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8865859 No.8865859 [Reply] [Original]

Why has no video game ever come close to the level of Deus Ex?

>> No.8865863

Game? You’ve been living Deus Ex now! The Grey Death? COVID. Government conspiracy? We got that. Aliens? I dunno. Cyborgs like Gunther and that Russian chick? Sure. Homeless people like the mole people? Yeah.

>> No.8865865

Yeah I know buddy. Elon is Bob Page, and our only real hopes are benevolent AI or total collapse.

>> No.8865868

Because vtmb went waaay far passed it that they cannot be compared

>> No.8865870

Deus Ex had better combat, character building, and freedom.

>> No.8865871

God no. I love vtmb, but everything past Hollywood makes me want to kill myself.

Santa Monica and Downtown may as have been the only hubs in the game

>> No.8865875

The sewers are the only real low point

>> No.8865883

But human revolution truly surpassed it gameplay and story wise. Not to mention Jensen was a more likeable protagonist.

>> No.8865885

>Elon is Bob Page
That’s funny! I never thought of that but it’s plausible.

>our only real hopes are benevolent AI or total collapse
I can’t choose the other paths. No gods. Just men. So the way of the Triads is best by destroying global communications and starting a new dark age without any of the burdens of a corrupt civilization.

>> No.8865889

>muh racism

>> No.8866021

I played it many years ago and couldnt get into it. I've played the other entries since then and its really nice. Shpuld I give t another go?

>> No.8866024

never go full Drama Queen

>> No.8866053

Not him, but the last 40% of the game is a massive drop in overall quality. The sewers aren't even the worst part. It's the hotel, temple, and ventrue tower. There are still a few good moments to look forward to, but not nearly enough to redeem it.

>> No.8866064


>> No.8866071

>But human revolution truly surpassed it gameplay
Hell no! HR's level design was a major downgrade.
>story wise
Maybe. I think Deus Ex's story is overrated by pseuds, but I still find it a lot more memorable than HR.

>> No.8866271


>> No.8866278

>No gods. Just men.
I'd love a book or documentary that examines the political and philosophical aspects of Deus Ex. Once you get past the conspiracies, the story is fascinating.

>> No.8866316

It always irritates me that VTMB fans are willing to forgive or hand-wave the back half of the game. They keep repeating the same mantra about their enshrined restoration patch, like brainwashed acolytes, down on their hands and knees and knees on the floor of the mosque, rocking feverishly back and forth while the mullah stands in the minbar and sings, 'Wesp's restoration patch, Wesp's restoration patch, Troikahu akbar!' If you try to point out the obvious flaw in their belief system - namely, that the restoration patch does not add any meaningful content to the last third of the game - then they simply can't process this and they refer you to the restoration patch again. They have disciplined their minds to the point where troublesome facts just bounce off.

>> No.8866318

Vtmb showed how important level design was to making Deus Ex a great game, because it's set up to have a perfect level of freedom and world to achieve similar and just fails to, after a few initially good areas.

>> No.8866321

>It always irritates me that VTMB fans are willing to forgive or hand-wave the back half of the game.
Because most people quit their playthrough and start a new one when done with Hollywood

>> No.8866374


>> No.8866383

E.Y.E did

>> No.8866475

Less freedom -> less good.

>and story wise
Augs bad, no wait augs good, no wait augs complicated. Also augs augs augs augs augs augs...

>Jensen was a more likeable protagonist
Nah. He is pretty good, just different.

>> No.8866490

Only in terms of gameplay. And even then it's arguable as there are less tools at your disposal, levels are more spacious but empty, can't use environment quite in the same ways as in DE. But E.Y.E. is indeed very good.

>> No.8866537

I love EYE to death but it's more "cyberpunk Serious Sam" than "Deus Ex"

>> No.8866546

He's mostly right, it does give off the vibes in terms of both story and gameplay. More so in the former's case, obviously.

>> No.8866548

Or generally not wrong, rather. Fuck, I should stop posting before the second cup of tea.

>> No.8866583

why are you locked in the bathroom?

>> No.8866639
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>tfw still no AJ game

>> No.8866643

>It always irritates me that VTMB fans are willing to forgive or hand-wave the back half of the game.
Sorry for your autism

>> No.8866727

The shooting is about the same. The melee in VtMB has some more depth. DX did better with the augs compared to VtMB's Disciplines though.

>> No.8866815

Your prescriptions.

