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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8887401 No.8887401 [Reply] [Original]

How many retro videogames have you completed in one credit or even no deaths?

>> No.8887417


>> No.8887418

None. I don't really care about that kind of stuff, I have better shit to worry about.

>> No.8887434

>> No.8887474

Tumblepop, back in the 90's at the arcades. I think that's it. I 1CC many fighting games, but they don't count imo.

>> No.8887482


>> No.8887493

How the fuck is /vr/ so bad at videogames? Was this "Nintendo Hard" shtick just bullshit or are we infested with zoomers? I should have known something was up when over half the replies to that Contra thread needed 20+ lives to beat the game

>> No.8887498

I 1cc'd bust a move in the arcade once. Felt good.

>> No.8887503

There's a high chance I'm older than you. I just don't care about arbitrary challenges in video games that don't involve an actual human opponent.

>> No.8887508

i 1cced rondo of blood as maria the other day, didn't use the special move
actually i did game over intentionally after 5' to save and quit and apparently that's a continue according to the counter but whatever
either way i don't really care for it, i just like to play games

>> No.8887528

Nice LARP. It wasn't uncommon for many kids to leave games unfinished during the NES era, let alone 1CC/1-life them. Games are meant to be fun, not a test of your devotion to an arbitrary limitation. Lives exist for a reason

>> No.8887550

Three friends and I did a 4-player 4x1-CC D&D Shadow over Mystara once. That's probably the greatest achievement any of us ever did on an actual arcade game.

No deaths including no loading from continues, etc? 5000ft Mr. Driller no-death clears a few times. Megaman 2. Maybe Megaman 3? Metroid. I'm sure there's a bunch of other games that allowed farming up HP before progressing.

>> No.8887556

Lives exist for 1CC and 1LC practice you shitter

>> No.8887656

you should've known when 80% of the threads are about jrpgs

>> No.8887671

Did a no death run of Ninja Gaiden. Cleared Super C a few loops without continues. Did one loop of City Connection without game overing if that counts.

>> No.8887672

The standard NES platformers. Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Castlevania 1 and 3, Metroid, Megaman 1-6, Mario 1-3 (but not Mario 2J, "Lost Levels"), Contra, Zelda 1 and 2.

Same with your standard assortment of SNES platformers that are appropriate to 1CC. On other platforms, Rondo of Blood, SotN (lol), every Contra game, etc.

After a few attempts, I can also 1CC most shmups of standard difficulty. I've spent way too much time playing Cave and Touhou, so "normal" shmups aren't so bad (can 1CC first loop Dai Oujou, but not second loop).

Absolute unreal cope. During my childhood in the late 80s / early 90s, many of my friends were just shit at games. Guess some people stay that way. If you play platformers or shmups regularly, you begin to realize that very few are just "too hard," it's that most gamers will either (i) have shit execution or (ii) repeat the same mistakes over and over without thinking or improving.

>> No.8887681

Even Battletoads. People claim that game is soooo hard. It's admittedly tough because it requires a fair amount of memorization, but the EXECUTION actually isn't terribly hard. You just need to not be a total dumbfuck and make the same errors over and over.

>> No.8887693
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0. I try my best, but I just dump coins like the 20 something year old dudes back in the day used to. Back then I was just a kid and my mom would give me only a couple of coins, but there was 2 times the guy next to me told me to just keep playing with his coins, and that's how I reached the end of Time Crisis 2 and The Ocean Hunter.

>> No.8887698

Actually, now I'm thinking, since PS2 is now retro, I completed without dying once, Naruto Shipuuden Ultimate Ninja 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Over the years I've done the same with multiple Pokémon games.
There's probably more like those.

>> No.8887748

There you go!

Nobody can 1CC tough games in every genre. I'm shit at RPGs and racing games, but really good at platformers.

Nobody is good at everything, or bad at everything.

>> No.8887772

Mostly light gun games ported to the PS2.

>> No.8887776

im bad at everything

>> No.8887782

You care a lot about how other people play video games, huh?

>> No.8887785
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>> No.8887792

I think the problem is you have the be a total loser who thinks that mastering a video game is some sort of achievement.

>> No.8887802

Billy Mitchell literally made a career out of being the best. You would call him a "total loser"?

>> No.8887807

Sounds like a typical sentiment from someone who visits a website for video game enthusiasts.

