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File: 60 KB, 1000x974, N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8874525 No.8874525 [Reply] [Original]

Never has there been a better system.
It has an awesome lineup of classics.
Great games are all over the place on it.
Gamers just fell for the jrpg meme on the psx.
Everyone should revisit these classics.
Really, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

>> No.8874527
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it was fun for multiplayer in 1998 but today i am disappoint

>> No.8874529

It's one of the favorite systems of Sega Lord X.
And it's pretty well loved around here.
No need to console war by mentioning psx btw, it's also a 6th gen system.

>> No.8874530

How about you do us a favour and list them out for us?

>> No.8874535

NFL Blitz games were loads of un.
Iggy's Wrecking Balls was underrated.
Gauntlet Legends was loads of fun with friends.
Goldeneye 64 a classic.
Excitebike 64 another classic.
Ridge Racer 64 was a blast too.

>> No.8874536

the list goes on:

Wave Race 64
F-Zero X
Beetle Adventure Racing
Ridge Racer 64
Sin and Punishment
Perfect Dark
Star Wars Episode I Racer
Rogue Squadron
Ogre Battle 64
Battle Tanx

>> No.8874546

Easily the most disappointing console of all time when you consider how hyped it was.

>> No.8874579

Great console but GameCube improved on it in almost every way.
>better controller
>nearly as reliable and indestructible despite inclusion of an optical drive
>memory card ports on console rather than controllers
>networking features, albeit limited (no, randnet doesn't count)
>no retarded RAM module expansion
>aux ports are actually used and don't require any accessory to be as large as the console itself, ala N64 DD, Doctor 64 etc.
>obviously, better graphics but more importantly: stable framerate
>library almost 3x as large. superior 3rd party support and larger variety of games in general. way more experimental titles and most sequels improve upon N64 counterparts
N64 has its charms but the GameCube pretty much made it irrelevant.

>> No.8874595

I see 0 reason to ever play an n64 again

>> No.8874604

Gamecube doubled down on much of what the N64 did, for better and for worse. Subpar media format, odd controller, multiplayer console of choice, strong 1st party titles, lacking 3rd party support, few games, younger target audience.
I agree with you that Gamecube did it better and more convincingly than N64 but don't say that to an American born between '86 and '96. N64 may be the most beloved console of all time to us

>> No.8874616

I had an N64 for the longest time and played just about everything on the system from the classics like SM64 and Ocarina to the lesser known shit like Quake, Hexen, Wetrix, even tried a few imports at one point. Like I said, it's a great console and I enjoyed my time with it, but GameCube games were far and away more fun as a whole than what the N64 offered. There is nothing on N64 approaching the quality, wow factor and addictiveness of something like Resident Evil 4, even when accounting for the technological gap. Also I think you're being unfair to the GCN's design decisions. Compare to the competition of the time: superior processing power to PS2 and DC, almost graphically comparable to Xbox, faster load times, less prone to mechanical issues, small form factor and overall solid build quality -- for $200. Say what you want about sales and library but the console was very well designed and its only real limitation was in the capacity of the mini discs which was rarely an issue.

>> No.8874632

n64 and gamecube were my consoles growing up. but looking back on it now I am brave enough to admit that playstation wiped the floor with them games wise. please grow the fuck up and come to the same realisation.

>> No.8874637

>>obviously, better graphics but more importantly: stable framerate
the gamecube didn't have great performance at the time either, it wasn't until nintendont on the wii were gamecube games played smoothly on consoles.

>> No.8874645

Mario 64 is an all time classic right out of the gate.

Pilotwings 64 is a solid launch title.

Wave Race rivals the sega arcade racing games a little bit later. Still the best game of its type.

Doom 64 is a great sequel and a great start to the great fps games on the system.

Blast corps is unique and another hidden gem that is infinitely replayable.

Mario kart 64 was a great party game and still is.

Shadows of the Empire is a great early realease mixing fps, platforming and arial battle.

Goldeneye 64 was the best fps ever when it came out. Everyone talks about the multiplyer but the single was great too.

Diddy kong racing is another kart racing all time great.

Banjo Kazooie too mario 64 and added some twists and came out great. Banjo tooie got a bit big for its britches but was still great.