>> No.8866836

>It always irritates me that VTMB fans are willing to forgive or hand-wave the back half of the game

No worse than Deus Ex peaking in Hong Kong. The level design is a gradual downhill once you've finished Versalife and blown up the universal constructor. After Paris, it's forgettable trash. The only stuff you'll remember clearly is the dialogue.

Hell, System Shock 2 is the same, the level design simplifying and growing ever more basic once you set foot on the Rickenbacker. By the time you reach the body of the many you might as well be playing any generic sci fi shooter, except with some cool audio logs.

>> No.8866852

Great story compleaty fumbled by the sequel. such a dissapointment. only story thing I liked in 2 was the ometra. story wise. gameplay wise invis war is a fun, little about average shooter.

>> No.8866862

you started with an energy that you immediately squandered

>> No.8866874


>> No.8866895

Shooting is pretty damn terrible in VtMB, and serviceable in DE. Melee is much better, true.

>> No.8866902

Not him, I always hated Versalife, couldn't care about Paris and really liked the last location. VtMB does fall off terribly past Hollywood, much more so than any of DE's relevant faults.

>> No.8866940

>The level design is a gradual downhill once you've finished Versalife and blown up the universal constructor.

I agree, but it's not on par with the absolute void of content found in VTMB. Deus Ex has more craftsmanship in its final areas than does VTMB. It will come down to our own subjective responses, but Deus Ex didn't leave me feeling totally unsatisfied and bored by the end. The world and its characters still have a modicum of substance, there is still a sense that the setting is 'alive'. Even in those last longueurs of Deus Ex there is regular earpiece speech from Tong and your other allies, as well the incidental dialogues where you can listen in on guards while they discuss Bob Page and other recent news. In VTMB, however, the wider world seems to completely disappear in the third act. This is a fatal flaw in a RPG where to some extent you are supposed to be shaping your own character and telling your own story. Now your character can't develop because there are none of the decision-making opportunities and narrative events that serve to give a character its identity. So your character remains an uncertainty, they have no 'arc' and they never will. And yeah, you get to make an important decision at the very end, open it or don't open it or whatever, but after 8 hours of playing a cipher in a series of dull corridors there is a good chance that you will have become totally disengaged by that point - I know I did.

>> No.8867018

The main difference is that Deus Ex is just a series of warehouses with cameras and enemies to kill or avoid while VTMB has actually good characters and writing.

>> No.8867036
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It is like he just sort of tapered off, honestly.

>> No.8867053

Why are you playing a series with rooted elements of transhumanism if you're going to complain about augs?

>> No.8867060

I still wish for a game that manages to combine something like Deus Ex game design with VTMB quality of dialogues and characters (at least in the first half). I don't care much about the combat, it could be a generic combat and I wouldn't mind

>> No.8867089

>I still wish for a game that manages to combine something like Deus Ex game design with VTMB quality of dialogues and characters
It wouldn't work. VTMB is a very gameplay-lite game compared to Deus Ex. Much of the quest design is go there, speak to someone, get back. The focus is on dialogue over stealth and combat.
Deus Ex uses the big warehouse with cameras and enemies approach, which is a gameplay-driven design. There is some of it in VTMB as well (eg. the warehouse, the museum etc.) but these are the most conventional parts of the game and the ones that have the least narrative in them.

>> No.8867124
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Uh oh...

>> No.8867132

shitty and mind numbing
read a book.

>> No.8867142

I think it could work. Like you said, VTMB already mix a bit of both but doesn't go all in with it.
Have scenarions with a bunch of NPCs to interact with, small quests and some buildings. There you gather info, get resources, make alliances or enemies, etc. Then eventually you get thrown in another scenario with more focus on stealth and combat, but longer than the VMTB ones that are usually just "check this thing and leave", instead have more levels like Deus Ex, with multiple objectives and all that.
I think it's perfectly possible, but there's little to no experimentation by big studios and developers. It's way easier to keep the same formula because they know it's a safe bet

>> No.8867147

>Copypaste a bunch of conspiracy theories that already existed onto your RPG

>> No.8867174

>Like you said, VTMB already mix a bit of both but doesn't go all in with it.
VTMB has an apartheid policy, there are story-driven parts and gameplay-driven parts, and they play completely differently. It doesn't combine the two approaches. Having more levels like Deus Ex means having less VTMB-like quests.

>> No.8867176

Denton’s sardonic attitude is much funnier, IMO.

