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8917357 No.8917357 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I play through Ocarina of Time, I am shocked at how bittersweet it is.

>> No.8917365
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Some highlights
>Deku Tree dying right off the bat
>Almost everything regarding Saria
>Zelda's regret over using Link
>All the Sages implied to have gotten killed over the course of the game
>all the Kokiri feeling bad about being mean to Link when you talk to them as an adult
>The depressive punk guy getting turned into a Stalfos
>Hyrule Castle town destroyed and filled with Zombies
>the shock of wandering into Kakariko after beating the Water Temple to find it on fire

>> No.8917406

How were the Kokiri able to leave the woods in the ending anyways?

>> No.8917412

maybe the deku tree lied about them not being able to leave the forest.

>> No.8917414

Makes sense I suppose. Probably to keep Link from fucking off

>> No.8917416

Some of the best writing in the franchise is in OoT, I think.

>> No.8917418

>the guard who dies in front of you that you can only see immediately after zelda and impa escape on horseback.
I didn't believe it till i saw it myself. Are there any other permanently missable NPCs?

>> No.8917419

I was under the impression not that there was a spell keeping the Kokiri in the forest and they'd die if they left, but that the world is a scary dangerous place and the forest is a magical sanctuary that keeps them safe.

>> No.8917426

>All the Sages implied to have gotten killed over the course of the game
Everyone says this but the only one where it seems to be explicitly spelled out is Darunia because he goes into Volvagia's boss room to fight him without the hammer. Everyone else you have to infer REALLY hard, especially Ruto at the Water Temple.

>> No.8917431

Good stories tend to be like that

>> No.8917439

Play saria's song before finishing forest temple. She says she's surrounded by monsters. Nabooru gets magic'd by twinrova and killed by link. Impa is said to have gone to the spirit temple and never returned by the villagers in kakariko.

>> No.8917440

>Everyone else you have to infer REALLY hard, especially Ruto at the Water Temple.
where did she go, then?
And where did impa go? Or nabooru?
>sages are only seen together in the ending
>mido and king zora obviously depressed

They're either dead or ascended to a higher plane, which is essentially dead as far as the physical world is concerned.

>> No.8917441

They got tired of immortality and decided to take their chances out in the great wide world.

>> No.8917442

Even after all these years i mix them up. Why the fuck are they backwards in the interface?

>> No.8917448

The deku tree lied to them to keep them safe since he knew they'd get eaten alive in the outside world

>> No.8917454

Eh, they'll be fine.

>> No.8917456

>where did she go, then?

>> No.8917457
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It's just odd to me because it feels like that for years, everyone would treat OoT's story like it wasn't anything special -- even by the standards of the franchise.
I can't imagine how someone can start up the game, watch the opening cutscene of Link's Nightmare and not already know how OoT is leaps and bounds ahead of every other Zelda game in terms of storytelling.
>Immediately sets up Link as a hero
>immediately sets up Ganondorf as the villain
>Kokiri Forest quickly establishes Link's low status, Saria and Mido's characters and the Deku Tree's role.

>> No.8917461

>She says she's surrounded by monsters.
No she just says there's lots of monsters in the temple, though admittedly yeah she's probably dead.
>Nabooru gets magic'd by twinrova
Don't they explicitly say they still had a use for her and were just teleporting her away?

>> No.8917468

>I can't imagine how someone can start up the game, watch the opening cutscene of Link's Nightmare and not already know how OoT is leaps and bounds ahead of every other Zelda game in terms of storytelling.
You mean all four of them prior that was limited by the technology of the time? That's not a high bar to clear.

>> No.8917469
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>Why the fuck are they backwards in the interface?
Likely theory is that in-development the two were swapped (with Shadow being last), but that the menus were never changed back when Spirit Temple became the final dungeon.

A lot of the older plans for the game still made it in the final version. For example, the pedestal to open the Shadow Temple's door still bears the icon of the Fire Medallion. From when the Medallion's were C-Items and it functioned like Din's Fire.

>> No.8917471

which goes back to my first sentence.
>it feels like that for years, everyone would treat OoT's story like it wasn't anything special -- even by the standards of the franchise.

>> No.8917474

It's really not. Just a base-standard fantasy tale.

>> No.8917476

>confusing plot with storytelling

>> No.8917490

Nah I always saw Spirit Temple as being last. The first 4 temples were all related to places and towns you've already been before, the Spirit Temple is way far out of the way from everything else and is about the history of Ganondorf himself, it makes sense for it to be the final dungeon.

>> No.8917517

I think you misread my post.

>> No.8917519

>link doesn't have sex despite having half the population of hyrule lust over him

>> No.8917532
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It’s a reference to how the sages descendants in LttP are similarly executed by Aganhim and then their spirits are sealed into crystals.
Sages are just stronger in ghost form

>> No.8917537

oot feels far more bittersweet than mm for some reason. probably because of mm's pretty mature handling of its darker themes while oot just...leaves them hanging. understandably, they're not the point of the game unlike mm, and in that sense oot and mm are kind of like going from childhood to adulthood in a way

ww also felt very melancholic to me for some reason. probably the atmosphere and the whole journey alone across the sea

>> No.8917553

MM had an ultimately happy ending with only a few characters like the deku butler, the zora singer and the gorons morning their dead and everyone else basically being perfectly happy. So I can see why you would think that OoT, which still has a bunch of issues and implied death, still being around.
WW is also the death of Hyrule at the end. Even if it ends with a hopeful note that Link and Zelda can establish a new kingdom somewhere without the triforce and the bullshit reincarnation cycle around, it's still pretty bittersweet that the land is basically dead.

