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File: 3.55 MB, 1540x1510, rondo_of_blood_tg16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8890019 No.8890019 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus christ this game is so good. It just has so much fucking personality. The music, the sprite work, tons of alternate paths, all of the little details. It oozes style and passion

This is one of the few "japanese holy grails" that were hyped up to fuck back in the day that actually lived up to the hype

>> No.8890025

No one besides /vr/shitposters care about this game, SOTN is rightfully the most popular castlevania

>> No.8890067

It is the easiest and most fun of the classic Castlevanias.

Castlevania Bloodlines is also pretty good.

>> No.8890072

it's a 6/10

>> No.8890107

This. Not even wanting to be a contrarian, it's just that, not only is it easy like >>8890067 says, I personally don't find it all that interesting to play through. That is, a lot of the time, it's easy because the design of its levels and enemies don't really have much going on, and even when either one of these aspects DO get interesting, the other part doesn't pull its weight. Stage 4 starts piling on the traps, but they don't often have enemies taking advantage of that, aside from maybe that one part where the game drops a bunch of fleamen only for them to die on the spikes below. On the other hand, Rondo fucking loves throwing axe armors at you and they actually have a couple new moves, but you usually fight them on flat terrain, so they'll probably be dead before you even see those new moves. One of them, a charge attack, will often get utterly fucked over even by the level design putting a hole between you and the armor, so it's basically free hits in a situation that would've actually have been a nuisance in earlier games.

It's not utter shit or anything, but it's one of the things that leaves me less enamored than others.

>> No.8890132

I don't think it's the most mechanically interesting castlevania, but I'll be the fag and argue that gameplay alone isn't necessarily equal to the overall enjoyment of a game. Rondo is solid enough for me with the backflips, well designed sub weapons and hidden paths, that when paired with the gorgeous visuals and fantastic soundtrack it just is a joy to play through. I have fun just taking it all in

>> No.8890175

And honestly, that's probably all either of us can ask, rondanon.
>gameplay alone isn't necessarily equal to the overall enjoyment of a game
It tends to be for me, personally, which is why, at least as far as older 16-bit vanias go, I think I tend to prefer SCIV and Chronicles. The latter because its aesthetics are just the right amount of seriousness and cheese, and motherfucker has like right loops with more and more shit thrown at you, the former for how somber it is and, since one could pick and choose which mechanics to use and not use, and since the game isn't really designed around that sort of thing, I like to think it has a dynamic difficulty level you can tap into whenever you want. Just putting aside the whip mechanics borderline turns it into a different game, especially by level 8.
This is something that's bugged me for awhile. do backflips have i-frames in literally any of the games where Richter can use it? I could've sworn it was so in HoD, I don't know about anywhere else since I usually used it for traversal purposes instead.

>> No.8890191

I don't think so, but it provides more height than a standard jump that let's you avoid certain attacks or make certain jumps that the standard couldn't quite do

>> No.8890221

Yeah, I don't think so, either. Makes it rather silly for it to be there in SoTN and PoR.
>let's you avoid certain attacks or make certain jumps that the standard couldn't quite do
Honestly love abusing the shit out of going reaching up and going through blocks and platforms with it, especially in Dracula X.