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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8866047 No.8866047 [Reply] [Original]

You can only play games from one of these series for the rest of your life. Which do you go with?

>> No.8866052

I can live my entire life playing nothing but Super Metroid romhacks, so that

>> No.8866110

Contra > Metroid = Castlevania > Mega Man

But they're all top tier

>> No.8866121

Mega Man easily, even though I don't want to give up Castlevania

>> No.8866126

Maga Man, easy. I could listen to the music for hours. Also, there are so many games, by the time I finish the whole series, the first games will seem fresh again.

If hacks and fan work are valid, then I'm also treated to one of the most loving and talented fandoms out there.

>> No.8866151

>games from one of these series
Contra goes out the window immediately since the only two good ones are Contra and Super C. Played Metroid beyond an hour or so and wasn't a fan of it so that's out too. Megaman and Castlevania both have a fuckton of games, require a fair amount of skill, and have great fucking music. It's a very close fight, but I'm going to have to give up Megaman over Castlevania just because I love 1930's-1960's horror movies. Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, mummies and witches. I just love them all, and no other game does them justice.

>> No.8866160

What's wrong with Contra 3?

>> No.8866178

Idk, which one do I pick if I like Sonic?
No experience with mega man, Castlevania bloodlines is cool, contra hard corps is autistic, five mins experience with metroid (super metroid).

>> No.8866195

haven't played contra, played a lot of mega man games and while they're great, they may get kinda repetitive over a lifetime, castlevania is tempting but i've only played 4, 1, and 3, workin on 2 right now; the sotn like ones seem neat though, and i played a fair few metroids if not all and love most besides fusion and other m (which i never finished), so gonna have to go with that, but if i played more castlevanias it may be that.

>> No.8866224

Definitely Mega Man but I'm a big fan of Classicvania and Metroid too. If there was one franchise I could choose to play for the rest of my life it would be either Mega Man or Mario

>> No.8866226

Don't like the sound design to the point I can't stand it. Shooting guns sound lame, projectiles impacting enemies sound lame, enemies exploding after their death sounds lame, and on top of that, none of the music really stands out. It's similar to Castlevania 4 in a way, too different to its predecessors both visually or auditorily, and I can't enjoy it. I know, none of that is gameplay related, but think of the equivalent of hearing Hong Kong 97 or Crazy Bus music while playing through a game. Another way to explain it, imagine playing Resident evil 1 then trying out the Dual Shock version. If someone patched out the music and SFX with the original ones, I'd be happy to try it out again.

>> No.8866248

Ninja Gaiden > Mega Man > Castlevania >>> Contra >>>> Shit >>>>>>> Metroid

>> No.8866274
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You should give Mega Man X a try as the gameplay almost follows a similar design to philosophy to the Sonic games of "memorize level, then beat the game as fast as you can" thanks to the thruster ability. I find classic Mega Man a slog to play compare to the high octane Mega Man X. You'll probably also really enjoy Mega Man X more as it has a slight narrative focus if you're one of those Sonic fans that enjoyed the adventure game earnest story telling. I say this as a Sonic fan myself developing the same enthusiasm for the X series as I did with Sonic.

>> No.8866304

>I like Sonic
>Castlevania bloodlines is cool, contra hard corps is autistic
Damn it sounds like you were a Mega Drive kid who never bothered to try SNES games after learning about emulation years later. Anyways try MMX and then MMZ, if you are into Sonic you'll certainly enjoy them

>> No.8866306

Probably Mega Man, and I love Metroid and Castlevania. There are just too many good Mega Man games.

>> No.8866372
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Mega Man because it has the most games and is the most varied. There is even a kick ass racing game.

>> No.8866381

Mega Man. Not only is it better than the other series you listed, but the series also includes RPGs, party games, free running games, racing games, fighting games and more. It's the most bang for your buck, in addition to being the better game.

