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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 333 KB, 818x716, Hissatsu Pachinko Collection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8871913 No.8871913 [Reply] [Original]

>this girl was considered sexy in 1994

>> No.8871914
File: 75 KB, 380x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still is, zoomer.

>> No.8871925

And still is in 2022. Please enjoy this youtube video.

>> No.8871931

OP, we know you're a faggot, you don't need to keep making threads about it

>> No.8871959

She's also considered sexy from the years 1995 to 2022

>> No.8871968

>bug eyes
>obviously fake tits
>as thin as a paper

Our standards sure has improved.

>> No.8871973

Anon, that's a cartoon character.

>> No.8871981 [DELETED] 

yeah man, the nigger ape women and ham beast landwhales in modern western games are the peak of human aesthetics

>> No.8872023
File: 53 KB, 375x1200, DPKEraQUEAAFWyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you anon

>> No.8872032

>>obviously fake tits
>a video game character
no shit

>> No.8872035

okay i thought she was pretty good but what the fuck are those feet?

>> No.8872126
File: 1.10 MB, 160x260, dance-dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She and the other girls from those games will never not be sexy.

>> No.8872131 [DELETED] 

He's probably one of those mongrels from the mk sonya thread

>> No.8872212

I miss big hair like that

>> No.8872217

It's a one piece suit with outer soles to walk on.

>> No.8872224

She's got some funky fresh moves

>> No.8872226


>> No.8872232

How do I become a sexy girl bros?

>> No.8872246
File: 106 KB, 720x405, aac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872283

this fpbp, op eternally btfo

>> No.8872286

You go to the gym and get jacked and stop looking at porn.

>> No.8872517
File: 797 KB, 480x432, Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime girls just looked better in the 80s and 90s

>> No.8872527

First of all, you need to be born as girl.

>> No.8872546

fat fags should get a rope, and get fit!

>> No.8872548
File: 171 KB, 688x954, DirtyPair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True facts right here. Although Dirty Pair Flash in the 90s was a downgrade in more ways than one.

>> No.8872550

no not that, the shape of it
looks like bent french bread

>> No.8872553

Lovely... Angels

>> No.8872562

titfags are the most dumbest fuckers around

>> No.8872573
File: 230 KB, 680x680, boobsassfeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872580

I have no idea what you're seeing.

>> No.8872582

This user is not white

>> No.8872606

Your mom was considered sexy in 1994.

>> No.8872721

Que pedazo de puto de mierda que sos loco.

>> No.8872770

We're all Brazilian bro

>> No.8872820

Go back to street harassment, Magilla.

>> No.8872835

He's got a point, arg anon

>> No.8872838


>> No.8872870
File: 109 KB, 1030x828, 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is Remi btw, for your interest

>> No.8872886
File: 67 KB, 70x129, adancer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872926
File: 6 KB, 63x92, 0EB16CBC-747C-4CE4-B577-CE4ED37A9028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872937

lol based

>> No.8872943

She was.

>> No.8872970
File: 855 KB, 620x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alright but pretty much any Fighting game girl worth their salt completely mogs her. Though that's pretty much true for vidya girls in every genre thats not maybe RPGs.

>> No.8873125

You can come out of the closet, now, OP.

>> No.8873340


>> No.8873343

We were all sexier in 1994. Time is cruel.

>> No.8873347

You literally are a faggot. Street Fighter bitches are masculine and ugly.
Samsho and KoF Chicks are much better than that pozzed shit.

>> No.8873351
File: 13 KB, 256x224, 2872916-hissatsu pachinko collection 3 (j)_00005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can 3DPD ever compete?

>> No.8873364

Girls like this exists though. In high school, there was a hot girl with a small body frame and huge fucking tits. I feel bad for people who are not exposed to a large diversity of people.

>> No.8873382

> a hot girl with a small body frame and huge fucking tits.

She's probably dead by now because of spine problems

>> No.8873431

Pretty based channel

>> No.8873546

boobs too big

>> No.8873814

>Samsho and KoF Chicks
>pretty much any Fighting game girl
not even going to attempt to argue with your horrible opinion just gonna say learn to read and be done with it.

>> No.8873826

Otro maricon, andate a cagar gato.

>> No.8873831

It is genuinely one of my favorite YouTube channels that I've found in recent memory.

>> No.8874323

Based Channel

>> No.8874340

English or get out

>> No.8874513

But I was 7 in 1994...

>> No.8874532

I'd imagine by being tangible

>> No.8874562

Yeah, and?

>> No.8874563


>> No.8874642

Is there an English translation for these

>> No.8874648


overrated once you get past the novelty

t. sex haver

>> No.8874950

Do fake tits bounce so fluidly like that?

>> No.8875124
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, flash 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit talking Kimura.
I know we all got preferences, and I won't argue which is better as I stand both are great, but you're just talking plain faggotry.

>> No.8875134

>ow my spine

>> No.8875137

One of the best channels on that site. Straight to the point, informative and isn't afraid to show the goods.

>> No.8875171
File: 10 KB, 205x372, 1651548663936~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks more like french bread on the side
and yes i know she's bending her foot
but it's just an odd shape

>> No.8875204

Chupame la pija, máquina.

>> No.8875698


>> No.8875706

Chun Li, Cammy, Sakura, Morrigan and the like are ugly and masculine western pandering-bullshit compared to based Mai, Nakoruru, Rimururu, Shiki, Iroha, B. Jenet etc.
Get better taste

>> No.8875712

>This is what amerimutt retards think

>> No.8875758
File: 38 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly very good. Even aside from all of the fanservice videos, they have some really good uploads of some interesting arcade game VHS tapes.

>> No.8875949
File: 193 KB, 145x170, chun on now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesnt even list best girls Leona Angel and Shermie
I am failing to see where in my original post I said I dont like SNK girls lol. Its not even like I pointed to a specific fighting game either I literally said all of them

>> No.8875956

Why have you circled half the background? I don't know what your perception of anatomy is.

>> No.8875984

This is a coom thread.

>> No.8875990
File: 841 KB, 768x768, 1650916078626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Problem?

>> No.8875993

Does anyone know what game this is? It's amazing how much shape there is for such low res. True art.

>> No.8876002

Women with these tits (and natural) still exist on real life and men like them. So yeah, she is sexy

>> No.8876003

Lol no. I confused myself over which thread was which and someone in another thread was complaining about coomers.

>> No.8876005

Checks out, felt it move for a sec there.

>> No.8876006

Sos un capo, boludo. Aguanten las tetazas esas, anyone who fucked a busty woman know they are great

>> No.8876016

I lost my virginity to a prostitute while I was in Mexico, once. The experience would have been completely boring if she didn't have large tits. Would've been even better if they weren't fake.

>> No.8876061

After two decades of Internet coom pushback is now necessary, in fact I'd welcome stronger measures.

>> No.8876104

>they have some really good uploads of some interesting arcade game VHS tapes.
But that's a Beta tape.

>> No.8876112

That one is, but most of them are VHS. There's also a DVD on there if you wanna get really pedantic. I had admittedly only watched the videos on that playlist that were on VHS.

>> No.8876272

And we're done here.

>> No.8876517

Oh my god what a channel. What is it that makes pixel art so fucking SEX SEX SEX?!

>> No.8876532

>large diversity of people.

It’s actually pretty terrible

>> No.8876612

Too soon

>> No.8876802
File: 41 KB, 651x513, Screenshot from 2022-05-05 05-56-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means "put in your Arcade Card"


>> No.8876840

Thank you so much!