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File: 90 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8870515 No.8870515 [Reply] [Original]

How come this game's reception suddenly 180'd in the following years? It feels like once the mid 2010s went along it has become almost a sin to enjoy any element of it.

>> No.8870534

I think because completionism and "respecting your time" is a lot more valued these days than it was when DK64 came out when gamers valued length more and didn't necessarily expect to 100% complete all of their games. DK64 really is an exercise in tedium if you want to 100% it in a reasonable timeframe before you can move on to whatever's next in your backlog and you only have limited time to play games on an adult schedule. If you're a kid in 1999 and you've got all the time in the world and nothing else to play until the next time Christmas or your birthday rolls around you appreciate DK64 giving you something to sink a couple hours into every day just exploring the world

>> No.8870552

That's a very reasonable explanation. Thought it was smaller nitpicks like the games glitchy mechanics (beaver hole minigame) or lack of identify in the DK franchise.
Some elements like the character movement and animations still feel fairly nice for N64 however

>> No.8870593

Because it's a bullshit boring game. Why is this a difficult mental challenge?

>> No.8870626

Honestly, I think completionism is an illness. the game is there to entertain you, Play as much as you want and stop. it's fine.

>> No.8870693

Only a small vocal minority of people hate DK64, check and user scores of it

>> No.8870715

Completionism ruined a whole generation of gamers

>> No.8870720

I hated it when I first played it in 2003 on a hotel N64.

>> No.8870741

Never owned it myself but I played at a friend's house. We thought it was decent, not must buy. I don't remember anyone completely hating it in my group of friends though. We played the multiplayer together occasionally and had a pretty good time.

>> No.8870763

Too much setup for too little in return.
Donkey Kong Country you just dive into and it's instant high quality fun from beginning to end.
DK64 you have a meandering 5 kong scavenger hunt.

>> No.8870841
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>I personally don’t like to 100% games, therefore everyone that does has a problem!
Are you trolling? Why do you actually give a fuck if people like to 100% games? Are you implying people didn’t try to collect all of the hearts in the original Zelda, and that it’s a new phenomenon that effected only a specific generation of gamers? Why are there so many whiny faggots in /vr/ lately?

>> No.8870867

1. internet "angry reviewing" zeitgeist taking over in the 2000s
2. seemingly oversaturation of 3D platformers (not true by the way, but at some point people felt like it was the new template. The new template ended up being sandbox shit like gta)
3. the coining of the ironic pejorative term "collectathon", which is a product of both the wrongly assumed oversaturation of 3D platformers, and angry/jaded cynism of 2000s internet hivemind.
DK64 was always a good game and everything else is cope. Also nobody is requiring you to finish the game in 24 hours, take your time. Everybody knows that going back to old levels you haven't visited with a new kong you rescued is top comf.

>> No.8870870

I never minded the collectathon, but I felt like it kind of devolves into endless minigames in the last few levels. First half of the game seemed well designed, but then I think they ran out of mechanics and just had you jump into barrels for minigames instead of interact with the levels.

>> No.8870914

It was always viewed as a 7/10 game but was appreciated in the sound and visuals department.

>> No.8870945

If you're playing the game beyond the point that you're having fun with it, why are you doing that?

>> No.8870974

Again, why are you implying that the people who do it aren’t having fun? Because YOU don't think it’s fun? No offense, but I bet you’re also one of those people that can’t comprehend why others speedrun games. It’s really simple: some people will love one particular game so much that even though they have beaten it they still want to play it. And rather than simply start over and go through the main stuff over and over again they impose additional challenges, wether it be 100% completion (something the devs actually put in the game for players that want more out of it) or other stuff such as a time limit or no death/damage completion, among other things.

>> No.8870975

People got tired of 3D platformers because it was the go-to genre for low effort shovelware for a while. I remember looking at games like Madagascar for the Gamecube, and thinking "this feels tired now". The number of actual standout 3D platformers that are good has never been that high. Probably peaked on the PS2 when you had three Jak games, and Three Ratchet games, and Sly Cooper, and the last dregs of Crash and Spyro, and the kind of Shovelware games that people actually liked, like Spongebob. Still, compared to third person shooters on PS2, probably not that big of a number.

>> No.8870978

Because if trying to get all of the stuff in the game is ruining it for you, you should stop.

>> No.8870986

idk idc
still love it
still fun
still hard *sob*

>> No.8871214

Ok, and? Who is claiming that it’s ruining the game for them?