>> No.8917554
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>> No.8917562

I want to play Majora's Mask. Never really played it before.
Is it fine to emulate? I have it on Wii U VC but it feels a bit sluggish.

>> No.8917567

>The depressive punk guy getting turned into a Stalfos
Everything surrounding his entire story is really sad when you play the game with an adult understanding of depression
>People are disgusting. My own parents are disgusting. You're probably disgusting too

>> No.8917580

>I have it on Wii U VC but it feels a bit sluggish.
the n64 zeldas run slowly as is. what do you mean?

>> No.8917587

I was told Wii U VC versions had a lot of extra input delay.

>> No.8917592

oh, right. yeah.

>> No.8917593
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>few characters like the deku butler
This moment is such a punch in the credits sequence.

>> No.8917605

I didn't know how to sex when I was 10, cut him some slack

>> No.8917620

He meets all of them as an adult. Jesus Christ, Saria's pussy is tighter than a clenched butthole I want to fuck it from every angle.

>> No.8917627
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The Link "loses his accomplishments" wank is the stupidest shit ever. It would have been infinitely more messed up if he had remained an adult in that fucked up future, but now he gets to live the childhood they almost took from him, and he's amassed a ton of experience, courage and wisdom. Just look at how much more competent he is as a kid in Majora' he uses stuff he could only use as an adult in Ocarina. And what a shitty hero he'd be if he had been a gloryhound. I bet the guy with the Triforce of courage still feels proud of what he did, even if only a few (very important) people know about it.

tldr I've never bought that whole "Link lost his recognition" horseshit, the only thing that makes Ocarina's ending bittersweet is the creeping sadness from the game itself (stuff like >>8917365 ) and Navi leaving

>> No.8917641

Shame it wiped away most of the good he did and led to the WW timeline being fucked over.

>> No.8917652

What the fuck did it wipe away, by all accounts present Hyrule was saved before Ganondorf could have laid hands on the triforce and future Hyrule was rid of him. That timeline discussion is also worthless to me, I do not care about it, every Zelda is its own thing. The sages on the stained glasses are just a nod, I really doubt OoT Link was considered at fault for the gods going apeshit and Conan-ing Hyrule until some jackoff decided to put together that toilet paper official timeline. Fuck off, Hyrule Historia.

>> No.8917660

It meant that there was no Link to save Hyrule when Ganon came back or whatever.
Also you can say each game is it's own thing but we're literally talking about WW's backstory and it's plainly explained.
Granted I originally thought it was talking about Link fucking off to the place in MM but Twilight confirmed he came back and died as an adult there.

>> No.8917661

>every Zelda is its own thing. The sages on the stained glasses are just a nod,
I don't get it. Wind Waker is explicitly a sequel to oot.

>> No.8917664

Maybe he forgot about the literal intro to WW talking about Link not being there? He seems to think it was from the Historia

>> No.8917671
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> I bet the guy with the Triforce of courage still feels proud of what he did, even if only a few (very important) people know about it.
He has regrets, in that he was the most badass swordsman ever but in a timeline where he never was known as the hero, he grew up to be a nobody and thus never got to pass on his OP bullshit swordsmanship to an apprentice in life. At least his shade got to pass on eventually

>> No.8917672

So while OoT Link was still alive he fucked off and let Hyrule be flooded, is that what that implies? That "or whatever" is way too nebulous, I always got the impression it was 100 or 200 years later, there's no way to know Link was depressed because he craved attention from saving the world, or even not finding Navi, I'd like to think Link was better than that and if the Historia implies that is the canon reason yeah it's horseshit.

Honestly I kinda did, it even says "Hero of time" lmao whoops

>> No.8917678

OoT Zelda and Link are the most melancholic love story in video games.

>> No.8917682
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I can understand the butthurt about the "hero's fall" timeline, but OoT itself made it very clear that there were two separate timelines. The one where Link was sent back to his childhood and the one that was left after Link got sent back.

>So while OoT Link was still alive he fucked off and let Hyrule be flooded, is that what that implies?
No, retard. Hyrule flooding was the adult timeline, the one link was removed from by Zelda at the end of OoT.

>> No.8917683

>So while OoT Link was still alive he fucked off and let Hyrule be flooded, is that what that implies?
Not either of them but no, OoT creates 3 timelines at the end
>one where Link just straight up fails Ganon kills him (LttP timeline, the Sages have to exhaust themselves at much higher cost to seal Ganon)
>the one where Link gets to live out his childhood and grow up after beating Ganon (MM and TP timeline)
>the one where Link beat Ganon as an adult, but then he taken out of that world by Zelda so when Ganon's seal is broken, Link isn't there to beat him so the sages flood the world to contain him again (WW timeline)

>> No.8917687

I've never had a WiiU but I always hear people say that its VC has input lag and in general is worse than the Wii one. If it's that noticeable just emulate it on PC or play the 3DS remake which I enjoyed more

>> No.8917691

>one where Link just straight up fails Ganon kills him (LttP timeline, the Sages have to exhaust themselves at much higher cost to seal Ganon)
Created because OoT ultimately ended up ditching the backstory from ALttP in favor of a soft reboot and needed to reconcile it somehow.

>> No.8917692

Probably depends on the VC game in question, Aria of Sorrow emulated just fine on WiiU for me.

>> No.8917695
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Yeah this is the wank I'm talking about, I hate it, it's all horseshit, I doubt Link was that fucking petty about "being a nobody".

Yeah so when LttP is involved and OoT becomes a prequel for it, that's the Hyrule Historia timeline thing.

