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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 220x274, Doom3box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8883683 No.8883683 [Reply] [Original]

Playing Doom 3 for the first time. Wow, this is bad. This is more like a 6/10 generic 2000s FPS than Doom. Why is your character so slow? Why are the guns and enemies so subpar? Why are the levels so cramped? Where's the metal music? Why is the intro a copy of Half-Life? This is very disappointing to see such a mediocre game named after one of the most genius and revolutionary moments in gaming history.

>> No.8883698
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>> No.8883709

>everything is super dark
it's just too dark, it feels cheap

>> No.8883716

sorry, you just had to be there

>> No.8883732 [DELETED] 

>Why is your character so slow?
Because he doesn't need to be fast.
>Why are the guns and enemies so subpar?
The guns are fine but the enemies aren't very interesting AI wise.
>Why are the levels so cramped?
Because you are on a Mars base and Id was going for a scarier experience this time around.
>Where's the metal music?
In the trash where it belongs
>Why is the intro a copy of Half-Life?
Because just about every early to mid-2000s shooter that wasn't a Quake clone was a Half-Life clone. That's what people wanted back then: Quake or Half-Life.
>This is very disappointing to see such a mediocre game named after one of the most genius and revolutionary moments in gaming history.
Only for the graphics. Nobody ever claimed that gameplay or level design was revolutionary.

>> No.8883739

Good game

>> No.8883742

>>8883683 (OP)
>Why is your character so slow?
Because he doesn't need to be fast.
>Why are the guns and enemies so subpar?
The guns are fine but the enemies aren't very interesting AI wise.
>Why are the levels so cramped?
Because you are on a Mars base and Id was going for a scarier experience this time around.
>Where's the metal music?
In the trash where it belongs
>Why is the intro a copy of Half-Life?
Because just about every early to mid-2000s shooter that wasn't a Quake clone was a Half-Life clone. That's what people wanted back then: Quake or Half-Life.
>This is very disappointing to see such a mediocre game named after one of the most genius and revolutionary moments in gaming history.
It is disappointing but I still commend Id for going in the direction they did. I didn't want yet another Quake clone.

>> No.8883748

So it's not Doom. Its just a piece of crap trying to sell itself on the Doom name

>> No.8883754 [DELETED] 

doom 3 is good.
horror them was expanded on to give an excuse to show off id tech 4. john carmack wanted to show off his precious lighting (something he was proud of in doom 1/2). source was coming out, other engines were doing impressive things, and this game needed to show off that the man behind doom and idtech still had it. lighting/physics/character animations/facial animations etc are best shown off in this way. darkness + flashlight = impactful demonstration of lighting. it makes sense why it's so different, and it was slapped with 2000's grimdark aesthetic. at the time i didn't love the redesigns, but they've really grown on me over the years. it seems slower than it actually is if that makes sense. it can occasionally jump scare ya.
doom 3 wasn't the doom game anyone wanted but it didn't matter. it was fun then and it's fun now. the hate is understandable though. it's at least an 8/10 game. doom 3 is criticized far too harshly.
ducktape mod and doom 3 bfg fucks up the game and makes it way too easy.

>> No.8883758

It's definitely Doom, just another take on it.

>> No.8883761

It's a Half-Life pretending to be a Doom game.

If you accept that then you will enjoy the game more.

>> No.8883767

Eh. It's okay. I don't know what the fuck that flashlight is made of but it hits like a goddamn truck. Also it has a pretty good chainsaw

>> No.8883770

Nothing in your list sounds like Doom. So it's not Doom, it's just trying to sell itself using the Doom name

>> No.8883774
File: 413 KB, 500x465, half-life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half-Life actually has fast movement, good enemies, and fun design happening though. Also it has nicer graphics that aren't just dark 2000s nonsense that aged terribly.

>> No.8883781

Not his list. That's another anon you are responding to but it is Doom. Gameplay differences don't change the fact that the essence of Doom is still present in Doom 3.

>> No.8883783

What essence? Mars?

>> No.8883797

Demons, guns, killing, movement.

>> No.8883806

Literal monster closets 90% of the time
Crap implementation
Oh, you mean crawling at a snails pace

>> No.8883808

filtered. you need 100+ IQ to appreciate the brilliance of DOOM3

>> No.8883810

OP, why does it make you seethe so hard that they wanted to try something different? Not every game should be the exact same thing you autist

>> No.8883815

I loved it. Doom 3 felt like a horror game, but it wasnt really a horror game, it was just an action game where you run strats on demons, but the atmosphere was dope and the guns felt great. Can't imagine how bad ones taste has to be to dislike it, but this is nuvr after all. The only valid criticism against the game is that the shotgun sucks.

>> No.8883816

this thread makes me realize 4chan converts the cubed symbol to 3. fucking chink moot

everyone knows the game is called Doom cubed

>> No.8883823

Is this you reasoning as to why you consider Doom 3 not be "Doom"? If so, that's quite a weak argument.

>> No.8883827

Of course. It's a reference to the Soul Cube.

>> No.8883859

It's not just that it was different, it was definitely bad. I recently replayed Doom3, Quake 4 and Prey. Only with Doom I started begging for it to be over already. It needed a lot more variety and fewer recycled HL1 levels.