>> No.8887819

No idea. I really don't keep track of or particularly care about 1CC's. It isn't zero, but 1CC'ing Sonic is worth caring about, right? If it's not in an arcade, what's the point?

Unless you had a local arcade where you were trying to own the high score screen, I see no point in grinding a game like that.

>> No.8887825

It's fun to master a game you enjoy playing.

>> No.8887829

I guess pokemon red was my closest of ever doing this.
I had never lost all my pokemon, I arrive the 4 champions and first try I win against the last one with my last pokemon.
He congratulates me but then tells me that that shithead Gary is the champion and I have to fight him too.
Then I lost.

>> No.8887848

If you "trained" using savestates before making your run, it doesn't count because any knowledge of the game was acquired through cheating.

>> No.8887868

I never quite cared to get THAT good at any one game. I can beat Metal Slug 2 in under 2 dollars though. I'm content with that.

>> No.8887891

Double Dragon. Just spammed the elbow move over and over.

>> No.8887896

Exactly 1 and exactly the one I've ever tried:
Metal Slug 2.
I've spend half a year of training on emulator first and then final stage was still near impossible. Went to the arcade that had it, played, won with final life still left, scored...
... and the arcade closed soon after, leaving my achievement hollow

>> No.8887924

>saving time is cheating
Do you also take a shit while staring at the wall because playing a game or reading a book at the same time would be cheating?

>> No.8887947

First time I 1cc'd Contra (no code obviously) I did a victory lap and did the 2nd loop deathless. Felt good that day.

>> No.8887951

Uh, some of us don't have ADD and need to distract ourselves while taking a shit anon.

>> No.8887991

If you were having fun, you wouldn't need to "save time". Playing the game normally, from the beginning, should be fun. That's why they don't make the first level too easy in arcade games, and why there is often optional ways to master it e.g. scoring opportunities for your runs.

The thread seems split between people who think 1CCing games is some real achievement that you need to do, practice and save time on, vs people who realise game worlds aren't real and the whole point is to have fun the whole time whether 1CCing or leaving games unfinished (because there are so many great ones to try out).

>> No.8887994

If you consider it a waste of time, chances are you would have never done it without save states. 1CC are also a test of patience and endurance.

>> No.8888007

It takes me 15 to 20 minutes to empty my bowels. Might as well do something during that time.
But I have fun while saving time, so I don't get your point.
I already test my patience and endurance reading massive books and leaning programming. Might as well enjoy the games instead of putting myself through pain.

>> No.8888012

Whatever's the most fun for you, just stop lying to yourself when saying you 1CC'd it

>> No.8888014

>It takes me 15 to 20 minutes to empty my bowels.

You okay anon?

>> No.8888016

Now do it without save state practice cheater.

>b-b-but save states ar-
who's coping now cheater?

>> No.8888018

Golden Axe and those Megaman fighters for arcade. Almost got Ghouls n' Ghosts once

>> No.8888027

I never say I 1CC things, since I don't see the point in doing it. As stated in >>8887698 I did complete games without dying, but it's because I was a kid without much to play, so I would replay what I liked. Replayed Bully 3 or 4 times and never blacked out.
Yeah man, I simply shit 2 times per day, when I wake up and before bed, and I eat a lot due to exercise and being tall, so it takes a while to make sure it's actually empty.

>> No.8888039

I have 1CC'd a few easy shmups:

Battle Mania/Trouble Shooter
Daioh Gale
Final Soldier
Power Gate
Psychic Storm

I started doing Arrow Flash but I became bored.

>> No.8888045

Why are there so many posters in this thread about 1CCs who don't do 1CCs?

>> No.8888046

It's true. The challenges don't have the same impact if you give yourself checkpoints through savestates. Nowadays however, I think I can live without that feeling of dread.

>> No.8888050


>> No.8888052

my "successful career" and "starting-a-family" skills have improved at the expense of my gaming expertise

I sincerely hope you have the same problem one day

>> No.8888056

Why does /vr/ glorify the everliving fuck out of 1ccs, but make fun of speedrunning? The latter is far more difficult and requires more skill, thought, and dedication, while any random retard can get a 1cc in a week or two. They don't really show anything other than pure timesink.

>> No.8888058


also, didn't he lie about his Donkey Kong score?

>> No.8888062

I 1CCd Crazy Taxi.

>> No.8888075

Because a 1CC is about mastering a game, while speedrunning is about bypassing it.

