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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 218 KB, 1600x1168, snes_final_fantasy_2_p_xfzkj6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8917915 No.8917915 [Reply] [Original]

I'm planning on playing all the SNES RPGs and was thinking of just doing them in order of release date. Is this a bad idea? Should I just skip this one because everybody says it's bad? Was thinking of skipping Mystic Quest too because people say the same thing.

>> No.8917916

then just do it and stop yapping about it

>> No.8917921

FF4 and MQ are both fun. People are just overly critical of them cause of generation wars and FF5fags seething over 4 being more mainstream popular.

>> No.8917930

If all you do is think about playing games rather than playing them, you're going to end up shitposting on /v/ until you die.
FF2 is a good start, honestly. Great music and atmosphere, it's not difficult, decent story.
Lufia 2 is a really good one, you could do that next. Get to it, anon.

>> No.8917943

Which homosexual male told you FF4 is a bad game?

>> No.8917973

why are jrpgs the most popular retro genre?

>> No.8917982

Try doing all Super Famicom RPGs instead and then we'll talk. Even just the translated ones.

>> No.8917983

Is not a bad idea. 4 is fantastic though, and my favorite from the snes trilogy. You will find out that people prefer 6 for the story and 5 for the mechanics however.

>> No.8918024

Skip Lagoon, FF4, MQ, Soul Blazer, and Lufia 1, everything else is fine.

>> No.8918035

If you plan to play all of something, then start omitting stuff before you've even started, then there's already no reason to continue. Just play whatever you want at that point, since that's the direction you're heading anyway.

>> No.8918168

They're fun.

>> No.8918281

Release date order is based and "everybody" are a bunch of fucking faggots and you should never listen to them. You might notice how good the presentation in this game is compared to other RPGs from 91 and earlier, instead of anime fags crying about the characters being bad, or autists whining about how it's not hard enough becuase it can be completed without grinding random mobs.

>> No.8918290

>skip Soul Blazer
extremely low IQ advice

>> No.8918860
File: 304 KB, 676x785, fan translations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing translated games
Better research the translation first to see how badly the internet fags butchered it. You might be better with with moonrunes you can't understand.

>> No.8918878
File: 211 KB, 1100x520, ff5-vs-ff4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big brain post

>> No.8918886

Mystic Quest has one of the best soundtrack of any SNES game ever, and it's honestly a lot of fun if you don't try to treat it like FFIV or FFVI.

If you emulate, FFV has the best gameplay out of the SNES options, and the class system is where Bravely Default came from. Story is unfortunately a bit weak though.

>> No.8918903

don't worry about it

>> No.8918929

>I'm planning on playing all the SNES RPGs
Ok have fun, I guess...

>> No.8918931
File: 233 KB, 500x266, R (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's that, platformers, beat 'em ups, or puzzles stuff.

>> No.8919017

they aged better than a lot of other genres.

>> No.8919178

Anyways, doesn't seem like they did. Modern AAA games do everything JRPGs used to be known for (XP, stats, exploration, story sequences) but in a full 3D action game. But while you can find tons of retro-styled platform games, turn-based JRPGs are very niche.

>> No.8919181

FFIV is great. Maybe you heard people complaining about the original English version, since it has some changes simplifying it. You can play the original version in English now easily though if you're interested.

>> No.8919197

>full 3D action game
Which JRPG fans often don't enjoy.

>> No.8919221

Why did you put 5 before 4?

>> No.8919229

>Should I just skip this one
FF4 is fucking excellent. Just don't touch the butchered American release.

>> No.8919268

Tards want to emulate on their phones, so JRPGs are the only things they can actually play on the shitty touchscreen.

>> No.8919382
File: 148 KB, 302x242, 1605205943437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a facetious comparison.

>> No.8920151

it's old-fashioned and doesn't hold candle to 5 and 6 but still a comfy game worth playing if you like classic jrpgs

>> No.8920217

>You might be better with with moonrunes you can't understand.

Been there, done that. Translations are still the better choice. Also translation flame wars are fucking pathetic. That's coming from someone who actually had a foreign language degree and did some translating.

>> No.8920271
File: 293 KB, 399x451, Enough with the shitposts!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8920276

Avoid Paladins Quest. It's a cunt.

>> No.8920312

Still replayable after 30 years.

>> No.8920313

FFIV is a very good game, not the best FF but a good FF.
Even MQ is not that bad, music was great

>> No.8920467
File: 182 KB, 796x868, 1635977385069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it gives him a dopamine rush to talk about the original Japanese! Why are you ruining that for her, bigot?

>> No.8920516
File: 936 KB, 2200x2144, ff5-gba-vs-snes-withff4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to fuck with you
Yes it was facetious, although that's a really puzzling choice of reaction image. I originally made the image during a discussion about the GBA version of FF5 and I think I was showing the difference in menu layouts between each game. FF4 was just there for reference (and I have no clue why I took a screenshot of a red mage meaning there are 9 spells in 12 slots for the SNES version).

>> No.8920526
File: 81 KB, 958x712, FF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic Idea. Love the simplicity of early SNES JRPGs. They feel like 16-bit revamps of 8-bit JRPGs.

>> No.8921020

Ff5 with the GBA script is fun

No other jrpgs hold up. Too much slanty eyed retardation

Japan needed to be nuked 1000 times more than it did to rid it of the cancer

>> No.8921247

>Should I just skip this one because everybody says it's bad?
What universe do you live in?

>> No.8921251

Holy shit shut up

>> No.8921262

FF4 was quite a leap forward in storytelling. Unprecedented in gaming, maybe, with its ensemble cast, huge array of events and settings, and a focus main character's development right up to the very end.

>> No.8921264

Easier to get into compared to more demanding 16 but action games. They don't need to save scum through these games.

>> No.8921272

More subtle than the average bait thread, I'll give you that.