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File: 382 KB, 640x480, Terrydactyland_entry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8892832 No.8892832 [Reply] [Original]

>Welcome. I see you have reached the Drylands of Abandoned Save Files.

>> No.8892906

Man I loved Banjo-Kazooie, but I don’t have fond memories of playing this game at all. I finished the whole thing, but even as a kid I felt like something was “off.” Like they just took BK characters and dropped them into an entirely different, overly cynical game.

>> No.8892913

bong games in general have an antisocial vibe, it just gets more extreme sometimes

>> No.8892976
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x1024, Stomping_Plains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrydactyland good
>Giant rock penis
>Humba is an Amazon lady, endowing many adolescent boys with giant penis
>Dinosaurs are cool
>Cavemen are cool
>T-rex makes the rumble pak go crazy, causing further exploration of my sexuality
>I'm sure the stomping plains are probably somebody's fetish
>Terry is just a single father trying his best

Terrydactyland bad
>boy I hope you like beige and brown
>every fucking thing is slow slow slow slow
>music is the ONLY weak Grant Kirkhope track in the BK duology
>the T-rex steps on a button and scares a caveman and NOTHING else
>each of the 70 dimly lit caves looks identical
>dino tummy FPS minigame is easy and dumb
>the styracosaurus family is the worst most tediously boring jiggy in the game
>good luck finding Terry's 4th egg kid :)
>mumbo/humba back-and-forth is extremely mind-numbing
>you WILL take ages trying to find solo Banjo's item carrying move and you WILL forget how to use it and have to come all the way back to have it explained again
>95% of signposts up to now in this game have been useless but one jiggy REQUIRES you read a sign that isn't even prominently placed
>learning how to roar is the most asinine unintuitive thing ever
>good luck finding the last cheato page you have to backtrack for lol
>if you didn't do the caveman tiptoe jiggy from world 1 you need to backtrack to Mayhem Temple to open the gate from that side
>extremely easy to miss where the jump shoes are that lead up to Terry
>clockwork egg maze cool in theory annoying in practice

>> No.8893000

I don't get why people here dislike this game, it's literally Banjo Kazooie 1 but nigger and better. I thought it was amazing at the time.

>> No.8893040

Rare was getting sick of the whole "haha happy platformer game" trend

>> No.8893056
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>> No.8893069


Shame we didn't get a proper third game, it could be the niggest one.

>> No.8893143

We did get a proper game - it's called Banjo-Threeie!

>> No.8893154

Is this what hey meant when they said Tooie was a darker game

>> No.8893269

trips says all

>> No.8893807

Yeah, this is about the part where I stop playing.

>> No.8893814

Suppose that explains Conker

>> No.8893828

That's kind of what British comedy was doing at the time. The punk mentality wasn't just music, there was this whole "alternative comedy" thing going on too, which was very influential.

>> No.8894081

>it's good because it's better

>> No.8894824
File: 36 KB, 466x322, 51eAdm1k1uL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said this in our last Banjo thread but yeah, Tooie should have come with a disclaimer on the box that said "must have an IQ of 110+ to enjoy this game".

I'm not gonna pretend parts of Tooie aren't tedious or confusing, but man I've seen a lot of BT playthroughs and it's super clear that most of the people getting filtered by this game are low IQ or just REFUSE to actually expend effort figuring out things. It's sad to watch. People just want experiences handed to them these days

>> No.8894856


>> No.8895032

Thanks to Terrydactyl Land I know what a Styracosaurus is!

>> No.8895045

BK came out when I was 3 and BT when I was 5, and I played them both a ton from their release to the time I was 10 or so. I loved BT much, much more, although I did love both. As a kid I found the BT (and DK64 for that matter) levels much more fun to just play around in and sink hours making up my own challenges and toying around with the transformations. That said as an adult I definitely think I would prefer to replay BK, because as an adult I no longer have that spark of imagination and excess time to just play around in a level after completing it, now it’s about just completing the game. I imagine that’s why most people don’t like the huge collectathons anymore.

>> No.8895073

What's wrong with the word expend

>> No.8895785

It’s expendable

>> No.8896131

If only Jolly Roger's Lagoon was 20% underwater and 80% cozy seaside town instead of the reverse. Alas