>> No.8867181

Deus Ex didn't focus on trans-humanism, it was a small theme that started in the beginning with the talk of Gunther and Anna being obsolete and continues with the endings and killswitch shit. Human Revolution just repeats the same theme of augmentations only being for the rich and powerful and destroying the regular people, and then Mankind Divided has all the augs the poor people instead because of a disease of something. The new games have 1 theme, Deus Ex has dozens and talks about endless topics

>> No.8867215

>The new games have 1 theme

I like Human Revolution but the single-minded fixation in the writing was annoying. In the first game you have a side-quest where a hotel owner asks you to find his missing daughter, it turns she's being pimped out by some local gangster, drugs are probably involved. It's just a simple crime story and it has nothing to do with the Great Conspiracy. If that side-quest had been in Human Revolution, the hotel owner would be an expert on human augmentation who could speak at length on the subject, his daughter would be selling herself to save up for an augmentation procedure, and the pimp would have a sideline in selling black market augs or something like that.

>> No.8867236

well, well, well!
No way that's real. I'm reinstalling the game now.

>> No.8867238

Aug lives matter.
New "deus ex" isn't about transhumanism at all. its all just an allegory, you are stupid.

>> No.8867247

the busted ass VA helps a lot too desu

>> No.8867279

Deus Ex never falls as hard as VTMB, which never had as good of gameplay to begin with. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8867335

Deus Ex's crummier levels that have less-choice-based gameplay are still about on par with VtMB's strongest in terms of freedom and variety of approaches. Descending from THAT point, which VtMB does and by a lot, is a serious problem for the game. Again, showing that level design was the key element that VtMB missed.

>> No.8867350

>Deus Ex had better combat
Ehhhhh, they're both kind of terrible, so that's just splitting hairs.

I'll at least give Deus Ex credit for letting you play how you want from the get go. In VtMB, unarmed/melee is pretty much your only option until you start getting the late-game firearms.

>> No.8867356

I admit that Deus Ex kind of peaks for me with escaping UNATCO and the subsequent Hong Kong level, but I still enjoy everything up until Area 51. That final level was a mixed bag.

>> No.8867368

What? Allegory or not, it's still very much about transhumanism. Even the original DX touched on this. You probably didn't even notice because you're stupid.

Next you're going to tell me The Crucible wasn't about witch burnings just because it was an allegory for the Red Scare.

>> No.8867402

Not-quite delivering on freedom of approach hurt the game so much. VtMB will also just buttfuck you if your combat abilities don't work on bosses, like if you thought Dominate or Dementation were going to be viable combat strategies based on the ability descriptions, you would pretty much have to start over when reaching the sewer monster. And God help a player who thought they can do non-combat characters or solutions. In Deus Ex, even a JC with no weapon skills can find a way to kill its few mandatory bosses and you can still just run away from Walton Simons. And outside of those bosses, it doesn't have scripted combat rooms that you cannot get around without fighting - if you don't want to fight the grunts, you don't have to.

VtMB's best areas were places with simple patrolling guards and security systems, because all approaches work. Stealth, computers, picking locks, murder rampages, putting dudes in psychically induced trances. I can think of only about 3 such places in VtMB unfortunately, but they were about as good as a basic Deus Ex level. It should have had more of that and bigger.

>> No.8867429

One thing that bothers me about Deus Ex is that Paul and JC are new, cutting edge super-agents, very special projects with supposedly a lot of future riding on them, but all the documents you find during the game indicate they were outclassed before the game starts by Simons's enhancements and the MIBs. The MIB documents even state the comparison, they are simply a better, more powerful and reliable project. There doesn't appear to be a purpose to using the new nano-aug boys as agents except the (overwhelmingly negative) ability to be corrupted by outside forces.

>> No.8867453

Weren't Paul and JC prototypes for the likes of Simons and eventually page?
I remember reading that the P-series agents were also relatively new, perhaps even newer than Paul's technology.
Fully augmented and upgraded JC is obviously far more powerful than other augmented soldiers in the game, however. The MiB, Gunther and Simons pale in comparison.

>> No.8867471

The MiBs seem like blunt instruments for those shadowy assignments that involve killing everyone in the zone. Their pale skin and metallic voices are sinister, and they have in-built bombs that explode upon the death of the agent, potentially killing innocents or VIPs. JC and Paul are more suited to missions that involve negotiations and contact with the general public. I know that's never stated in the game, but it's how I understood it in my headcanon, and I think it might have been kinda hinted at in the letters and emails.

