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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 157 KB, 1600x1200, Gyromite-1600x1200-RobotHobo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
890227 No.890227 [Reply] [Original]

First game you remember playing

Pic related

>> No.890236


In b4 200+ posts of Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros.

>> No.890242

Tetris on the ol' brick GB.

>> No.890246

Sky Destroyer

>> No.890247
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Game Gear.

Game developers definitely don't hate children like they used to.

>> No.890249

That game is fucking brutal. Goddamn Antlion and air gliders.

>> No.890251
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>That trap

>> No.890253
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Combat and Asteroids on the Atari 2600
I remember thinking Star Raiders was pretty epic but the keypad was too complicated for me. I liked watching my dad play it though.

>> No.890254
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this game

>> No.890258
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>> No.890267
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>> No.890270

Well it was, because my grandmother bought me a fucking NES for my 4th birthday. It was the best fucking birthday ever. My parents flipped the fuck out. I love you grandma.

>> No.890271
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Great memories.

>> No.890293

are you sure they weren't frustrating memories.

>> No.890295


>> No.890310
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I woke up one morning to find a Master System attached to the TV (my dad worked late) and I picked this game to play first because I thought it would be a space combat game.

>> No.890313

beat this shit again like two days ago. fuck the lava cave, seriously

>> No.890325
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Still remember I couldn't control the thing and crashed against the first wall a hundred times before realizing there was an option to start the game with 'keyboard' controls. Then crashed about a hundred times because I didn't understand the concept of 'height' in this game (it had a weird perspective). In my defense, I was probably 5 years old.

>> No.890329

I had it, it's an awful game, but i think that MJ would be a perfect video game character

>> No.890338
File: 101 KB, 256x189, Mega_Man_X_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing this and being amazed at how the fire weapon didn't work underwater. I also remember beating it at 7 and calling Dad at work to tell him about it.

Fuck it, I'm gonna do a playthrough right now.

>> No.890380
File: 179 KB, 640x655, Legacy_of_the_Ancients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple IIc version.
You get to draw maps on graph paper.

>> No.890394
File: 1.29 MB, 1184x1068, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_A_Link_to_the_Past_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was about 5 years old
i loved watching the intro wen i was a kid

>> No.890424
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My dad and I used to whisper "die die die die" in each others ears when we played together.
He was just my mom's boyfriend at that time. He taught me about honor (don't use warp pipes).

>> No.890429
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Then again, I am pretty old.

>> No.891162

Lemmings, Loom, Winter Games or Mahjongg.

>> No.891182

It would have been an Atari 400 game and I'm leaning towards Galaxian.

>> No.891215
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I can't remember the first game I played--I remember the first game I ever bought with my own money was Lemmings for DOS. My brother got The Terminator. Both were fun--but we had an Atari so maybe...Centipede or Pac-Man? Or Pitfall--any of the old Atari classics.

>> No.891234

Pac-Man, on an arcade cabinet in a restaurant my parents took me to. My dad had an Atari 2600, and I played games on that latter, but I'm pretty sure playing the arcade Pac-Man is the first game I remember. Eventually we got the home version of Pac-Man and I played that all the time. I see a lot of people today saying the home version of Pac-Man was bad and didn't live up to the arcade one, but 5-year-old me wasn't bothered by it at all.

>> No.891242

Smb or tetris. First i played alone was castleVania cause my mom wouldn't let me play it.

Side note, she eventually caught me. Instead of being mad she asked me how i got past some party without losing all my lives

>> No.891279

Mario 1 and Zelda 1

>> No.891523
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>> No.891574
File: 87 KB, 764x1080, Super_Mario_Bros.-Duck_Hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The classic combination!

>> No.891597
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Loved this game.

>> No.891624
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Played it when I was 5. Been in my top 3 ever since. Probably will never leave.