>> No.8883861

A 6/10 isn't "bad", it's still in the upper range. And Doom 3 might be a 7/10 anyway.
>so slow
Why would he be fast? You're in small rooms and corridors, so mobility isn't essential to the gameplay. He moves as fast as a real person would, I'm sure.
>guns and enemies so subpar
What's wrong with the guns? The machine gun sounds bad, but all of the guns are useful, and basically just copied from Doom (2). I don't find the guns problematic; the shotgun alone can one-shot most typical enemies just fine.
The enemies are OK, my main problem is how you fight almost entirely imps, with other enemies only being sprinkled around the campaign. There are also not enough situations where you encounter multiple enemies of varied types at once and have to be tactical. But they all work fine individually; it's actually a better roster than the original Doom.
Because you're on a Mars base, and it's supposed to be scary. It isn't purely an action game.
>metal music
On the main menu, where it belongs in this game. Damn good track, too.
>copy of Half-Life
The idea of "science goes wrong and monsters invade" wasn't invented by Half-Life. Case in point, Doom 3 is obviously a remake of Doom, which used this exact plot and pre-dated Half-Life. Actually, the Doom 3 intro is better because you don't have to sit through a train ride, and it's more atmospheric, since Half-Life wasn't using horror elements to the same degree.
Doom 3 was still revolutionary graphically. The diegetic computer consoles were also pretty cool. It was overall mostly mediocre, but it's not AS bad as you're making it sound. Plenty of memorable parts, like the baby ghost scare, the mirror, most enemy reveals. It could at least have been polished up for another few months, but you're forgetting how many legitimately bad shooters existed at that point in time.

>> No.8883882

So, that it's absolutley nothing like previous Dooms is not a reason it shouldn't be considered Doom? I'm not the one with the weak argument

>> No.8883886

>Doom 3 was still revolutionary graphically.
How can you tell when you can't see anything?

>> No.8883895

wow, this is some low iq take

>> No.8883903

>that it's absolutely nothing like previous Dooms
This is an utterly preposterous suggestion. You've yet to provide a single convincing argument as to why Doom 3 can't be considered Doom game. If I'm not mixing up anons here, so far your argument can be summed up as thus:
>Doom 3 cannot be considered a Doom game because Doom Guy moves slower than previous titles, I don't like the guns or enemies, the maps are "cramped", there isn't non-stop metal music playing, and it has an intro.

>> No.8883906

>it doesn't need to be fast
>it doesn't need to have good levels
>it doesn't need good weapons and enemies
>it doesn't need to be a good game
>because... muh generic space marine (but dark) atmosphere and setting is so good (not really)

doom 3 bros.......

>> No.8883908

Maybe you're young so I'll fill you in. Doom 3 was one of the first big titles with heavy use of shader-based rendering. Id used bump mapping on every single texture/character in the game to create the illusion of depth - something that was not standard in 2004. Doom 3 is most notable for the dynamic lighting and realtime shadows. Every single object and character casts shadows which is something no game did at the time.

>> No.8883915

It's always been a good joke, but you see plenty in Doom 3. There's a flashlight if you really need it, but most areas are lit as much as they should be. Since the major lighting advances had to do mostly with real-time shadows, it's fitting that they wanted to show off high light contrast wherever possible.
Here's a full playthrough, click around every few minutes to refresh your memory:
Most areas are at least moderately lit, often with multiple or dynamic light sources. The corners of bigger spaces and certain ambush spots are dark, but that's an intentional choice done occasionally (not always) to ramp up the scare factor. That's why the player has a flashlight in the first place, so that they are constantly reminded that they don't have a gun ready to go in those particular spots if (when) something jumps out at them.
The closest game I can think of to Doom 3 is FEAR, and I think it is far better - even though FEAR came out a year later. FEAR has cooler guns and more fast-paced action, but the enemy roster was even weaker and the level design was much worse. Story moments were better in Doom 3 as well, and the setting is a hell of a lot cooler than "warehouse" and "office building". But people jerk off FEAR all the time on this board.

>> No.8883923

>the enemy roster was even weaker and the level design was much worse
Weaker as in smaller? Sure, but they were much more challenging to fight. That's the main reason why people guzzle FEAR cum. It actually provides a good military challenge with it's AI and interconnected battle arenas.

>> No.8883936

I hope you joke a mother fucking cheese stick you nasty greasy bitch, fuck you, you look like drink white gatorade and smell like nickels

>> No.8883945

Always saw people claiming Doom 3 is survival horror or
>it's a good horror game, but a bad Doom game.
My impression after finally playing is that it's just Doom 2 but with fucked design and a fancy lighting system.

>> No.8883949

I don't remember FEAR being difficult, since the player can go slow-mo and headshot enemies Max Payne-style. I haven't played it since back then, so I could be misremembering, but I don't recall having too much difficulty at whatever difficulty level I was playing at. It does feel more modern-military-sim in how the combat plays out, though, yes. Admittedly, I don't think that Doom 3 was very difficult, either. Enemies can knock your reticule pretty far when you take a hit, but you are rarely swarmed or cornered enough for it to matter. I think the damage they do is pretty high when they do connect, though.

