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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8875543 No.8875543 [Reply] [Original]

30+yo thread, what retro vidya have you been playing this past week? Give it a quick rate too.

>> No.8875567

I tried to lift an AES cart and broke a hip so ima take it slow for a while

>> No.8875575

going through psx resident evil.
playing it on easy.

>> No.8875579

Metroid, mother and Tetris.

>> No.8875604

The DOS version of Pool of Radiance

First time I've ever played it and I'm hooked. There's some minor annoyances. Whenever your characters level up you have to speak to the trainer to increase their level, you won't earn more XP until you do. Currency is ridiculously complicated if you're not coming at it from a D&D background, and you can't carry all the coins you want.

Still, a surprisingly complex game for 1988.

I rate it five bags of popcorn and a good coin.

>> No.8875610

Wind Waker: classic Zelda goodness
Yoshi's Island: Good old Yoshi
Killswitch: still need to play some more to pass judgement
Star Fox Adventures: gets kinda boring
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg: you roll around eggs, pretty whacky
Super Mario Kart Double Dash: very fun, but more a game one should play with people
That's about all that was memorable to me

>> No.8875616

Quake 1 and all its expansions
Sonic 1 Forever
Sonic 2 Absolute
Sonic 3 Air

>> No.8875627

kirby and the amazing mirror
metal slug advanced
ninja gaiden trilogy
call of duty united offensive
clive barkers undying

>> No.8875628

Wing Commander 3, while I like moving around the ship between missions it doesn't really hold up to X-Wing/TIE fighter

>> No.8875632

for 1988 it does look good and interesting

>> No.8875638
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The GoldBox Companion tool makes it much better on PC.

>> No.8875657
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God of War HD collection on PS3on my CRT.

>> No.8875695

Oh I've been using it, love that tool.

>> No.8875704

Ape Escape.

It's fucking great, the title screen music gets me grooving every time.

>> No.8875717

Non-retro: Ground Branch, GR Wildlands
Retro: SOCOM and cycling through MAME beat'em ups

>> No.8875731

>30+yo thread
30+ is like the minimum age for /vr/ anyways
someone born in the 90's wouldn't have enjoyed the 90's and early 2000's games that /vr/ is about (and older)

>> No.8875756

Dragon quest III SNES version. Put it on my old tablet and am working on a Save game I’ve had for about 5 years playing on and off. It’s the only JRPG I can remotely stomach. Great for plane rides. I like how you can quickly skip through the dialogue and animations, and there isn’t too much fluff. It just throws
You into the world and let’s you figure shit out. That’s what bugs me about other JRPGs. Not the grinding, but the slow snail pace of doing just a lot anything. Any other JRPGs that have the “snappy” feel of DQIII?

>> No.8875761

I’ll have to check that out. I’ve always loved the look of these games, but could never get into pre 1993 RPGs due to the lack of Ingame tools to figure out what to do. I often abandon games and pick them up months later, so I need some indicator of just where the hell I am in the game

>> No.8875768

based, i need to take the pill and move my ps3 to my CRT station
hey im 28 am i welcome here

>> No.8875783

Finished another Earthbound run last week. Everytime I beat this game I notice something else, and it's always a blast.

Finished Adventures of Lolo last night, now I'm playing through the second one. I really enjoy them, maybe I like puzzles now that I'm older.

>> No.8875785

>Any other JRPGs that have the “snappy” feel of DQIII?

Dragon Quest 2 and 4. I've played the NES versions though. Mother/Earthbound Beginnings is very snappy too as its entire game design is basically just DQ2

>> No.8875794

Starting my yearly playthrough of all the Castlevania games up through SotN. Halfway through Castlevania III, having a blast so far.


If you don't feel like you're still in your prime in your 30s you fucked your life up big time.

t.born 1986

>> No.8875803

38 here, it's started to catch up to me. Been playing Mobile Suit Gundam Endless Duel, it's probably my favorite SNES fighting game now

>> No.8875815

>I often abandon games and pick them up months later, so I need some indicator of just where the hell I am in the game
Keep notes in a text file. Like small journals of you doing things. You can write them when you realize that you're taking a pause from a particular game, when the memories are still fresh.

>> No.8875819

What the other anon said, wait until you get close to 40.

>> No.8875827

How do you manage to pause the stress and constant nagging feeling of worry towards real life things and just focus on game you are playing? I have a bit of time every day but I can't for the life of me zone out properly.

Can it even be done?

>> No.8875829

of course, if your worries are related to real life conditions that you have control over.