>> No.8888086

Literally the opposite. In a 1cc, you have to get "just good enough" at every part of the game so you can clear the game without expending too many resources, and you can be inconsistent as fuck at so many parts in the game and still kusoclear. Meanwhile every tiny little mistake in a speedrun is punished with a higher time and perfect consistency is required.

People shit out 1ccs the day a game comes out, while day 1 speedruns are quickly obsoleted.

>> No.8888101

None, i always use cheat codes or game genie/gameshark.

>> No.8888137

60-70 or so, most games aren't hard to 1cc and it takes one evening or two. What would "matter" is if you beat some games that are actually hard, because it's easy to inflate those numbers with kusoclears of easy games but it gets boring (beating a hard game doesn't really matter either, at the end of the day it's just a game)

>> No.8888172

>But I have fun while saving time, so I don't get your point
People have fun when while turning on God mode too, but no one pretends that's playing the game normally. To each their own but it's a waste when a great game is skipped in these ways.

>> No.8888181

Mistakes in a speedrun often have nothing to do with playing the actual game.

>> No.8888185

one, Kung Fu Master.
I could make my one credit last 30 minutes, people waiting to have a go were SEETHING

>> No.8888204

He meant 1CCs are playing and completing the game as designed (at least arcade) while speedrunning is a more abstract goal of getting to the end as fast as possible, which can often be the opposite or skipping it completely.

1CCs are still about the video and gaming entertainment experience while speedrunning ends up more about exploiting code to reach the desired end state. It's almost like coding or testing, so no surprise it is associated with a related, infamous demographic.

>> No.8888252

>exploiting code to reach the desired end state
This is what all video games are.

Anyway, if a glitch exists that lets you warp to the end, be invincible, or whatever else, and you DON'T use it for your 1cc, you are willingly making things more difficult for yourself, or at least playing a separate category. A 1cc of Super Mario Bros. where you use the infinite 1-up trick to get max lives and then use every warp possible is still a 1cc, and is just as much of one as a warpless run without the trick. Speedrun categories for both exist as well and runs always 1cc because not 1ccing would be a time loss.

Also, did you know that lots of arcade games have separate 1cc categories on their speedrun leaderboards that see plenty of play? They aren't treated as the end-all-be-all because the goal is speed, but it's not like 1ccing is remotely out of a speedrunner's reach.

>> No.8888290

more than i'd like to admit

>> No.8888310

any retard can get decent times in a week or two too, but some people just find it a stupid way to play

>> No.8888320

>This is what all video games are.

To Speedtrannies yes

>> No.8888393

lmao maybe if you're playing some shovelware or you have extremely low standards for your times

>> No.8888510

>if you're playing some shovelware
sounds like the average speedtranny to me

>> No.8888537

mmx3 and bk3

>> No.8888539
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I don't play on emulators.

>> No.8888607

Bro, my post says I was a child in the late 80s and early 90s. We didn't have emulators then. This was on original hardware.

I'm telling you, there are very few NES games with difficult "execution." However, there are many that are tricky, in the sense that you need to pay attention and learn from your mistakes.

Most of my friends who were shit would load up a game like Ninja Gaiden, and keep dying to the same bird over and over and over. I'd watch them play, and every time they'd do the exact same thing. You just need to pay attention, think, realize why you died, and do better next time.

>> No.8888614

I am not autistic.

>> No.8888620

Let's not get carried away.

Things like (i) built-in cheat codes (Konami code), (ii) built-in warps, and (iii) exploiting major glitches are not playing the game the typical way.

It's funny you mention speedruns, because almost every game with warps and major glitches have "warpless glitchless" categories. Like, SMB1 has an "any%" category and a "warpless 100%" category.

I hate to be "that guy," but I say this in total sincerity. If you've only completed a game with warps or codes, you didn't beat it. On subsequent playthroughs, sure, you can use warps to save time or practice. But don't pretend like you completed a game if you used warps and built-in codes.

>> No.8888645

How are they mutually exclusive? A speedrun is going to be also a 1CC most of the time, so it would be both mastering it and bypassing it.

>> No.8888657

That's why there's different categories, dumbfuck. Yes, that's true of "glitched any%" runs. It is not the case for "glitchless 100%" runs.

I don't enjoy any% runs myself, but you can't deny that glitchless 100% runs can be quite impressive.

>> No.8888679

12 1cc'd games total, multiple 1cc's on said games. it happens naturally because i replay the games i love enough times that i eventually get good enough to 1cc them.