>> No.8883952

FEAR can be quite challenging if you lay off the slo-mo, especially on Extreme difficulty. I guess I just don't use slo-mo all that often. I typically don't use it in every encounter, just on occasions to get out of a sticky situation.

>> No.8884128

Has anyone attempted to modernize the engine with PBR? It already uses an albedo workflow, so, it should be a smooth translation.

>> No.8884131
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>Doom 3 was still revolutionary graphically.

>> No.8884136

Doom 3 had significantly more complex level geometry. I love Butcher Bay and think it's a wonderful looking title but the environments are FEAR tier levels of complexity.

>> No.8884142

>Doom 3 had significantly more complex level geometry.
It did, and at its best Doom 3's environments are a pretty mishmash of debris, moving and lit up machinery and create a very lived in feeling sheet metal box, but the art of the game is all too often terrible and makes Riddick out to be a far better looking game even if there's not as many soda cans around computer desks.

Riddick compensates with far more intimate, game play focused environments that also manage to spark intrigue into the atmosphere of the game. It has less resources to throw around but achieves much more with them. The numerous times where you revisit earlier areas but with different events going on or from different locations in the world massively elevate it.

>> No.8884223

All Id games are mediocre. They attach some levels to their tech they build and then sell the tech.

>> No.8884228

Can't say I disagree. Riddick is a truly great game in all aspects.
Doom 64 is pretty good.

>> No.8884243

Doom 3 > RoE > Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Final Doom > shit > NuDoom 2016

>> No.8884275

>Doom 3 > NuDoom 2016
Not really. Even you can't be that retarded.
Scratch that, you are. Beyond expectations.

>> No.8884289

It's almost as bad. Doom 1 > Final Doom > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > a pile of fucking shit > both NuDooms barely > Doom 3/ROE

>> No.8884317

>pile of fucking shit > both NuDooms barely
I don't get it. Doom 2016 is awesome in terms of gameplay and style, Eternal is even better gameplay-wise but stylistically bad. Is this just some kind of NEW BAD old fart trope?

>> No.8884335

>shitty mario platformer jumping made 50x worse with the double jump boots and 1000000x worse in the second game with all the fucking springboarding and climbing shit
>fucking monster pinata bullshit to constantly refill health/ammo because
>fucking artificial difficulty bullshit
>trap room trash
>god awful modern can't see shit graphics
>awkward as fuck gameplay
No, it's just bad. Fortunately 3 was worse.

>> No.8884401

Sure, if you have never played Half-Life or Doom.

>> No.8884405

>Literal monster closets 90% of the time
Go play Doom 2.

>> No.8884406

So boring and linear it should have just been an arcade on-rails lightgun shooter. Trash.

>> No.8884414

I come here for these brave opinions lovingly catered to le retro homo crowd. There is no bad Doom game (maybe the multiplayer in 2016 but that was outsourced). Games can't all be instant revolutions like Doom, but all the sequels were worth playing for varying reasons, and if you can't see why 3, 2016 and Eternal are good games, you're trying too hard to look cool in front of these retards. Fuck you.

>> No.8884415

Nobody asked.

>> No.8884436

for a game that is mostly corridors, those were some damn nice corridors, the detail on the walls is insane.

>> No.8884476


>> No.8884608
File: 161 KB, 1200x1355, Todd Howard Assassin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently marathoned the whole series, and doom 3 was the only one i didn't finish. I got so fucking bored half way. Doom 1 was ok, 2nd half kind of has spastic levels. Anticlimactic ending. Doom 2 is great. Doom 64 was fucking awesome, but i don't think it has as much replay value as doom 2. Doom 2016 was cool, way better than doom 3, but i also think it's a one and done because of the linearity. Doom eternal is great, up there with 2 and 64. I also beat some custom wads like back to saturn X and D2TWIDD.

Doom 3 is garbage. The contrarians probably just owned an OG Xbox and needed to defend the tiny number of games they had that weren't on ps2, so they developed a fanboy denial.

>> No.8884624


>> No.8884627

I had it on xbox. It blew. 4 enemies on screen MAX for a Doom game. What were they thinking? And having to look at that stupid pda all the time.

>> No.8884653

Sorry but exploring UAC coated in hard shadows was absolutely not a mistake

>> No.8884718

Everything Doomp 3 tried to do F.E.A.R. did better.

>> No.8884759

Same ranking here, but if we Separate each expansion of Final Doom then there will definitely be differences for me.

>> No.8884764

>an official third entry in the franchise made by original team isn't that because you said so, also your favorite mid-2010s rip and tear xdxd" memes aren't present
ok pal

>> No.8884768

I'll assume you didn't do this if you were new to the series, but Doom (1 particularly) plays best when you start each level with nothing but the pistol, because that's how the maps were designed. Not doing that has many effects, such as making later levels seem "spastic" and the ending very anticlimactic.
I'm a little surprised you liked Doom 2 so much, since I think the level design is quite poor in many cases. How did you feel about Doom 2 vs. Plutonia vs. TNT?

