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8872087 No.8872087 [Reply] [Original]

What was the best id Tech 2 engine game

>> No.8872108

Haven't played Anachronox, Kingpin , or Soldier of fortune so I'm going with Sin

>> No.8872265

Kingpin > Q2 > Sin > Heretic 2 > Daikatana > SoF
Haven't played Anachronox either

>> No.8872284

what a shit taste, phew. Kingpin is one of the worst games I've ever played

>> No.8872307

Heretic 2 > SOF > Quake II > SIN >Anachronx > Daikatana > Kingpin

>> No.8872446

OP here:
>Quake 2 > Sin > Daikatana 1.3v > Kingpin > Soldier of Fortune >>> Vanilla Daikatana (unplayable)
Quake 2 simply has the best gameplay. I agree with people who say that it's an uninspired sequel, but who cares as long as it's well designed?
SiN was an early crossbreed between oldschool FPS and modern setpiece driven FPS, and in that regard I like it better than Half-Life. What I don't like is the game feel. Blade is kind of sluggish and the weapons lack punch. Great encounter and level design make up for it.
Daikatana is a janky mess, but it's crazy ambitious and memorable. Embrace the jank and shitty design, and you are in for a wild ride. The fan patch is necessary though, otherwise it's just unplayable.
Kingpin has excellent atmosphere, and the immersive sim approach in the first few levels is cool. After the first few levels though, it devolves into a rather bland and uninspired shooter.
Soldier of Fortune is a game that I'm not fond of at all. Once the novelty of the gore and sound design wore off, I felt zero motivation to keep playing.

Anachronox is my favorite game of them all, but I left it out because it's not an action game and it doesn't feel right to compare it. Never played Heretic II.

>> No.8873359 [DELETED] 


>> No.8873432

Quake 2 in my opinion. Even if it was supposed to be a tech demo, it's the only one that I found to take advatange of every nook and cranny id Tech 2 had to offer. That... and it's a great game.

Anachronox... I didn't get the appeal. Same with Kingpin. Those two didn't grab me at all.

Sin was a very good game, but that's all I can say about it. Nothing too remarkable and didn't leave a lasting impression.

Daikatana is virtually unplayable, and with the patch... slightly less so. It's a fucking drag. It has some great ideas, but it's pretty much "Poorly Executed Ideas: The Game".

Heretic II is a REALLY good game, but a piss poor sequel.

>> No.8873437

The one with the edge.

>> No.8873463

Best Q2 multiplayer level, I concur.

>> No.8873474

All the q2 dm maps are great actually. I can't think of a weak one off the top of my head probably cause I forgot it existed lmao but yeah the edge rules. My favorite is probably 7 though it's such a tight map with nowhere to run. 2 is probably my least fave but it's still fun definitely not bad.

>> No.8873487
File: 45 KB, 800x450, jerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOF last
>Below Diakatanta
..y..you didnt mean this anon..
did you?

>> No.8873496

>2 is probably my least fave
How come? Tokay's Towers was my favorite map after The Edge.

>> No.8873526

I still like it just not as much as the others. I prefer the more horizontal maps with small tight corridors like slimy place haha.

>> No.8873532

that's a (You) problem

>> No.8873768

One of the popular attacks against Daikatana is that it looked outdated by 2000. Well guess what, SoF is also from 2000 and it looks even worse. Empty rooms, disproportionate geometry, smaller and linear levels. Didn't expect such subpar design from Raven. The medium difficulty is way too easy, while the harder difficulties seem to have not been playtested properly (I finished it on Challenging). It aims at a serious and realistic setting, yet plays as a standard (and mostly unoriginal shooter) with very little use of tactics. Why even let the player select weapons for the mission if after the first minute or two he'll inadvertably switch to whatever the enemies on that level happen to carry?
I honestly don't see any redeeming qualities to place it higher, but you are free to give your insight. I remember enjoying the sequel much more.

>> No.8873914

Playing sin right now. Don't forget to press the action button on dead bodies to pick items up! ;-)

SoF is awesome, you'll like it, hopefully :)

>> No.8873919
File: 8 KB, 190x200, 58-mullins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr .Mullins wants to have a talk with you.

>> No.8874001

Why do people like Soldier of Fortune besides 'muh gore,' which all Quake 2 engine games had?
The mechanics aren't particularly good. The level design is lame. The difficulty is whack. The soundtrack is boring. The art direction is super brown and dull. What gives people?

>> No.8874028

you sound like a homosexual.

>> No.8874236

So what? Who cares? Also not relevant.

>> No.8874320

Yeah, and the most popular "attack" against Daikatana is how unstable the game is. I can't make it run for more than 5 minutes before it crashes for random reason. A buddy sent me a repacked version that worked a little bit better and allowed me to complete the first chapter... then it started crashing at every turn again. Even if I completely ignore the abysmal sidekick's AI, the engine is utterly unstable. How the fuck did they manage to fuck this up so badly? There's not a single other Q2 game that runs as bad as Daikatana.
I have a save game on Lemnos Isle (part 2), load, fight a skeleton, then the game crashes thirty seconds later. I tried this fucking game on three different rigs and I still don't know to which eldritch abomination I have to sell my soul to in order to make it work properly.

>> No.8874331

Did you try patch 1.3?

>> No.8874490

Yes. With the patch, it runs mostly without problem for a while, but as soon as it finds a reason to crash, it'll go back to desktop over and over again. Sometimes reloading and older save game works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometime starting a fresh game before reloading works, sometimes not. It's completely random.
I mean S.T.A.L.K.E.R received its fair share of criticism for its stability, but holy shit Daikatana is run-of-the-mill Quake-like, it has no business being so capricious.

>> No.8874538

It’s mostly soldier of fortune 2 bc raven perfected everything. Gore, story, multiplayer especially and had random mission generator.

Soldier of fortune 1 is a bit clunky but definitely does not represent the series nostalgia - sof2 was fucking god tier. Still has a decent bit of community - servers with bots and some real ppl. Bit of a bitch to get going but I have it running on mac, Linux and windows bc I wanna be able to

>> No.8874612

The game never crashed on me, but I had a lot of bugs and glitches even with the fan patch.