>> No.8875834

You wait until life fucks you up sufficiently so you gain the ability to do what is necessary and just not care about anything else.

>> No.8875837

sounds like you're a normie. I don't mean to be a nihilist, but life is mostly meaningless, you should do the bare minimum necessary to have a moderately comfortable life and do anything else with the rest of your time

>> No.8875869

I mean, you don't have to game for hours anymore, you're not a kid. Can't you put the nagging voice away for 30 minutes while you relax with a game?

>> No.8875957
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Discworld Noir. Mechanics are fine but lack consistensy (most of the time think not what you have to do but how you need to do it), some of them like smell are underutilized, chunks of game were cut here and there and it is very obvious, couple of dialogues are too long and the game relies on getting the info from random characters way too many times for my taste. I really wanted the conflict between two villains go differently. But the writing is decent, game looks good for attempt at 3D with prerendered background, and Discworld and film noir with a bit of Lovecraft is a match made in heaven. 8/10 because i love Discworld, definitely a hidden gem.

>> No.8875994

Is SOCOM worth deep diving into nowadays? I'm spoiled by old school Rainbow Six games and I honestly found the controls on what little of SOCOM I tried to be convoluted and framerate/overall low fidelity wasn't selling it for me.

>> No.8875998
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This and I'm now making runs all the way up to the last boss without continues but I keep getting filtered by the second phase. Also trying out every shmup I can find. When I want to chill, it's Streets of Rage (1).

>> No.8876004
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>you should do the bare minimum necessary to have a moderately comfortable life and do anything else with the rest of your time
Truly based outlook. Wish I'd learned this sooner instead of tryharding my 20s.

>> No.8876026

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Gold
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Phantasie I

but i wanted to find a game where you played a whale and you had to swim deep and pirates or something were above. I think it was a flash game, does anyone remember the name?

>> No.8876029

i use my ps3 to watch old media and YouTube on my crt, it's great

>> No.8876034

>If you don't feel like you're still in your prime in your 30s you fucked your life up big time
if you don't feel mostly great in your 30s you need to work out and eat better

>> No.8876107

I'd been moving mine back and forth between the living room HDTV and my bedroom CRT. Decided to finally leave it in my room so my playing time and my roommate's Netflix/Hulu time don't conflict.
The picture is pretty great with component cables, that's how I played it back in the day anyway. And like the other anon said it's awesome for watching old shows and movies. Evangelion has never looked so good!
I'm 26 what are they gonna do about it

>> No.8876154

>someone born in the 90's wouldn't have enjoyed the 90's and early 2000's games that /vr/ is about (and older)
Before the retro bubble burst, classic and old games was the only way poor faggots could afford to play any video games until emulation really took off. Some countries in the '90s and early '00s were poor and lagging behind in advances, Famiclones and Mega Drive piracy made up what the kids played well into the early '00s.

>> No.8876204

Went on a bit of a binge of trying different games recently. Especially the 32x which I ignored all these years.
Knuckles Chaotix - Fell in love with this immediately. The visuals, the soundtrack, the elastic band mechanics. Can't believe I ignored it all these years.

Demolition Man (SNES) - The first level is possibly one of the best 16bit action games I've ever seen. Amazing animations and genuinely fun, fast paced gunplay. Then...it turns into a fucking awful top down shooter for no reason.

Virtua Racing (32x) - Genuinely shocked at how amazingly well it works on the system. Really fun game worth going back to.

Agent Armstrong (PS1) - I have weird memories of playing a demo of this as a kid and really liking it for some weird reason so I tracked down an ISO. It's actually really good. Kind of a 2.5D game where you control a 2D sprite moving around 3D levels with some very basic in/out of screen movement. An interesting and forgotten curiosity.

Pitfall (32x) - Absolutely fucking amazing visuals and animation, fun enough gameplay but balls hard.

Porsche Challenge (PS1) - Another one I remember playing a demo of as a kid. Brilliant racer, looks great for a 5th gen racing game, excellent handling and nice atmosphere. Being forced to use the right stick to accelerate/brake takes a bit to get to used to though.

>> No.8876212

My gf was born in 94 and her only console was an N64 until like 2004
that sounds comfy. Honestly I never fuckin watch movies on my own anymore but if i did it'd have to have an autistic caveat like via ps3 on a crt so i may try it sometime lmao. Don't have a CRT with component unfortunately. I do, but it's at my parents' place and it's much too fuckin huge to bring with me.

i know it's technically not retro but i enjoy early gen 7's overall atmosphere. i am in the minority of considering it a good overall generation of systems in spite of the usual arguments that that is when gaming's current cancers received their first iterations, which is true but there was lots of good at the same time.

