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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 511 KB, 2560x1730, 2560px-Sega-Game-Gear-FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8887420 No.8887420 [Reply] [Original]

people dont talk about the SEGA Game Gear enough. I just finished Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble and it was great. Game Gear is SOUL distilled in a handheld but nincels refuse to accept this bc muh battery life

>> No.8887425

I wish you hadn't made this a console war thread from the start. We could just talk about the game gear.

The battery life was incredibly rough. That's just a fact. That said, I appreciate that it really was a lot of hardware stuffed into a handheld at the time. A few years back I found one of the Shining Force Gaidens in a Goodwill shop for a buck. I'd recommend it.

>> No.8887428

> Game Gear is SOUL distilled in a handheld
I can agree with that.

> muh battery life
I can agree with that too. Six batteries, OP. Six. That was a lot back then. And it still is, but at least you can try to find a single rechargeable battery today.

A lot of "failed" Sega consoles have plenty of wasted potential because Sega is all about rushing, rivaling someone and then fucking up an actual brilliant thing because they're dorks

>> No.8887430
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yeah im thinking kino

>> No.8887464
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Get yourself a Game Gear
Get yourself Griffin
Get yourself Halley Wars
Get yourself Pop Breaker
Get yourself Psychic World
Get yourself Wagyan Land
Get yourself Magical Taruruto-kun
Get yourself Yaiba
Get yourself Kishin Douji Zenki
Get yourself a good time.

>> No.8887471
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Oh and I forgot Fray. Get her too.

>> No.8887492

>people dont talk about the SEGA Game Gear enough.
true but that's just how it is. I've seen a million mods for Game Boy, like IPS screens etc.—I've never seen a single one for GG. goes to show how popular it is
>nincels refuse to accept this bc muh battery life
it was an issue though. I was a child during early 90s, anyone know if they even sold rechargeable AA batteries in 1990-1995? because buying 6 AA batteries every time just to play is bullshit. li-ion batteries only started being sold in 1992, and it took them years to get widespread—and they likely cost more than GG itself.
not to mention, these things have weight, you know? GG with 6 batteries can weigh 500-700g (1.15-1.57lb).

>> No.8887497

i wonder if you could kill a man by throwing a Game Gear at his head

>> No.8887502

It would kill a guy standing behind him too. Shit was heavy.

>> No.8887519

game gear emulation has been a thing for decades. Battery life isn't the reason people don't talk about the games, it's the reason they give for why it didn't sell well before another stupid console war discussion starts.

>> No.8887525

dad beat me with the game gear

>> No.8887582 [DELETED] 
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POV: dad is home drunk and you're about to get beaten with Gae Gear

>> No.8887592
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POV: dad is home drunk and you're about to get beaten with Game Gear

>> No.8887605

I think it's just the introductory price difference between the GG and GB, as a handheld it's likely to get dropped, lost or stolen by kids so parents naturally are going to want to spend as little as possible on a handheld which isn't a "proper" console anyway.

Sega, Atari, SNK all wanted to beat the Game Boy with better tech but nothing can overcome the fact that kids themselves aren't in control of their parent's wallets. Trying to pander to them with colour graphics was never going to work.

>> No.8888060

>if u don't think wut youtube told me 2 think ur incel
Congratulations. You're fitting in to /nu-vr/ very.

>> No.8888368

Is there any way to play these on the Genesis or Master System? They both have Z80s like the GG... If not, does anyone know why?

>> No.8888440

no. yes.

>> No.8888609

Game Gear was really great. It was the only Sega console I ever owned but I had a lot of great games, Sonic Triple Trouble being my favorite I think. The screen itself was really great. Hoping to track down a Sonic Gems collection eventually so I can revisit some of these games and also try some new ones.

>> No.8889971

>colour graphics
SNK tried with a monochrome system at first, and so did Bandai, but shortly after/by the time of release they had to compete with the Game Boy Color.

>> No.8890183
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Game Gear was a Master System with better color palette and sound chip, which sadly means a simple adapter exists to play Master System games on a Game Gear in your hands, but there's no such one to play Game Gear games on a Master System hooked to a TV

>> No.8890236

theres rom hacks which convert game gear games to master system. they work fine on real hardware for flashcarts on either master system or genesis since its backwards compatible with it.

>> No.8890249

If you put a SMS game rom into a GG everdrive, would it work on the GG?

>> No.8890257

The short answer is yes, the GG Everdrive X7 is even advertised as supporting Master System ROMs

>> No.8890275
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It's great that all 4 of these games have been translated now.

>> No.8890287
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>> No.8890296

Is there anything the X7 CAN'T currently do, I was thinking of getting one, got my Game Gear recapped and the screen replaced some years back.

>> No.8890327

I've read some people have had incompatibility issues with the EverDrive X7 after getting their Game Gears modded with better power options.

>> No.8890334

Too many SMS ports

>> No.8890342

>mfw currently reading the whole history of the gaming industry because of Tetris
Don't ask why it happened.
But anyway it's an interesting read that helps understanding why SEGA became what it is today, and it's unironically because of the West. I too have always liked the SEGA consoles but seeing the state of the market at the time it's easier to understand why it failed.
I remember trying Sonic Colors, GGShinobi and Toki on my cousin's Game Gear and absolutely love playing them, that handheld really just had a good feel. But holy shit it was draining batteries like hell.

