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8866540 No.8866540 [Reply] [Original]

Mister thread
Discuss hardware and current/upcoming cores

>> No.8866593

Taito F3 when

>> No.8867007

Has anyone tried the Saturn core? I connected dual ram, it booted into the bios, but when I tried loading a few games, they took about 15 minutes to load and then I just got a black screen. That sounds like something’s wrong, right?

>> No.8868348

I think the code that he released is barely even alpha status
I'm just praying it doesn't need 2 ram modules so I can use it with analog output.

>> No.8868921

Is this in stock anywhere with US shipping? I'm having a hard time finding one

>> No.8869194

You're pretty much stuck with getting a kit on aliexpress if you want one before June

>> No.8869206

Ended up repairing the micro usb port on my de-10. Was lucky that when it originally came loose it didn't rip any pads with it. Just a reminder to people with those usb hub dongles that even slight flexing will cause the micro usb port on the board to come loose because it's a shit connector that wasn't intended to be used to with cables or anything that isn't a rigid connection.

>> No.8869213

That's what you get for cheaping out on getting a proper IO board and case

>> No.8869238

>That's what you get for cheaping out on getting a proper IO board and case
Can you read? Having some acrylic piece of shit case is not going to do anything to change the fact that it's a shit connector that wasn't even designed to handle many cable insertions or even have basic durability. There's a reason it's reviled and that we've moved on from it. I also bought my de10 nano and ram in Feb 2020 and had to delay buying a USB board because they went periodically out of stock for most of the year and 2021 because of you know what. Was going to buy my USB board from Zero Himself but he couldn't get stock and then shut down his store. It was only until late last year / this year that the chinks have flooded places like ebay with usb boards. Has nothing to do with cheaping out. Having the USB and rigid bracket now doesn't change the fact that the connector is a liability for any kind of cable, which is what it was designed to handle.

>> No.8869582

Which is why you've been told repeatedly to get the USB board and offload all the physical stress to a 25$ item instead of a 175$ item. Fucking retard. And no they did not go out of stock, you cheaped out.

>> No.8869598

>Fucking retard. And no they did not go out of stock, you cheaped out.
lmao. Don't you fucking deny that sellers have had stock issues inside the U.S. Especially during the parts shortages periods of the last two fucking years. s I've explained, now it's not a problem because chinks have flooded the market with them on international reaching sites (ebay, aliexpress, etc.). Before that, you had to wait for US sellers to have stock, and then you would have to pay already inflated USPS prices on top of currency conversion. Second of all, USB boards have never been 25 bucks. Third of all, you assume that everyone lives in the dystopian shithole that is America.

Of course all of this wouldn't be a problem if the connector that was designed solely for the purpose of having cables plugged in and out of it was actually durable and designed well enough to take cables. Suck my nuts and take a lap.

>> No.8869873

>Third of all, you assume that everyone lives in the dystopian shithole that is America.
Euros on this board are getting really fucking annoying.
No one gives a shit that you can't buy anything, stuck to emulators and stop bitching about it.

>> No.8869879

Mike Matei owns one.

>> No.8870470

Its not actually his, James bought it

>> No.8870821
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I hope we can eventually use USB CD drives with the CD based cores.
Would be amazing to use my physical PS1 and Sega CD collection on the mister

>> No.8871705

Microusb really isn't THAT bad, just being a gorilla and also dont angle cables in a way that put tension on it

>> No.8871725
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Is this thing even good? I just have a Raspberry Pi4 and it seems to do basically the same things

>> No.8871734

No, everything that has cores emulates well enough that you won't notice issues.
Mister would be impressive if had fully functional N64, PSX and Saturn cores.
As it is too if you look at githubs you'll see open issues which means it's literally no better than emulation.

>> No.8871751
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If you want to play games at their original refresh rate and very low latency and accurate sound then yes.
The mister is the only solution that gives you a comparable experience for many consoles and arcade boards.
Take GBA. If you want a 1:1 real hardware experience you can choose between a GBplayer and mister.
Setting up a GameCube plus a decent controller, cables, and a gameboy player will run you the same price as a mister when you add in taxes and shipping.
It's meant to compete with real hardware, not emulation.

>> No.8871752

PS1 and Saturn cores are in active development.
Post some issues.

>> No.8872150

Can I get a quick rundown on the iPad monitor thing from the previous thread?
Is it genuinely low latency?

>> No.8872204

Retrobobfatman has a whole video on it

>> No.8872364

The PS1 core is meant to have a full release this month, should be cool.

>> No.8872834

Thanks. Seems legit. Might grab myself one. Although,
Sounds like an unused Death Stranding character.

>> No.8873021

Is it proven to be 1:1 with original hardware?