Starfox 64 may be the best rail shooter of all time, only rivaled by the panzer dragoons.

Or sin and punishment

DK64 was the most extreme collectathon ever at that point. Love it or hate, its a hardcore collectathon.

Conkers bad fur day was a fun movie game. Some dont like the humour but I could get a cheap laugh.

Pokemon snap is funner than it should be

Fzero x is a fast racer. People dont like the graphics but the game itself is fast and challenging.

Jet force Gemini and winback are great 3d shooters with different takes on the genre.

Perfect Dark is goldeneye 2 and bigger and at least as good.

Body harvest is proto gta and can be fun to mess around with.

Smash bros is an all time classic.

The Zeldas are often called best games ever.

Kirby is a fun little 2d platformer.

Mischief makers is a great 2d platformer along woth geomon on a system without many.

Ogre battle is a fun tactical rpg, hybrid heaven is an ok rpg along with paper mario.

Theres plenty more and multiplats like thps, rayman 2, podracer, shadow man, quake 1 and 2, wipeout. Ill never understand why people say theres no games. Yeah it missing rpgs but pokemon was the rpg of the era

>> No.8874646

>its only real limitation was in the capacity of the mini discs which was rarely an issue.
It was a massive issue which resulted in many multiplats looking even worse than the PS2 versions. The hardware was wasted.
>Resident Evil 4
Your one example of an outstanding Gamecube game is a multiplat lol. How do you people not put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.8874659

I'm so fucking sick of people pretending Playstation was fun. Playstation was the de facto choice of every deadbrained NPC faggot, 3rd world immigrant and Eminem fan. Playstation had a bunch of jank, brown action games, sports games, racing games and proto-modern open world trash for normies. This perception that PS1/2 had these treasure trove of thousands of amazing, unique games is fucking bullshit. 99.99% of the games are bottom of the barrel dumpster fire bargain bin trash and the few prominent, legitimately decent games are most isolated into a few distinct genres and play largely the same, e.g. the dozens of nigh-identical RPGs that get sucked off to no fucking end despite being glorified friendship simulators. Playstation is the Honda Civic of the gaming world and anybody who would rather play Final Fantasy and Killzone over shit like RE4 and F-Zero is fucking retarded. Fuck you.

>> No.8874664

>multiplats look worse on GC due to disc limitations
>uses RE4 as an example
the PS2 version of RE4 looks like absolute fucking dogshit and shouldn't even be considered the same game. most games fit on mini disc no problem and anything larger just used 2 discs. you're dumb.

>> No.8874671
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cope lmao

>> No.8874674
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>intentionally lower res GC image
>still looks better and has lighting effects on Sam's goggles that PS2 lacks
yeah you're retarded.

>> No.8874679

All this tells me is that you were a preteen during the N64 years. No one who was 21+ at the time nor anyone born after that era could possibly think that the N64 catalog is even good. Games like Goldeneye and Ocarina are interesting today purely as historical artifacts. They have long been succeeded, and their successors have long been succeeded. In conclusion, Gamecube was better.

>> No.8874682

>Xbox fucking MOGS even the PS3
How did they do it? How was a 2001 machine that strong?

>> No.8874684
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>NOOOOOOO i-it's a conspiracy!
You're a clown

>> No.8874690

thanks for playing

>> No.8874713

>analog sticks destroy themselves
>games fucked by low capacity cartridges
>powerful CPU and GPU nerfed by poor engineering
>64DD debacle
>no RPGs
>no fighting games
>no shmups
>best system

The Playstation was fun and it beat the shit out of the Saturn and N64 for good reason. But that was over 20 years ago. Maybe it's time to stop being mad about it.

>> No.8874731
File: 266 KB, 519x573, still hears the screams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 Sam really saw some shit

>> No.8874754

It did have some good games, but the console was junk.

>> No.8874775

>>better controller
im not really sure about that
64 has a better dpad (still kinda stiff tho) and a WAY better face buttons layout, better shoulders buttons and a nice placed z button

>> No.8874850

The n64 suffered from the same problem other systems like dreamcast suffered. Not enough variety. Too many platformers not enough rpgs, piss poor fighting games, only like 3 or 4 good racing games etc etc. The PS1 may not have had groundbreaking defining games but it did have a wider selection of genres and games to play and at the very least they're generally at least decent and fun to play

>> No.8875000

>the list goes on
Your list blows other than bomberman.

