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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 484 KB, 1128x977, Chu-teng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8876917 No.8876917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Game that I can't even read and don't have the hardware to play is sooooo le obscure, let's go searching for it as le collective! We did it reddit!
>Random guy who already had a copy because it was a *commercially sold* game and wasn't actually lost, just played up that way for le reddit memes

Happened every time, like pottery. So glad this cringe era of /vr/ is permanently over and done with, hopefully those low t nerds grew out of their leeching off of mommy phase and took on some responsibilities.

>> No.8876924

OP is angry
News at 11.

>> No.8876947

So it was lost until someone found it.

>> No.8876957

>Express relief at the fact that fags aren't around anymore
>OP is le angry

Being unable to interpret emotions is a sign that you have autism unironically

>something is lost because I don't have immediate illegal access to it

>> No.8876975

This guy has been on the board for a long time, and always screams and whines like a child anytime someone dumps/shares anything he doesn't personally care about. Based on how angry he is, I suspect he's under 5ft9.

>> No.8876984

Legal or illegal, yeah. Where could you get this at the time?

>> No.8877008
File: 602 KB, 852x477, AMOG_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're confusing me with some imaginary manlet who lives rent free in your head

>> No.8877016

In Japan

>> No.8877029
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1633449651853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't create fake lost media to eternally troll autists

>> No.8877040


>> No.8877049

>Low T
Time to take your meds, oldfag.

>> No.8877056

In a japanese store where it was sold it's not my job to teach you to navigate foreign countries

>> No.8877060

This is the fourth time I've seen this thread. Same OP pic even.
Go play some video games.

>> No.8877062

So someone had to go to the country, and find the specific place they were still selling this old video game, just so people could play it, and that's not "lost" to you?

>> No.8877075

News flash zoomie: that's how the majority of people acquired games back in those days, not downloading them off of links posted on discord and twitter

>> No.8877087

Not really though. When a game came out, you could be pretty sure that one of your local places would be carrying it. If people know of something, and none of them know where to acquire it, and it takes a lengthy search just to bring up one copy, how does that not count as a lost item?

>> No.8877107

OP gives a real "angry EOP stuck being a teacher's assistant in Japan" vibe.

>> No.8877108

Not every game was sold in every store, zoomie. Back in the day we used to call what you call lost "sold out". When Super Mario 64 first came out I couldn't initially find it at any of my local stores, so I did what any normal person would do: wait around until I could source a copy. And... wait for it... there's hardly any stores around which carry that game anymore.

>> No.8877114

Bro, all those strong opinions of yours, all that pride, all those experiences.

And yet nothing of that will protect you from a knife in a black guy's hand.

>> No.8877117

Yes, but you know there will be a copy available, because it's Mario 64.
>there's hardly any stores around which carry that game anymore.
Yeah, no shit, but roms are available, or you have your pick of about a thousand copies on ebay at any given time. Therefore, not a lost game.

>> No.8877118

I see that black people also live rent free in your head, may I suggest blacked.com for all your needs

>> No.8877125

There were no roms available of Bangai O back then, you had to go to Japan to buy it. Doesn't mean it was ever a "lost" game, unless you use the zoomer definition of lost and only consider it unlost whenever some chinese guy dumped the ROM

>> No.8877135
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1538540011931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet nothing of that will protect you from a knife in a black guy's hand.
Why do fags like this peruse non-political boards?

>> No.8877145
File: 94 KB, 375x500, MutantSpeedDemons_MD_cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, an actual lost game. It was never sold in any stores, and the batteries which kept the RAM alive died, so the contents are lost forever.

>> No.8877148

Except you could pretty reliably go to Japan and find it in a store, or get it imported. When you don't even know where the game is, and no one else seems to, then it's lost. I don't see why you're struggling with this.

>> No.8877151

If a working copy ever shows up, OP is going to waltz in here like "Mmmmmm, not very lost now is it???"

>> No.8877168

Bangai O had a very low print run, you were never able to "reliably" get a copy at any time back then, the difference is that normal people don't obsess over it and wait patiently for a copy to show up instead of making reddit memes about it. Same as the game in the OP, which there are copies for sale online right now btw (because it was never "lost")

>> No.8877171

>comparing one-of-a-kind prototype carts to mass produced CD-ROMs
You have mental illness.