>> No.8884823

I played the games a bunch as a kid, but i never actually beat any of them until recently (20+ years later).

Haven't beaten TNT and plutonia because I'm playing them split screen with a friend who comes over every once in a while. But if not for split screen i might not bother since custom wads in gzdoom, with custom guns and stuff added, are a lot more fun than vanilla.

>> No.8884839
File: 63 KB, 555x701, 61b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom 3

>> No.8884872

I bet you're a primary school teacher. Go fuck yourself, anal neurotic.

>> No.8884892
File: 571 KB, 2560x1440, DOOM 3 09_11_2019 22_51_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doom autists once again throw a fit that games other than doom 1 exist
You'd think after best part of 30 years the /vr/ containment thread would be enough but guess not. Besides doom 3 is essentially a follow up to doom 64 but since that wasn't on PC said autists aren't aware it exists.

>> No.8884896

Get the coop mod and play with a couple people, it gets a lot more fun. It was a fine, still enjoyed it more with a couple others playing it

>> No.8884902

>aaaaaahhh why am I not strafesprinting through some huge yard while shooting at twenty different things

>> No.8884979

>Doom 64 is pretty good.
It is not really an ID game.

>> No.8884991

Who cares

>> No.8885002

Doom 3 is a game that really needs to be played on a CRT. On an LCD everything is to bright. You aren't supposed to see the demons without using your flesh light.

>> No.8885054

You honestly think Doom 3 was *worse* than Eternal somehow?

>> No.8885076

Yeah, because eternal is great and doom 3 is shit. You can nit pick things in eternal like the neon vomit, but it's still fun and doom 3 isn't.

You're just a contrarian that's mad that eternal is popular.

>> No.8885101

It is all of those things except fast and the weapon sound issue (you can patch it)

>> No.8885106

Doom 3 should have gone all in on FPS survival horror gameplay instead of just barely dipping their toes in like they did. There's a mod that kinda tries to do it but you can only tweak the game around so much.

I actually really like that intro sequence, just the absolute panic of literal hell breaking loose over the radio then total silence.

>> No.8885120

>The guns are fine
Let's be real anon. The shotgun is arguably the worst shotgun in a video game. Thank god you can change pellet spread in the config file

>> No.8885252
File: 380 KB, 1296x1584, 1610395579159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't really say much when Doom 3 levels are so clautrophobic. Not that the other games fare better, but the more open-ended gameplay of Riddick elevates the sense of scale.

>> No.8885381

Doom 3 makes the cardinal sin of being boring. The gunplay is dull, the music is forgettable, the enemies act stupidly and aren't threatening and the whole "teleport behind you" every single time is creatively bankrupt. It's a bad game and a very bad Doom game.

>> No.8885397

only thing I'd personally disagree with is the music. I liked how the environmental sounds was the music. There was a rhythm to it but I will agree the main theme comes off as generic. Pause music pretty good though.

>> No.8885413

People are finally starting to realize Fear is incredibly ugly, especially for its time. That game gets a pass for no reason.

>> No.8885545

It does a few things right. The specular model is more realistic, and the parallax mapping looks insane, but the flat lighting really kills it in some areas.

>> No.8885569
File: 22 KB, 600x425, unity 2018-10-08 22-31-05-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how beautiful pixel shaders do a lot more to make a game visually stunning than adding tons of next-gen clutter.

Sikkmod for Doom 3 restores self-shadowing, and the quality of stencil shadows up close still puts many modern games to shame.

>> No.8885592

It's in my top 3 biggest gaming disappointments. The other two games are Far Cry 2 and Red Dead Redemption.
Luckily, Doom Eternal redeemed the franchise by being one of the best FPS ever made.

>> No.8885653

>Let's lock the door behind you and fight a wave of spawning enemies in this small arena

I remember when early retro FPS revival games were shat on for doing this.

>> No.8885750

The fuck is a primary school? I'm a video game tester. You're a faggot.

>> No.8885774

Name some.

>> No.8885782
File: 323 KB, 400x504, 1651301851533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this game came out it was a great experience you retarded console faggot. Go and play Kirby on your gay ass switch.

>> No.8885825

I played it back when it was released on PC. Whilst it was considered scary at the time, it was disappointing. There's no way anyone can deny it. After the calibre of Doom, we expected 3 to be just as brilliant. It wasn't, not even close. It was a generic horror sci-fi with no soul. There's just nothing....good about it. No truly memorable features beyond the visually dark presentation - which Deus Ex also had, and defecated into Carmack's open mouth in superiority.

>> No.8885910

>the whole "teleport behind you" every single time is creatively bankrupt.
Only one person this whole thread mentions the actual reason why Doom 3 is a bad game. I thought you were better than this, /vr/.

>> No.8885928

>Thank god you can change pellet spread in the config file
umm excuse me?
I might replay Doom 3 if this is true.

>> No.8885950

I remember being amazed by the graphics but the gameplay was a big turn off for me. And I was a big fan of doom and doom 2 at the time.
To be fair though, I've never been too big into horror stuff in general and I only demoed this for like 15 minutes in total at my friends house.