>> No.8917705

>Yeah this is the wank I'm talking about, I hate it, it's all horseshit, I doubt Link was that fucking petty about "being a nobody".
Doesn't change that it's canon.
>Yeah so when LttP is involved and OoT becomes a prequel for it, that's the Hyrule Historia timeline thing.
And? That's what Nintendo says happened.
Besides, OoT was kinda always accepted as the first game in the timeline before SS happened since the character Ganondorf wasn't really a thing in any previously made games and at the end of OoT, he he turns for the first time into Ganon that we know in all the other games. Then he vows he will return at the end, which he does in the earlier made games.

>> No.8917706

if you're gonna emulate i recommend the redux patch. yes it's not the original way the game released but it adds a lot of qol shit like text speed, putting the transformation masks on the dpad and skipping some needless song cutscenes, etc

>> No.8917713

You're attributing characterization and personality to a character that has none prior to WW giving him his faces to react to events and TP giving him a voice. Your argument on how Link is as a character has less grounding than fucking Samus.

>> No.8917717

it wasn't oot, ww was the one that fucked the timeline over, since alttp was supposed to take place after oot in the adult timeline, with ganon trapped as a pig in the sacred realm and turning the place into the dark world

but ww happened and they fucked up so they had to make a new timeline lol

>> No.8917720

Aria of Sorrow is on WiiU VC?? Damn, WiiU is really good if you want to officially purchase various oldies

>> No.8917727

Ganondorf returned to being a human and only had the Triforce of Power in OoT, whereas ALttP stated that he got the entire Triforce and became Ganon permanently before he was sealed. "Downfall" was made to fix this by having him kill Link and Zelda for the other pieces.

>> No.8917736

>Ganondorf returned to being a human and only had the Triforce of Power in OoT
You mean in WW?

>> No.8917737

Yeah, but he's still a kid mentally, since he just magically became an adult overnight.

>> No.8917742
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>Hyrule flooding was the adult timeline
Okay fuck all this timeline shit, it is as confusing as it is uninteresting.

>Skyward is supposed to be the first game in the timeline
>except it's borderline post-apocalyptic
>opens alluding to stuff that happened in legends all "oNcE uPoN a TiMe"

Still mad.

Granted it's the player doing it, but Link is a very selfless person, moreso in Majora than anything, he does some really good things just for the sake of helping people. And if he "grew up to be a nobody" it's most likely because he went to look for his friend Navi, he could have stayed at Zelda's side as he's seen talking to her in that MM flashback. Still do not buy someone who could hang out with the princess of fucking Hyrule was disatisfied with what he had accomplished at the age of ten. I do not like what is implied one bit.

Wii U's GBA emulation was actually top notch. They even went back and localized stuff like Drill Dozer for european audiences. Shame they gave up midway because Nintendo is terrible and I suspect it was not selling much.

>> No.8917745

No, in OoT's own ending.

>> No.8917756

Oot was always a prequel to alttp

>> No.8917759

Not by the time the finished writing the story for it.

>> No.8917763

>Wii U's GBA emulation was actually top notch
This shit is weird. 3DS should've had tons and tons of GBA titles, instead there are like 10 which you can't even obtain unless you hack the console. Why it's all on WiiU instead of 3DS is beyond me. Nintendo sometimes does things I refuse to understand

>> No.8917771

Irrelevant. That was always the intention. Oot's events are the imprisoning war described in alttp's manual.
Oot further provides backstory for the goddesses and ganondorf and realm that were not present in loz/aol/alttp/la

>> No.8917776

*sacred realm

>> No.8917782

>Thinks that you think are deep just because they are popular.

>> No.8917787

Less dangerous with Ganon defeated.

>> No.8917791

The GBA shit in particular was because of that Ambassador fiasco, but there was an explanation to the VC weirdness of around that time that was on an article I read: it all sold like fucking shit. Past the 3DS classics and other ports with effort not selling much, I think they stopped putting effort into them. I don't really know. Ironically, Konami was releasing PC Engine stuff to the Wii U VC up to 2018 because it probably did not cost them a cent (check it out, Wii U currently has stuff like Devil's Crush, Bonk, Neutopia and Soldier Blade ). I stil play Streets of Rage 2, Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes and Kirby's Adventure on my 3DS, they're all amazing ports, but to continue your question, why the fuck weren't those polished ports in the Wii U as well? Yeah. It refuses to be understoogd.

Nowadays we can hack anything and have it all the same so really, who cares. Playing GBA games in the Wii U pad is comfy af.

Captcha: OOTtr

>> No.8917809

Sit down, retard

>> No.8917826

>I stil play Streets of Rage 2, Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes and Kirby's Adventure on my 3DS, they're all amazing ports
I really need to try them. Have never actually played any of the 3D ports, only regular Virtual Console stuff

>> No.8917846

They are just about as they could have been anon, MUCH better than those unoptimized VC Roms, put them in your 3DS. Kirby's Adventure really benefits from no-slowdown, and the Sega ones are great. SoR2 has this shit in it and that alone makes me appreciate it lots:


Why the fuck did Zelda 1 and 2 never get the Nintendo Classics treatment? Specially Zelda 2 could have easily received an overhaul for the normies, and it would have kept the original difficulty like Kid Icarus did. Was Nintendo really that money grubby, they thought since they already had that regular VC release it was a wasted effort?

>> No.8917990

Timmy noooooo

>> No.8918102

As adult link, the gerudos tell you about how nabooru is the gerudo queen or whatever and her lair is in the spirit temple
When you meet her as a kid, everything she says is related to overthrowing king ganondorf
The use they had for her was to put a stop to her defecting by brainwashing her and keeping the geurdo people loyal

Then you kill her as an adult, so yeah, dead.

