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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8902286 No.8902286 [Reply] [Original]

I remember there was a thread on here from months ago that covered this topic, but let’s revive it.

Anything from the Legends of The Future Past to Burning Crusade WoW. Time to reminisce and get wholesome. Cheers lads.

>> No.8902294
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>Lineage 1
Vanilla Lineage without major patches, I still think to this day that this was the best MMO ever created. Was beyond experiential, had to be there to know what I mean.

>> No.8902315
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Does this count?

>> No.8902395
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Leaving this here

>> No.8902406

I still legit miss this... before WoW brought about the "NGE" and destroyed Star Wars Galaxies

>> No.8902425

If Lineage 1 was so good, why was there a need to make Lineage 2?

>> No.8902534


>> No.8902535

God what a fucking retarded idea that shit was

>> No.8902536


>> No.8902541

Idk dude, but I can tell you that I have friends to this day because of vanilla Lineage, one I even see every once and a while irl. Literally went to that dudes wedding. Never ever had that with any other MMO or game since and I’ve played a shit ton of fucking MMO’s.

>> No.8902542

Lineage 2 is literally a different game to Lineage 1

>> No.8902551
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You bet your ass it does

God the fucking memories

>> No.8902562
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>Fucking Lineage
Nah. Real motherfuckers know what this image is

>> No.8902568
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The literal best.

>> No.8902579

Is this a MUD? What game is this?

>> No.8902591

Neverwinter Nights (1991)

Had to use AOL to play it, it was online pool of radiance

Beyond incredible.

>> No.8902606

No way! Seen this game mentioned many times, never seen screenshots. Thanks. Maybe there private servers running.

>> No.8902627

Literally all took place in Neverwinter, players made the city unforgettable and feel alive.

Hope you find a server, game was iconic and not just an heirloom. It was beyond special and unique and will never be challenged. The best of it’s era from 1991 - 97. Cheers mate.

>> No.8902640

Been reading up, sounds really interesting. Seems like it'll run fine in DOS box offline but hope I can find somewhere to try it online. Thanks

>> No.8902660 [DELETED] 

Tears in the rain.
I remember when the first person to figure out how to become a Jedi was broadcasted on G4TV. Making Jedi that difficult to achieve and permanent to lose was not only accurate to the franchise, but a brave and unique design choice. Releasing a Star Wars mmo that made it nearly impossible to be a Jedi is seriously groundbreaking game design. What a magical game. There will never be another MMO as immersive as this. It also essentially ignored the entirety of the prequels aside from a few references until NGE which killed the game. I started playing this again towards the end of it’s lifespan and bought a version that came with some exclusive walking mount and someone immediately paid me an absurd amount of credits for it.
We live in games-as-service hell now, but this exact concept expanded with modern graphics and increased customization would be a dream. I would actually pay monthly for that again.

>> No.8902679
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For me, it's Asheron's Call. Still my favorite MMO.

>> No.8902728

Oh you absolute chad

>> No.8902736

Just play servers like Star Wars Legends.

Don’t want to imply that it even compares to it in it’s heyday when it comes to community, or atmosphere, but in way of smaller community if you join a guild it’s a very nice and wholesome time

>> No.8902760

I love how you described it. It truly was breaking new ground for game design. Giving the satisfactory reward of Jedi to only incredibly dedicated and skilled players is how it SHOULD be. It’s why in guilds, Jedi ruled over underling workers. It felt like taking logical steps on how a community should operate.

>> No.8903554

>. Maybe there private servers running.
Sadly, no.

>> No.8904206
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Just want early 2000s Tibia back

>> No.8904513

>I remember when the first person to figure out how to become a Jedi was broadcasted on G4TV. Making Jedi that difficult to achieve and permanent to lose was not only accurate to the franchise, but a brave and unique design choice. Releasing a Star Wars mmo that made it nearly impossible to be a Jedi is seriously groundbreaking game design.
i think the problem was that this came out at the height of the prequels when everyone wanted to be a jedi or sith.

also i remember hearing it being kind of an RNG to JUST be force sensitive.

>> No.8904948
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>> No.8905718

still my fav MMORPG, Ultima Online.

>> No.8905890

36 year old Gamer, played games my entire life starting with NES and master system. EQ is still by far my favourite game.