>> No.8888738

>every game with warps and major glitches have (sic) "warpless glitchless" categories
Yes, I mentioned this in my post. Thank you for bringing to my attention my own point. Don't know what I'd do without you.

>If you've only completed a game with warps or codes, you didn't beat it.
This wasn't my main point, but whatever, I'll humor you.

A warpless, glitchless 1cc of SMB1 is NOWHERE NEAR the same level of skill as a warpless, glitchless speedrun SMB1. Two runs played under the same conditions. Likewise, a 1cc of SMB1 that uses warps and glitches is NOWHERE NEAR the same level of skill as a speedrun that uses warps and glitches. If you think a glitched speedrun is less impressive than a glitchless 1cc, fine, but compare your 1cc to a glitchless speedrun if you want to be fair.

In other words, if you consider a 1cc to be praiseworthy or noteworthy, while also considering a speedrun of the same game under the same conditions as something worth mocking (as most of this board does), the only thing worth mocking is you. And remember, any good speedrun will likely be a 1cc for reasons I hopefully shouldn't have to repeat. (Hell, even if it /isn't/ a 1cc, it's still way more impressive if it hits a good time.)

Next time, please attempt to read the posts you reply to instead of skimming over them and assuming what they say.

>> No.8888791

I've done ALTTP without dying, but that's not exactly a hard game either.

>> No.8888803

Bitchel is a fraud, he never got those scores.

>> No.8888824

not autistic

>> No.8888841

That's what you think.

>> No.8888864

>Lives exist for [insert arbitrary self-imposed challenge here]

>> No.8888868

1cc'd Space Harrier

>> No.8888890

Yes, but not only a total loser but a complete fucking faggot as well and if you walked up to me and started talking about how you 1CC'd a video game from the 80s, I will laugh in your face and then walk away.

>> No.8888896

I'm convinced you couldn't even match any of the fastest times for a game like Doom or Quake. There's shitloads of strategy and planning involved, in addition to being intimately familiar with the gameplay and engine behavior. Good players who reach insane times or beat insane challenges, they don't do that on a whim, they practice a lot.

How is it not "mastering" a game?

This is a Nigthmare speedrun of a level from Final Doom:
Nigthmare is a bullshit difficulty that's only good for extreme speedrunning, monsters resurrect periodically, also being much more aggressive and sometimes much faster, no official levels are designed with this difficulty in mind so there's no balance for it, a level being beatable on this difficulty can be a complete crapshoot.
This level was the last of the official Doom levels to be beaten on Nightmare difficulty, and for many years it was thought to not be realistically possible to achieve at all, but one day this guy did it, and since then, only a few more people have.

You can't rote memorize any of this, you simply have to be extremely good at the game and plan out a viable path, then try until you can do it.

>> No.8889094

Not the one he got in the 1980s, nor his Pac Man ones. Getting confused and submitting a MAME run under the wrong category is hardly "cheating"

>> No.8889114

Harmful park in easy and normal mode.
Fable 2 no death run (i did that on my first run because the difficulty was a joke, so I challenged myself to never die in that midiocre game)

>> No.8889156

SMB1 when I was a kid but I wouldn't be able do it anymore.
Also Mike Tyson's punch-out.

>> No.8889159

not him but you really cant use outliers as your argument

>> No.8889162

Speedrun one popular game in one popular category then come back and try pretending you are familiar with the subject.

>> No.8889167

Neither can you.

>> No.8889310

What do you mean outliers? People who are actually really good at the games? Yeah, no kidding they're outliers, that's what makes videos like those interesting to look at.
Nobody goes to a sports game to look at average faggot assholes kick a ball around, you either go because it's your kid playing, or you go because the people playing are actually pros facing off against other pros, they are the outliers.

>> No.8889318

I learned how to 1cc Ikaruga after MONTHS of play. So I can 1cc exactly one game. I have skepticism about anyone having much skill if the games they 1cc are Touhou games.

>> No.8889349

>Kobe's achievements dont count because he trained outside of NBA matches

>> No.8889353

What about 2hu on Lunatic

>> No.8889357

This is such an LGBT tier post. Training for a skill more efficiently doesn’t discount that you still have the actual skill. Imagine having to wait for unskippable cutscenes in order to practice learning piano. Ridiculous.

