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/vr/ - Retro Games

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891113 No.891113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love me these old horror games. The genre is not really popular anymore. I just liked being in some big spooky place, exploring. Making progress. The atmosphere. I love those things. The actual horror is secondary, but it's rather nice. The games I've played:

>RE 1, 2, 3
>RE Gun Survivor 1
>Silent Hill 1, 2, 3
>Dino Crisis 1
>Devil May Cry 1
>RE (gamecube)

(Including DMC1, because it has a similar feel and atmosphere as RE games)

Did not try:
- Code Veronica
- RE Zero.
- Other RE Gun Hazard games
- Dino Crisis 2/3

Suggestions on where to go from here? I don't want to replay those games, because I've played them to death. But I want to recapture that feel.

>> No.891126

Alone in the dark
Deep fear

>> No.891125


Forgot to list under played:

>Parasite Eve 1/2

>> No.891152

>Alone in the dark

Which ones specifically? I never played any of them. Aparently they are the one of the first "Explore a spooky mansion with monsters" horror games, and was one of the influences on Resident Evil.

>> No.891176

Clock Tower

>> No.891317

Damn anons, no mention of Haunted House for the 2600? Simple? Yes. More 'jumpy' than scary? Absolutely. Still fits the category, and set the stage for the genre in a few areas(limited inventory, (mostly) defenseless PC, monsters, etc).

OP, you want to try Code Veronica and Dino Crisis 2 when you get the chance. Veronica gets hated on for some reason that completely escapes me, but it does a fantastic job of setting up atmosphere(the BGM of the 'doll mansion' made me think Michael Myers was gonna jump out next, lol). DC2 is more action than survival, but is still a great game all around.

Dracula: The Undead for the Lynx is also a pretty good(though at times frustrating) Quest-type game that fits the bill. Some of the ways you can die are worth seeing once.

>> No.891335


Play Code Veronica X and RE Zero,don't play Dino Crisis 2-3 or other RE games or you will be disappointed.

Some suggestions:

Deep Fear
Clock Tower (borth SNES and the PS1 version)
Alone in the Dark:The New Nightmare

>> No.891363
File: 37 KB, 322x242, 2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels
Its an FPS with RTS elements, but its all about atmosphere right? You and your crew are stuck on a derelict spaceship and basically cleaning it out. Its eerie, its scary and youll def get your heart racing. I dont know if they meant for it to be sort of horrorish but it definitely came off that way

>> No.891382
File: 51 KB, 473x470, Hellnight_Pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellnight is pretty good when it comes to exploring.

>> No.891392

>Clock Tower (borth SNES and the PS1 version)

Could you give me a brief rundown on what sets the two apart? I saw a screen the other day, and I'm pretty interested.

>> No.891414

Is the PSX version considerably worse than the PC version? People who rip DOS games have a personal vendetta against .cda music.

>> No.891417


Typically, when there's a game with a PC and console vesion, the PC version is best.

>> No.891437

I just recently discovered a PC series I missed out on by being a console kid.

Nocturne-Blair Witch

>> No.891446

doom ps1 version for spooky soundtrack

>> No.891450

The SNES version is more like a 2d platformer, the PSX one is a 3D on prerendered like Resident Evil.

>> No.891462
File: 59 KB, 640x633, 1032207633-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clock Tower on SNES is the first Clock Tower. Has an English Fan Translation by AGTP.

There are three Clock Tower games on the PS1 with only two of them being available in English. Clock Tower: The First Fear is JP-only and an enhanced version of the SNES games with new scenes and opening. The NA Clock Tower is actually Clock Tower 2 and takes place a few months after the first game. It plays about the same as the first but now with horribly aged PS1 graphics. There is greater replay in this one because you can also play as the Protagonist from the first game or a new character, with both of them having multiple endings. Finally, Clock Tower: Ghost Head (Clock Tower 2 in NA) is not related to the first two games story wise (This one takes place in Japan while the first two take place in Norway/North Europe in General) but has the same game play. Ghost Head is my least favourite of the series but I still say give it a play through due to how short it is.

>> No.891473

Not necessarily. When the PC version is first, that is almost always true, but when it's a console game first and a PC port later, the PC version tends to be about the same quality. This particular game was on the3DO first and ported to PC and PSX later.

And honestly, if not for the almost universal lack of CDA music in CDROM DOS game rips online, I would have just jumped straight into the DOS version. But a search has led me to a 14mb DOS rip and a 181mb PSX rip, so I'm curious to know if the PSX version is any different.

>> No.891482

That was very informative. Thanks, breh.

>> No.891549

not him, but IV is pretty much a good fit with what you listed.