Started playing right before Kunark, dumped hundreds and hundreds of hours into it and never even had a character over level 46. The sense of world and comraderie in that game goes unmatched for me.

It was really the last game people would just login and chill, do basic crafting, grind areas just for fun and ambiance etc.

As soon as that Wow mentality came along of rushing to the end game content, MMORPG’s were dead.

One of the most unique and, imo, cool aspects of EQ was the bullying the top guilds could get away with when every dungeon wasn’t an instance. The guilds that ran servers would camp the top mobs and basically control the entire economy of the server. They would also have amazing yearly GM battles in the arena and it would be a HUGE deal if one of the smaller guilds could get a champion in the arena over those top guilds. What a game.

>> No.8905906

is there a way to play WoW or FFXI singleplayer? without expansions for either or any modernization

>> No.8905921

still have all mmos to play. feels so good.
everquest, daoc, ryzom, anarchy online, star wars galaxies, lineage 2, and many more. happy that dead mmos still live through passionate private servers. played wow for 10+ years since vanilla, no regrets, I doubt any mmos will beat wow though.

>> No.8905947

Don’t get me wrong, Wow took everything to the next level, very much enjoyed it. It just signaled the beginning of the end for the genre imo

>> No.8905948

its like tf2. it was great but nowadays we can directly trace alot of horrible modern practices to it

>> No.8905953

I remember spending all day online in an MMO just doing nothing. Hanging out in a townsquare, running a shop, playing an instrument, or helping new players. Now it feels like nobody does that anymore. Even if you revive an old MMO like wow classic and put that back in the mainstream. The culture is just too different. And we'll never get it back. I have no clue what happened. It makes me sad.

>> No.8905990

>I have no clue what happened.
MMOs were a social experience in the early days of the internet.
The idea that you could be an avatar in a virtual world and just chill out and talk to people across the country or even across the world was by itself exciting and fun.
The players themselves were the content. You logged in to interact with other people.
Nowadays, the novelty of the internet has worn off. No one is excited by the idea of socializing online. Young people don't even remember a time before this was possible.

>> No.8906306

I remember the family PC broke and we got a mac in 2004. I was super hyped by wow but unable to play it so I ended up settling for a shitty indie mmo knockoff called Minions of Mirth and that game fucking consumed me. The world was gigantic, the players were friendly, the class mechanics were rad (build a class out of 3 classes combined) and the soundtrack kicked ass. So many good memories, I really miss that game and all it’s fucking janky grindy bullshit.

>> No.8906476
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I played runescape classic

>> No.8906508

I remember running around in my hoary robe and just decimating everything with my life/war mage.

>> No.8907196

wow, it's almost like removing toxic males from game development caused games to improve and become more fun for all

>> No.8907338
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Get on my level, noob

>> No.8907441

guild wars is probably the only MMO i really enjoyed and i consider it one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

i tried everquest on both the PC & PS2 but i could never get into it because my brother who was already addicted to the game where he monopolized it and while i did enjoy the PS2 version i could never get the internet enough to play it consistently.

i tried WoW twice as i had a desire to play wrath. the first time was during the downtime between guild wars 1 & guild wars 2 and i got as far as burning crusade before i got bored and gave up while the second time was when a friend bought me WoD & pandara to play with him so i had a level boost and got to jump into wrath like i always wanted and was ultimately disappointed because by that point i was so used to how the guild wars games did PvE content and i felt cucked by the fight with arthas what made me stop was battlenet being retarded stalling on a update. i thought about giving WoW a third chance with the release of classic but at this point i would only be willing to play it on a private server.

i tried city of heroes/villains a few times but i couldn't really get into it and by the time i wanted to give it another chance because of the foundry and going rogue the game was dead. i heard it came back via private servers but i don't know if it includes the non-foundry content i care about.

a friend of my brother tried to sell us on shadowbane and we gave it a chance. i gave up almost instantly because there was nothing to do outside of PvP.

>> No.8907663

you can play Wrath WoW free on Warmane private server. It's the best private server and has like 40,000 players

>> No.8908385

I believe that's Boomba the Big?

>> No.8908409
File: 35 KB, 640x400, Path of Radiance Remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anon please......