>> No.8889369

I’m sure there’s a decent amount of skill involved in the higher tier difficulty Touhou games but I come across a category of shmup enthusiasts whose games they can 1cc are solely Touhou games and I remember seeing a couple that didn’t seem very difficult to learn to 1cc. Many of them are somewhat short (sub 25 minutes) but not all. 1cc’ing Ikaruga was a psychotic expedition because I love Treasure games so my perspective might be skewed.

>> No.8889470 [DELETED] 

>I'm convinced you couldn't even match any of the fastest times for a game like Doom or Quake
Literally anyone could, but we leave that shit for retarded trannies so they can feel special lmao

>> No.8889550 [DELETED] 

>I could, I just won't
So you can't.

>> No.8889564 [DELETED] 

Just because you could become a tranny doesn't mean you want to, anon.

>> No.8889565

>ikaruga 1cc is psychotic

>> No.8889568 [DELETED] 

>Literally anyone could
Imagine how great you could make the world if you used this thinking to encourage people rather than insult them.

>> No.8889582 [DELETED] 

Always do, problem is pretentious snowflakes like the speedtranny itt with the narcissistic e-peen contest

>> No.8889702

House of the dead 2 was the one game I managed 1cc back in the day at my arcade.

>> No.8889708 [DELETED] 

not him but people really need to be discouraged more. way too many people doing stupid shit and ruining their lives. i get that you're the twitch generation but your streamer babysitters are all sociopaths and you shouldnt take their advice as gospel. you cant do anything you set your mind to.

>> No.8889717

That dude was fucking based. You'll probably remember him forever

>> No.8889898
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I've beaten Pic related numerous times 1cc all endings :^)

>> No.8889970

How is Ikaruga 1CC hard? Isn't all S++ ranks much harder?

>> No.8889985

me and my brother did jurassic park 3 in the arcade.

>> No.8889993 [DELETED] 

>speedtranny backed by trannyjanny
absolute state of /vr/

>> No.8890048 [DELETED] 

where were you when /vr/ got overtaken by mentally ill tranny jannies and their free boipussy minions?

>> No.8890112

Fantasy Zone / II W
Space Harrier
Panorama Cotton
Steel Empire

>> No.8890163


Yeah, I don't want to be a dick about this. That guy 1CC'd Ikaruga (as have I), and he's proud of his accomplishment. It's a 1CC. Nice, bro.

That said, Ikaruga is definitely considered on the extreme end of "easy" shmups if you're going for 1CC completion. If you're playing for score, then it becomes more of a puzzle game (which I don't personally enjoy).

The PC Engine, Saturn, and Dreamcast have a great library of shmups. Start with Mars Matrix or something. I wouldn't call Ikaruga trash, but it is overrated. It's a very simple game to 1CC, and a very frustrating puzzle to get a high score.

>> No.8890201 [DELETED] 

hey trannymod, you will never be a woman, no matter how many times you ban me. enjoy killing yourself in your 40s lmao

>> No.8890213

The only 1CC I acknowledge are bullet hells.

>> No.8890498

>the best
That's not how you spell "a liar"

>> No.8890542

That's actually really impressive if you're including the various bonus bosses and tournaments.

>> No.8890665

Commando is kind of easy once you realize it's just about speedrunning.

>> No.8890704

I think that the only game that i finished with zero death was "star war: the force unleashed" for ps2

>> No.8890718 [DELETED] 

I guess to be more specific, I 1cc’d Ikaruga on hard and the guy in that video is playing normal or some easier difficulty. It might also be the case he’s playing with more than the standard 3 lives. The change in difficulty was substantial when I chose to 1cc Ikaruga with the default 3 lives on hard as opposed to normal. It’s probably the case that there are other harder shmups to 1cc, but the difficulty of doing this for Ikaruga was an extreme challenge for me, that again, took weeks of work. If Ikaruga is considered simple then I wonder what would be considered complex, because some of the later parts of Ikaruga took a lot of specific practice that I’m not sure I would see in other shmups.

Also I don’t really give a shit if Ikaruga is perceived as overrated or whatever. It’s a Treasure game and I like the stuff they make and doing the work of grinding for 1cc for other shmups just didn’t appeal to me as much. Ikaruga is just a really great piece software to me and I don’t really care about people’s perceptions of what’s the most hipster shmup to 1cc. I don’t really heavily devote my life to shmups, it was kind of a one-off thing for me.