>> No.8875013

Bit unfair on the Dreamcast when it only had 2 years to build a library. The lack of jarpigs certainly damaged it in Japan though

>> No.8875060


NFL blitz is better on Dreamcast
Gauntlet legends is better on dreamcast
Ridge racer 64 genuinely one of the worst ridge racer games
Excite bike 64????? I guess it’s fine but I think there’s better games like it
Goldeneye has been outdone 100 times over and outside of nostalgia and novelty and historical relevance is not that good dawg

Try again

>> No.8875116
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Why only Mario Tennis and F-Zero X did addictive blending? Games would look a LOT more interesting visually if the N64 was a framebuffer machine like the Playstation was.

>> No.8875126
File: 14 KB, 480x360, SF64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand it did some really cool motion blur effects.

>> No.8875143

Thank you

>> No.8875208

>bad sound quality
>bad res
>shity controller
>battery saves
>ugly textures
>no games
no thanks

>> No.8875213

Shit kiddy console

>> No.8875214

>It's one of the favorite systems of Sega Lord X.
hes a retard so I'm not surprised

>> No.8875227

it's alright ig, has one of my favorite games with majora, but, generally speakin, for me it's the snes
also the lack of jrpgs is lame but paper mario was decent so ehh it's okay i don't mind really
most games look like shit too but that's the same for all 5th gen consoles, so thank god there's upscaling

>> No.8875232

best system? dreamcast, it was released in the golden years of gaming, 1998/2002, 99% of the dc library is good

>> No.8875235

>most games look like shit too
not on ps or saturn

>> No.8875245

>Playstation is the Honda Civic of the gaming world
Not a car guy. Is this supposed to be a bad thing? That's like the default and most popular good car.
I guess Xbox would be a powerful truck with bad mileage, the gamecube a soccer mom van, and PC some souped up show car (or a beanermobile kek)

>> No.8875256

holy based

>> No.8875259

>The Playstation was fun and it beat the shit out of the Saturn
no, try harder

>> No.8875262

>No one who was 21+ at the time
Why would I care about the opinion of a boomer on video games. No shit a grown man didn't care for a nintendo console.

>> No.8875264

yeah they do
without upscaling at least
okay well the 2d ones do not tbf, those look great

>> No.8875267

>Not a car guy. Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.8875269

do you even have a good crt? my saturn games look like hd remakes on my trinitron

>> No.8875270

nice bait, only thing good about that shitty system were the wrestling games

>> No.8875275

This is the only console I haven't bothered emulating yet. There's just not enough interesting games to justify it. I prefer cartridges but the library of Gamecube was unironically better.

>> No.8875276

Not reading that, the PS1 is the best console that gen.

>> No.8875282

whatever makes you sleep at night

>> No.8875284

Classics such as and .

>> No.8875285

Wish they wouldn't include the upscaled Xbox for zoomers in these collages.

>The PS1 may not have had groundbreaking defining games
Resident Evil
Tomb Raider series
Gran Turismo
Tekken series

I am not a fan of most of these but dude wtf? No ground breaking games on PSX? Don't listen to console warriors.

>> No.8875290

I grew up with the N64, I got Ocarina of Time when it came out, I got it due to the Goldeneye demo. I didn't get a PS1 until 2005. The PS1 is just better.

>> No.8875291

Mario 64, Zelda, the list goes on..

>> No.8875298

The PS1 had more good games than the Nogames64 had games. The PS1 was technically a weaker system on paper and its games still looked better all across the board. The PS1 was a music CD player, had top tier audio and a legendary controller. The PS1 had beautiful FMVs and games with lots of voice acting. The PS1 could do 2D. The N64 was literally disliked the entire world over, except for a few sales in the US, because Americans like eating shit.