>> No.8876230

Eggerland 1 FDS

Pretty awesome if you are a long time Lolo fan, so many new puzzles but rediscovering the joy of solving an adventures of lolo puzzle for the first time is, priceless.

>> No.8876242
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I've been trying to get into MUDs, specifically the World Of Darkness ones.

>> No.8876264

>life is mostly meaningless
maybe yours is

>> No.8876301

Beat this again, twas superb. Is there anything like it?

>> No.8876304
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Forgot pic.

>> No.8876335
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My quest to beat as many NES-Famicom games as I can is going well. I have now beaten more than they are Pokémon in gen1.

Recently played:
- all 4 Goemon games, the 2 action games and the 2 RPGs. The action games were pretty good, the first one is better balanced but the 2nd one is more varied and has boss fights. The RPGs are okay, very easy and rather simple, but tons of humour, good visual style. 2nd one was better.
- Over Horizon and Gun Nac, two SHMUPs I can actually beat (still stuck on stage 22 in 1943)
- Grand Master, pretty good but not perfect, it kinda drops the game in the late game

>> No.8876356

alcohol helps but don't over do it. Just a few beers or so.

>> No.8876359

I've been playing Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession and Monopoly on NES. 3 and a half stars, Joe Bob says check it out.

>> No.8876362
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I'm replaying SFPW3 Final Bout by Suda51 for the billionth time. I always pick one of my favorite wrestlers for the championship tourney. Last time I replayed it I used NJPW's 3rd generation's Hashimoto Shinya. Now I'm using NJPW 1st generation Antonio Inoki. Of course I've replayed it so many times that I've already used all my favorites multiple of times but my autism just don't let me use anyone but my favorites. Kobashi Kenta was a pain in the ass as always but I just pinned him after busting him open, gotta play dirty to win.

>> No.8876474

NES Tetris
USA Castlevania 3
About to put FF6 T-Edition on my 3ds to take with me camping this weekend, hoping it runs ok.
Also thinking about setting up Timesplitters and Agent Under Fire for KB+M for Dolphin
although I spent most of my time on NBA2k22 and Planetbase

>> No.8876485
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>Why yes, I want an extra layer of gatekeeping in my gatekeeping board

>> No.8876501
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TNT: Evilution. 15 years since last playthrough, it's still confusing and sort of intriguing.

>> No.8876503

Finally beat this game today! Holy shit what an amazing soundtrack this game has. Ending credits was a real treat.

>> No.8876526

Bros I'm 34 and I don't understand where the time is going. Inside I still think of myself as a 25 year old. How do I stop this ride.

>> No.8876539
File: 126 KB, 220x266, 220px-MechWarrior_3_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to beat the main campaign, again.

MW2 means a lot to me. MW2 was released when I got into Battletech (and loved it), MW2 just feels right thanks to its gloomy atmosphere, the Clans lore, the planets, even the way mech-cockpits are depicted.

And yet MW3 is probably the best Mechwarrior-game. Just the sound of myomere muscles and that characteristic stomping makes me believe I really drive a huge death-machine, it's just satisfying.

>> No.8876551

This isn't the thread nor the board for crying about getting old, faggot.

>> No.8876562

I tried guys, I really really really tried

Diablo 1 & 2 does NOT work on Win10, fuck it I give up, it was a wonderful time, the one with win98, so much classic games.

>> No.8876567

>Diablo 1

>> No.8876572

I'm younger than you but I understand. Turned 28 this year and it seems like I was early 20's grinding through college and playing multiplayer games with the boys until 4 AM just yesterday. Finding ways to enjoy and make the most of each day helps some, and that's not as deep or complex as it sounds. Literally just do things you don't normally do now again, even if it's just go for a walk or take a route home you don't usually take. Small things give the days and years identities of their own and we gotta just do what we can to enjoy

what games you play though?

>> No.8876629

Doing a classic MM marathon. Was going to do &Bass after 1-8, but I'm pretty burnt out and might not after all.

>> No.8876632

Alundra, so far the gameplay is pretty bland but /vr/ speaks highly of it so I'll keep going. The characters, story, and atmosphere have potential.

>> No.8876635
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wow it worked wonderfuly!! you have any suggetions for D2 on Win10??? any idea for a good screensize mod??