>> No.8890749 [DELETED] 

This video you posted reminded me why the shmup community is the dumbest community of wizard hipsters who are not content with anything popular. His criticisms are retarded and strongly read like he dislikes it for being popular. It’s not a perfect game by any stretch, but holy shit this community is a terrible group of faux hipster elitists. They’re somehow like the FGC for extremely niche arcade shooters that tiny groups of people care about, while also not skilled enough to play an actual fighting game or some other esport. Congrats on being LGBT about something so petty.

>> No.8890790 [DELETED] 

Guys makes retarded takes in a “funny voice”. Pretty cringe inducing.

>> No.8890793

Guy makes retarded takes in a “funny voice”. Pretty cringe inducing.

>> No.8890797

Why even browse these boards if you don't play old arcade games?

>> No.8890852

>Mars Matrix
You'd say this is much more complex than 1cc S++ Hard Ikaruga? What is your personal favorite shmup if Ikaruga is "overrated"?

>> No.8890861

What kind of retarded question is that? It's a retro game board, not an arcade board. You don't have to like every single old platform to post here.

>> No.8890923

True. There was also another time I was watching a guy play Tekken Tag and the bell for the cinema rang, so he had to go and told me to keep playing. He could have lost on purpose instead.
I would find that arcades had credits left too sometimes, perhaps because the previous player didn't notice, so I would jump in and play. Happened mostly on WRC, for some reason.

>> No.8891254 [DELETED] 

1CC S++ on hard is what I did. It's hard.

>> No.8891262

1CC S++ on hard is what I did. It's hard.

>> No.8891293


>> No.8891495

Dodonpachi Daioujou
Dangun Feveron
Giga Wing
Giga Wing 2
Mars Matrix
Every Strikers game
Gunbird 2
Cannon Spike
Chaos Field
Border Down
Under Defeat
Every Gradius except 4 because I'm trying to find original hardware
Super C
Contra 3
Contra: Shattered Soldier
God of War
Devil May Cry 3

A bunch of others, but if I didn't log the game, it probably wasn't memorable.
Anything mentioned here was done on the hardest difficulty if it was an option.

>> No.8891502

i managed to beat the easiest track in super hang on once.

>> No.8891565 [DELETED] 

Should I do that before or after I get the bottom surgery?

>> No.8891570

Doom isn't an arcade game. Next.

>> No.8891608
File: 54 KB, 301x334, dirate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ is a person
Everyone has their own reason for making fun of speedtrooners. It really depends on the game but you can really tell which speedruns are practiced by relatively sane people who do it as a hobby, versus mindnumbingly repetitive, ultra specific and pointless speedrun categories that are clearly a comfort blanket for people to cope with serious issues in real life.

Captcha: 2x NDS

>> No.8891787

I doubt that, but don't just say "1CC" when the vast overwhelming majority of the difficulty is getting S++ on Hard... 1CC is about survival.

>> No.8891796

Almost every single Megaman man, X or Classic. Never Zero games tho, too bullshit at times.

I can do 1cc of Metal Slug 1 and X with ease, but thats about it as far as i can remember

>> No.8891805

>I can do 1cc of Metal Slug X with ease
alright let's see it then big man

>> No.8891816

Mostly console shit
G-Darius arcade
GG Aleste 1 and 2
Power Strike 1 and 2
Gradius III SFC
Jikkyou Osaberi Parodius
Cho Aniki
Sagaia Mega Drive

I was working on Espgaluda and Dragon Spirit and made good progress on both but I've put that aside to work on 日本語出来ない

>> No.8891821

I've no-missed Contra NES, Super C NES, Operation C, Contra Arcade, Super Contra Arcade, Metal Slug, Salamander Arcade, R-Type Arcade, Gradius Arcade, and a few others. I've 1LC Ninja Gaiden trilogy, Castlevania trilogy, and all the NES Mega Mans. And I've 1CC'ed In the Hunt, Aero Fighters, Axelay, Batsugun Arcade, Gun Force 2, Metal Slug 2, X, 3, 4, 6, Thunder Force 3, Zed Blade, and a few others, and then a bunch of non-retro stuff. And then also working towards a bunch of other stuff as well.

>> No.8891825

I completely forgot, I just beat the famicom version of Tiger Heli as well, though that's a baby game with only 4 stages. I've almost got down the arcade version, I think.

>> No.8891860

I don't care about arcade games, I never grew up playing arcade games. The entire concept of practicing an arcade game until you can clear it without credits is kind of just silly to me, especially since a vast majority of arcade games are tuned solely for the profit motive. I'd rather play home console games, and """1CC""" them if I feel like wasting my time for no good reason.