>> No.8908563

God I hate the way western artists draw in cheekbones no matter how basic the artstyle.

>> No.8908567

i straight up dont understand why we have so much trouble creating aesthetically appealing images. like what the fuck is wrong with all our art schools and everything? look at that image. she looks like a malformed cherub. even our composition often sucks ass. even our fucking menu systems are just abrasive looking. im not a weaboo but fuck me if my country doesnt manage to produce some of the ugliest visuals ive ever seen

>> No.8908715
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I played it in the truly turbulent era right after launch, where you could player kill with magic spells with no penalty (because the devs assumed if you were that powerful you'd be out fighting liches and dragons, not newbs) and no NPC vendors meant city streets were filled with players selling goods directly. It truly felt like a living, breathing world. You'd have to watch out for pickpockets.

>> No.8908745

You can play ultima online on your phone.

>> No.8908751

That’s also how early EQ was

On my server, Tunare, we had “Gbay” or Gfay aka greater faydark the tree city as the auction zone. Which was kind of unique as most servers had the tunnel in commons as their auction spot

Loved just looking through peoples messages or some people would just say they had a bag of gear to look through and make an offer. It made cool/rare gear that much cooler when everyone didn’t automatically know what the best sword for a ranger was, or what the best robe for a wizard was. There was not much of a reference online at the time so you just kept trying to upgrade gear for slight increases rather than waiting on that item you knew you’d get in a few levels etc.

>> No.8908759

>NPC vendors
You mean no house vendors I assume. I remember those days. I would much rather have that back. People actually used the in-game bulletin board.
Someday someone will make an MMO that again focuses on player interaction.

>> No.8908807

They just became too mechanical and too focused on the meta. You don't even have to party up any more because queue finders will slot you in automatically. Quest trackers took you straight to your objective without any exploration. There's simply no need to be social. More tragically is the whole meta aspect. A game won't be out for long before all the BEST builds are discovered and if you're not following some precooked online BEST build you're basically playing wrong and will be told so. You can't just make the character you want. You have to be the same fighter, mage, healer whatever rotation everyone else is.

>> No.8908892

Honestly the closest I've felt since those times was in Journey. It's obviously a completely different sort of game, but taking away the ability for the player to chat or even control who they met, form teams or anything really made the interaction feel isolated to a world.
We need to design around it I guess. No long distance chat (oops, discord ruins that), no interface for forming groups, no quest markers, no player indicators, no automated sales. Fuckit, no map. Draw your own... I think the best thing you can do is destroy the convenience and force people to interact directly.

>> No.8908913
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Anyone else these fucking pieces of shit ass games

>> No.8909172

Yeah man that was nice.

>> No.8909196

yeah the only time i feel free from meta is in single player but mmo is different. I really hate those youtube channels. God damn, that stuff might be fun and useful to a minority of people, but for the vast majority of players who like experimenting on their own and feeling like the game has infinite options its just awful.

>> No.8909264

>They just became too mechanical and too focused on the meta.
Yeah but I think this is partly a consequence of those changes the other anons alluded to. The people playing now are playing for different reasons because the idea of just socializing and exploring an online world isn't part of the goal.

Another reason is that older games like Everquest were harsher and you had to follow some kind of meta if you didn't want to the game to kick your ass. If you were a dumbass wizard casting AoEs when not in a group following the AoE meta and fucking up the crowd control you'd get everyone killed and ruin the night, and none of them would ever group with you again. And if you kept doing shit like that you'd never have a good time and would quit the game.

>> No.8909275

theres a difference between that kind of stupidity and needing to copy exact skill trees and equipment lists otherwise you wont be allowed to do content

>> No.8909375

I agree with most of what you said, but
>One of the most unique and, imo, cool aspects of EQ was the bullying the top guilds could get away with when every dungeon wasn’t an instance. The guilds that ran servers would camp the top mobs and basically control the entire economy of the server
Nah I absolutely hated this. It ruins every server without exception.

>> No.8909389

nah you're wrong. you can see the more advanced version in EVE. If you hated it, why didnt you just infiltrate's the guild and destroy them from the inside?

>> No.8909945
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>The people playing now are playing for different reasons because the idea of just socializing and exploring an online world isn't part of the goal.

