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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8881459 No.8881459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

296 games.

>> No.8881469

0 good RPGs, imagine that

>> No.8881531

Menu games inherently aren't good.

>> No.8881650

And yet arguably as popular and influential as a system with almost a couple dozen times more. Remarkable, isn't it?

>> No.8881652

Before some retards come in and say "But good game ratio, le shovelware", other consoles have more good games than the Nintendo 64 has games in total. If one in every 13 games on the PS1 is good, it's more good games than the entire Nintendo 64 library, bad games included.

>> No.8881658

b-but muh paper mario

>> No.8881661

>fyi n64 not good in fact n64 bad
See, that's a lot less words for an statement of the same value. ECONOMY anon, that's the key.

>> No.8881662

Real games
Not full of rpg shit, VN or sims
Good console

>> No.8881672


>> No.8881756

N64 BROS....

>> No.8881758
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>> No.8881767

Its not a console for incels.

>> No.8881770

GBA had 1538 games and didn't have even half as many classics as N64.
PS1 beat N64 in many areas (obviously JRPG, fighting games, shmups, etc). but it never had anything that could hold the candle to OoT or Goldeneye.

>> No.8881791

>fighting games, shmups
All of them ports

>> No.8881797

Except the ones that weren't yeah

>> No.8881804

Name 70 heh thought so

>> No.8881810

Best 5th gen console for socially well adjusted kids with many friends. Pissex was the console for losers no one wanted to hang out with.

>> No.8881823


>> No.8881826

>but it never had anything that could hold the candle to OoT or Goldeneye.
theres some good fps on the ps1 and saturn, golden eye is just a meme, the game looks and runs like shit

>> No.8881836

its for retards, who in theyr right mind buys a console that still uses cartridges in 1997 and battery saves, all the n64 games run and look like a mess, the sound quality is awfull, and then you have battery saves, its clearly one of the worst consoles ever

>> No.8881840

I liked all the consoles of the era :)

>> No.8881848
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>> No.8881850

You are not allowed to.

>> No.8881859

true but so what? fighters are almost always ports, except for Smash.
and if you mean playing them back in the day, consoles was what mattered. there's a reason why Tekken 3 sold so many copies. saying "hurr durr why not just play in arcade" would be retarded.
if you mean playing them today, I'd play the fighters on Fightcade or elsewhere, but SHMUPS? I don't want to mess with MAME, I'd just play the PS versions.

>> No.8881904

Uh oh found the friendless losers lmao. You jelly all the popular kids had a N64? Relax the wedgies can't hurt you anymore haha

>> No.8881931

Most of my friends and I had N64. So at age 10 until the N64 died we could play Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Bomberman 64, Snowboard Kids, and much more together. That was a ton of fun. I really enjoyed Playstation as well, but that multiplayer experience on N64 didn't exist anywhere else at the time if you didn't game on PC.

>> No.8881934

only americans had this

>> No.8881936

what a pathetic argument, yes I had friends and we used to play tekken 3 and other games, stop trying to look cool just because you invited ur retard friends to play topgay rally and such ahit games. no matter how much "frens" you have, the n64 will still look and run like shit

>> No.8881970

False, I'm colombian and I didn't

>> No.8881972

nobody cares, back to ur thurdworld country

>> No.8882002

based positivity chad breaking through stale irony

>> No.8882085

The top games are great and that's all that matters

>> No.8882132

The top games aren't as good as people want you to think, I'd rather have more variety because that's one of the weakest linka of the console. You have very samey collectathon platformers and racers and then a couple of games in othere genres and basically no pick up and play titles.

>> No.8882194

no most popular kids owned PS1s so they could play gran turismo and sports games and then when you wanted to play 4 player goldeneye or smash bros or something you'd go over to the autistic kid's house and pretend to like him

>> No.8882202

>grown men in their late 20s and 30s still having a fit with console wars
/vr/ used to be much better in the beginning, console warring was seen as shameful and an indicator that your parents couldn't afford several consoles for you.