>> No.8891880

Video games made for profit...the horror.

>> No.8891887

god you zoomers are so fucking retarded

>> No.8891932

as opposed to home console games, which were not made for profit

>> No.8891962
File: 136 KB, 742x529, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I died twice on the last level, once close to the start with the rocket spam and later cuz i goofed and died to one of the red space ships on the final boss. But still, just did it.
I love X, its super fun and has the best ost

>> No.8891964

Nice save state usage champ

>> No.8891970

If you say so man.
Just telling you how it was.
It was fun to play it again

>> No.8892146

Yeah I realized now. It was a while ago that I did a 1CC S++ and didn't remember that including that detail was relevant since I just assumed anyone who would invest time in Ikaruga would also go for the S++ like a crazy person.

>> No.8892157

Time crisis 2
Hagane no death
Eliminate down no death

>> No.8892167 [DELETED] 

Did he tickle your willy?

>> No.8892180

Oh and super ghouls and ghosts 1CC

>> No.8892183

No. You may not believe me, but back then kids could just play around in the streets at night alone and no one would do a thing. Way less robberies, mugs and pedos.

>> No.8892203

what's your 1cc "white whale" /vr/?
was on the verge of 1cc'ing ketsui's first loop but didn't stick with it. might pick it up again, guwange is another one, that last boss is bs.

>> No.8892219

Radiant Silvergun.

I don't care how many (You)'s I get from LGBT people about how it's overrated. You guys need to find other things to give a shit about.

>> No.8892820

The question was a comparison of speedrunning and 1CCing. Learn to read.

>> No.8892991

Just a reminder to all of the people here who don't seem to understand the most basic part about 1CC: It means ONE credit clear. If you've ever game over'd a game you can never claim a 1CC. If you practice, savestate, credit feed, or look up guides you have cheated and you have not 1CC'd the game. Just understand this before making claims about what you think you've 1CC'd.

>> No.8893019
File: 210 KB, 560x481, interview_rebecca_heineman_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /vr/ has a population of classic arcade fans who are increasingly drowned out by the rule changes due to the "sliding scale" definition of what games are allowed to be discussed here. And I think they tend to get really bitter and resentful because speedrunners get lots of attention playing popular mainstream games from every era while 1cc is effectively limited to a handful of arcade genres, many of which have been niche genres for a long time.

Perhaps more relevantly, I think the 1cc topic tends to come up when mouthy zoomers try to shit talk older games they don't understand. The crowd of sweaty autists here will often retort with "post your 1cc" as challenge. IOW if you can't 1cc the game your criticism is probably worthless and ignorant.

Because otherwise yeah, in many cases a speedrun is just a further-optimized 1cc:

>> No.8893029

i use to be able to beat streets of rage one and two on hard. with one life. not so much anymore. but i can get through without a continue.

>> No.8893036

>If you've ever game over'd a game you can never claim a 1CC. If you practice
If you practice a game before going for a 1CC it doesn't count?
Did you mean to say something this stupid? I'm guessing you misspoke.

>> No.8893058

Practicing requires more than one credit. I did not misspeak. It's ONE credit clear. Not "those credits didn't count but this one does" clear.

>> No.8893113

what's happening is you're 40 years old yearing unemployed loser who wasted life on children's entertainment

>> No.8893327

Yeah, same. Radiant Silvergun.

I don't know why I find it so hard. I can 1CC a huge boatload of shmups, including most Cave games, but Radiant Silvergun just totally kicks my ass.

>> No.8893351

Nice bait.

In all honesty, I did manage to do that with Cho Ren Sha 68k. I loaded it up, played it for the first time, and 1CC'd on my first attempt. Never saw the game over screen. I was like, "whaaaaaat?"

I've done the same on various Dreamcast and PC Engine shmups, but I didn't expect that with Cho Ren Sha!

>> No.8893392

I think it's just that speedrunners basically have to use shared knowledge and speedrun strats and community found glitches and have to practice a specific highly tailored route. It just sucks the fun out of a game and makes it like down to a science.

Whereas someone going for 1CCs tends to have a much larger breadth, practices mostly on their own or may combine strategies from other top players, and are just generally skilled gamers. They just have general mastery and survival strategies that other players wanting to get good at the game can learn from.