That's because games coddle them so much. And it doesn't help that must systems are designed around not needing to talk to anyone. Once you know your rotation you don't even need to say a word. I realize that games change to suit their generation but it's just depressing to see them become so sterile. I remember playing Phantasy Star UNIVERSE, yes UNIVERSE, and you could get real parties going in the lobbies with everyone just hanging out and interacting just because there was a crowd.

>> No.8909984

I miss just hanging and joking around in Tibia with my bros from all over the world. It wasn't a great game but the community and friendships/enemies you made made it good.

>> No.8910014

Yeah, it was nice to just have a good immersive world you could lose yourself into. Not it's all just huds and queues. You can't just go for a walk and find a nice spot anymore.

>> No.8910082

No it's backwards. Games coddle players because if they didn't, they would go play some other game.

People who want to socialize have social media like instagram facebook twitter tiktok youtube and so on. There are way more varied and exciting pvp options now like Ark and Rust not to mention mobas and battle royales. There's games like Souls with well-integrated co-op mechanics and casual sandbox games like minecradt where it's easy to run a server for a small group.

>> No.8910287

Yeah I know but old games like EQ just didn't have skill trees at all. If you played an Enchanter, Bard, or Cleric you could always get a group anywhere if you played a melee class who didn't have good gear you were SOL.

>> No.8910693

Post your drawing

>> No.8910703


>> No.8910829

Take Me home
County Roads
To The Place
I Belong

>> No.8911259

So many memories. Sad what they did to the game.

>> No.8912708

Gravity has started shutting down Ragnarok Online pservers now which is strange because the game has been dead for years and no one will ever play official servers

>> No.8913045

I'm so sad. I just want to play fun mmos again.

>> No.8913667

Are there any old-school mmorpgs still going that are worth playing?

>> No.8914274


>> No.8914352
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New EverQuest progression servers in like a week btw. One is a not retro gimmick server but the other is an only mostly not retro standard TLP starting from classic.

>> No.8914389

Pretty sure Boomba was one of those scam merchants that would buy stuff from you for way less than regular merchants.

>> No.8914932

So much of the shift in MMO design lies in the advancement of tech and entrance of competition into the MMO space. Early games like EQ were pretty barebones in terms of content, and compared to even WoW lacked quests, raids, dungeons ect. That being said, early MMO players were more willing to except brutal grinds and games designed around being time sinks because the only alternatives on the market at the time did the exact same thing. The same is not true today.

>> No.8915113

Wanted to play it when it first came out but never got the chance. I know there's a project keeping it alive but last time I checked you needed a legit copy of the game.

>> No.8915849

If you never fed 4,000 muffins to a dwarf one-by-one, you never really played EQ.

>> No.8916136

you don't need "more" than original eq graphics

imagine how much content a modern mmo with eq polygon counts could push...

>> No.8916360

If they're a publicly traded company then they have a legal requirement to "protect their IP"

>> No.8916893



>> No.8916919

Former maplechad here, I miss those preBB days...

>> No.8917037
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I want to go back...

>> No.8917179

>Someday someone will make an MMO that again focuses on player interaction.
many have tried. hell, there's a whole industry built around it and they all either fail or turn out to be scams.

>> No.8917451
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push it to the limit, brother

don't forget to bring a weapon, the 1900s were dangerous and barbaric times

>> No.8917489

Kind of surprised there was never a boom of community operated 3d mini-MMOs like there was for MUDs. I mean, it's not like some impossible task that only a corporation has the resources to pull off - eqemu is literally a superior backend to whatever official EverQuest live is running, and private servers exist for tons of MMOs and most are incredibly stable. I can't imagine the client is a massive barrier, UE4 and Unity have both been used for MMOs. And as far as assets go, a retarded monkey could model EQ tier stuff.

Guess the niche was just filled by private servers of mainstream games?

>> No.8917528

That's sad.

>> No.8917675

If you really want to go back to the past, I know a guy who can take you. You might not like what comes afterwards.

>> No.8917769
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god I wish they'd do an official FFXI progression server starting from classic, but SE only cares about gacha and cash shops these days

>> No.8917823

Wouldn't be the same anyways. There's no mystery left. Everything has been datamined and statistically analyzed in autistic detail. The people you'd be playing with would be jaded boomers intent on investing as much time and real life money as possible to live out the dream they had of a maxxed out character when they were younger.