>> No.8918108

Thanks anon, will do
>Specially Zelda 2 could have easily received an overhaul for the normies
I love Zelda 2 and I want a full blown remake done by someone like Inti Creates

>> No.8918112
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>Zelda 2
Appeared on the gigaleak and it looked pretty shit.

>> No.8918117

It's weird how much snes leaked stuff looked like yoshi's island's sprites

>> No.8918125

interesting point
just a theory but I think it has something to do with how nintendo didn't really release too many in house classic IP titles after the launch window.
My guess is they figured out that art style some time after Super Mario Kart

>> No.8918217

Nope, I meant a retooled port like those Kirby's Adventure and Kid Icarus got on the 3DS. The new backgrounds were ugly but for the most part they were great re-releases which also had the original difficulty mode.

You do not kill her, she survives and runs away before the hags proclaim they are going to use her again. I'd argue she's the one with the least ambiguous fate.

>> No.8918223
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>the time loop
>the paradox
>zeldas meddling with the sacred realm fucks over her brother


What? You again?
Somehow, you remind me of...
Princess Zelda..."

>> No.8918251

fake news

>> No.8918262

"Because of my role as a ghost, I
had to act like that. I apologize.
Now then, let me introduce myself.

I am one of the ghostly composer
brothers of Kakariko Village.
All the people in this village are
born to serve the Royal Family of
We brothers also served the Royal
Family, and were assigned to
study the hereditary mystic
powers of the family.
Though we never could figure out
the power of the Triforce,
we had almost completed our
study of controlling time with the
tones of ocarinas.
Uh, I mean...
Actually, we did complete that
We would have been famous, if
that hateful Ganondorf had not
tried to steal our results.
We could never let him reap the
fruits of our research!
That's why we gave our lives to
protect the secret......"

they killed themselves to hide the TWO songs written for the children of the royal family from ganon

>> No.8918272
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>>the shock of wandering into Kakariko after beating the Water Temple to find it on fire
Obviously kakariko was no worse for wear, but I have difficult time imagining any modern zelda having the balls to make something like this
It's not even that extreme, but modern zelda is so toothless.

>> No.8918465

One of my favorite YouTube videos of all time. Highly recommned it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyUcwsjyd8Q

>> No.8918505

>Skyward is supposed to be the first game in the timeline
Yes? I mean it's really clear
>except it's borderline post-apocalyptic
No, the world just doesn't exist yet. It's the opposite of post-apocalyptic, it's like creation myth shit

>> No.8918540

I know, just complaining about it, it was advertised as so in the fucking news where I lived, and it's a shit "first game". Also no creation myth, that's bullshit, there's literally a world in ruins from like five wildly different cultures below, and a population displacement after the holy war or whatever, it's like Wind Waker but cloud instead of water.

>> No.8918549
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>Still do not buy someone who could hang out with the princess of fucking Hyrule was disatisfied with what he had accomplished at the age of ten.
Anon no, the Hero's Shade was dissatisfied because while by most people's standards he led a fulfilling life since he got married and had kids (he had to have, TP Link is his direct descendant), he still has to pass on his legacy. It's an extremely Japanese concept and you're free to not like it but to them, your accomplishments mean nothing if your skills and knowledge aren't passed down to the next generation, they're otherwise lost and it's like they never happened. Especially considering in the time since OoT, Link had grown to become a master swordsman surpassing anything he was capable of in the game itself, if the Hero Shade's abilities are anything to go by. Like he said himself
>Although I accepted life as the hero, I could not convey the lessons of that life to those who came after. At last, I have eased those regrets. You who have marched through countless foes, each mightier then the last... You who now gaze to the future with vision unclouded... Surely you can restore Hyrule to its stature of yore as the chosen land of the gods...Farewell!

Hence why when he meets you, he plans to whip your ass into shape because as you are now at that point in the game, you couldn't possibly defeat Ganon. You wield the Master Sword but you lack the Courage to unleash its true power against evil. Hence why in the above quote, when your training finishes he's proud of you. I don't know how you took a story of honoring the legacy of your ancestors and completely misinterpreted what it was trying to say.

>> No.8918575
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See this is not terrible, I hve no issue with this, whatever.

Thing is. It has nothing to do with nobody knowing what Link did in the present timeline. Link "losing his accomplishments" and all that wankery, that's the dumb thing I hate, because it's not even that true. If Link became a bitter to-be-teacher it must have stemmed from other things, th sages deciding to give him his childhood back had nothing to do with it.

>> No.8918576

Also, the subtext of a father teaching his son

>> No.8918579

How would anyone know links accomplishments? You're an idiot. Think about this critically.

>> No.8918583

how did TP link have less courage than OOT link? thats retarded. oot link was literally a child in an adults body. he was constantly screaming in fear. Fuck off. TP Link is way cooler. He can do anything.

>> No.8918589

Link still saved the gorons and the Zora princess in the kid timeline.

>> No.8918593

I really enjoy playing the N64 zeldas but I have not found a single games that grabs me as hard to be honest. and its not a nostalgia thing because I dont feel the same draw and appeal from other acclaimed games i played as kit. i genuinely enjoy n64 zelda as an adult a whole lot. i wish WW and TP could have had the same spark orsomething.
WW and TP should have been combined into one game called WW that released in 2005 or something

>> No.8918594
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Who the fuck cares. I don't even give a shit, my point is that does not matter at all. I think we're having two different conversations.