>> No.8877174

There's a distinction between a game that's current, and a game that's like twenty years old, and might actually not exist anywhere anymore.

>> No.8877178
File: 9 KB, 279x283, 1391372110926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a working copy ever shows up, OP is going to waltz in here like "Mmmmmm, not very lost now is it???"

>> No.8877182

>30 posts
>8 posters
Yep, it's autism time.

>> No.8877183

There are films that are missing now that would have reels produced in large quantities. If it's not available, it's not available.

>> No.8877184

>I'm an EOP and dont know where to buy le game it must doesn't exist now!
No John, you are the reddit

>> No.8877196

Oldfags don't talk like that. Try hard newfag do

>> No.8877201

If something comes out, passes everyone by, and then years pass, then there is a chance that every CD got thrown away, or left in a dank corner to rot.
This is how all of those old TV shows got lost. People didn't think to preserve the tapes, because they didn't think they were worth anything.

>> No.8877205

You mean it's hard to find films that ran in a few hundred theaters and typically sent back to the studios after running so that they could be destroyed and recycled? Color me absolutely shocked.

>> No.8877208

>film reels get thrown out
>CDs get thrown out
What's the difference?

>> No.8877210

So I wasn't around in 2010 during the "Le Leddit" scare? Could've fooled me.

>> No.8877217

What video game are you guys talking about.

>> No.8877219

>comparing TV shows without any home release broadcast for a specific time slot to mass produced CD-ROMs
You have mental illness. That makes just as much sense as saying some radio broadcast of a random DJ is "lost media" because no one ever taped it. By that metric any ephemeral thing could be defined as lost media, the shit I took last night is lost media because I flushed it down the toilet.

>> No.8877221

>I hate when people like video games that I don't care about
Thanks for the blog update.

>> No.8877225

>That makes just as much sense as saying some radio broadcast of a random DJ is "lost media" because no one ever taped it
That would be correct

>> No.8877226

Thanks for your opinion no one asked

>> No.8877229

I don't get why this makes you mad.

>> No.8877240

Either OCD or severe autism. It's on the same level as /v/irgins getting angry at 2+ hour e-celeb vidya reviews.

>> No.8877250
File: 62 KB, 600x852, 1640224084736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost game that no one has ever found. Beware...

There's a reason why e-celeb threads get deleted
Willing to bet the losers who obsess over "lost media" are all e-celeb adjacent as well

>> No.8877252

No one asked you in the first place. I'm glad you're double mad now. Can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

>> No.8877267

No really, no one cares about your low iq interpretation of the thread, take it to reddit

>> No.8877268

what video game are you talking about?

>> No.8877270

We've arbitrarily decided the topic is "reddit", so we have to pretend it's stupid now.

>> No.8877271

I'm not angry >:( >:( I am PERFECTLY calm >:( >:(

being un-self-aware of your own emotional state is actually the most autistic thing of all

>> No.8877272

>eceleb adjacent
>being this big of a faggot

>> No.8877278



>> No.8877289

why thou

>> No.8877301

Looks like I struck a nerve lmao

>> No.8877306

I get that zoomers care about le game preservation like coked up autismos until the game actually gets dumped, which makes them promptly forget about it.
OP is still a faggot though.

>> No.8877315

None of this means anything. You're caught in a feedback loop of autistic /v/ bullshit.

>> No.8877317

no u

>> No.8877339

It seems like it bothers you, but you're saying nobody cares. Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

>> No.8877353

>Willing to bet the losers who obsess over "lost media" are all e-celeb adjacent as well
Seems that way. Never heard of MetalJesusRocks until /v/ started shilling him and looking into it, found out he makes the type of content OP's sperging out about. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the threads asking for hidden gems came here after watching his vids.

>> No.8877367

people should be able to play games without having to give a bunch of money to someone who had nothing to do with actually making the game. If you want a hard copy you can buy one at exorbitant prices off some autist that got it in japan in 1997, if you just wanna try it you can download it for free, that doesn't devalue the physical copies because there's still only so many of them. gatekeeping rare games is for autists who cant stand anyone being able to play their epic grail without sinking money into it. Chu Teng has been around for years anyways, Zeddas 3 was the big one that pissed off the sperg collectors.