I think I'm going a bit autistic over this game, but check out Ecco for a kind of underwater horror.

Stalker series (Shadow of CHernobyl and Call of Prypiat i mean) have amazing atmosphere and can be frightening (I love it though, then again, I think silent hill is calm and arousing...)
And there's some survival and item management

Sweet Home (nes/fan translation) is a survival rpg, don't underestimate this game, it's ahead of its time.

I advise you to ignore Dino Crisis 2 and probably 3.

>> No.891585

The hardest survival horror game I've played was Martian Gothic

>> No.891596

Oh yeah I forgot about that one and DarkStone although Martian Gothic is a full on formula survival horror game.

>> No.891602

Ignore Dino Crisis 3?! Dude, that one is DINOSAURS IN OUTER GODDAMN SPACE.

I don't care that it isn't /vr/, that game is ridiculously awesome.

>> No.891648

>Try to play Dino Crisis
>It's really boring

There's something lacking in it. Lacking atmosphere.

>> No.891716


Ridiculously stupid, really.

I'm not gonna go full /v/ and say you have shit taste...it just wasn't what I'd come to expect from DC 1 and 2. It's almost akin to them trying to change the formula of a series like they did with RE, only this time it didn't work. Again, just my opinion. I would also recommend OP pass on it, but if he's that interested...


I think a big part of Dino Crisis' appeal was that it came out reasonably soon after Jurassic Park. We(the consumers) were still "OHMIGAWD, DINOSAURS!" and ate this shit up.

>> No.891725
File: 104 KB, 800x374, 214687857_RqHbi-L-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6 years is not "reasonably soon".

>> No.891728

It seriously scared the shit out of me when those dogs came through those windows though

>> No.891740

>part of Dino Crisis' appeal was that it came out reasonably soon after Jurassic Park

Never cared about JP, played DC1 quite after its release too. I will also say the game doesn't have atmosphere nor is scary. Yet, it does basically what RE does, in 3D and dinossaurs. So if you like survival horrors, it's a must play IMO.

>> No.891747

>being this much of a tool

It's just a shame RE4 didn't go the same way DC did. People would have had an enjoyable game and that would have been it.

>> No.891761

I love RE, but Dino Crisis 1 was a better survival horror in every aspect.

>Ammo is actually scarce
>Healing items too
>Enemies are way faster than you, bigger, or both
>They can follow you through rooms
>Can kill you in a few hits or leave you badly hurt and bleeding

>> No.891758

I loved the original RE and Fatal Frame 2, but I can't get into RE2 at all. I don't know why. I just get bored.

>> No.891771


In the big scheme of things, it is. Considering that 20 years is generally the cut off for collectors items(at least last I checked), and that 14 years or more is considered retro here, 6 years is not that big a deal.

>> No.892085

Nightmare Creature. I haven't played it in years but I remember it being an ok game.

>> No.892112


that was a fun game

>> No.892180

>RE Gun Survivor 1
This is a shooter.

>> No.892182

>It plays about the same as the first but now with horribly aged PS1 graphics.
The graphics are cool using filters.

32-64 bits graphics fits so well in horror games.

>> No.892196

Oi oi, Dino Crisis 2 was a fun game. It actually did the tank controls of RE right and worked even though you were under constant attack. Its graphics and gameplay still hold up really well too.

>> No.892198

Phantasmagoria for PC

>> No.892214


Shit. I had forgotten all about those. From what I recall, Nocturne's lighting effects were hyped up at the time and the Blair Witch games used the same engine but were predictably mediocre.

>> No.892231


Dino Crisis 2 >>>>> Dino Crisis 1

>> No.892234


It's really hasn't aged very well. It's more of a horror themed beat em up.

>> No.892239

Not retro, but Penumbra fits your description pretty well.

>> No.892801

i had the 3DO version, which from gameplay videos, looks to be a bit better. It runs fairly well on FreeDO the 3DO emulator, but im sure the PC version cant be too bad

>> No.892865
File: 175 KB, 819x614, residen evil 1.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted a thread on /v/, but since it was vidya related nobody responded.

So apparently a team has been restoring RE1.5 and I just found out about it. Get hyped?


>> No.892869

>Get hyped?

Capcom canned it for a reason.

>> No.892879

Survival horror wasn't a very good genre

>> No.892880


Its still another Classic style Resident Evilish game. Besides, one of the major reasons it was canned was because it was "too much like RE1", that isn't exactly damning.

>> No.892937

It looks like mario is in the left on the thumbnail. then i click and he's gone.

>> No.892964
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x3700, Scary games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun OP.