But if you mean because I said "it's not even that true" is because he's hanging out with Zelda in that MM flashback and having the benediction of the princess of Hyrule is a big fucking deal if you ask me.

Also THIS, THANK YOU, people ignore Link earned the trust of the sages as a fucking kid, the story works because he set up his heroics as a brat.

>> No.8918595

I see the issue here, you're mistaking regret for bitterness. Ghost Dad isn't angry that he never got to pass on his skills, he's sad. Sure he looks like an evil skeleton in old broken armor but it's not supposed to make him look evil, it's just to show that he's really old. In the physical world he looks like a radiant golden wolf.

>how did TP link have less courage than OOT link?
Because TP Link lacked the triforce of courage (you know the literal embodiment of courage in their world) at the time he met Ghost Dad.

>> No.8918596

she sent him back to before he met her for the first time though so before he met the gorons and zoras

>> No.8918601

But you're wrong here.
>benediction of the princess
Come on now. Get over yourself

>> No.8918605
File: 1.18 MB, 1576x772, recognition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, this is clearly the face of seeing someone you already know.
If she sent him back in time but after he helped the Gorons and Zoras, then she would already be kidnapped by Ganon.
Face it. Link in the young link timeline accomplished nothing in hyrule as far as the people know he was just Zelda's friend some random orphan kid.

>> No.8918606

Did he? Considering after being sent back, Navi left him and then he went to tell Zelda what was going to happen so that Ganondorf could be sealed away before he attacks the castle, I don't think he ever actually MET the Gorons and Zora. In that ending screen, it's supposed to be Link and Zelda meeting again for the first time.

Also considering the only reason Ganondorf was able to obtain his power was because Link went and grabbed the stones to bring them to the temple of time...yeah it actually fucks Ganondorf over if Link simply does nothing because even if he gets a hold of the other 2 stones, Link has the Kokiri's Emerald and Ganondorf doesn't know that.

>> No.8918613
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>you're mistaking regret for bitterness
No, I just don't think this regret comes from what the sages did.

>> No.8918618

>No, I just don't think this regret comes from what the sages did.
I never said it did, from the very beginning when I first brought up the Hero's Shade here >>8917671 I always said it was from not being able to pass on his skills.

>> No.8918620

Anon he hung out with the princess, that doesn't mean he went and saved the zora and gorons. He wouldn't really need to after Ganondorf is sealed away since their problems were caused by him blackmailing them.

>> No.8918621

That doesn't prove them wrong. She's referencing the days of carefree fun they had after their first meeting where they got rid of Ganon.
Again if she sent him back in time after he got all the stones then Zelda would ALREADY be kidnapped.
Also she would clearly know him, and this face she makes at the end >>8918605
evokes the one she made when she first met him. She's shocked some random kid showed up. She doesn't know Link. She never met him. Link 'had his childhood' by running around the now safe Castletown and Hyrule with Zelda and Epona.

>> No.8918623

What happened to Ganondorf in the young link timeline? Did they just seal him? But not all the sages knew they were sages, so was it just Link Zelda and a contingent of guards gathering all the sages to go seal Ganondorf? Could a child link with no master sword, some guards, and the sages really be enough to get rid of this Ganondorf?

>> No.8918624

The monsters that Ganon put into the goron and zora realms wouldn't just vanish. Link probably still took care of them just without collecting the stones. Why wouldn't he? He was friends with both races

>> No.8918628

I think Hyrule is the kind of place that with Ganon's defeat his minions would either vanish or come to their senses and start leaving or wandering on their own.

>> No.8918629

He gets locked away in the Twilight Realm instead of the Sacred Realm

>> No.8918634

what does that even mean? So to deal with Ganondorf they contact the Twili? Why would they even take that job instead of just sending him to the more secure and isolated sacred realm? I mean the Twilight Realm is just the Twili's actual home.

>> No.8918641

>what does that even mean?
We don't quite know how they did it, just that the Ancient Sages (which kinda implies there are ALWAYS 7 sages around at any one time, and the ones we meet as an adult had only recently awakened and there were 7 different sages during the child link era) shoved him in there and locked the door behind him.

>> No.8918643

I just doubt he'd grow as a nobody being buddy-buddy with Zelda and indeed having done a lot of heroic shit himself, what the hell prevents a 10 year old kid who can murder giant monsters with a sword from forging himself a reputation as a swordsmaster in the rest of his life? And need I remind you, this 10 year old kid is someone who has the boon of Hyrulean royalty.

If that's the case something else might have happened. He might have become lost as a Stalfos whilst looking for Navi, or despaired because she never found her. or something like that.

But Majora's Link is Ocarina's Link. That flashback is supposed to happen after the events of the game. It's right before Link sets on his quest to find her friend, and Zelda sees him off. Zelda clearly knows him.

>She's shocked some random kid showed up.
I can't believe I have to explain this but there's more than one kind of shock

This is so dumb

>> No.8918648

I thought the sages were just these eternal beings, not a role you assume. I guess that makes sense though. I wonder who the original 7 sages are then.

>> No.8918652

anon, the twilight realm was a prison where they tossed dangerous mages and shit. That's who the twilight realm residents are. I highly doubt they gave a shit about the descendants of a bunch of people they were actively imprisoning.