>> No.8876638

Nearly finished with Lufia 1. After a late game plot twist, I am very excited to see the ending, but less excited for the grind that the final dungeon appears to be.

>> No.8876642

Thief and Heroes 3

>> No.8876672

>30 minutes of playtime
how can anyone possibly be satisfied with this
>put the nagging voice away
do you have any idea how the human mind works? you cant control your monologue like that

>> No.8876691

>you cant control your monologue like that
You're experiencing anxiety, more than is normal. Some people end up ruining their lives this way, so be careful.

>> No.8876716

Phantasy Star

I played this as a kid, but was too dumb to draw any maps back then, so didn't get very far. Now I'm drawing maps, and it's fun. Playing the Japanese version, to get some language practice. It's katakana-only, which I'm not used to, so a bit of struggle there.

>> No.8876729

I heard about this game series a lot but Smackdown is the only wrestling game I've ever played. How is this game?

>> No.8876732

fuck off man i dont have anxiety.

>> No.8876740

Based. About to try this one soon. I've never drawn maps before but I will do it on your suggestion!

>> No.8876823

Have you beaten Mother 1/ Earthbound Beginnings? I was playing it last month and got up to Snowman. I intend to go back to it, but I've yet to see either 1 nor 2 to the end. No judgement on the games it's just easy to get distracted from RPGs.

>> No.8877007

v1.0 still worked perfectly fine in a virtual machine a year or two ago. I think it was XP, but I'm sure it can be made to work in 7 as well.

>> No.8877031

>hey im 28
not retro

>> No.8877036

Yeah anon, it is. The fact you had kids recently or had some other big responsibility dropped on your shoulders doesn't mean your life suddenly has meaning. It just means your bogged down by shit you have to do.

>> No.8877043

>Mr. Driller - PSX
music is much better than it has any right to be. not sure if it's hard or if i don't quite understand it. B+
>system shock 2 - PC
first run was terrible because i didn't realize some of the skills you can burn points on are pretty much useless. i'd gotten myself to a point where some enemies were pretty much unkillable. dropped it and recently reinstalled knowing the meta. feels much better to play now, although you'd think there would be a bigger modding scene. i still like dude sex more. B-
>breath of fire 3 - psx
didn't finish this one back in the day. i just crossed the ocean but i have a feeling this game is shorter than i thought...taking my sweet time with it. A-
>burger time - nes
i remember playing this at a neighbor's house and i was curious what it would be like to actually grok this game. much harder than it looks. C+
>front mission - snes
seems cool, but i'm not very far into it. i've been having a craving for a tactical rpg since i've played FFT to death. can't rate it yet.
>armored core - psx
surprisingly easy to control, although your movement is impaired because the ground is usually uneven. B-

>> No.8877160

I did beat Mother once but I didn't like it as much. You can tell it's a quality game but I just found it so boring. Earthbound on the other hand I can't get enough, it makes me relaxed. No grinding necessary, exceptional music blasting out of the speakers, funny dialogues, unusual locations and enemies. It's not that long either, got through in about two weeks just playing with spare time in the evenings. You should at least try to finish Earthbound, the ending is pretty phenomenal.

>> No.8877220

Pokemon Crystal - 86/100
Incredibly nice sprites, very fun collecting Pokemon, but the Team Rocket part drags.

>> No.8877482
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some perfect dark and some goldeneye.

>> No.8877758

fuck vm, fuck that

>> No.8877856

>>30 minutes of playtime
>how can anyone possibly be satisfied with this
Play Ninja Gaiden until I beat the game or die a single time, turn the console off, try again another day. It's fun

>> No.8877948

Playing thru skies of arcadia on the gamecube. Got stuck on the final boss all those years ago, but now its time to beat it

>> No.8877987
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, RatsMayAppearLargerWhenYouCrouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished John Romero's Slap-A-Bat, a game in which you travel through time using a magic sword to slap venomous frogs, fireflies, tiny venomous spiders, rats, bats, and venomous worms (that look exactly like Elmer from Brain Damage) until they die. In an unexpected turn of events, the game also offers a wide variety of different looking critters that are at least as tall as your hips (such as a rat invoker) and although most of them behave the same way, it's a welcome addition. The story ends with a twist revealing that Sandy Peterson was the actual monster designer for Doom and Quake. I'm glad I can put this puppy to rest.
Bitch not made.

>> No.8878004

>Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Fun game but be bullshit at times.

>Golden Axe
Meh beat em up. Final Boss is fucking shit.