>> No.8886018

I feel Doom3 would've been better if it was more like Quake 1. It's a shame they went full retard with the half-life level design.

>> No.8886131

The franchise has to evolve. happens to every franchise. you can't develop the same game over and over again just to please a feel hardcore oldfag fans.

>> No.8886141

You say that but there are multiple franchises out there doing just this. Even bethesda backpedaled doom back into being (arguably a bit evolved) fast-paced action by literally throwing the plot out of the way at the start of the 2016 game.

>> No.8886157
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>> No.8886159

what about fromsoftware? or the hitman series? dumbass.

>> No.8886168
File: 1.85 MB, 1895x865, TheMeeting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm here, because there seems to be some very serious problems.
>Oh really? Do I need to remind you of the groundbreaking work that we're doing here?
>No, but I've been authorized by the board to look at everything.
>The board authorized you? Hmm. The board doesn't know the first thing about science.
>All they want is something to make them more money, some product.
>Don't worry. They'll get their product.
>After how many accidents, tell me Doctor Betruger, why are so many workers spooked, complaining, requesting transfers off Mars?
>They simply can't handle life here. They're exhausted and overworked. If I had a larger, more competent staff and bigger budget, even these few accidents could have been avoided.
>I'm afraid you'll get nothing more until my report is filed with the board. I will need full access Doctor Betruger, Delta included. I won't have any difficulties doing that will I?
>Only if you get lost Swann. Just stay out of my way. Amazing things will happen here soon. You just wait.
>Let's go.

>> No.8886314

I've always liked this scene. It introduces the characters well, is written well, and fits in well with where they put it. It also establishes tone well.
Just in case someone doesn't know this after all these years, but "Betrüger" in German refers to someone who is a deceiver or a con man. Quite on the nose.

>> No.8886328
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>> No.8886393
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Amazing that the game can run with pretty much all effects in tact on an original Geforce.
Playability is another matter, though.

>> No.8886421

>not playing it on a voodoo

>> No.8886436
File: 434 KB, 715x416, d3shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok op, before I evaluate how much worth your opinion has, what do you think of this shotgun? Be honest

>> No.8886539

Probably the worst shotgun design and feel in history.

>> No.8886591

opinion discarded

>> No.8886607

Controversial opinion but I think the D3 shotgun looks and animates fine. It's everything else about it that sucks.

>> No.8886620

The design itself is fine, it just sounds weak and the range is a bit too close, even for a video game shotgun. You have to stuff it up to an enemy's chin. Any range further from it is basically shooting BB pellets.

>> No.8886632
File: 38 KB, 758x960, 1651917981695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all doom games. Yes, I look like this.

>> No.8886639

I don't mind the shotgun in doom 3 but it's probably because I started playing doom 3 after pouring 2k hours in team fortress 2 playing as a scout and shoving my scattergun into everyone's butt... Basically the shotgun is a melee weapon for me.

>> No.8886664

you have to play it on a crt to enjoy it properly.

>> No.8886881

OP as fuck if you are capable of jamming the barrel over your enemies' nipples.

>> No.8887005

I recall when I first saw the screenshots and videos, I was blown away. Then it got delayed. I discovered Tenebrae for Quake and it spoiled the lighting and bump mapping effect for me. Then I played the Painkiller demo over and over again, it spoiled the physics "wow factor". And then I played Doom 3. By then I saw every bit of cool tech I could have, and was disappointed it didn't feel that much like Doom 1 or 2, the writing was abysmal and stupid ("I heard a little girl laugh in a really super creepy way the other day, so I called her and she told me backward that Satan was coming in ancient Aramean - I checked the schedule and no little demonic girl was supposed to be in that dark hallway at that hour of the day, it might be my schizophrenia kicking back in after I discovered the mangled corp of a kitten the other day. Which is weird, because there were no mangled kitten bodies mentioned on the planning that day"). Later I discovered System Shock 2 and put 2 and 2 together... ooooh, so THAT's what they were going for.

>> No.8887131

hating on doom3 just outs you as a post 2000 retro hipster nostalgia fagging over doom pixels

>> No.8887628

Yeah well you're a fucking faggot

>> No.8887634

i used to headcanon this was Diablo 3 before diablo 3.

>> No.8888182

And loving Doom 3 outs you as Freddie Mercury's fluffer.

>> No.8888663

Doom 3 is DIE TO ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS WITH BAD HITBOXES, ENEMIES SPAWN BEHIND YOU: THE GAME, but the atmosphere/lighting/mechanical design was solid. Just shocking how insignificant Doom 3 is compared to Doom 1&2 when it was a quantum leap forward in technology. That is how poorly designed Doom 3 is.

>> No.8888730

it's 2022 faggot, get mods.

>> No.8888951

I can't hate it.
I played it on release and I missed Half Life, so the intro got me pretty hyped.
Coming from Quake games, I realized it was mostly mediocre soon, but still finished it multiple times at all difficulties because those graphics were unreal on pc.
I am not usually a graphic whore, but I consider Doom 3 a guilty pleasure of the past.

>> No.8888965

>When this game came out it was a great experience
it wasn't, basically everyone hated it lol

>> No.8889252

How would games being also on PS2 affect an xbox owner? They got the better versions anyway. I don't think Doom 3 on the xbox was all that popular, aside from the novelty of being such a good port.