>> No.8867475

You could probably argue that regular ass Commandos, which are normal people in mech suits, are superior to any mind of augmentations as far as combat goes.

>> No.8867484

Doing the sewer level with a Ventrue was painful. Fighting that Southern cult guy, or doing the zombie graveyard without Celerity were also painful.

>> No.8867628

Yeah I get that impression too. MIBs seem so rigid that they probably won't consider lockpicking, or helping out locals to get passcodes. Bad infiltrators not just because they're obviously inhuman to onlookers but because of how they're made to operate.

>> No.8867704

VtM:B is the anti-Deus Ex, every solution is explicitly hardcoded in the game.

>> No.8867713

System Shock 2 is good until Where Am I? which is literally the last 10 minutes of the game.

>> No.8867715

Ss2 stops being fun after you beat the Recreation Deck.

>> No.8867723

That's when you get to start playing with your toys and branch out into other playstyles.

>> No.8867734

Ventrue aren't universally torturous vs bosses, if you don't try to max Dominate as soon as possible (that's a game problem obviously) they work for bosses more comfortably. Fortitude and Presence can make them hard to kill tanks. The thing that offends me is that those two durability disciplines combined should be the peak of survival builds, but they don't measure that well against Blood Shield, a single Thaumaturgy power at 3rd rank.

>> No.8867756

iirc elon changed his twitter pfp to the box art for the game and kept tweeting things about freeing America and everyone in the comments kept calling him bob page lol

>> No.8867805

It's because the potential there is immense. It gives you constant glimpses of one of the best games ever made then it turns into bargain bin shit which everyone forgets.

>No worse than Deus Ex peaking in Hong Kong.
No fucking way. Paris is a let down and the quality does go down but it's nowhere near the shit VTM:B pulls. Activision pulled the plug on VTM:B mid-development and gave the devs a month or two to wrap the game up.

>> No.8867817

Elon plays Deus Ex too lol. I think it was even his twitter profile pic for a while.

>> No.8867836

>start playing with your toys and branch out into other playstyles.
Such as?

>> No.8867838

i feel like elon is the epitome of the wow cool robot meme

>> No.8867870

>The world's richest man endorses Deus Ex.
>Jim "Stephanie" Sterling endorses VTMB.

>> No.8868037

>>The world's richest man endorses Deus Ex.
you mean tries to use it to boost his public image?

>> No.8868284
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I hate to break it to you but shitting on a new game that is receiving a ton of high praise and saying the old one is better does not boost your public image. Maybe that works in /vr/ and other retro game communities but most people either don't give a shit or will get mad because you're shittalking their entry point to the series.

>> No.8868349
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With all the information recently made available through the Q movement, and with all the modern tooling that lets bedroom devs create 2000-era games on zero budget, and with very little time remaining on the world clock....

...the real question is why indie Terry Davis types aren't creating their own capable sequels to Deus Ex. Why are we playing AAA games at all?

>> No.8868391

>.the real question is why indie Terry Davis types aren't creating their own capable sequels to Deus Ex
It's called Cruelty Squad

>> No.8868404

Budget requirement in this era compared to 2000.
Cyberpunk should have done this but the polacks learned to story but didn't learn anything else in game development

>> No.8868410

The zombie graveyard has an easy exploit. Just go up to the cliffs right when the timer starts so the zombies don’t spawn and wait, and it’s ez

>> No.8868654

To discuss the original question, or at least the subject it gets at, why are games like Deus Ex so very uncommon?

The answer is that there's an enormous amount of work that goes into an open-ended solutions game, moreso than a linear game. Even an open world game is designed like many areas of linear games, whereas in this type of game, of numerous approaches to get through the areas, you have to design each space several times effectively, then balance them against each other, all after designing a very complicated set of mechanics that apply to dozens of situations.

Video game projects that are too expansive and ambitious struggle heavily with scope-creep, ie their ideas get too large and numerous for the game to release or release in a good enough state. You see it all the time and it's practically the main job of a producer now to tell those people to stop and focus on what they can actually get done.

The monetary return to effort ratio is also miserable on multiple-approaches focused games; it takes 10x the effort, takes ages to refine properly, and still sells for the same price of a linear single-solutions game. Even open world games require less careful consideration and much less time per piece of content even though on a surface level, they look like they took more work because they have more of those content pieces. You have to love the genre to be making it, because overall it is not worth it and most reviewers will play the most retarded way they can and won't understand why it is special.