>> No.8871746

>completionism and "respecting your time"
I wish I had time for all this bullshit. Never had an N64 growing up, only played it once at a friends house for like 30 minutes.

>> No.8871885

I don't know what your experience was but with my group of friends it was that phenomenon where it's bad but you have never experienced a bad game before, let alone from your trusted house so you can't really form the concept, you don't have the mental framework to understand that it's not fun, so you just put aside the question of how you regard the game, but when it happens to come to "you want to play that?" you simply feel, "nah".

>> No.8871896

I thought it sucked when it came out.

>> No.8871915

this game was never considered good. I love all 3 DKC games, have beaten them literally over a hundred times and I think DK64 is fucking awful.

>> No.8871920

>this game was never considered good.
ok zoomer

>> No.8871923

>why do people hate it recently?
Tell me you're a zoomer without saying you're a zoomer.

I can remember GameFAQs discussions from 2006/2007 where people stated they didn't like it and the reasoning was the same things people complain about today.

>> No.8871927
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>the game forcing you to backtrack to the same area over and over again is "comfy"
>the game wasting your time with boring busywork is "comfy"

>> No.8871935

If the basis of the argument against the game is that there's too much stuff to collect, collect less.

>> No.8872058

People went back and replayed it.

>> No.8872124

I don't think you know what "cope" means. There's dozens of 3D platformers out there that are more worth your time than DK64. It just doesn't hold up as well as Banjo, Mario 64, Spyro, Crash... tons of other shit you could be playing. Your nostalgia of getting it for christmas and playing it as a little kid doesn't make it good, and "angry" reviewing isn't some conspiracy to kill your nostalgia. AVGN didn't even make a video for this game.

100% nailed it, literally every movie shovelware game was a shitty 3D platformer.

>> No.8872609

This post summed it up pretty well.
Adults feel the need to complete every game they play to 100%, and if they can't do that in a few hours it's deemed a shit game that's either too slow or overly padded. DK64 is accused of both, and the slow movement speed and framerate, massive worlds, constant encouragement to backtrack, and the multiple playable characters only fueled this argument.
Adults have to spend over 60% of their waking time working just to make ends meet, whether that's through employment, housework, family matters, taxes and bills, among many other things. Guess who's writing all the negative comments about DK64 being a slog of a collectathon. Adults. The majority of kids don't have issues with the majority of the game's flaws or quirks, and many adults will brush it off on them "not knowing any better". The result is what we see today: endless slander towards a game that doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

>> No.8872808

The game wants you to collect as many gold bananas as possible, but most of them are not fun to collect.

>> No.8873051

>I think because completionism and "respecting your time" is a lot more valued these days
no, it's not. it's because toddlers that grew up with the game are trying to convince the rest of us that were around when this dog shit released dropped is great, despite being an embarrassing mess.

>DK64 was always a good game and everything else is cope
it was never good, and the only thing anyone remembers about it is how it has the worst music in the history of video games. there's a reason why nobody sees this game in the public conscious: it's because it failed.

>> No.8873078

I was stuck at the arcade minigames. I liked how each Kong had their niche but the newer ones instead of bringing back past ones bothered me.

>> No.8873097

>there's a reason why nobody sees this game in the public conscious: it's because it failed.
>Over 5 million copies sold
>7th best selling N64 game ever
The only failure in this thread is you faggot

>> No.8873204

Why do adults have more of a completionist streak than kids? Aren't adults supposed to become more dispassionate with age?

>> No.8873897

Probably higher level of focus, time management (dedicating time to do this and only this), etc.

>> No.8873923

Say what you will about the gameplay, but the music was perfect. The DK rap is a masterpiece of intentional camp.

>> No.8873926

found the completionist

have sex

>> No.8873928

DK64 multiplayer was pretty fun

the monkey rap was cool too

>> No.8873939

>Adults feel the need to complete every game they play to 100%,
(citation needed)

Most adults aren't even completing their jobs to 100%

>> No.8873947

If you go back and read the old reviews, a lot of the things that people criticize the game for these days were also criticized back then. They still gave the game high ratings though, probably because Nintendo paid them off.
I think hate for DK64 is part of a wider backlash against Nintendrones. During the late 2000s and early 2010s, a lot of critics were Nintendrones who grew up in the N64 era, so they had nostalgia for these games and overrated them. I remember people would always say how great the N64 library was back then, and when I checked it out it only had like 10 exclusive games worth playing.