A lot better than I thought. Fuck Medusa Heads.

>> No.8878012

Why don’t you take all that gay shit and blow it out your asshole. The Soprano guy ate himself to death on fried prawns, pina coladas and cocaine and I plan to do the same. Get fat, die young and leave a burdonsome, useless disgusting fucking corpse. I practically chug vegetable oil and I’m that nigga heavy breathing on the back of your neck on the bus on my way to get some more fried donuts. I plan on filling this vessel that cursed me with fowl existence with gutter oil and distilled poison and making it everyone else’s problem

>> No.8878018

Beat Sword of Mana at some anons recommendation, and just started Parasite Eve 2. I got the original when it came out, but have never even played 2 for some reason. Just beat the Akropolis at the beginning.

>> No.8878046

Been playing oblivion and stardew valley the past couple weeks. I do want to play Ocarina of Time once again, but the I'm trying to hold out for the port. Don't want to be too burned out from it.

>> No.8878127

Honestly just assumed this entire board was 30+

>> No.8878303

These threads used to say 25+yo...

>> No.8878494

keeping hydrated and doing a little bit of calisthenics goes a long way.

>> No.8878508

Got an urge to play gameboy games these past few days for some reason so I've been playing a bunch of those. I played Operation C, Super Mario Land 2, Return of the Ninja and Ninja Gaiden Shadow and had a blast with all of them.

Now I'm taking a break from gameboy and picking up Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse.

>> No.8878510

I was playing Radiata Stories but ended up dropping it, the game has really entertaining characters but aside from that it's super repetitive. Also the sidequest/recruitment system is probably the most obtuse I've ever seen and I've played Legend of Mana.

>> No.8878517

I get an urge to pick up a new game but every time I realize how much more comfy and likely entertaining it would be to just replay RE1.

I hate this feeling of not wanting to roll the dice on something new that might be a waste of time and resorting to things I already enjoyed a dozen times just because its a sure thing.

>> No.8878614


>> No.8878617

We're not all ageless vampires who sit outside of entropy like you, anon.

>> No.8878631

I finally caved in and decided to install the Deus Ex revision mod and am giving it a playthrough. There's literally no point to these changes, but at least it brought new situations I needed to solve. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.8878642

Speak for yourself, kine.

>> No.8878673

Replaying Skies of Arcadia. Haven't played it since it was released.

>> No.8878676

Wanted to get into this for the longest time, might actually do it this weekend. Been a while since I playeda solid p&c adventure.

>> No.8878710

Ventrue hands typed this.

>> No.8878730
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Not this week (yet), but I've been going through the SEGA CD library, my favorites so far are Sonic CD, The Terminator, Starblade, Keio Flying Squadron, Lords of Thunder, Android Assault: Revenge of Bari-Arm, Pitfall, Road Rash, After Burner III, a few others

>> No.8878971

You didn't notice the decline in quality when the 6th console gen was allowed, and the board got flooded with people whose first console were an PS2 or an Xbox?

>> No.8878997

Rapid Reload - PS1
fun Gunstar Heroes rip-off
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen - PC (the GOG release)
It's quickly becoming one of my favorite games of all time

>> No.8879020
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I'm kind of glad it's not to be honest, a lot of people my age are not exactly that fun to talk to

>> No.8879029

It took me a good 3+ tries before I finally powered through Radiata Stories. It’s a pretty short game if you don’t bother with most of the recruitment stuff. It’s a creative game and does a lot of cool stuff, but I totally get what you mean, it is obtuse.

>> No.8879037

any advice for someone who likes the DAO style and combat system???

besides neverwinter, that shit is boring...

>> No.8879039

Baldur's Gate
Planescape Torment
Icewind Dale

>> No.8879124

The worst offender I found was this sidequest where that girl from the mage guild you bump into is in the library as tells you she's looking for a book. You talk to the librarian and she tells you who currently has the book so I go up and talk to the guy but nothing happens, turns out that for Jack to mention the book you cannot talk to any other NPC between talking to the librarian and the guy who has the book, just what the fuck thought this was alright?

Anyway what got to me the most was simply how repetitive the combat was and that you're mostly just running down corridors most of the time.

>> No.8879131

My least favorite thing about games like this is the literal worthlessness of most party members. Sure, they’re and it’s fun to get them, but you can only have 4 members in your party and they don’t contribute to the story usually in any meaningful way. This isn’t a problem unique to Radiata Stories at all though, virtually every game that tries this does the same thing.