>> No.8890494

There are also speccy ports. No one in their right mind wants to play either.

>> No.8890510

>I was a child during early 90s, anyone know if they even sold rechargeable AA batteries in 1990-1995? because buying 6 AA batteries every time just to play is bullshit. li-ion batteries only started being sold in 1992, and it took them years to get widespread
Rechargeable batteries were around back then. I did not have a Game Gear, but I used rechargeable NiCad batteries in my Gameboy.
NiCads were eventually replaced by NiMHs, which... well, I still use NiMH AA batteries, actually.

>> No.8890575

>I used rechargeable NiCad batteries in my Gameboy.
interesting. do you remember what year you got them? i hardly can google much info on when rechargeable batteries became a thing.
also, iirc Ni-Cd had a lot of caveats, like you needed to drain them entirely then fully charge them or else they lost some capacity, could be wrong though.

>> No.8890864

These. The system is good, but if you want a console war, the games are nowhere close to being as fun as Game Boy's. GB games were mostly portable SNES games in scope and design, while GG's were mostly portable SMS games in that regard.

t. first handheld was Game Gear and still have it with all of my games and accessories

>> No.8891221

I had rechargeable batteries in the 70s. But they were pretty shit. Frankly they were until relatively recently.

>> No.8891312

>I had rechargeable batteries in the 70s.
huh, really? I had no idea those existed back then. but I wouldn't expect much from those either.
li-ion batteries were a godsend really

>> No.8891368

>t. first handheld was Game Gear and still have it

Have you gotten it recapped?

>> No.8891381
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I haven't played it in a long time (I just use emulators now). It's safely been in my air-conditioned home in a closet in pic related for 14+ years, though. Do I need to fix it by now or something?

>> No.8891494

Not him, but some of the components are way past their life expectancy after almost 30 years.
Luckily, since it's a known issue, these components can be easily purchased for cheap.
You just need to know how to solder and have a multimeter (which is a useful skill to have anyway).

>> No.8891737
File: 12 KB, 184x218, 9 lives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was even worse because regular batteries would recharge themselves. Not even joking. Most batteries then were carbon zinc. To simplify a lot of jargon, the chemical reactions in these were pretty slow and you could drain the battery to the point it was unusable while there was still plenty of fuel left in it. If you let it sit for a couple days that chemical process would have enough time to build up enough charge in the battery to make it useful again. Hence the name 9 lives. In reality I got far more than 9 "recharges" out of many batteries.

>> No.8891761

Thanks for the info, then. Hopefully these components aren't start to get more expensive in current year + 7.

>> No.8892114

i only had sonic and X-Men and boy oh boy was I happy
my friend all had game boys and would take theirs to school but I hid my game gear home because I didn't want anyone pawing it

>> No.8892125

what did he do in Kansas 2014?

>> No.8892150

I had a Game Gear and the amount of batteries it ate up cost me more then the system it self, I think if they had gone with a cheaper grey screen, better battery life and a packed in copy of Sega Tetris it could have challenged the GB until Pokemon.
Compile were the kings of the Game Gear.

>> No.8892249

>interesting. do you remember what year you got them?
NTA but I had a set of six rechargeable NiCad AA batteries that I used to power my Game Gear some time in the early 90s. I specifically remember they were purple and branded as RadioShack (rip). They were handy for a little while then started to lose their effectiveness shortly after I got them. I had a little A/C charging pack that I believe could fit all six of them at a time which was kind of nice but still the life expectancy of any batteries powering a Game Gear was minimal, rechargeable or not.
Anyone that spent a lot of time playing a Game Gear probably would have eventually invested in the A/C adapter, it was basically a must have while playing at home. I ended up getting a second Game Gear (with the bubbled screen indicating a later model) because the A/C jack on my first one started to get messed up and any movement of the power cord would cause the system to reset. Sucked to lose a good Road Rash session because of this.

>> No.8892284

>I think it's just the introductory price difference between the GG and GB
that was only part of the issue, but the battery life is really what killed it. it was well documented in the gaming magazines of the era. i saw quite a few that lived their lives tethered to mains power, using only batteries when it has to be portable.

>> No.8892289

>Anyone that spent a lot of time playing a Game Gear probably would have eventually invested in the A/C adapter, i
they did. i even saw the occasional tv tuner for it too. that was a neat device. picture quality not the greatest but worked well.

>> No.8892551

>i even saw the occasional tv tuner for it too
Yeah! I'm pretty sure I had one of those and it worked fairly well although I could only pick up two or three of the local stations on mine.

There was also a massive battery brick that could be plugged into the A/C power that probably weighed 5 pounds but was an official Sega accessory. I also had some rechargeable battery packs that clipped into the battery slots and bumped out the back grip area of the Game Gear and replaced the normal battery lids.

>> No.8892678

is that Nei....?

>> No.8894552


>> No.8894564

Neat Ad(vertorial)

>> No.8894572

>Sega Tetris

>> No.8894584
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