Yeah I know it's not retro only but damn if the man wants horror games let there be horror games

>> No.893000

>Dino Crisis was released for DC and PS1

No one ever told me this.

>> No.893078
File: 61 KB, 800x600, Koudelka-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koudelka for ps1, basically supernatural resident evil with a final fantasy battle system set in a giant old monastery in the 1800's, great game, voice acted cut scenes and atmosphere abound.

My only gripe is that theres not much in the way of magic

>> No.893113

This is a list you should follow, not because every single game included is good (far from it indeed...), but because of the volume of titles, for example everyone should consider playing Hellnight, it's a game that requires balls and patience but it's some of the most oppressive oldschool first person horror ever made.
Also of course everyone should play the siren games, and if you only own a PS3 you're in luck because, due to some small miracle that to this day is still unexplained, the remake is ACTUALLY GOOD, so you can just grab that and you'll miss out slightly compared to playing the original games (and the final boss sucks shit compared to how it was in FS1), but at the same time you'll still have a perfectly valid experience.

>> No.893210

>buy DC as a kid, never manage to beat it
>try again as a adult
>stuck near the end with nothing but 4 handgun bullets and two dinosaurs constantly following me while I have to solve a puzzle
See you again in 5 years, Dino Crisis.

>> No.893234

That sounds neat enough that I'm adding it to my backlog.

>> No.893246

Silent Hill 3 and 4 sucks.

Actually the only good games in the series are: 1, 2 and Shattered Memories

>> No.893249

>Silent Hill 3 and 4 sucks.

SH3 is amazing. Eat a dick nigger.

>> No.893257

yea please eat a dick you dirty nigger

>> No.893315

I humbly suggest you ingest a very large amount of penises, my african american friend.

>> No.893323

I wouldn't recommend Deep Fear to someone who has played this few survival horror. It's not a bad game but it's pretty average , there are much better titles out there. I've reviewed it here on my small dead blog if anyone cares


also I don't understand the hate for DC2 itt. It's not survival horror anymore but it's REALLY fun action game with high replay value due to its fun factor alone.

>> No.893336

Shattered Memories is the biggest piece of shit that the franchise has conceived. SH3 and 4 are infinitely better.

>> No.893360

SM is very good for atmosphere and storytelling but shit in other aspects (like, you know, gameplay...)

>> No.893391

>I don't understand the hate for DC2 itt
I personally don't "hate" it. But it's not a survival game. And for being an action game I think there're much better stuff to play instead.
Then there's the plot which is silly. The locations are mostly jungle-jungle-laboratory and you're supposed to stay on the run, with no time to explore, but occasionally you need to figure out what where some key is or where you're suposed to go back to.

>> No.893401
File: 21 KB, 480x360, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but occasionally you need to figure out what where some key is or where you're suposed to go back to.

There is nothing to figure out really, pic related, hardest "puzzle" in the game.

>> No.893435

I liked SM. It isn´t even close to being the "biggest piece of shit that the franchise has conceived". The chase sequences were annoying at times, though.

>> No.893496

I've only ever played 2 and Shattered Memories, and I love SM so much more. I think I just dug the atmosphere of SM and the lack of awful combat.

>> No.896339

>I've only ever played 2 and Shattered Memories,

FIx that. Play 1 and 3 now.

>> No.896374

Ever heard of Countdown Vampires on PS1. It had bad grades, because it's sort of a RE clone. It's REALLY similar, you could take a screenshot and pass it off as a "1998 Resident Evil 3 Prototype" and people could believe it. It also have horrible voice acting, RE's VA sounds like a masterpiece compared to it. And that's one of the many reasons it's GOOD!

The game can be unfair at times, but just play on easy and don't be a scrub and you won't have a problem. The game later throws you more weapons than you'd know what to do with. Also, the main char is the gayest non-gay survival horror protagonist ever,

>> No.896375
File: 38 KB, 560x468, cdvampires_screen017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

I love these graphics.

>> No.896389
File: 46 KB, 564x408, evildead_1031_screen017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good game is Evil Dead Hail to The King. I played the PS1 version, but it's also on DC and PC.

This one is tough. It has infinite enemies, and often, not much ammo to pick up. It relies on enemy drops. But it's not bad. The problem is, this one really requires you to make good use of your resources. Health items can be scarce sometimes. Frankly, I don't think most gamers could take it these days.

Not kidding, really. This game is hard as hell, especially if you don't use a walkthrough.

>> No.896401

Holy hell, the main character is shirtless AND has one of those fucking terrible tribal tattoos.

Whoever developed this game must of had some kind of fucking time machine into the future.

>> No.896663

This game is hilarious due to jokes of Bruce Campbell

>that chicken imitation