>> No.8875317

Resident Evil
Tomb Raider series
Gran Turismo
Tekken series
saturn/dc had re, tomb raider and thps and the rest is not even ground breaking

>> No.8875321

>legendary controller

>> No.8875328
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>> No.8875394

not even a nintendo fan, and I wouldn't call the ps1 controller legendary, or good, its a bad controller that fucks up ur thumbs and the analogue ones are shitty too, nothing will ever come close to the saturn 3d controller

>> No.8875407

>sega widow

>> No.8875429

nice cope

>> No.8875442
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waste of trips

>> No.8875494

wtf is that shit game

>> No.8875583

is there a difference between PAL systems?
I have my UK PAL here in australia and want to know if the RGB mod is any different (except as otherwise already stated in the install guide such as the different processors)

>> No.8875683

You might have to place the console upside down for it to work properly.

>> No.8875826

lol, go back anon, /vr/ is not your place.

>> No.8875885

no but that game really looks like shit idc what you say

>> No.8877115
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Well trolled.

>> No.8877137

>if you use shitty quality tvs, angled toylike models will look just as good as timeless spritework or actually good models
maybe if you're playing a game with a vehicle as the player, sure, but otherwise not really

>> No.8877153

Really loved Smash Bros 64 and having 4 player multiplayer. I only had a PS1 growing up, but I used to go to a game shop that had a lot of different consoles setup, and everyone would play Smash Bros. I don't think a lot of people would own it though, since you couldn't really pirated the games and all the games costed $60 when you could buy a modchipped PS1 where some illegal vendors sell games for $3

>> No.8877304


>> No.8877321
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>> No.8877349

Terrible vaseline filtered trash can with possibly 1 good game (diddy Kong racing) and one tech demo (mario)

>> No.8877759

N64 was fucking garbage.

>> No.8877773

holy shit! I will literally stop liking the N64 right now after reading these posts.

>> No.8877791

You can like eating dog turds as much as you like I dun give a sht

>> No.8877872

>no Castlevania 64 and Mischief Maker
Come on?

>> No.8879967

But... I said I will stop liking it, your shitpost worked!

>> No.8879971

you are mad, I can feel it

>> No.8879979

>both suck ass
do gay64 fags really?

>> No.8880037

FUCK nintendo
FUCK treasure
and more importantly, FUCK video games

>> No.8880138

why so mad

>> No.8880143

>FUCK nintendo
FUCK treasure
and more importantly, FUCK video games
videogames would be much better without these two actually

>> No.8880150


>> No.8880185

how can you guys have such shit taste

>> No.8880219

Super Mario 64
Yoshi's Story
Paper Mario
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3 (still the best one)
Super Smash Bros.
Star Fox 64
F-Zero X
Donkey Kong 64
GoldenEye 007
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Doom 64
Quake 64
Quake II 64
Shadows of the Empire
Rogue Squadron
Episode I Racer
Rush 2
Cruisin' USA
Cruisin' World
BattleTanx: Global Assault
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Air Combat
Aerofighters Assault
Nuclear Strike
Harvest Moon 64
Mischief Makers
NFL Blitz
Turok 2
Wave Race 64
Blast Corps
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Zelda Majora's Mask
Kirby 64: Crystal Shards
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Diddy Kong Racing
Rayman 2
Bomberman 64

>> No.8880224

most of those are better on the dc, and the rest runs like shit

>> No.8880236

most of those arent on dreamcast you retarded homo

>> No.8880357

wtf I cannot tell which one looks better, my brain is dying help

>> No.8880362

leaked n64 mini game list

>> No.8880408

nice cope

>> No.8881085

The PS2 had atrocious lighting for most games.

>> No.8881353

I will die on the hill that GameCube had the smartest controller of all time because it was designed in observance of Pareto's law.

>> No.8881357

N64 and GC have a higher quality ratio than PlayStation.

>> No.8881728
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I’m just glad I got to grow up with this. It was peak local multiplayer and it has never been topped, and never will be now that everything is soulless online bullshit

>> No.8882134

N64 fanboyism is one of the few areas in gaming that functions on pure nostalgia.

The games are bad (less than five exceptions). But the library is small and the consoles came in a bunch of cool clear colors so people love to coomlect it.

You know how I know the n64 sucks? No one talks about the games. Ever. Instead we get threads about how it's the best console ever made.