>> No.8889291


>> No.8889326
File: 274 KB, 485x719, 1463349839377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom 3's shotgun sound effect sounds like a metal bucket being toppled over. What the absolute fuck were they thinking.

>> No.8889372

>What the absolute fuck were they thinking.
That you would play the game o na sound card that supports EAX which makes a HUGE difference in the game. Sadly good audio is something gamers don't care about so few have ever experienced doom 3 sounding like it should. Shotgun still sounds wimpy but nowhere near as bad.

>> No.8890349

>People are finally starting to realize Fear is incredibly ugly,
What? Even when it came out the biggest complaint was how bland the levels looked.

>> No.8890351

this cowardly little faggot >>8884476
is talking shit behind your back

>> No.8890354

yeah people forgot that after annoying fucking slavs wouldn't stfu about it

>> No.8890468

i don't remember that, i recall finding out lots of journalists and shitty players getting filtered by the flash light and "scary" darkness.

>> No.8890489

I've recently replayed those as well, and honestly Prey was the worst of them by far. Doom was better than I remembered (when it came out), but it was definitely subpar. Prey was just mind numbing after the first 30 minutes, just feels unfinished.

>> No.8890791

babby's first troll post?

>> No.8891412

EAX can't fix the terrible sounds. If anything, they sound even weaker because they drown out in the reverberation.

>> No.8891464

Doom 3 really picks up once you get most of the weapons and they turn the lights on. Its like they were going for the survival horror thing for the first two hours or so, and forgot to make it challenging.

>> No.8892420

Just play on nightmare and be driven insane by the health leaching sound effect every 5 seconds.

>> No.8892506

>This is more like a 6/10 generic 2000s FPS
because it is

>> No.8892554

This fucking thing. The first few times it was scary and I was constantly checking behind me but 2,3 levels later it did nothing but frustrate me.
>shoot enemies
>run back to the entrance
>shoot whatever spawned
>enter the next room and repeat
It didn't help that the noisy fuckers always loudly announced themselves.

>> No.8893214

Fucking disgusting.

Can't even kill an imp up close in two shots.

>> No.8893217

you should be able to kill an imp in one shot, unless you are just bad

>> No.8893547

As it turns out most of /vr/ can't aim for shit.

>> No.8893964

Gonna be honest, when I was a kid this thing cemented the 'vidya shotguns = bad' idea in my mind. But I also considered the FEAR shotgun bad, so yeah, that was a skill issue.
Years later I've grown to love Doom 3 shotgun. In fact it somewhat ruined the game for me, because of how much ammo you can conserve when using the thing effectively. But goddamn landing a perfect meatshot is fun, only TF2's Scattergun compares.

>> No.8895024

The shotgun in doom 3 mostly invalidates the other weapons - the machine gun is useful for lost souls and the odd cherub thing and for anything really nasty you point the plasma gun at (especially as plasma destroys enemy projectiles). Hell if you mod the super shotgun into the base game absolutely nothing will stand in your way.

>> No.8896709

Stop defending objectively atrocious game design. This isn't /v/ no one is impressed with your snotty 15 year old kid contrarianism. Don't even bother responding to this post I am going to contact some people to have this thread taken care of before you get the chance.

>> No.8896729

It's the greatest pleb filter in vidya history.
It's the strongest weapon in doom 3, but only if you know how to use it properly.

>> No.8896857

This was a horror game based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how horror games work. They looked at the limitations placed on the player in popular survival horrors, and they thought, 'Okay, survival horror means having lots of minor irritations and inconveniences.'

It doesn't help that none of the demons are scary or even sinister. They're a bunch of nebulous grey 'things' with no personality whatsoever. If you want to make Hell horrific, you have to show or at least imply that there is a malevolent intellect behind these army of the damned, working towards a higher, occult purpose. You could, for example, have the player make a Faustian pact with a seemingly friendly demon who is actually trapping him in a contract that will cost him his soul, leading to his DOOM, as the title implies.

If you're not willing to make good on the Satanic horror aspect, then you should at least make sure the gunplay is fun. In this game it was just passable, nothing special.

>> No.8897183
File: 775 KB, 3840x2160, DOOM 3 28_11_2019 22_00_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the UAC, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Mars, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire UAC. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Mars, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the UAC and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Martian Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8897197

shit post

>> No.8897201

you can literally kill the hell knights with the shotty you just suck

>> No.8897227

I feel like I'm one of the only few people that played this game and it reminded of the original Doom ...

Weren't people scared of the Imps and Zombiemen sfx while navigating the maze in E1M2? And how fucking dark the maze was with software mode and not fucking stupid OpenGL which ruins the whole classic atmosphere? Or what about the first time you would encounter the pinky not knowing what they were capable of? Or reaching E1M8 and hearing that melancholic track, seeing the satanic symbolism for the first time in the game and then fighting the Barons just to finish the level with an end text that wasn't your typical "you saved the day"? My 6 year old ass was scared as fuck of playing the game alone.