>> No.8918654

When did I imply zelda did not know him in MM? Now you're just arguing in bad faith.
Maybe he's not a nobody but I think you're seriously overstating how much people would care about Zelda's playmate
>more than one kind of shock
now you're really reaching

>> No.8918657

>But Majora's Link is Ocarina's Link. That flashback is supposed to happen after the events of the game. It's right before Link sets on his quest to find her friend, and Zelda sees him off. Zelda clearly knows him.
Which is kinda wierd because it means he just hung out for a while with Zelda and then at one point just goes "you know I really should get around to finding Navi one of these days"

>> No.8918658

Have you not played Wind Waker? You literally find replacements for two of the sages in it

>> No.8918661

It's not weird at all, thats how people work. Something that eats at you more and more overtime until you need to do something

>> No.8918664

I don't know, that would be my 2nd priority after "warn Zelda so the kingdom is saved"

>> No.8918665

wind waker?

>> No.8918670


>> No.8918674

Not him but yeah, 2 of the sages are dead so you're told "ah shit, we need new sages".

>> No.8918678

I think it makes sense for him to spend a few months to a year trying to live a normal childhood with Zelda. Realizing that while she is a total child he isn't altogether mentally a child anymore after his experience. And then wanting to reunite with the only person who really knows what he's been through.

>> No.8918681

oh i dont think i played that one

>> No.8918690
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There's these creepy assholes from Twilight.

I uh what, but, kfjfdg I misunderstood about her knowing him then, I answered to other anon who I think thought she did not know him. I don't know anon, I'm getting confused and I'm just an old bitter asshole, I'm getting real tired of this debate, I don't know if I have another post about it in me.

>I think you're seriously overstating how much people would care about Zelda's playmate
Zelda's gonna grow up into a magnificent queen and I doubt she's gonna hide the fact Link was kind of a hero. Put it in a history book or two? Perhaps there's another Hyrule-wide crisis,as these things tend to happen in Zelda and she looks for his help? She's resourceful and pragmatic, she learnd ninjutsu and jumped around for seven years, believing in Link to the end. It's not that farfetched being in the best graces of the girl who became such an amazing queen would do Link's reputation good. She wasn't stupid, or mean.

>> No.8918694

TP more or less says that the 7 sages around during Child Link's time were these 7 old dudes who in the Adult Link time were all killed in Ganondorf's surprise attack on the castle, but when they're actually warned ahead of time about what Ganondorf was going to do, they cast a spell and threw his ass in the Twilight Realm like what happened to every mage the kingdom wanted to get rid of.

>> No.8918698

movie game gonna movie game

>> No.8918708

I dunno. Now that stuff depends on whether you believe link made it back to hyrule after MM or if he became a stalfos on the way there.

To be honest I've never liked the idea that young link just become another knight and just kind of fucks around for the rest of his life running a ranch with his wife malon. So I always personally liked the idea that he became a stalfos on his quest for navi even if thats a bit edgy. But's just my preference for hero endings. I either want a 'ride into the sunset' ending or some kind of tragic thing like that.
That gets into too much fanfic stuff for me talking about Zelda being a queen and how good she is. I like to think that Link as a person is a footnote at best in zelda's childhood that was overshadowed by the sages who actually imprisoned ganondorf in that timeline. But I'm pretty sure its implied that outside of Ganondorf appearences, Hyrule is a pretty peaceful safe place and stays that way for hundreds of years in between a male gerudo birth.

>> No.8918712

I really hate movie games
OoT and SOTC. They really fucked up video games.

>> No.8918715

The world in ruins is from Demise's war, the game literally tells you this. The game also says that his hate will be reborn in others through the ages (Ganon and Zant). The dude is Zelda's satan, he's the source of all hate and evil in the world because he's the first person to covet the triforce

>> No.8918718


>> No.8918724

but everyone covets the triforce. Doesn't TP basically tell an adam and eve / caine and abel type story about this? And thats a foundational creation thing that predates Demise even.

Who cares though? Nintendo doesn't. And they haven't fully delivered on a Zelda game since n64.

>> No.8918727

ok mr cinematic experience

>> No.8918728

>Doesn't TP basically tell an adam and eve / caine and abel type story about this?
The Interlopers? No they're just a bunch of asshole mages who tried to take over the Sacred Realm so they got their asses banished to the Twilight Realm for it.

>> No.8918730

Man this is probably the worst zelda thing i have ever seen

>> No.8918731

why dont the gods just like destroy the triforce
and also tell link to get a fucking haircut
just look at him nowadays
and he has tattoos in that new game too

>> No.8918745

What? It's just a lesson on how power corrupts

>> No.8918746

its about the presentation

>> No.8918760
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Life sometimes is boring like that anon, that's why there's not a game made about those years, maybe. And since Link was sent to right before he grabbed the sword, I absolutely will pigheadedly stick to my belief that him being the savior of the Zoras and the Goron and his first meeting with Zelda is not undone. Maybe Link's search for Navi leads him into that tragic path, both things are not contradictory

Bottom line: Link's regret doesn't come from history forgetting him, which I doubt it did, but also, he probably didn't give a shit about it in the first place

Also I honestly always thought the Wight Knight from Twilight Princess was an unseen reincarnation of Link between the ones we know who failed in his mision and died in battle leaving a shit ton regrets before, hence why he's wearing his armor and looks in his prime.

Yeah. I know all that. It still strikes me of something with lots of backstory an setup, which is my problem.

>> No.8918784

Nah, Hero's Shade was always OoT Link. People figured that shit out LONG before Nintendo came out and said it.

>> No.8918791

It's to show that the Interlopers were in many ways not that different from Link and if he's not careful, that power will make him no different from them. The easiest way to get that across to a child playing the game is to make them look like Link

>> No.8918803

Gotta be honest and people will get mad, but I find the best "successors" for the atmosphere of n64 zelda to be the Metroid Prime Trilogy, Half-Life series and Thief 1 and 2.
All to varying degrees, of course. None of them have the same whimsy as the Zelda franchise, but all of them have the slow pacing and a focus on atmospheric setpieces and immersing the player in strange or unfamiliar worlds.