I personally don't like speedrunning because you basically just copy the world record method down to a tee and then try to optimize it as much as humanly possible doing the exact same thing every single time, or in some rare case using a new/risky time saving strategy. There's not really much enjoyment or appreciation of the game there imo

>> No.8893393

Killer Instinct 1 Arcade
All the mortal kombat
All the Capcom fighting games
All the SNK fighting games

The question is too difficult OP.
There are so many that I cannot mention them all.

>> No.8893937

I can 1CC Contra and Super C but only with turbo fire

>> No.8893963

>beating arcade games is the same as mastering them

>> No.8894549

But why are you so bitter, anon?

>> No.8894587

itt: zoomer retards

>> No.8894625

He's mad that he's been filtered by every game he's ever touched. Somehow he thinks all of this seething will fix how much of a failure he is.

>> No.8894659

>It just sucks the fun out of a game and makes it like down to a science.
It's fun to those people, some autists like trains, some like speedrunning.

>Whereas someone going for 1CCs tends to have a much larger breadth, practices mostly on their own or may combine strategies from other top players, and are just generally skilled gamers. They just have general mastery and survival strategies that other players wanting to get good at the game can learn from.
I don't see how that's all that different, those things aren't trivial to do, if you're not good at a game and not learning how to play it and what works, then you're not going to set or match any speed records, and many of the tricks and glitches common in speedrunning have to be learned and practiced, particularly if you want to do them fast and the right way.

This isn't always fun to look at, and I agree, but that's why there's categories for glitchless, categories for different kinds of goals and challenges, etc. It's impressive in a way that someone can actually learn to execute arbitrary code to skip to the end in Ocarina Of Time and thus get a time of a few minutes, but it's also not very interesting or exciting to see, and why I prefer only looking at runs where the player has to actually fight, maneuver, etc, and actually put their skills of playing the actual game on display, such as the one linked in: >>8888896

>There's not really much enjoyment or appreciation of the game there imo
That gets to be subjective thing. I think most of the best speedrunners get where they are because they're really good at the game, and they got good by playing it a lot, analyzing and loving it. It's a form of obsession, so it wouldn't be interesting to people who don't have their own obsession with the games in question.

>> No.8896281

I speedrun super ghouls n ghosts with zero intention to get the WR but rather to get a time I think is decent and because going fast is more fun in that game, also the strats are interesting and fun to pull off. Point is don't compare a mere survival 1cc to speedrunning for a Wolrd r cord, not fair, it's more like speedrunning for a time that is around average or just not total shit.

>> No.8896308

Donkey Kong Jr
SFII Turbo
3rd Strike
Guilty Gear X
Tekken 2
Tekken 3
Tekken 4

>> No.8896352

That's the best way to speedrun, just set your own goals and try to match and maybe sometimes beat your best times. Do it for you, not for world records.

>> No.8896394

Off the top of my head just SMB1 and Rondo, very nearly CV1. Local barcade has Metal Slug 1 which I go to play without drinking a few nights a week sometimes I get a water and tip the bartender a lil and I’m up to the last level on that.

>> No.8896514

Just games I played this year with scores.

Virtua Cop (Re-Birth) 7865700
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi 818900
Space Gun (SMS) 752910
After Burner III 27751290

>> No.8896662

>I think it's just that speedrunners basically have to use shared knowledge
Only to actually compete for world records on popular games. And to some extent, this route optimization is just bringing modern games more in line with more traditional arcade games where there was only one route anyway.
>It just sucks the fun out of a game and makes it like down to a science.
This is all a matter of taste.
Yeah exactly.
Alternately, you can (theoretically) find people at similar skill levels and race. Randomizers are really popular for this reason since the randomization element often helps even the playing field.

>> No.8896820

This is a good, representative story. I'm tired of people saying "speedrunners suck at the game, they use glitches to bypass most of it!"

Truly, most runners can 1CC the game easily. They just want to keep playing and honing the game, because they love it. It's kind of sweet.

>> No.8896838

>Practicing requires more than one credit. I did not misspeak. It's ONE credit clear. Not "those credits didn't count but this one does" clear.
retard post of the year nominee

>> No.8896853

I 1cc'd Alien Soldier recently, no lives lost. felt great

>> No.8897236

Congrats dude, such an achieve deserves a replay vid.

>> No.8897287

I've only 1cc Dodonpachi but I like it a lot and now I play for score which is really hard for me. My goal is to break 200 million this year.

>> No.8897854

I 1CC'd some things, but it doesn't matter.