>> No.8873043

It's definitely not 1:1, especially if you're using single slot RAM which leads to some probably imperceptible audio delay in certain circumstances. I'm not saying it's bad, in fact I think the core is super impressive, just that 1:1 is a very, very specific and bold claim

>> No.8873201

Isnt the whole point of mister to be an exact 1:1 implementation of the hardware in fpga?

>> No.8873283

Almost every core is gonna be optimized for single ram if possible. The only one that currently might not be possible for single ram is 3DO.

If you want a full kit, yeah, good luck. Otherwise, start from scratch with a bare DE-10 Nano and work your way up.

Would you be concerned with the bandwidth of USB 2.0?

The only issue I've had with console cores is SMS displaying at a really wide aspect ratio and Micro Machines on Genesis not rendering properly over the Antonio Villena composite adapter.

>> No.8873298

de-10 nanos are in stock on terasic's website. That's where I got mine. The other parts needed can be gotten from misteraddons

>> No.8873307

What I tell people is that if they are perfectly fine with the way Raspberry Pi performs then there is no reason to seek out other options. But if they really do want to explore stuff like MiSTer, it's best to find someone in their area who will let them demo the unit out to get a first hand impression. There are several videos and articles about people's experiences with the MiSTer, but there is a clear distinction between what each of these people are looking for that dictates what they will point out in their videos or articles.

>> No.8873335

I think it deserves the benefit of the doubt that given that it's just about over half a decade old, it's made a ton of progress. It definitely has the potential to be 1:1 and more, but progress slows down when schematics are not fully available. Will FPGA emulators experience the same stagnation that software emulators are currently experiencing? Most certainly, but both options win when the other figures something out. The advantages of the FPGA approach is that the developers have discovered bugs that would have never been found on a software emulator. Now people can have peace of mind when choosing which emulator they wanna go for because of discoveries like this. You have to remember that MiSTer FPGA is an open source project and not a commercial product like the Analogue consoles.

>> No.8873792

Just get a full kit from aliexpress
I ordered mine during that sale that just ended for $470 with the aluminum case and noctua fan
It ends up costing about the same anyway and you don't have to wait for chink shipping on a dozen different parts.

>> No.8873864

Oh I remember you from last thread. Glad you got it sorted out.

>> No.8873909

Is the mister proven to be 100% hardware accurate for SNES and Sega CD?
I know the genesis core was recently proven to be "perfect" down to the Yamaha chips

>> No.8874014

Regarding the former, not really, if I recall it combines elements of the 2chip and 1chip silicon designs and eliminates issues like the white stripe.
Games will feel the same and in blind testing speedrunners can't tell, plus it works with light guns if you have a CRT so it depends how you much you valorise actually playing games vs jerking off over them.

>> No.8874737

So it's even better than actual hardware?

>> No.8874841
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not over composite or s-video
if you want to play over AV without overscan/underscan issues
original hardware+flashcart

inb4 shills:
genesis cores (32x, cd, and original) all have issues over compisite even with the "simulated composite blend" enabled

nes snes and tg16 all had a black bar at the top of the screen

not the end of the world, just saying- many of the cores are just emulator ports not 1:1 hardware repoduction, better than the pi3(4) or pc but only a shill/fool would say FPGA is "better" than actual hardware in all cases/scenarios

mister is worth it for cps1(2) and neogeo alone so make of this shitpost what you will

>> No.8874871

Why would I ever want to use composhit

>> No.8875374


>> No.8875474

why would i ever want to output the same 240p signal the rest of my actual hardware outputs?!

>> No.8875476

do you seriously play pokemon games blown up past 70" like that? its absurdly/comically large, might as well get a theater projector and play on the side of a building

>> No.8875517
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Apart from on Mega Drive, most consoles look nice and blended on composite

>> No.8875715

Your entire setup is in composite?
Give me a nice sharp signal or else I'm switching to HDMI

>> No.8875760

meh, I use a Pi4 on my CRT and notice no lag

>> No.8875953
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Do stores even carry these in the US or is online my only option. I just want to play PS2 godddammit.

>> No.8876064

Just because you "don't notice" doesn't mean it's not there. Audio latency is unavoidable in emulation for example. Every person is suceptible to these things diffetently and if you're happy with your setup there's no need to change anything however.

>> No.8876118

I use native hardware
I use a pi4 for arcade only

>> No.8876130

Forgot to add, If you are getting audio latency on an analogue signal, you are doing something wrong

>> No.8876240

I don't think any MiSTer tard has ever claimed FPGA is better than actual hardware. Closest I've heard is that it's more convenient and worth replacing real hardware with; whether this means putting away your setups for MiSTer or selling everything.