Perhaps worst of all is that you'd know the exact progression of the game from launch to server death. No experiencing new content, no changes to classes. You could get away with playing a weaker class back in they day because few people really cared and for all anyone knew balance could change drastically in the next update, now you'd just have a list of S-tier classes, a checklist for BiS by expansion, and everything else is shit.

>> No.8918663

still have ffxi to play, did I missed anything?
I mean there were no relevant music or zones removed or meme "engine" modification?
how long would I need to "beat" ffxi from scratch? I don't think I will autistically collect and level everything (who knows) but I just want to do everything there is to experience basically

>> No.8918768
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games for this feel?

>> No.8918769
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>> No.8918770
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>> No.8918827
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The game changed pretty drastically in 2010-ish when they raised the level cap from 75 to 99, added NPC partners and removed the level caps from most of the harder content. It used to take years for a new player to reach max level with constant grouping with other players, now new players can reach max level in a couple days playing solo. The grind and social aspect is still there but now it's all focused on optimizing your endgame build instead of just getting to endgame in the first place.

I still consider it better and with more mechanical freedom than most current MMOs on the market but it's not the same game it used to be for sure.

While this is true to an extent I don't think XI would have this problem quite as bad as say, WoW Classic had it. XI's anti-metagame system has always been a shortage of resources, because it took so much time to level up a job, you usually just didn't have those people available to perform the fight in the "solved" way, so you had to experiment with weaker classes to find something that you could do with what you had on hand.

>> No.8919015
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...Why? WoW doesn't really have much in the way of in-game story outside of the raids, at least as far as I could ever tell, and the quests are mostly bland "please get me five ox asses to save our village from the brumbkinflumpkins that eat all our cabbages at night"-type things. If that still appeals to you, there's hundreds upon hundreds of autistically classic private servers out there; I've played on them for years and never had to interact with anyone for anything, if you just want a taste of the gameplay. If you want to dungeon/raid though, you're screwed.
FFXI ain't much better, but at least I can understand the motivation there, with the hyped-up story and the legions of FF completionists. Unfortunately, you're kinda screwed either way there: the retail version is easier to solo, but you obviously have to play up-to-date. All the private servers are autistic, and the game is literally built on the idea of cooperation, so a singleplayer OG FFXI would be so totally against the spirit of the thing you might as well just go play FFXII instead.

>> No.8919042

>literally built on the idea of cooperation
found the guy who never made it out of dunes
or into dunes for that matter

>> No.8919051
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Fucking erudites move in and the next thing you know the entire neighborhood is covered in graffiti

>> No.8919159

>whatcha doing there, paladin?

>> No.8919218
File: 2.31 MB, 1024x1255, EverQuest_-_The_Scars_of_Velious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing EQ when Velious was new and being completely overwhelmed at first. Once I got the hang of it, it became an experience I'll never forget. Exploring greater faydark and butcherblock for the first time are very fond memories of mine and nothing in gaming remotely compares to my time with EQ. It was something about being completely unaware of the in-game world, how easy it was to get killed by strong mobs or npcs and exploration that just really made the experience. I remember going through kithkin forest for the first time with someone and hoping I wouldn't get killed because what other players told me about it. And the first time I raided with my guild (plane of hate iirc) was fuckin magic. Or doing the epic weapon quest for that serpent staff (high elf enchanter) and having to coordinate guildies to help. I even had a huge book on kunark that had flavor text and explanations on stuff in the game. I am both surprised and not surprised they're still making new expansions.

Raiding in PoP for the first time and doing progression stuff for higher planes just brought it to a new level. I still remember fighting in plane of tactics to get flagged and us continuously wiping until we finally got it. I wish I could go back bros...

>> No.8919383

>what EQ devs thought endgame would be like:
>"Verily, the evil dragon has returned to his lair! Fellow Norrathians, let us band together and slay this foul beast!"
>"Nooo! The GM enforced calendar says its OUR turn to kill the dragon! You're not allowed to engage it unless we wipe 3 times or else I'll report you!!!"