>> No.8897264


>> No.8897979

They knew how to bring out all the greatest questions.

>> No.8898009

Doom 3 came with doom 1 + 2 making it instantly worth getting. The game was pretty good but not perfect. Id be lying if I said I beat it more than once without cheats, but thats mostly because the cheats are fun to play with..
the guns were fine, the enemies were fine, the half life beginning almost is unforgivable but fuck it.. the impact or feel when you shot was a little off. slugs just didnt feel impactful when you shot.

--lel anyone here play any of that awkward as fuk online multiplayer. with little "doop" sound effects when you hit players?.. so dum

>> No.8898579

Just because its not classic Doom it doesnt mean its bad. Just pretend its something like FEAR instead of Doom, its more of a horror game except you have guns to kill your enemies. The only good kind of horror game.

>> No.8898604
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>> No.8898919

I'm with you on that anon. Sick of that history revisionism we got with reboot.
The perception of franchise wasn't like that before. Check out older fan projects like Knee Deep In ZDoom. Hell, check official stuff like Playstation port or Nintendo 64 game. Doom always leaned on horror, which is fine.

>> No.8898935

God I love bumpmaps.

>> No.8898940
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>> No.8898998

Doom3 was the last real doom before the 2016 cringefest that's still ongoing

>> No.8899046

yeah me and my brother were huge doom fans (also heretic to maybe a larger degree)
and when doom3 came out I kept saying "thats a cut scene?" bro responding " nah man this is the game"

>> No.8899103

D2016 is better than 2, 64 and 3. You're just old and delusional.

>> No.8899259
File: 27 KB, 600x327, youre-a-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Game bad cause it did something different than the others games did before it
> Bitches about modern games not being as good as the ones from the 1990s or 2000s.
> Says every modern game like cod, halo, Fortnite, and battlefield are bad and are nothing but generic cash grab clones with the same simplistic copy pasted styles of gameplay that have been seen since the early 2010s.
> shits on games from the 1990s to the early 2010s that were doing doing something with their unique engines that involved graphics, environments, narrative, and gameplay that helped it stand out and become internationally acclaimed in the gaming world or with a underground following.
> Game developers and even publishers reads faggot shit critics baseless opinions who then stop making unique games and just do the copy paste routine like the rest of the gaming industry
> Why are modern games so bad and copy paste? Lazy developers can't make good games anymore

Faggots like you are the reason why modern video games are copy-pasted bags of shit that retards like you and zoomers play. Honestly, I think the gaming community is it's own worst enemy for the most part. You can't compromise on anything or appreciate what a game developer is doing without throwing a hissy fit and shitting on them for not doing XYZ thing for the game. You wonder why game developers don't take complex innovative directions in video games anymore is because the gamer base and publishers are a bunch of ungrateful greedy faggots. I bet your one of the people back when this game released who was complaining about killing demons with a shot gung up close.

>> No.8899284

Doom 3 is not really that good but yeah gamers are low iq faggots who can't analyse for shit and journos and ecelebs are even worse.
Every other medium has better critics and respect their hobby more.

>> No.8899354

Ever heard of Dragonquest?

>> No.8899360
File: 163 KB, 660x768, Official-Sketch-of-the-Baron-of-Hell-from-Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graphics was insane at the time. Doom always had horror elements, the 1993 technology just didn't allow them to manifest properly.

Now you're just trolling.

>> No.8899391

Found that giving him the name 'Betruger' was way too obvious. The name means 'guy who betrays others' in german.

>> No.8899396

The game just wasn't hard enough, it had maybe 2 challenging encounters. It never had the balls to really test your skill with a variety of enemies, and every tricky environment you navigated for some gay puzzle was never really utilized to trip you up in combat. Otherwise the game would be completely fine, most of the other complaints I see for it are nonsense like
>it's too dark
Maybe if you played it on an ancient rear projection TV.

>> No.8899512
File: 372 KB, 1024x768, hfssbTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup Doom 3 actually looks great on a display that can actually render black. CRTs and OLEDs are a must for this game. Pic related.

>> No.8899516
File: 336 KB, 2048x1326, EAlrxM-X4AA5kcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on an OLED

>> No.8899690

I'm curious if any OLED uses the sRGB gamma curve. My LCD can switch between different curves, and because of its low contrast, the native gamma crushes near-black details.

>> No.8899708

Fucking zoomers. This is my favorite Doom game. I love the horror atmosphere, the demon designs are sick, the level design and pacing of the game is top tier, it has the best rendition of hell, good weapons selection but obviously you're meant to ride the shotgun the whole game. My only problem with it is constantly needing to check the PDA for codes. Go play 2016 if you have ADHD and need teh br00tz djent (although I also like that game too, not retro though I know).

>> No.8899751

>better than 64
Yeah, nah.

>> No.8900513

>giving him the name 'Betruger' was way too obvious
Yeah. Certainly wasn't the way he looks.

>> No.8900674

You weren't alive when Doom was released, so shut the fuck up.
What a gay thread. Stop being a homo.