>> No.8876257

Mister is just emulation on a different level. It's a waste of time and money and it's fucking elitist bullshit that gets pushed onto idiots as a huge scam.
At least modern emulation has tons of ways to basically remove all latency. I love how people think standard emulation is basically the same as it was back when fucking ZSNES was the pinnacle of emulation and think they need their scam hardware thinking it's any different than actual emulation.
You all got scammed, kids.

>> No.8876280
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Anyone interested in composite output, there is a breakout board that aims to output native analog signal. This is literally what I've been waiting for to happen. I really dislike how many people make the bold claim that something isn't possible on MiSTer and now we have the elusive 32x core and native composite output. I would not be surprised if people make these claims while they work on this stuff in secret so they can claim the patreon income.

I really think it's time for people to stop being this salty about the MiSTer. It really is one of those things where if you can afford it, good for you. If not, at least anything the MiSTer developers figure out then software emulator programmers can work it into their projects for the rest to enjoy.

>> No.8876712

Get an OSSC or build a gbsc, you don't want your TV/monitor to deinterlace

>> No.8876723

>Mister is just emulation on a different level.
But that's wrong you gay retard.
Just get a job or day trade some shitcoins or stocks. $500 is not a lot of money and it's more than worth every penny.

>> No.8877343

Why is any criticism met with (you just can’t afford it)
Is this the first thing you’ve ever spent money on or something?

>> No.8877449

When you argue in bad faith expect it in kind.

There are price breakpoints where certain features become available. This is true of basically any kind of consumer product and it's up to the individual to determine whether those features are worth the extra money.
You are in a thread about the MiSTer, an open source software project based around an FPGA development board that is sold at a significant loss by Intel, on the basis of its use as a learning tool. The features offered by the MiSTer have fostered a community, and the boards are often sold our, so a fair number of people objectively do care about the platform and value the features enough to shell out for them.
Which is precisely why you should fuck off if you're too poor or don't care about the features. This particular thread is clearly not for you, so stop shitting it up and go make your own raspberry pi thread or hardware purist thread.

>> No.8877960

Sir, this is an open board
If you don’t want any comparisons or criticism then go to another site

>> No.8878184

It's probably best if you go shit up a different thread. Clearly, the talk of price stings enough that you only seem to choose that topic to point out instead of the other things said.

>> No.8878279

Because the SINGLE downside of the mister is the relatively high cost of entry

>> No.8878309

You don't know how emulation works.

>> No.8878312

cope poorfag. Emulation is trash.

>> No.8878313

Your writing skills are impressive.

>> No.8878451

Haven't had time to touch mine in about 2 months. Nice to see a lot of progress
>adaptive scanlines has been integrated into the stable releases of many of the cores.
>I tested a few PS1 games and that seems really close to a public stable build
>the 32X core also seems good, was surprised that I didn't have to get it from the discord channel. knuckles chaotix is as bad as I remember.
>esp rade works, I can't wait for more cave shmups. apparently guwange is in the pipeline.
Other than more arcade games I'm not even sure there's more that I can even ask of this thing. Maybe adaptive scanlines in the cores that don't support it yet.

>> No.8878521

>relatively high cost of entry
And then you compare it to the cost of entry for NeoGeo, which the MiSTer fully supports, and it annihilates that argument too.

>> No.8878527

It’s not native hardware though

>> No.8878528
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>Pierco started working on the Game and watch core again
so hopefully that gets finished this time.
>Jotego still working on Neo Geo Pocket
Not sure if that includes NGPC
>Mister-X is apparently doing well and might potentially release another classic arcade core at any point in time
>186/286 core being worked on
>Furrtek decapping TMNT for Konami core
Someone was doing Aliens as well I think it's all connected
>Apple IIG core
The biggest remaining missing pieces on MiSTer is Laserdisc cores, 3DO core, Phillips CD-i, Casio Loopy. Also Neo Geo CD, Amiga CD32 full CD support, combining 32X with Sega CD core.. Tiger Electronics games, other LCD games, Some Japanese consoles like FM Towns, Game.com, Palm Pilot.. all are possible projects.

>> No.8879741
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I highly doubt we will get Laserdisc cores unless someone figured out how to archive the information from them. Would be cool to play the exclusive games that came out for this though.

>> No.8879776

It's not hard to dump game data as you have two perfectly documented devices with a BIOS interface that already lets you load stuff from (laser)disc, it's not too difficult to poke and prod the BIOS to figure out the extra commands on a LA PAC, the problem is basically how to dump the analog video, but that's not trivial and combine it with less than a dozen people all on that game preservation autism, it will take forever until a dumping method is agreed upon.