>> No.8879138

Yeah, I got that from Suikoden too, as much as I liked the game I often found myself wishing there were more ways to use all those party members you get.

>> No.8879157

A passive buff system or something would make it worth while to collect them. Maybe +5% exp gained per party member or something.

>> No.8879372

If you say so. I can relax and play a game before bed, but if you cannot, then from my perspective it sounds like you're anxious.

>> No.8879389

Tactics Ogre GBA
Champions of Norrath PS2
Soul Blade PS1

>> No.8879858

>what games you play though?
Kek. Mostly N64 and PSX these days. I was a typical "omg so retro" SNES faggot in the first half of the 2010s. I can't even look at 16-bit games anymore. But I love low poly and even the texture warping.

BTW I agree with what you said. I do mostly enjoy my life and I'm happy almost every day. I don't even think of aging. Then I catch a glimpse in the mirror and I'm shocked by the male pattern baldness, grey hairs and wrinkles. It literally feels like having accidentally picked the wrong avatar (that of an old fuck) in an RPG.

>> No.8879867

well its good that nobody pays you for this opinion then

>> No.8879876


>> No.8879881

I like how even the losers on 4chan have accomplished more with their lives than I have. I'm 33 and nobody would give a shit if I died and I've accomplished literally nothing since I graduated college over a decade ago with the wrong (right) degree. All the praise and hope and potential people had for me went down the fucking toilet and I'm less than a failure. Even within the limited scope of my only hobby I've ever had I've been left behind as modern games get further and further away from anything I'd want to play and not even indie games seem to care about filling the hole.

>> No.8879910

What type of indie games would you like to see? What genres are you into

>> No.8879920

Enjoy your misery then.

>> No.8879951

Damn, anon, that's harsh. Hopefully the rest of those accomplished, well-socialized people are going to enjoy their meagre decade or two of increasingly less carefree lives before personal tragedies and the unrelenting onslaught of entropy wracks their minds with mental anguish, and turns bodies frail with illnesses and just plain wear. Before they succumb to the passing of time and in at most half a century later become completely and utterly forgotten by every by then still living human. Lucky them.

>> No.8879956

This isn't really a fair question

>> No.8879957

Okay college kid time to wheel you off. Nobody cares.

>> No.8879962

I'd care

Things may seem bad now, but don't give up hope.
Many people achieved greatness in their later years, it's not like there is a cut-off for success (unless you make one yourself)

You graduated college when you were young but I dropped out TWICE (potentially even three times)
But now at 30 I'm back in college and have been getting good grades, only 4 more classes left
We'll make it, my dude
Just don't give up

>> No.8879964

Graduating college isnt an achievement for my specific life and how I went about it and there is nothing that graduating college allowed me to do.

>> No.8879969

Ah, still a small mind despite being physically growing out of a twentysomething. You will learn.

>> No.8879974

Don't cut yourself short, it IS an achievement
You're making your own pitfalls here
>it's not an achievement FOR ME
Yes it is

There are doors opened to you that you just aren't acknowledging
You need a change in your mind, it'll lead to changes elsewhere

>> No.8879978

>nothing should ever matter because we're all going to die some day

>> No.8879985

>a 12 year old degree from a clown college in a field i despise is opening doors to me
I can do so many things. I could get a job running a spreadsheet. I can be a receptionist. I could work a call center. Uh.

>> No.8879992

Anyone born in 90 or 91 would be able to enjoy /vr/ games as they were kids during that time
I was born im 89 and enjoyed playing atari to n64 games. Even arcades

>> No.8879995

I mean you're already starting from the erroneous assumption that the only reason people like /vr/ games is out of nostalgia or osmosis nostalgia and not that a new generation could genuinely find something to like and even prefer /vr/ games over the ones they themselves grew up with.

>> No.8880018

89 here too. Oldest brother is 10 years older than me so got to enjoy atari, master system, mega drive, snes and PS1 as a kid. Didn't have very many games as we were poor but fond memories of playing Sonic 1 with my mum and having to wait for my brother to get back from school to beat the last level for us.

>> No.8880031

born in 92 and played PS1 religiously until 2009 lmao

>> No.8880063

Why not? I legitimately do not understand. Why can't you just say "I want good beatemups" or whatever you're into

>> No.8880173

Played it for the fist time last year, all around fantastic. It's a shame the next games felt kinda sterile.

