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8890104 No.8890104 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite GameCube games which were made by companies other than Nintendo?

>> No.8890108
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Resident Evil 4

>> No.8890110

That orange spice cube gives me a massive hard on!

>> No.8890116
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Tales of Symphonia

>> No.8890124
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Timesplitters 2

I had a Purple one, I liked that it matched my GBA

>> No.8890138

Gauntlet Dark Legacy

>> No.8890142
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Viewtiful Joe

>> No.8890147


>> No.8890148
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Super Monkey Ball

>> No.8890156

Resident Evil 0/RE:Make

>> No.8890159
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Soul Calibur 2

>> No.8890171
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Super Robot Wars GC

It's pretty nice that this was translated recently.

Giftpia is the other GC game which I'd be interested in a translation.

>> No.8890187
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Bloody Roar: Primal Fury

>> No.8890196
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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

Selkies are the best

>> No.8890226
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Pretty much all of the SEGA games
>SADX, SA2:B, Heroes, Shadow, and Riders
>Sonic Mega Collection and Gems Collection
>Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2
>Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
>F-Zero GX
And some of the regular mainstream multiplat EA/Activision stuff back when they were still decent. Need for Speed, Tony Hawk, etc. Wrath of Cortex was also a nice treat even though some people don't seem to like it very much

>> No.8890231

Good picks! I liked Wrath of Cortex quite a lot too, particularly the zorbing levels.

>> No.8890261

All very good picks.
I should really spend some time with GX. Never bothered to emulate it and only played it over at one of my brother's friend's houses as a kid. Thought it was awesome, but didn't get to play much of it.
F-Zero is one of my favorite SNES games, but I still haven't spent nearly enough time with F-Zero X or GX.

>> No.8890345

Super monkey ball.

>> No.8890358

Not sure if it's gotten better recently but GX is one of the few games I remember Dolphin struggling with, mostly on certain tracks. The desert track in particular had some kind of environmental effect that crushed your performance without hacks.
Hopefully things have gotten better since then.

>> No.8890360

Damn, that's rough.
I'm going to be setting up SD2SP2 for my GameCube soon in any case.

>> No.8890484
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Bomberman Land 2

>> No.8890586

My favorite is Phantasy Star Online
But that's a port; if we're going by exclusives, I'd say Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

>> No.8890896
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Eternal Darkness

Rogue Leader/Rebel Strike

Super Monkey Ball 1/2

Soul Calibur 2 (May as well be considered exclusive as Link is the best guest character)

Twin Snakes

RE4 (bought this release day, still think it plays best with a GameCube controller to this day)

>> No.8891184
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Gotcha Force

>> No.8891189
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Lost Kingdoms

>> No.8891193
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I played 4 players versus of this more than any other Gamecube game. I don't even like sport games but it's fantastic.

>> No.8891404

Based Tony Hawk poster. That's the first thing that came to my mind. Pro Skater 3 and 4 as well as both Undergrounds. Pure kino skateboarding.

>> No.8891618

What's good about this game?

>> No.8893363
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Hudson makes some good games on the GameCube.

>> No.8894535

Nice collection! I suppose its these, the Megaman collections, the Sonic collections, the Zelda collection and the games in Animal Crossing are all of the classic games on the Gamecube. Or is there a Midway collection as well?

>> No.8894793

GTA3/VC/SA, Grant Turismo, Halo, Metal Gear Solid 2+3, Max Payne, Half Life. Oh wait.

>> No.8895084

Played this a couple years back. I got sucked into it for a week trying to best all the tournaments. Was amazed how great the gameplay was.

>> No.8895126

Gamecube has no gmes

>> No.8895185
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