>> No.8918821

>Zelda and then at one point just goes "you know I really should get around to finding Navi one of these days"
That fits with how link never found navi

>> No.8918826

People always compare zelda to metroid but I really cant get into the 2D metroid to be honest man. That includes indie metroidvanias too. I don't know. I like LTTP and the GBC Zeldas too so I don't really know. I like Metroid prime though so maybe i'll give the rest of it a try.
I gave DeusEx a try but I didn't really stick with it. Didn't find the gameplay too engaging. also the game is really fucking dark and I cant see anything. Like my screen is totally black in some parts of the game at max brightness. Maybe Half life series and thief will be different.

>> No.8918839

I call shenanigans. Where is this guard and when is he available?

>> No.8918840

Damn, I didn't know anyone gave a shit about the story in these games.

>> No.8918841

For me it's the Running Shine video because I love it when people who utterly adore something can take the absolute piss out of it but are doing it out of love
>I don't think there's any one ocarina song that anyone dislikes, I mean Minuet of Forest sounds like picking berries off of a bush during a sunrise, and Prelude of Light sounds like you're uncircumcised but also eight years old so you don't really know the power you possess

>> No.8918842

He appears after getting the ocarina of time but before going into the temple of time.

>> No.8918846

lol nice romhack

>> No.8918847

The idea that oot has a bad/no story is a weird meme perpetrated by retards who didn't pay attention at all. Either to the dialogue, or even some of the environments. They just blundered their way through the game.

>> No.8918851

>1 minute to reply to a post with a video that's almost two minutes.
Put some effort into your shitposting.

>> No.8918859

alot of people go back to these old classics with the desire to find flaws in them to begin with to be honest. they're reacting to the reaction to these games

>> No.8918874

After playing Spirit tracks, it no longer feels that way since hyrule is reborn

>> No.8918881

>Spirit tracks
How is that one? I played Phantom Hourglass and really enjoyed it, but never actually got to that one.

>> No.8918882

such a mistake. they really had written themselves a blank check with WW's ending but instead they totally fucked it up and phoned it in on handhelds for some fucking reason

>> No.8918883

Not him but I heard it's pretty good.

>> No.8918885

did you hear if it's better than PH?

>> No.8918891

I've played this game enough times to hate the Deku Tree

>> No.8918894

great post anon
Going all the way back to odyssey of hyrule I will never not enjoy hearing about the development of ocarina/majora's mask

>> No.8918901

Its a tiny less better than phantom but the chara and atmosphère are top notch, best zelda in the franchise too.

I hope your 3ds mic works cause youre gonna blow

>> No.8918904

I get the feeling and why its a mistake bit i loved zelda on this one so im fine with the optimistic future

>> No.8918905

Oh damn. The market music really sets the mood lol

>> No.8918912

It was designed so you can do them in either order, it just happened that the Kakoriko cutscene tended to bias players towards the Shadow Temple due to proximity.

>> No.8918937
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>I really doubt OoT Link was considered at fault
Song of Storms guy cursed his name in that timeline.

>> No.8918951

>autistic spew
Didn't ask

>> No.8918958

The player will always get the Nocturne of Shadow first in the final game because the Lens of Truth is "required" for the Haunted Easteland.
The shipped version of OoT definitely obliges to player to beat the Shadow Temple first, but it's not set in stone even then (with things like the map markers being set at both Kakariko and Gerudo Valley after beating the Water Temple).

>> No.8918960

>the reason time stands still in towns is because NPCs are doing different shit during the day and night and they weren't confident they could program in schedules for all the characters until MM
Huh, I never thought about that being the reason

>> No.8918969

I fucking hate this guy. hes making a video game and i hate anyone who does that because it reminds me ill never accomplish anything. even being a youtube essayist asshole would be too much for me

>> No.8919012
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>Woman ruins everything, the character
Is she the most flawed female character in vidya history?

>> No.8919050

Between her scenes as both zelda and sheik and all the emotions she displays and thoughts she voices, she's probably the most well-rounded zelda, and with better flaws than just "my daddy won't let me go outside"

>> No.8919079

We don't know what it's like to age instantly. I'm sure some aspects of how you think must lend themselves to biology.

>> No.8919340

I dunno, I think it was bizarre that they all looked like Link and Ilia. I think it might have made more sense to show the various NPC's you've encountered so far.

>> No.8920473

It was just tryhard nonsense

>> No.8920521

This, those who were alive at the time will recall that this game was supposed to be a tour de force, with Nintendo describing it as "Miyamoto's masterpiece" prior to release.

>> No.8920525

Every time I play through Ocarina of Time, I am shocked at how shitty it is.

>> No.8920535

you problem

>> No.8920540

you seeth

>> No.8920558

Why do you think it's shitty?

>> No.8920562
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>> No.8920563

>>how did TP link have less courage than OOT link?
>Because TP Link lacked the triforce of courage (you know the literal embodiment of courage in their world) at the time he met Ghost Dad.
OoT Link wasn't just born with the Triforce of Courage, he received it after opening the Sacred Realm.
So was he simply destined to have it or did he earn it through his actions?
What caused a young child to have such burning, otherworldly courage and
I think he was swept away when he first met Zelda and would do anything for her. She is one of the first of his own people that he meets. The pheromones must have been driving him crazy. It must have felt like the home he never had after being neglected and despised in the forest for his entire life. He wanted to earn Zelda's love and approval, and with a childlike naivety that allowed him to overlook the dangers of his tasks.
Then the tragedy of their parting as Hyrule burns, everything is ripped away, and then he finally finds her again when they are both young adults, full of longing for her.
Then what does she do? She fucking throws him away. Sends him back to his childhood. Rejects him just like all the Kokiri.
Zelda wasn't an ordinary woman, she's sage like, she's destined to possess the Triforce of Wisdom, she's like an unattainable philosopher, but of course Link couldn't have realized that until she sent him back. He must have been filled with despair and regret then. Of course he left Hyrule, the land he saved had nothing to offer him in return.