>> No.891637
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pitfall on atari 2600

>> No.891639


>> No.891650
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also: frogger

>> No.891653

Dig Dug on the Atari 2600. To date, this is my favorite version of the game. There's just something satisfying about mashing the fat button on the atari controller and watching dragons pop.

>> No.891654

Everyone's been saying this game is hard as shit, and I guess it was. But me and my sister beat it when we were 12 and I have no memories of ever thinking it was an especially hard game. Then again our first NES game was Contra.

>> No.891660

Super Mario Bros 1, as generic as that is.

>> No.891727

Some SNES hockey game on my sister's SNES. I remember abusing the quick wrap around the back of the net to score nearly every time.

>> No.891756
File: 812 KB, 782x970, SneakNPeak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My babysitter's had an Atari....I must have been about 4 years old at the time.

Sneak n Peek!

>> No.891767
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>> No.891772

Something on the SNES. I know I had one with SF2 and Taz-mania but I dont remember playing it, and it broke at one point. The first game I actually remember is Rayman.

>> No.891782
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I'm only just 18.

>> No.891812
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This & Keith Courage since they all shipped with it.

>> No.891832
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We all start somewhere sonny.

>> No.891840

Probably Pacman in an arcade. I had an Atari for a short while, and my only remaining memories of it are vague, but I'm pretty sure I played Pacman in an arcade before that.

>> No.891850
File: 26 KB, 250x251, Donkey-kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either this or mario kart

>> No.891851

I can't remember. Maybe it was rayman, or Mario 64. I have a picture in my mind of me playing Goldeneye at my grandpa's house, the place i had my n64 at the time. I guess it was Goldeneye.

>> No.891857

Something on the n64 probably, I don't remember. Maybe it was SSB. Maybe it was a game on my friends snes. My parents rented my shit back then so I don't know which one my first was.

>> No.891861
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>> No.892258

I... I don't know. I started playing games on the Atari when I was like 2 or 3, when my mind was still all baby mush. I guess the earliest game I clearly remember playing was Q*Bert.

>> No.892264


Oh my fucking god! Hunt the Wumpus! I played that as a little sprog on our Leading Edge Model-D compooter.

>> No.892698

Commodore 64, some odd maze game from the classic Compute's Gazette! disks is as far back as I can remember. I think I was between 1 and 2 when I first started.

>> No.892826

kangaroo for the atari 2600.

>> No.892965


Probably gonna have been Commander Keen.

But I've got more memories of getting in physical fights with my bestfriend over Scorched Earth.

And Battletoads too but that came later.

>> No.892972

Um... Pong, the actual fucking arcade machine back in the 70s. Showing my age here.

>> No.892975


I just turned 28. Nice to know there's still people I can point at and call old.

Imagine me doing that at you from afar. Do me a favor and imagine me as staggeringly attractive while I'm doing it, would you?

>> No.892983
File: 84 KB, 336x480, nes-dragon-power-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first game was this gutted shell of a game. as a kid it was pretty fun to me... i just had no idea why my life had a timer on it.

it would be five years before i realize what the fuck Dragon ball actually was, and what i was actually playing.

>> No.892984
File: 1 KB, 384x272, 530166-tooth-invaders-commodore-64-screenshot-working-on-the-teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tooth Invaders on Commodore 64. When I think back to my earliest memories in general, a screen from this game where you play as a tooth fairy and fight cavities comes to mind.

>> No.892986



>> No.892987

Bubble Bobble on SMS

>> No.892991

I wish it was more exciting, but it was just Super Mario Bros.

My second was motherfucking RAD RACER

>> No.892990


>tfw never had cool video games playing sister

I love my older sister but she's a Christfag now and I'm just waiting for her dick husband to give me a reason to kick his ass. Wish things didn't have to change so much.

>> No.892993

A Touhou.

>> No.892995


I'm shocked that no one else began with Commander Keen.

I miss Tom Hall. I know he's alive, but he isn't the same.

>> No.892997


Like the Tohou Project?

>> No.893003

It's one of the many Touhous in Touhou.

>> No.893009
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