>> No.8880198

I guess the things I enjoy games for are a bit more abstract on a more 'I know it when I see it' level

>> No.8880225

If you get stuck remember that you can use your notes with other notes/objects/persons for more clues. I missed so much optional dialog

>> No.8880330

Name 10 retro games you like

>> No.8880383

>OOT Master Quest (on Gamecube)
Great expansion pack, had a really good time with the mixed up dungeons (I hadn’t played OOT in a good 15 years and I’ve never played the MQ). Some of them were delightfully challenging.
>Minish Cap (on GBA)
I love it, totally unique adventure with a few nostalgic callbacks to ALTTP. Also my first playthrough. Have not been totally stumped yet, but some puzzles were cryptic as hell.

>> No.8880429

Been playing earthworm jim2 not the first time ive ran through it either, its a good game i just wish it wasn't 80 percent minigames

>> No.8880520

I keep trying to get started on FF6 t-edition but I heard it takes awhile to get started.

>> No.8880569

>breath of fire 3
>just crossed the ocean
>game is shorter than I thought
Yeah you're almost at the end. Great game, but single disc in PS1 era, yeah it's short.

>> No.8880570

All the Darius games on the cozmic collection since it was finally discounted.
1 is simple and a bit too long for what it is worth, but I like it.
Currently working on 1ccing the second version, since it seems to be easier to cheese.
Darius 2 is so cute to look at, but holy shit every version around level 4 seems to go into full fuck you mode.
I already finished Gaiden in the past, but I still appreciated all the things M2 added, and it is still easily the best game in the collection, probably the whole series.
I also played a bit of sonic forever and absolute.

>> No.8880649
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We're aging. If you're 30+ then there's a good chance you've been here over 10 years and keep using this shithole out of habit.

>> No.8880661

My daughter monopolises the Switch when she stays at my place, playing stardew valley. So I take a break from vidya during these times.

>> No.8880724

I played Iron Commando for the SNES today. It was fun, I ran out of continues on the beach level. I'd say it's one of the best scoot 'n boot games on the system, a lot better at the FF trilogy.

>> No.8880754

I didnt even go to college, quit your bitching

>> No.8880787

Is the Switch a retro console? Is Stardew Valley a retro game? Is your daughter 30+?

>> No.8880832

No, you should focus on making money doing what you enjoy, building towards a brighter future and having children to carry on your legacy.

>> No.8880839

I don't think anyone's going to be nearly as bothered by it as you.

>> No.8880848

Based divorcee with a single daughter and a switch.

>> No.8880915

i was doing great until i had kids. 35 with 3 kids under 3 I want to fucking die now. i had to lay on the ground all weekend repairing a riding mower and toilet and I think my arms are permanently damaged.

started beyond oasis.
Got and old IBM personal computer with a 5151 running and poking through text games
Working on a 5154 EGA monitor right now and might do a 286 build in the future

>> No.8880934
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Recently 1cced Steel Empire on the Genesis. Great game..

I also recently played through Dragon Warrior for the first time. Fun game, but too grindy, and not having a party kind of sucks. Product of its time for sure, but worth playing.

>> No.8880970


>> No.8881508

This isn't r9k. It should damn well be assumed we're all over 30, or should be.

>> No.8881537

Just completed startropics 1 and 2 for the first time. Both great games. Before that I have completed dragon warrior 1,2,3,4 and final fantasy.

>> No.8881549
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Blood Fresh supply, what can i say, it's great. My first playthrough, playing on Well Done, and it proves to me that Civvie sucks at games. Why say that you're good at Blood and then make a video on a medium difficulty? Pro-Blood my ass.

>> No.8882394

What’s the best way to enjoy final fantasy V? PlayStation? Translated SNES or GBA?

>> No.8882406

>Get fat, die young and leave a burdonsome, useless disgusting fucking corpse.
I found my new copypasta

>> No.8882413

Gonna fire up the gog release of Alone in the Dark 4 today while treating myself with some two days old popcorn and whatever youtube white noise in the background.

>> No.8882416

Depends what your priority is, SNES version has better graphics and music, GBA version has some extra content.

>> No.8882421

But gameplay wise they are basically the same right?

>> No.8882427

GBA version has some extra jobs and an extra dungeon that come in the late game / post game. I never bothered with it much myself, it didn't seem very good. Extra content on jRPG ports are usually pretty bad with the exception of FF6 GBA perhaps.

>> No.8882435
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Nothing too crazy. Played Episode One Pod Racer and got to the final four tracks within a couple or so hours, I need to get through those. Recently beat Odin's Sphere and that was just okay, too much repeated content for the length the game went for. Playing Sly 2 and it is alright, just not as fun as Sly 1. Stuntman reinvigorated my drive to play and complete some of the games I have, I'm at the Jame Bond knock off missions.