>> No.8873950

Why the fuck do you keep making threads whining about people not liking DK64? You're becoming as annoying as the Zelda 2 autists who do nothing but seethe that people didn't want a shitty Castlevania game

>> No.8873954

You're a retard. It's because people in general weren't as stupidly overcritical in those days. A few flaws, even a couple of serious ones, wasn't enough to ruin a game to most people.
Meanwhile these days people seethe if every game released isn't a genre changing 10/10

>> No.8873967

I dare say it really isn't an amazing game not bad, but certainly not as good as Banjo-Kazooie. It has its faults and it's a bit tedious at times. It wouldn't have held up as well on its own merits like BK, instead it lived partly from the branding. That said, it's still a solid and entertaining game. I guess since it was a very popular game people have started nitpicking it to shreds, overblowing the bad bits and disregarding the good parts, simple as.

>> No.8873972


The music was too similar to Banjo-Kazooie for my liking. Such a let-down compared to the SNES trilogy's music.

>> No.8873982

>Adults feel the need to complete every game they play to 100%
Considering how the "beat the game" achievement for most games on steam is rarely gotten I'm going to say no most adults don't care to 100% a game at all. They just play until they're bored and move on to the next one

>> No.8873993

chore simulator

>> No.8873995


>> No.8874018
File: 17 KB, 200x198, F14EE407-4530-49DA-8B91-33FD9F16B263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sex

>> No.8874035

This is sort of it. Kids back then liked a game they could pop in now and again, fool around in the game, maybe make some progress, and do it for months or even years. Kids savored games. Now adults just want to beat a game to move on to the next one to consume, and DK64 isn't conducive to that.

>> No.8874117


>> No.8874124

I think the game's content makes it good. It has one (arguable) design flaw, and apart from that it's filled with personality and fun things to do. It has by far the best boss fights of all of Rare's platformers on the console. The worlds are big and mysterious and evoke more of a Zelda kind of feeling than the compact little playgrounds in Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.8874130

What is it that you’re referring to?

>> No.8874132

No, that's how we experienced these games, and that's what they were designed for. You'd whittle away at it for a few hours a night, and maybe achieve a few goals. You weren't blasting through these games in a week. I'm not sure if I ever even beat DK64.

>> No.8874145

in a time before wide available internet access and without any guides, i remember it took me well over a year to 102% the game. But i didn't like it very much. I wasn't really having fun exploring and collecting the bananas like i had fun in mario 64 or banjo kazooie.

>> No.8874163

>Most adults aren't even completing their jobs to 100%
Because their mind is wandering towards that game they have to get home and finish.
Also, most "adults" aren't real adults.

>> No.8874305

He's right. When you were a kid you played games for months at a time because you weren't getting new games every other week. OoT, Mario and Banjo all took me months for me and my friends to beat and that was okay because it just meant we could pop it in, play it for an hour or so and then do something else.

>> No.8874374 [SPOILER] 
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one, we've always been around. all of my friends who i met post-2000 all independently came to the conclusion that dk64 either blows or is at least subpar compared to what rare had been doing with the franchise. people in early 4chan disliked it. i admit that we are a relative minority but we're certainly not recent adopters nor few

two, critical reappraisal is a thing. despite what /v/ and adjacent boards might lead you to believe, youtubers aren't fucking hypnotoad and people can sour on things on their own over time. you can buy into the hype on something or be starved for content, think something is good in the moment, and then realize you didn't value that time spent later on. i actually worry about people who never experience this.

>> No.8874390

My impression of DK64 is that it's a quality game, but I remember being overwhelmed, not about the collectibles, but by the world map. I got lost a lot when I got the game and dropped it because of that. Years later I played it again and actually completed it. I had a fun ride, I do remember sometimes it felt like certain things took too long to complete, but then again nobody was hurrying me. I took my time and just played at my own pace.
I remember good 3D level design, a variety of moves and abilities, neat atmosphere and music, arcade DK kino, and really fun boss fights, especially King K. Rool. One of the most creative boss fights I remember.

>> No.8874403

Why can't you just discuss things without insisting that there's some kind of conspiracy against you?

>> No.8874407

Yeah god forbid a game have high-quality content that is fully worth experiencing.

>> No.8874449

which isn't the case with dk64, but yes, i agree

>> No.8874504

The point of these games was giving the player the freedom to pick their own path through the content.