>> No.8880309

You could make the cores not actually use laserdiscs and just use compressed video of some sort like mpeg or mkv.

>> No.8881686

If they made a virtual boy core, hypothetically, could you use some means like red/blue color filtering to create a 3D effect? Or even over SNAC to a repro/modern headset?

>> No.8881983
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have you never played the real thing?
the "3D effect lol" is literally mirrors oscillating and red LED arrays fired/bounced off of them at a specific frequency - each eye is slightly offset and each eye is a different "screen" and image

the idea that you can just put on 3D glasses or oculus rift and have a comparible experience is a farce

the virtual boy is one of the rare cases against emulationfags

>> No.8881993

there is no "high cost guise!"

market activity due to scarcity/war/chip shortage (war of attrition) has NOTHING to do with the value of the item,
the price will fluctuate, the value is the same.

price and value are not the same
the de-10 price is under $200
not being able to find one personally doesnt magically change the MSRP

>> No.8881994

Eh, it could've worked fine on 3DS

>> No.8882006

My point of it not being native hardware, like for most cases, has nothing to do with performance
Some people just want native hardware

>> No.8882040

not quite the same but it does seem like nintendo squandered the opportunity
but thats their thing since the wii era - "not what anyone expected teehee"
it was sad times during the early 3ds launch as well, bad sales shit games no hope on the horizon & some of the worst pokemon games ever made (oras)

native hardware will always be the best choice for any system, how close emulation comes to bridging the gap varies wildy depending on the system

for neogeo id say choose a mister or mvsx +hylo / you wont get the entire library but 160+ run decently

>> No.8882046

another alternative if you dont mind the fire-hazard jank setup, is the supergun route: rgb output decent controller support (genesis, snes, neogeo, and saturn) actual carts are expensive but the 161-in-1 seems to have the voltage issue fixed and runs most of titles perfectly

your milage may vary though, im not highly experienced with neogeo as a mere mortal & can only rely on memory from the arcades (spinmaster, puzzle bobble, metal slug series, etc)

>> No.8882047
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saying the high cost doesnt exist doesnt make it so anon

>> No.8882051

im not saying the market doesnt fluctuate (that is normal) - im saying for supply and demand to plateau/retrace to reasonable levels people need to NOT support resellers like tards

if you want the price near 200 wait until its near 200

>> No.8882098

I do hope someone makes an emulator that can use it effectively on the 3DS
Mainly because 3D without any extra tools is appealing and it’s also pretty much native resolution

>> No.8882106

im more of a hardware guy myself
i did get to master the "create your own 3d images" and view them on the 3ds

i dont know enough about coding to port existing emulation software to 3ds, and the idea of porting a dead system to another "dead" system is not exactly the most lucrative proposition in the world kek

>> No.8882109

>you want the price near X wait until its near X

so wait forever then?

>> No.8882125
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>the virtual boy is one of the rare cases against emulationfags
Oftentimes the original experience is just worse.
Like playing a classic GB game on the old brick-shaped DMG with its awful teensy non-backlit moss-green screen that turns all the graphics into a skidmark.

Any console that can pull double-duty as a torture-device by being tailor-designed to induce migraine falls in the same category. The instant we have a suitable replacement and can preserve the small library of software worth playing, the VB should be consigned to the annals of history. Maybe keep it around as a museum piece so we can show what horrible things parents in the 90s would buy for their children.

>> No.8882148

As am I, but I think getting a virtual boy to play it is a bit eh
Don’t forget people are still releasing homebrew on Vita

>> No.8882526
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Testing some filters, I like the combo between Hires Gaussian Sharp 5 + Adaptative scanlines (80.100), what are you guys using ?

>> No.8883105

a crt
that filter looks like shit

>> No.8883201

Ok but what about the game information for these exclusives? might as well watch a video on youtube and call that emulating lmao

>> No.8883594

I'm not trying to recreate CRT feel anon, shadow mask are better for that, I want a picture as crisp as possible while making it a bit more smooth, less aggressive for the eyes than just barebones raw pixels. And of course no way I will use a full flat smooth filter.

Not using any filter kinda works for some games, but it's not always the case, at least for Lion King on snes it's more pleasing with a little touch to smooth a bit.

By the way... speaking of this game, you know there is a Disney Collection available on many current platforms right ?

I tried the Switch version of Lion King, the input lag was just horrible, missed many jumps and attack, on MISTer everything feel so more snappy and responsive, it's literally night and day.

>> No.8884169

Haven't used them to date, but I pulled the trigger on one of those ipad monitors so I'm interested in finally starting to play around with the filter options. Might run it next to my CRT via analogue out and see how close it can really get.