I might pick up Tomb Raider next since I have a lot of interest in it at the moment, or maybe play more Vectorman and Altered Beast and beat those games since it has probably been a month since I last played them.

>> No.8882441
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I'm playing this game right now. Dude has blades for arms or in his arms or some shit, I don't know what the fuck is going on but it's fun

>> No.8882457
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I've desperately been trying to beat Kung-Fu Heroes. I can't beat the last stage, 8-4. I've spent several hours trying (using continues to start at 8-1, I even attempted restarting the entire game see if I could get there with more lives but the attempt failed though I did get a new item that makes things a bit easier).

As with many NES games of the era, the last stage(s) are a real fuck you.
You're supposed to kill 12 enemies and the exit opens, you reach it (while enemies suddenly walk faster to come get you) and that's it, with 3 lives. Best I got was about 8 kills I think. But everything in that stage is hell, for instance there is this enemy type which you could kill in the previous stages by jumping on them. In 8-4, you can't kill them (except through some rare convoluted means) and attempting that will kill instead, no explanation given. It's just there to fuck with you.

But I'm not giving up. I'm getting better every time I reach 8-4 and a strategy is shaping up.

>> No.8882469

/vr/ and listening to SPC is the only vidya thing I do nowadays, no time for gaming really.

>> No.8882480

I enjoyed both Sly 2 and 3 equally when I marathoned the series a few years back. 1 felt very empty and barebones in comparison, to me it felt like you really had to play it at release.

If you haven't already I wholeheartedly recommend you play Jak 1 if you want a fun collectathon

>> No.8882495

I enjoyed the first Sly the most because you only play as Sly and the levels are linear and focused. I don't enjoy playing as Murray or Bently as much. The Jak series was the first trilogy I've gone through and I played Jak 2 first. I enjoy the first one the most.

>> No.8882513

Honestly, I really like Sly 1's charm and what they did. I was incredibly disappointed with how Crash and Spyro turned out on the PS2, while hearing praise on Sly, Ratchet and Jak on the GameFAQs forms. It took me a while to get those games cause the recession and dot com crash made our family poor as fuck.

>> No.8882570
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i sold my mister
i've been playing actual hardware more now
i'll repurchase and rebuild when the price is normal again - i was doing sega cd, and pc engine cd cores a ton.

>metamor jupiter
>keio flying squadron
>lords of thunder
>sol feace
>spriggan mark 2
>magical chase
>marchen maze
>sapphire densetsu

lately i've been fucking around on the new amiga500 mini since i got it a month early, playing janky ports mostly but irems dragon breed has been pretty cool honestly

>> No.8882764

>we're all over 30, or should be.
Maybe before the six gen ruled.

>> No.8882774

I'd rather spend my time doing what I enjoy and be considered a manchild rather than become a sociopathic normalfaggot who brings innocent souls into this worthless existence to suffer needlessly just so he can satisfy his animalistic ego by telling himself that his "legacy" is being carried on

>> No.8882797

little zoomie hipsters lurk this board
even more are on /fit/

>> No.8882815

Hey, you can do both. Be a sociopath AND a manchild

>> No.8883035

Wind Waker. Meh, it's OK, a 7/10. I don't know what's all this fuzz about Zelda games, so far my favorite has been Twilight Princess, and even that one has some questionable gameplay designs, like automatic jumping, what's the point?

>> No.8883095

>Is your daughter 30+?

no roasties!!!!

>> No.8883247 [SPOILER] 
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Holy shit I finally did it, this took me absolutely forever. I had to restart the game again and make sure I had ALL items. The final stage was really fucking tense even with the strategy I formed as I was on my last life for most of it.

This gives me hope and courage to beat 1943 and Adventure Island

>> No.8883690

Nice, congrats.

>> No.8883940
File: 305 KB, 779x1024, 6623D0B9-DD5D-49D9-AF0F-8874A8B39D38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished Dino Crisis 1 & 2 on stream. DC1 3/5. DC2 5/5.

DC1 is basically Resident Dinosaur that penalizes you for not handwriting memos since doesn’t have a journal for them. DC2 is basically the proto-RE4 on PS1 and genuinely fun and enjoyable from start to finish.

>> No.8884932

It always makes my day when I see people on /vr/ appreciating Dino Kino 2
Sure it has some flaws but god what a gorgeous looking and playing game that is fun as fuck.