>> No.8896160

>boy I hope you like beige and brown
subjective, also colors are unimportant in the grand scheme of things, what matters the most is level design
>music is the ONLY weak Grant Kirkhope track in the BK duology
subjective, but even if you're right it's not a major flaw
>each of the 70 dimly lit caves looks identical
>dino tummy FPS minigame is easy and dumb
absolutely correct, all except the first FPS minigame shouldn't have been in the game, they are stupid and shitty padding
no seriously, you got filtered
>the styracosaurus family is the worst most tediously boring jiggy in the game
probably correct, the amount of backtracking that you have to do is insane, at least when you see what the reward is (one measly jiggy)
>good luck finding Terry's 4th egg kid :)
>mumbo/humba back-and-forth is extremely mind-numbing
correct, you also forgot to mention that the big dino transformation is barely used, the entire stage would have been better off without it (since the stage was made to be so empty just so that it can accommodate the big dino transformation)
>you WILL take ages trying to find solo Banjo's item carrying move and you WILL forget how to use it and have to come all the way back to have it explained again
>95% of signposts up to now in this game have been useless but one jiggy REQUIRES you read a sign that isn't even prominently placed
absolutely filtered
>learning how to roar is the most asinine unintuitive thing ever
>if you didn't do the caveman tiptoe jiggy from world 1 you need to backtrack to Mayhem Temple to open the gate from that side
>extremely easy to miss where the jump shoes are that lead up to Terry
>clockwork egg maze cool in theory annoying in practice

>> No.8896172

How would you rank the worlds, /vr/? For me, it's
>Top tier
Grunty Industries
>High tier
Hailfire Peaks
Cloud Cuckooland
>Mid tier
Mayahem Temple
>Low tier
Jolly Roger's Lagoon (what >>8896131 said)
>Shit tier
Glitter Gulch Mine

>> No.8896752

Tooie needed one more sunny, carefree level in-between all the gloomy hectic ones

>> No.8897116

honestly the seaside town would have made a lovely hub world
jinjo village looks like it's going to be that way for a minute, and then grunty blows up the palace and you realize it's just a place to dump your jinjos

>> No.8897127

Pretty similar. I enjoyed everything above the line.

Hailfire Peaks
Grunty Industries
Cloud Cuckooland
Mayahem Temple
Jolly Roger’s Lagoon
Glitter Gulch Mine

I see a lot of hate for grunty industries online but I don’t understand why. It’s extremely fun to explore and the multiple paths between floors and rooms makes it feel like an actual factory.

>> No.8897609

>I see a lot of hate for grunty industries online but I don’t understand why.

It's from the brainlets who can't disassociate "level is challenging/unfriendly" from "level is bad"

>> No.8897659

I think a lot about why Tooie sucks when by all rights it shouldn't. And you know what? Thinking back, I remember liking it on my first playthrough. So why does it get worse with time? Well, a lot of the best games get better with repeat playthroughs and being able to optimize different aspects of it.

Tooie is the opposite. It's at its best when you know nothing about it and are just running around blindly, completing whichever objective catches your eye. On repeat playthroughs, you have some semblance of how things tie together, what needs to be done in other stages in order to finish off earlier objectives, what you're missing, so naturally you want to clean it up. The problem is Tooie kicks you in the balls for daring to think this way. It's like looking at the cords beneath your television set or computer and thinking, "Maybe I should try and control these before they just become impossible to keep track of or untangle," so you run over to the big box tech store near you and ask about cable management. Except they just laugh at you and refuse to sell you anything that might help.

>> No.8897663

>literally Banjo Kazooie 1 but nigger

>> No.8897726

That's not saying much when Banjo Tooie's "figuring out things" is limited to either "can I do this now or do I need an ability from a later level" and "is this new ability the one I needed 5 levels ago can I go back and finish it yet"

>> No.8897752
File: 379 KB, 800x1077, 1614987192512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hailfire Peaks
Glitter Gulch Mine
Grunty Industries
Jolly Roger Lagoon
Cloud Cuckooland
Mayahem Temple

Honestly though I like all the levels

>> No.8898192

The dream

>full remake of BK
>full remake of BT ironing out a few of it's jagged edges
>use the refined game engine from the prior 2 games to create BK 3 and BK 4

>> No.8898457

Tooie shares the same issues as DK64
>Too much backtracking to swap characters to fill in the gameplay void
>Minigames that don't add to the gameplay
If tooie stayed to the BK formula but maybe made notes permanent it would have been alright

>> No.8898973

I love tooie cause I didnt have Kazooie growing up good post anon

>> No.8898974

>but I don’t understand why
you described the reason yourself
it's a big stage with lots of exploration, shortcuts etc. and brainlets got filtered by it
it's the same case as with the water temple, which is the best dungeon in the game (and arguably in the entire series) because of its complexity it's a disliked dungeon (although it's fair to dislike it because of the switching boots shit, that's a different reason entirely)

>> No.8898981

Filtered filtered filtered can you add something to the convo or be a mind numbing retard

>> No.8899315

I love grunty industries but I’ve always loved factory and construction site levels. My favorite levels from any N64 game were Grunty Industries, Frantic Factory from DK64, and the construction zone level from Toy Story 2.

