So you're saying you're a spoiled/picky zoomer teen and don't understand how good it was for that generation (especially compared to nearly all other PS2 fps's, if you had it for that instead of Xbox) despite coming out at the very end of it?...


>> No.8918468


>> No.8918472


>> No.8918473

It feels good I just wish there was more blood.

>> No.8918481

Literally no one praises it.

>> No.8918514

People only praise it because of the spectacle. And it's made by Criterion who made Burnout (another big spectacle game) so it's loved by association

>> No.8918525

They did when it first came out. I remember wanting it from only reading the IGN preview they wrote

>> No.8918551

Oh my god, a console FPS is imperfect? Somebody inform the presses at once!

>> No.8918564

This game is the most generic and boring console FPS ever made. It also has the most boring unskippable cutscene ever in a video game right at the start. Great first impression.

>> No.8918567

I love how much the mustard race and weapon autists hate this game lmao

>> No.8918570

This. How old were you when Black came out in 2006, OP?

>> No.8918574

That might mean it's good.

>> No.8918581

>people with knowledge of the FPS genre hate it
>people with knowledge of firearms hate it
Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.8918609

Not a retro game

>> No.8918632
File: 176 KB, 512x302, EJILLwSXsAAgIXY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic 7th gen garbage is GOOD when it can run on outdated hardware!

>> No.8918635

>/vr/ sticky
>Xbox & PS2 now considered retro

>> No.8918645

For a 2006 console FPS it was good and revolutionary at the time.
Graphics, gunporn, destruction and non-stop action... Nothing like it had been seen before on a console before. This is what made Black memorable in the eyes of a console gamer.
Shitty AI ? It is was a common thing to every game back in 2000s and even today.
So I don't get what are you implying buddy with these green text. The premisse of the game is simple: shoot and destroy everything while keeping a realistic tone! Not to open doors, not to be a stealth / melee soldier or fantasy soldier who can carry a entire arsenal and jump like a moron for no reason.

>> No.8918649

old enough to have played FEAR when it came out in 2005.

>> No.8918651

These games will never be retro

>> No.8918671

the guns are done wrong
>non stop action
20 minute unskippable cutscenes
>realistic tone
you didnt play the game for sure

>> No.8918686

Over 20 years old
At least 15 years old with the exception of maybe a number of pitty releases for the PS2 towards the end of its cycle.

In conclusion, suck donkey.

>> No.8918710

those rocket launcher campers

urghh leave me alone

>> No.8918721

Having played this recently on my series x I agree entirely. What the fuck was up with the M4 and uzi in particular Jesus Christ. At least there was a w 2000 I guess.

>> No.8918726

Most people don't know shit about guns and cutscenes are done between levels, not during it.
"realitic tone" is not equal "sim military shooter", buddy
I suggest you at least beat the game on the hardest difficulty, then come here to talk about how Black plays.

>> No.8918729

I had always assumed the main reason people praise the game is because of graphics faggotry

>> No.8918732


>> No.8918734

Amazing how people enjoy Black but hate Halo

>> No.8918816

The only time console shooters did it right was goldeneye, PChads are laughing at you.

>> No.8918854

>cant change aim sensitivity
>no blood
I have this for my Xbox 360 and it's hilarious that for a supposed FPS hall of famer, no sensitivity options and no blood gets a pass from /v/.

>> No.8918930

>>cant change aim sensitivity
sounds like goldeneye and perfect dark
>>no blood
sounds like gay

>> No.8918941

you're free to post elsewhere
but they will always be retro

>> No.8918975
File: 171 KB, 1679x947, newyawkdrivin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it when it came out. Bought it day one. It fucking sucked ass back then and it does now. If you ever played Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, Delta Force, Black Hawk Down, Operation Flashpoint, you wouldn't be saying all that gay shit because those games actually did firearms RIGHT. Hell even if you didn't have a PC, PS2 had the SOCOM games which were miles better than this garbage. Hell even 007 Nightfire had better weapons mechanics than this shit. This game fucking sucked ass and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise. Eat shit.

>> No.8918986

>Start video
>Voice of a child
>Exit video

>> No.8918991

he's in his 20s and is a literal gun reviewer on the side but he didn't have his balls drop till just recently

>> No.8919008
File: 27 KB, 475x317, zyxh6102o8zx49q2aqr1-e1558670051348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For a 2006 console FPS it was good and revolutionary at the time.
It absolutely was not. Xbox had Far Cry Instincts, Halo, and tons of other games I'm forgetting. PS2 had SOCOM. All of these games blow /blacked/ out of the water. Rainbow Six Vegas came out just a few months later and did everything Black was trying to do except well. R6:V was unique because I hated how much the Rainbow Six games had sold out but I still loved the shit out of it as an action game. Hell I reinstall it every once in a while and play terrorist hunt to this day.
I'll give you that some of the graphics are decent for the consoles it was released
Not even close. I didn't own a single gun at the time the game came out and even I could tell it was all wrong. It just looks bad.
Nothing really that revolutionary at the time.
>and non-stop action.
unskippable cutscenes literally interrupt the action faggo

>> No.8919046

FEAR completely mogs this game in terms of gunplay and it's not even that good

>> No.8919073

Fear is fucking boring
failure as a FPS and failure as a horror game

>> No.8919146


>> No.8919203

nobody with a brain likes this turd though

>> No.8919315

Im sick of putting fear on a pedestal. That game has incredibly boring level design. Your in a office for 85% of the game.

>> No.8919326

it looked great for that era but it always generic and boring fps

>> No.8919338

>cant fucking jump
FPS where you can jump are for ninnies.

>> No.8919356

I cant wait for my gf to try this BLACKED game

>> No.8919413
File: 442 KB, 640x448, 513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing a full detailed ak47 and m16 on my ps2 game blew me fucking away
CSSource, swat 4, rainbow six, battlefield 2 and 2142... nothing came close to Black. Only later with Cod4 I saw something better.

>> No.8919446

>highly praised and well reviewed game back in the day
>another dose of /vr/ revisionist history later and the game is automagically terrible
I know it is a mix of children and angry manchildren making these threads but at least try to be subtle.

>> No.8919527

Played it last year and loved it, you’re prob just a closet home-o sorry bro

>> No.8919616

What a faggot OP is, of all the valid flaws and complaints there are, he chooses 90% of things that were the norm for that generation of console shooters

>bullet sponge enemies where you need 15 headshots to kill the basic enemies
>levels that are too long without being able to save your progress
>blur during reloads

Its still one of the more worthwhile shooters of the era, and OP is still a faggot

>> No.8920098

And yet it's still better than Black

>> No.8920984

/vr/ is full of contrarian faggots

>real world: game is good and popular
>/vr/: "we must boycott it"

>> No.8921016

>/vr/ is full of contrarian faggots
That is just /v/ spillover trying to fit into the hipsterish retro vidya wave.