>> No.8900723

Tried to mix action and Horror. Therefore dark and hard shadows, as well as all the other changes.
idk how dumb you must be to not understand this

>> No.8901242

Faggot, i played Doom when it was first released. Go suck your mom's saggy tit

>> No.8901359

I agree except for the "ungrateful" part. Developers dont make games out of charity, they do it for money, and people have the right to think that some creative risks are bad, but the way gamers share that sentiment is fucking retarded and counter productive

>> No.8901802

What I was meaning by saying ungrateful is that the gamer community is never satisfied with anything the developers do or try to do for the game to be enjoyable without someone bitching about something that is not diamond perfect from top to bottom.

I have no issue with people not taking creative risks, it's just that in order for a game to stand out the developers have to actually try and do something unique or original so people will actually have a incentive to play that game and remember for it's qualities other games didn't have.

Am I any type of game developer? No, I am not so I can't really understand their perspective on things and having to deal with financial problems and time constraints and drama within the team and with the publisher.

A good example of game being ruined by the gamer community is World of Warcraft.

>> No.8902912

So you played the shareware version in '93?

>> No.8902987

Why do so many people hate teachers recently?

>> No.8902998

I can tell you with absolute certainty that this >>8884872 anon doesn't only hate teachers. Since he has anger, he hates himself and everyone else. He is displaying the typical beta male, woman-like behavior of a man who is emotional.

>> No.8903205

Cuz a lot of them outed themselves as psychotic COVID zealots who thought they would be able to teach school from home forever. Now that they were ordered back to the classroom they are insufferable.

Leaf perspective anyways.

>> No.8903487

I love doom 3 for being a standoff in the old doom formula
and i hate myself for not buying the collectors edition back in 2000 of Doom classic and Doom 3 which were cheap.

>> No.8904530

It's a skill based shotgun, you just have to jam the fucking thing into their throats and they die in one hit

>> No.8904850

If they made the shotgun into a huge wrench, I think most people wouldn't mind as much.

>> No.8904860

pfff so gay...you and that 3rd game, real doom is a blast experience, with of course, speed & metal

>> No.8904867

seems more like dark athena, the remastered edition than the original butcher bay

>> No.8904876

Most people shit on Doom 3's shotgun but I think all the weapons fucking sucked, none of them feel satisfying in any way. The biggest offender is the plasma rifle.

Fucking weak pew pew sound. The original Doom plasma rifle screamed and felt so good.

>> No.8904996

It's actually the original PC port (Developer's Cut).

>> No.8905002

it's kinda funny how they went from doom 2 (great) to doom 3 (meh) to doom eternal (great again)

the franchise COULD have died at 3.

>> No.8905304

Problem with Doom Eternal is that you've got these amazing looking maps of hell and stuff but then you'll see this yellow pole sticking out or an assassins creed wall, that you know doesn't belong there, and you know you've got to start trapezing up like an asshole. Who was the fucker that thought platforming belongs in Doom? It's not just a couple of levels. It's all through the game. You've got these retarded flaming wheels that make no sense but you got to jump all around them like Lara Croft. Don't get me wrong, it's a really good game but some of the shit in it just baffles me.

>> No.8905767

Thanks for reminding me to play Riddick again.

>> No.8906097

Doom 3 is better than nudoom. Nudoom has literal colour coded paths for casual retards. The fights take place in Quake 3 arenas and the latest one devolved into fps mario.
It was designed to appeal to nintoddlers and soi gaping retro hipsters with le self aware gamer irony.
Just because the first game said something about a rabbit...

>> No.8906106

exactly, the game isn't casual friendly. If you are too scared to get right into a imp or hell knights face the game punishes you.

>> No.8906113

They're both pretty bad, but I think NuDoom2 is far worse than any other. Doom 3 and NuDoom1 is pretty much the same level of suck.

>> No.8906250

Classic Doom is one of my favorite games ever. I hated Doom 3 as a kid, but fuck it's amazing in VR.

>> No.8906313

Do most of you share your opinions between Doom 3 and Quake 4? I feel like the latter was really like an expanded and refined version of the former, but with many of the same fundamental issues. I'm saying that based off of three Doom 3 playthroughs, but only once through Quake 4, so I could be way off-base. I'm curious if anyone likes one but dislikes the other, and why.

>> No.8906324

I like the style of both games. Even though i've been a big fan of Doom 3 from the beginning. I think Quake 4 might be superior because it has proper boss fights.

>> No.8906612
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>> No.8906851

they are golems that brainwash kids with absolute bottom of the barrel gay politics

>> No.8906965

>we live in a timeline where ut2005 should have looked like this but doesn't exist

>> No.8906970

it's a melee weapon

>> No.8908730

It's a survival horror yuh ass

>> No.8910040
File: 51 KB, 655x488, 244299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that left screenshot is from pc version and right is on low detail (hence the lack of character selfshadow)
but overall I agree, Riddick looked better

>> No.8910049
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You wouldn't believe how much I fucking hate what they did to UT3
To say it was a travesty doesn't even begin to describe it

>> No.8910050

Theres a game called Jupiter Hell that has the Doom 3 aesthetic. Except its a turnbased rogue like

>> No.8910052
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>> No.8910061

I still quite liked how it technically looked, it was a good graphics demo. A successor to 2004 it was not.