>> No.8919401

FFXI was worse. Mobs locked to whoever attacked it first, but they appeared in client memory seconds before they became visible and targetable in-game. People/bots using cheats could claim a boss before legit players even saw the thing. They could even claim manually spawned bosses that you spawned, effectively stealing extremely rare/expensive trigger items.

>> No.8919420

i want to play an mmo, suggest something bros

>> No.8919426


>> No.8919435
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A few old EQ devs working on a new retro style MMO. Not sure if it's considered indie but the team is super small. A lot of old D&D style art.

Looks like an actual project and not vaporware at least, unlike >>8919426

>> No.8919469
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>midi instruments change when you select a different race

>> No.8919512

they got it so right with midi, then they threw it all away...

>> No.8919528

I've heard that Resoration III doesn't require a legit copy

>> No.8919551

I get that most of the assets are unfinished and/or placeholder, but those character models look like something ripped out of a mobile game. Not getting an EverQuest vibe from the cartoony style at all. EQ's models were mostly going for (low poly) realism. At most you could say the ogre and troll models were a little goofy.

>> No.8919567

I temember when they nerfed the hoary and and later it was "pre patch hoary for 1000 motes"

>> No.8919582

AC was just poor man's EQ

>> No.8919590

EQ was just gay man's game

>> No.8919601

gays didn't exist in the 90s

>> No.8919665

ok zoomer

>> No.8919716
File: 230 KB, 800x1275, firionavie_product_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit, even the artwork where better

>> No.8919726

why is her face so pig-like

>> No.8919763 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ anon, you can't just as a person that

>> No.8919795

kek looks worse than most 1 man indie titles

so this is the power of mmo devs from the "golden era" of mmos

>> No.8919801
File: 45 KB, 372x500, 783393-ao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried several of the mmos back in the day and we always kept coming back to this one

>> No.8919856

The only other MMO I can think of that even came close to that buggy shitshow of a launch is SWG

>> No.8920042
File: 23 KB, 255x222, 1625695885114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roll nanomage martial artist because the matrix was still cool
>be completely gimped beyond fuck
>don't even realize until I group with a friend who played a real race/class combo
>thought the game was just supposed to be super hard

>> No.8920279

played the shit out of fucking maple shit ass fucking story shit

>> No.8920282


>> No.8920320

Played it for a while when I was being hunted off a server in Tibia by the top guild. Its pretty shit.

>> No.8920329

The characters don't look cool.

>> No.8920357

the ultimate redpill of MMOs is realizing that most of the MMOs from the "golden age" are dogshit games that people only liked because they remember playing them with their friends.

>> No.8921534
File: 128 KB, 602x418, 7612eb80-ee95-11e9-83dc-92651a9c2862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone was wondering...

OpenRSC - Open Source Runescape Classic. can be hosted locally (played offline on your pc), or just play on the live server for free. has both authentic and 'QOL' features servers, and both are free and fully playable. pretty fun.

2006SinglePlayer - this one is based on a version of runescape from 2006. is not open source but is playable offline on your pc. pretty much dead as far as development goes, but most things are implemented and working. theres even an option to fill the world with player-like-bots. this makes varrock and fally full with traders like the good old days.

2009Scape - as the name suggests, runescape from 2009. its pretty much 2006 but with summoning and construction. its open source which is great, and gets an insane amount of updates (daily for the most part). loads of content, playable offline or on their free live server. heaps of content, and is probably the closest you are going to get to osrs offline.

theres also heaps of other live private servers, but most are not authentic (you spawn in edgeville with everything buyable from shops there). id say the most popular "authentic" rsps is vgscape (check out the general on /vg/), but its sadly not available to play offline, so once the server goes off you are fucked.

>> No.8921543

Thankfully FFXI moved away from superbosses (HNMs) as the main endgame content in the later expansions. But yeah the HNM scene was always bullshit

>> No.8921786

mite b cool if they dump that style and make it look like a PS1 game

>> No.8922243
File: 546 KB, 506x954, 1650526070343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gnome looks like an amateur attempted to 3d model a WoW gnome from memory, the retro MMO market doesn't want cartoon characters for children. Low poly can look good without resorting to cartoony trash...

>> No.8922817

I like this.

>> No.8923284

>EQ devs
>20 years later
>looks worse than the original both aesthetically and gameplay-wise

>> No.8923471

You're missing a verb there, buddy.