>> No.8899414

I really need to get off my lazy ass and start learning Banjo's Backpack. I want to make a hard mode for Kazooie as well as an insane mode to go along with it. (Same basic game with higher difficulty) idk it's really weird no one has made this. We all have played BK a thousand times, even tho we have the randomizer now I still have always wanted a Hard Mode for series veterans

>> No.8899440

>all this and it's still not the worst level in Tooie

>> No.8899916

>Banjo's Backpack
I'm still incredibly salty the creator of that program had a fit and DFE'd over a nuts and bolts model viewer or some shit like that

>> No.8901337 [DELETED] 


>> No.8901338


>> No.8901448

banjo kazooie's well designed tiny levels are a direct result of the original note collection method. once death didn't reset your note total there was no reason not to turn every level into a sprawling shitshow

>> No.8901673

People always praise the Xbox for "fixing" notes but what it actually did was trivialize the game and remove any punishment for death

>> No.8901814

TL:DR The BB creator had a Nuts and Bolts model viewer that someone leaked and he deleted the whole forum and all his upcoming tools because of that
That's how I remember it going down at least. The community is splintered to this day because of it

>> No.8902456

Why does this exact sequence of events seem to happen so often in modding/hacking communities?

>> No.8902465

imagine if the better worlds of BT were larger and more intertwined and they dropped the shitty ones instead

>> No.8902595

You kinda have to be off the deep end to learn how to reverse engineer and hack retro games

>> No.8902696
File: 742 KB, 1417x5112, banjo x 21l +o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banjo kazooie tooie rareware n64 nintendo britbong limey lobster britfag thread from eksss
that the jannies dont want you to know about

>> No.8902703

What the fuck are these anons mumbling about

>> No.8902717

Yeah, the worlds were too big, there was too few platforming. It was a "chore" game. Go to the place X then go to Y. The game also had too much backtracking and the movement speed was just too slow. I forced myself to play it.

>> No.8902750

didn't read any of that

>> No.8902870
File: 802 KB, 1114x4872, ninetenoh 21i v2 +o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this one has megaman and pokemon and zelda in it.

>> No.8902871
File: 572 KB, 1797x1556, samus aran decoded 21i +o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's samus aran / metroid

>> No.8902883
File: 294 KB, 1798x795, loz deku 21i o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's about the deku tree in zelda ocarina.

>> No.8902887

The 3DS remake reworking the boot switching completely changed how I saw the dungeon, and I ended up loving it.

>> No.8903330

I love the sense of exploration in Tooie. Finding all the little areas and then the levels interconnect. Can get a little tedious when you've already explored everywhere and still don't know what to do.

>> No.8904260


>> No.8904421
File: 96 KB, 640x480, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong picture OP

>> No.8904554

Grunty industries is great. It just infuriates people with poor spatial/layout awareness.
Terrydactyland genuinely sucks because it’s just huge swathes of empty space to traverse, it lacks the complexity that makes GI fun.

>> No.8904758

Its just not a fun level, the layout has nothing to do with it.
Its just filled with a bunch of annoying shit like the cameras.

>> No.8904879

>>music is the ONLY weak Grant Kirkhope track in the BK duology
I’m assuming you’re only counting “main” levels, because otherwise Cauldron Keep and the mini-boss theme from BK (the one that plays when you fight the big box in rusty bucket bay and I think the frogs in bubblegloop swamp) are the weakest.

>> No.8904957

When I first emulated BT as a kid I think I got up to this level and that's what made me drop the game even though I was enjoying it quite a bit up to that point. I think I played BT before playing BK properly for myself so that might be why I liked it so much since everything was new.

Playing it as an adult after 100%ing BK was an exercise in tedium. I liked how compact the levels in BK were and how little downtime there usually was between objectives. BT coming along where all the levels are so much bigger/complex and all the levels are connected to each other and the hub levels with jiggies requiring stuff to be done across multiple levels got so exhausting by the end of it. I loved BK because it was like Mario 64, I went into Tooie wanting more of that and instead I got something closer to a Metroidvania or Zelda game.

I remember not liking it because everything looked the same.

>> No.8904961

I think this is how I feel about it too. When you go back to a game like Kacooie you're free to use your existing knowledge to chain together the most efficient path possible which is fun unto itself, but in Tooie even the most well thought out path is a meandering cluster fuck.

>> No.8906351

What themes do you want used as worlds if we ever get Banjo-Threeie?

>> No.8906363

>Space station world with low grav
>Musical world with cymbal drums you can beak bash to play
>Spooky Fortress level (Like cauldron keep's original concept before they cut it all out due to scope creep)

>> No.8906604
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>> No.8907557

>I remember not liking it because everything looked the same
Terrydactyland or Grunty Industries?

>> No.8907693


>> No.8907745

I get that for Terry but not GI. GI’s rooms and floors look very different from each other.

>> No.8907758

Just the boxes look different...

>> No.8907825

>nigger and better

>> No.8907832

>most people don’t like the huge collectathons anymore.
Mario Odyssey's sales numbers say otherwise

>> No.8907837

Garbage level

>> No.8907842
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mfw an itchy & scratchy collectaton platform game never existed

>> No.8907850
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>> No.8907893

the mountain had some fun parts (both on it and inside it), it's the area around it that ruins the stage

>> No.8908282

>better do the engine room and save the dolphin first so I don't lose my notes
So much fun. Such tension.