>> No.8882207

Well, it's a console for Nincels

>> No.8882212

>and basically no pick up and play titles.
I think that was a problem of the generation, not the platform. But N64 had the best puzzle games, something that's great for pick up and play

>> No.8882214

Yes, how shameful it is for children to learn to appreciate what they have.

>> No.8882256

>But N64 had the best puzzle games, something that's great for pick up and play
saturn was better when it came to puzzle games

>> No.8882271

To be honest the GBA, DS, and 3DS are all mediocre. You literally need to lump them all together to get a decent game line up.

>> No.8882279
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How many of its games were indisputably best in their genre?

Zelda has way too much competition among action-adventure games even if you think it's best. Mario possibly best 3D platformer? And these stand out for having dated aesthetics in a time when 3D was forcing devs to attempt more ambitious and less gamey art direction.

Its FPS and RPGs would obviously have intense competition from PC games. Wave Race might still be the best water-ski racing ever, you can't say the same of "1080" for snowboarding.

Since 3D platforming was never as successful as 2D, and most other genres had fierce competition, only Wave Race comes to mind for me.

>> No.8882284

If by puzzle you mean geometric action games, I'd bet on arcade having better. If you mean strategy or adventure ones, then on PC.

>> No.8882285

What's wrong with RPGs and sims?

>> No.8882291


>> No.8882292

I agree.

>> No.8882296

>I think that was a problem of the generation
God no, PS1 and Saturn had a shit ton of puzzle titles, rhythm, shooters, short 2D platformers, etc. That's one of the best things about those consoles, you're not starting up a sea of unskippable real time cutscenes every time you play it, you can just get thrown into the action if you want. I regularly throw on Virtua Cop or Money Puzzle Exchange to settle in after work. I just can't get that on the N64.

>> No.8882329

>learn to appreciate
>I will hate what I can't have
how was it? the fox and the sour grapes?

>> No.8882335

Seethe clown

>> No.8882339
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Found the arcadepleb.
Not that consoles had many good ones anyway.

>> No.8882342

N64 was always shit compared to ps1. Now wonder ps1 sold 100 mil vs 35 mil. Lol, nintendo fanboys never recovered from that beating though.

>> No.8882348

I can't tell if you're a real sonygger, or just a falseflagging nintendrone trying to make sonyggers seem worse than they actually are.

>> No.8882349

Not even close. Nice try, anon. Appreciating what one already has and rejecting covetousness is invaluable for a satisfying life.

>> No.8882353

nice emulator, now show me how the game looks on crt.
>mario 64
rayman and tomb raider are better

>> No.8882359

you obviously don't know the saturn library and should kys

>> No.8882361

>Nice try, anon
Thanks, I still think I'm right though, but cope all you want.

>> No.8882368

Me too. Probably my favorite generation of consoles overall.

>> No.8882369

Truth is the truth friend. N64 lost so fcking hard, nintendo fanboys never recovered and are still seething to this day that somehow N64 wasn't a complete failure. The N64 disaster dethroned Nintendo for generations. Cope with that fact all you want.

>> No.8882384

Maybe i'm heavily biased cause I grew up with Tetris and Panel De pon and Dr. Mario (and the fact i didnt have a Saturn)
I've only ever played bust-a-move on Saturn, which is definitely a top-tier puzzle game. Dont know much about others

>> No.8882390

Eh, I'm not a brand loyalist so I don't care how companies do, but if anything, I was more of a Sega guy back in the 90s, and sadly that's the company that took the hit when Sony decided to penetrate the market, not Nintendo... they were saved by Pokemon.
Anyway, console warriors get the rope.

>> No.8882453

Nintendo had and has great handhelds, that was always their real strength. Not home consoles. Even switch is nothing more than a handheld you can also hook up to your tv.

>> No.8882465

To be fair, Sega was killed more by their American branch's incompetence.

>> No.8882479

It was like that in the very beginning too don’t lie

>> No.8882490

Aero Fighters Assault, AI Shogi 3, the list goes on...

>> No.8882512

>Nintendo had and has great handhelds
nintendo never made great handled wtf are you talking about