>> No.8920571

n64, and because its very flat and boring. also plays like shit

>> No.8920876

>throws him away
Link left on his own. Zelda saw him off with great regret in his quest for Navi and said goodbye with: "I'll never forget the days we spent together in Hyrule". And that she wanted to meet him again.

Literally the opposite of what you're saying.

What exactly plays like shit again? I'd argue one of the things that has aged the best about OoT is the gameplay. Unless you mean the N64 framerates or something.

>> No.8920883

>aged the best about OoT is the gameplay
Ah, yes, a fucking pain in the ass analog controller with awkward as fuck movement, camera, controls and every goddamn thing sure did "age the best". The N64 was a fucking joke and the only reason kids gave a shit about it is goddamn nostalgia and the fact that kids have infinite patience for garbage gameplay.
All 3d Zeldas are trash, and most 2d ones are so bogged down with storyshit that they're boring as fuck. The only really top tier quality Zelda game is the original, and you goddamn know it.

>> No.8920887
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>> No.8920895

I love how kids can't EVER counter my argument against how bad the game is, and always are forced to just slap a fucking shitty meme image up with a one word non-reply because in their mind, the jarring realization that they've been lying to themselves all this time is just too much to bear and they are stunned into near-silence. Their only recourse is to use a minimal non-attack to soothe their pain.
It isn't a bad thing to admit your past feelings were wrong. It's okay. Man up and admit it, confess your sins, and we'll talk about it. Grow together. Be strong and learn from your mistakes, don't let them fester inside of you and allow more mistakes to happen.
Admit gaming went to shit in the mid-90s and everything since has been a pile of trash, and maybe together we can save gaming.

>> No.8920926
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This level of projection when this post is nothing but appeals to emotion, buzzords and cliches strung together in a message that could be used to counter anything is astounding. You get so deranged in your rambling I suspect you are just baiting or fanning the flames. Is it fucking pasta? Are you another anon trying to make the one I replied to look like a shitter?

But in case you're not: I kind of agree about the mid 90s and movie games and storyshit though but there's a lot more than that to Ocarina and not every game needs to be one you practice your 1CCs for anyways, adventure games like Sierra's and Lucasarts were always a thing, sold as cinematic back in their time and I am more than fine even with the existance of those, which are way older ad much more of a glorified movie, so yeah no Ocarina of time is fine.

>> No.8920951
File: 76 KB, 400x240, oot3dsheik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it like to play through OoT without being spoiled of Sheik's identity beforehand? How did people react to the twist?

>> No.8920973

i mean the n64 fps and the playability which sucks

>> No.8920979

I thought it was Impa in disguise. When Impa became the Sage of Shadows, I was surprised and thought it might be Link somehow, maybe due to timeline bullshit. The Zelda reveal was weird to me because Zelda isn't supposed to be a ninja. I've never talked to anyone who had their mind blown by it, seems more like a "huh, okay" moment.

>> No.8920989
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Yeah whatever to each their own I think the game plays insanely good for gen 5 action adventure game.

I always wished you could have played as Shiek somehow, there's that art of her and Link fighting Ganon's minions a la Doom, I had it on a strategy guide, it really sold me on her. By the way, that strategy guide fucking spoiled me on the twist, I hadn't gotten to the reveal yet when I got it, fuck.

>> No.8921212

This poster was on my bedroom wall for 10 years, until I moved out and my parents remodeled my bedroom.

>> No.8921464

>Link left on his own.
She sent him back to being a child he had no choice.

>> No.8921475

People who shit on OoT and SoTC are evil. You are most likely a terrible person in real life

>> No.8921480

I don't know what you mean by this, choice of what? He was looking for Navi who fucked off. Would he had been so scarred to have his childhood back and he was only making an excuse, is that what you're saying?

>> No.8921558

Boring bait

>> No.8921729

Never liked any other zelda as much as this one, I don't know if it's nostalgia or the look and feel of everything but I don't think something like it can ever be replciated again, I enjoyed twilight princess and BOTW but no other game has ever scratched that itch or feel OOT did for me.

>> No.8921910

Not enough people realize how sexy Sheik is, and not even the retcon that threw out the magic sex change and all the Smash prominence helped that.

>> No.8922457

It's 4chan anon, everything is an autistic spew

>> No.8922498

>threw out the magic sex change
That's always been a headcanon

>> No.8922605

is this actually in the game????

>> No.8922609

>sheik appears
me :O

>> No.8922612

>fact that kids have infinite patience
tell me you dont have kids without actually saying it

>> No.8922790

I'm not sure if it's 100% the game itself or if it's because it came out at the perfect time when 3D was the new hot shit and games seemed like they could be endless but it really felt like the 'largest' Zelda game ever and had a real sense of adventure to it. Probably why there ended up being so many fake rumors about it since it really did feel like there could be something amazing and hidden that you just need to find

>> No.8922802

>I don't think something like it can ever be replciated again
But that's what makes a good video game. Other 3D Zelda games are just different, they don't have to replicate the same feel. It would be boring otherwise