>> No.8866395

jokes on you I haven't played games in years I just watch other people play them for me

>> No.8866401
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Castlevania and Contra are dead IPs. Mega Man has just been releasing shovelware for over a decade now. Metroid is the only one of those series that still releases new good games now and then - it's the future proof option.

>> No.8866406

>Mega Man has just been releasing shovelware for over a decade now
>Anon, there has only been one Mega Man game released in the last decade.

>> No.8866414

2012 Street Fighter X Mega Man
2015 Mega Man Legacy Collection
2017 Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
2018 Mega Man 11
2018 Mega Man X Legacy Collection
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2
2020 Mega Man X DiVE
2020 Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

>> No.8866418

Castlevania peaked with the SotN clones. Those lost their final platform when the GBA died. Their only choice was to either kill the series or keep making mediocre 3d action adventure games.

>> No.8866434

>future proof option
once shiggy is dead nintendo is going to go full sega

>> No.8866438

Only one of those us actually a new official game. Two if you count the mobile game.

>> No.8866439
File: 32 KB, 572x303, 1646053468828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to release an addon for the Switch to make it almost as powerful as a PS3?

>> No.8866440

>moving goalposts
releasing an unending stream of cash grab "collections" is shovelware

deal with it

>> No.8866457

A collection isn't a new game retard. Nor is it shovelware: it brings the games of yesterday to a new and younger audience. Shovelware is yearly shit and movie games.

>> No.8866459

>cash grab "collections" is shovelware
This shit always makes me laugh. You get 4-6 games in each collection for a good price and yet people like to shit on them because apparently Capcom should've thought
>well, why would we release them, people can just emulate and play them for free
Normalfags don't know how to use emulators and it's cool that companies make classic games more accessible. Honestly the only reason I pirate games is because it's the only option

>> No.8866465

>Mega Man has just been releasing shovelware for over a decade now
>new game
are you pretending to be retarded now to avoid taking responsibility for the fact that you're actually retarded?

>> No.8866470

Not him but anon I don't think you understand what shovelware is

>> No.8866479

>I'm not pretending to be retarded
>I'm pretending to be 2 retardeds
ok enjoy your shovelware mega man games forever

>> No.8866484

I mean it's my fault for replying to a fucking frogposter but still fuck off

>> No.8866502

mega man peaked at X and there's no reason to play anything beyond that

>> No.8866507

this + smash bros

>> No.8866536

While Super Metroid is in my top five games of all time and no Mega Man even enters my top 10 (maybe not even my top 20), there are literally a hundred+ Mega Man games and spin offs, not including the pinball and pachinko games, some of which are wholly different sorts of games (football/soccer, fighting games, 3D semi-open world games with RPG elements, Monopoly-like board games, racing game etc).
Castlevania kind of became same-y after SotN came out.
I only liked original Contra and Super C.

So yeah. Mega Man. And it's not even close.

>> No.8866543

>she forgot the DS games existed
And you even play as Alucard in one of them.

>> No.8866550

Mega Man. I love the NES games so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.8866576

Probably Contra, I prefer Megaman 2 as a standalone game but I've played it to death..

Contra on the other hand I've never perfected.

>> No.8866582

I like Contra more but Mega Man has a higher quantity of games to play, so tough choice.

>> No.8866690
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>> No.8866880

Castlevania. I have yet to beat any Classicvanias (only tried 1 but want to beat it before moving on) but can beat the ones with RPG mechanics on DS (going to try GBA trio soon). Was that fighting game on Wii any good? Oh well, it's variety.
Same deal with Megaman, really. Can't beat any older main line games but it is fun. MMBN though, yeah.
Metroid however isn't that great or fun for me and I was actually able to beat them but haven't played the GC or Wii ones yet.
Contra? Eh.

>> No.8866910

Play SotN, I'm not very good at games and managed to beat it, not to mention it's a great game.