>> No.8882141

and the saturn is higher

>> No.8882142
File: 172 KB, 800x1128, b33abb54-0463-4321-8d16-d9675e97bc3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best summer game.

>> No.8882154

this. I grew up with the ps1, and years later I decided to buy the n64, and oh boy, what a disappointment, all the games run like shit, the sound is bad and the filters + bad res makes the games so ugly and unplayable. I don't understand how people can like that console, and another thing is, half of the games that came out on the n64 are better on the dc/ps1/saturn, like hydro thunder, toy story 2, rayman 2, hot wheels turbo racing, revolt etc. the n64 is really just for nostalgiafags

>> No.8882158

>Best summer game

>> No.8882163

Do tell.

>> No.8882164

ratio is meaningless because you're not going to play the hundreds/thousands of shovelware games, and nowadays it's easy to check which games are terrible or not
any popular console (in sales) will have more shit games because that's the console for which hacks make their games for a quick buck

>> No.8882167

Eh, I think, if anything, the real phenomenon of the N64 is the amount of people that are obsessed with hating it.
>Noooo! you CAN'T like it!
Yes nigger, I can enjoy some wave race, goemon, bomberman, sin and punishment and, much to your dismay, even super mario 64, yes! dwi.
Also if you really want to be anal I think all of early 3D rely on nostalgia, but the reality is that there are good games that are early 3D, on N64, Saturn and PS1.

>> No.8882168
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sonic adventure

>> No.8882172

>Yes nigger, I can enjoy some wave race, goemon, bomberman, sin and punishment and, much to your dismay, even super mario 64, yes!
you sound cringe and gay, and the n64 is still shit

>> No.8882178

You sound like you're projecting and can't accept that some people were idorts and aren't traumatized with console war mindset.
But, if you want to keep obsessing over people who enjoy the N64, be my total guest.

>> No.8882210

I just don't understand how you can like the n64, are you autistic?

>> No.8882224

Uh, no.
Not understanding this might be an indication for autism, though.

>> No.8882241

>bad resolution
>bad sound quality
>most games run at -10fps
>awfull controller and joystick
>battery saves
>no analogue triggers
>no games
if you unironically like the n64, you are autistic, I'm sorry but that's how things works

>> No.8882248

Those games were primarily PlayStation games. Only RE1 and TR1 came out on Saturn and the THPS games came out later on DC and DC only had TR:TLR.

Games were ported a bunch back in the later 90s but mostly people played these games on PlayStation. FFVII was ported to PC as was RE and TR.

>> No.8882340

You sound like a /v/ console warrior man.
Most old consoles are "bad", but thankfully we here at /vr/ can enjoy games despite the fact older consoles weren't HD.

>> No.8882351

Shit system that deservedly lost with almost no games. Even the Zelda games were overrated. Lol if n64 wzs your childhood, sad.

>> No.8882358

I honestly feel sad for kids who grew up with 5th and 6th gen in general. Imagine not growing up with 3rd and 4th gens, the golden era of home video games.
Dealing with PS's loading times and stuttering textures/polygons is also pretty sad if that was your childhood.

>> No.8882367

>You sound like a /v/ console warrior man.
Most old consoles are "bad", but thankfully we here at /vr/ can enjoy games despite the fact older consoles weren't HD.

no i just like playing games with good res and no filters, I'm not a soulfag. no mattet how old or new, if the console is shit, its shit, the ps1 and saturn look better than any n64 game because they don't have bad res and filters, so cope more

>> No.8882374

dc was the golden age of gaming

>> No.8882385

>no i just like playing games with good res and no filters
so all you care about is resolution.... so what are you doing in /vr/? All real retro consoles are SD. If you want HD, go to /v/.
I care about games, and while 5th gen has a lot of compromises in general, a lot of developers worked around the limitations and delivered good stuff. That's why I will never take people like you seriously, people with hateboners for entire consoles. Console warriors don't belong here.

>> No.8882389

Is the point here that xbox is the best?

>> No.8882391

Indeed, the NinDreamcast was the best 32 bit ever.

>> No.8882694

Why is australia-kun so obsessed with Nintendo lol?

>> No.8883539

Yes, deal with it.