>> No.8866920

>Mega Man has just been releasing shovelware for over a decade now
anon exactly how many Mega Man games do you think have been released since 2013

>> No.8866943
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>> No.8866956
File: 46 KB, 355x500, frankenstein-s-monster-325344-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to beat the NES games though. I've gotten as far as Frankenstein, I just have to get good and believe in myself...I'm going to get around to SotN too.

>> No.8867095

>Castlevania peaked with the SotN clones
The GBA and DS Castlevania games are uninspired snoozers. Castlevania obviously peaked on the NES or 16-bit gen, and SotN style peaked on the PS1

>> No.8867106
File: 8 KB, 210x480, Danzomb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like them more, and I think they're variated enough. Even within the Classic ones, they're all different from one another. CVIII is different then CV1, CV4 is different than 1 and 3, Rondo is different from the previous ones, etc. They all share the core principles of the series started by CV1 but they all add their own thing.
Plus, for variety's sake I have the Metroidvanias and the 3D ones, even if I don't like them as much as the classics.
I feel Megaman could also be a good option but, even though the NES games are pretty good, they're all very similar, and while Megaman X on SNES are close to what a perfect video game could be, and X4 is still a good game, they dropped the ball starting with X5. I like Legends though but not enough to convince me over Castlevania as a whole.
Metroid and Contra are great but they don't have that many games in their franchises.
So yeah, Castlevania for me.

>> No.8867143

CV1 is actually one of the easier Castlevania games. Let's see
>Dracula X
>Belmont's Revenge
Yeah, I think these are harder. Just don't give up and be a stubborn asshole and you'll succeed

>> No.8867258
File: 72 KB, 360x480, Mega Man Panic Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8867261
File: 402 KB, 850x1205, Megaman flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8867283

Hate all of these but Castlevania is the least shit.

>> No.8867284

I literally didn't know it existed. Judging by the amount of Mega Man games and merch you'd think he's bigger than Mario and yet Capcom decided to kill the series

>> No.8867324

I think because of the sheer number of great games, I would narrowly pick Castlevania over Metroid

>> No.8867424

post your top 5 franchises/games

>> No.8867530

Franchises are a consoomer concept. A true patrician does not let brand name blind them.

>> No.8867540

Fine that's why I added a slash and "games". Just give us your top 5.
I know you won't be sincere but I'm curious as to what your shitposty mind can come up with.

>> No.8867541

Based. I posted >>8867283 but I agree with this 100%. You have to evaluate each installment on its own merits.

>> No.8867547

Stop samefagging and post a top 5 list of your favorites, even if it's not true. Entertain me, fag. Your entry-level contrarianism isn't enough.

>> No.8868170

he's just asking what do ya like, no need to be so serious about it

>> No.8868173

metroid for the randomizers
i'm gonna miss mega man though

>> No.8868180

Megaman since the spinoffs will count and he has a shit load of different genres under him.
So does Castlevania but I enjoy MMBN more than the metroidvanis (I still like them though.)
Contra is whatever to me (even if I played the fuck out of and liked 3) and Metroid doesn't have enough games for FOREVER that play differently

>> No.8868356

answer the question retard

>> No.8868489

So for Mega Man, do I get X, Zero, Legends, etc? Or is it only Classic?

>> No.8869025

Gonna have to go with Metroid

>> No.8870675

Mega Man it is then. Got a lot of great games in that series. The others are great to though but if Metroid had more good 2D games I'd probably went with that. I never played the Prime games either so not sure how those are.

Do fan games and rom hacks count btw? That might sway my decision.

>> No.8870705

I've never played a single game in any of these series, so I have no idea.

>> No.8870830

Metal Slug

>> No.8870967


Never played Mega Man before

>> No.8870991

>the portrait reacts to in-game happenings as if it's a driver cam
holy shit that's neat

>> No.8871207

>Metal Slug

Arab owned

>> No.8871228

solid choice.

>> No.8871237

Mario, simply due to how many there are and how varied the games are. RPGs, racing games, even fucking soccer games.