>> No.8868658


>> No.8868675

Mass Suicide has a chance to work on everything except big fat uniques (the tentacle thing, the bat and obviously the furry, maybe a few story-linked mini-bosses like the undercover hunter). Maybe that's an UP change, however. Don't remember how it was in the original in that regard.

>> No.8868684

>they are simply a better, more powerful
I remember the more reliable part, but not the more powerful one. In fact I remember it as them being a bit weaker either in general or with regards to maximum potential, but easier to create and control.

>> No.8868828

Deus Ex has no sewer level equivalent.

>> No.8868830

You talkin to me?

>> No.8868840

Maybe you should try getting a job?

>> No.8868875

>if you thought Dominate or Dementation were going to be viable combat strategies based on the ability descriptions, you would pretty much have to start over when reaching the sewer monster
I was a Toreador in my first playthrough (basic Unofficial Patch). I didn't enjoy the sewers any more than either of you, but I didn't find it difficult. As for the monster that gets its own short cutscene, you can evade it quite easily if your eye catches the escape route. I didn't fight any of those things- even with level 1 celerity I was able to simply run away.

>> No.8868995

Any list that puts Thief: Deadly Shadows above Thief and Thief II should be thrown into the glowing blue fog of the loading zone situated five feet away from wherever they are right now.

>> No.8869000

*Anyone who makes a list
Eh, it's late

>> No.8869004

this list is cursed

>> No.8869028


>> No.8869081

That list is from the immersive sim youtuber and most people don't give a shit about it because he ranked all the newer games so high.

>> No.8869098

Okay, so we know who needs to be shoved into the blue fog never to be seen again. Who's gonna do it?

>> No.8869126

Are there any games like these that are actually fun to play

>> No.8869189

If you don't like any of the best examples of the genre then you just don't like the genre, don't sweat it too much imo.

>> No.8869214

All of them

>> No.8869246

VtMB doesn't even have locational damage, whereas Deus Ex you can shoot guns out of enemy hands

>> No.8869248

Vandenberg is better than anything in VtMB's second half, let alone Paris. The catacombs are the only part of Paris I'd actually call a bit weak (narrow ugly hallways with a kind of jank hostage rescue bit), the city streets are a great mix of tense and morose, the chateau level an ambient masterpiece, and the cathedral is the closest thing to a Thief level in the game. By contrast, VtMB has giant sewers that are 100x worse than Paris' catacombs, a big boring museum, a shitty boss tower, and some other stuff I can't remember too well.

>> No.8869254

The average homeless guy in Deus Ex is more interesting than any of the countless edgelords and thots that make up VtMB's cast. The character writing is basically the worst part of the game (soundtrack aside), typical of Troika games and related (see also: Fallout 2).

>> No.8869260

iirc reliability in that context meant in creation. It's much easier to dose and administer a mix of chems/hormones that hijack your biological development and turn you into a pasty super-strong emotionless freak, relative to mechanical or cybernetic implants which have to be manually installed and adjusted on a per-agent basis, but the trade-off is that they become infertile and risk going absolutely insane if their latent instability ever manages to crack through to the surface (like that one creepy WiB chick that an MJ12 soldier overhears talking to herself in Paris). They're basically trannies on PCP.

>> No.8869261

Rickenbacker was just as good as Engineering and better than Ops (which was by far the weakest of the main six floors). A little more linear/scripted but it added to the tension and feeling of culmination, while still being a proper chapter.

>> No.8869271

>Deus Ex you can shoot guns out of enemy hands
Unfortunately the AI loses its spaghetti entirely when this happens instead of reacting in some sane way, so I think this example of locational damage makes the game look worse even as a staunch Deus Ex fan. Headshots and spinal sweetspots are better examples of good, well-functioning things it gains from locational damage. Unless the target is sitting.

>> No.8869280

>Rickenbacker was just as good as Engineering and better than Ops
The only thing I remember from the Rickenbacker was climbing through shitty tunnels to shoot turrets which was easily the worst part in the entire game Body of the Many included. Also that section where you had to climb through vents to extend a bridge-thing over a forcefield and also kill a bunch of black eggs. At least I think that was all the Rickenbacker.

>> No.8869287

>Unfortunately the AI loses its spaghetti entirely when this happens instead of reacting in some sane way
Running away after their limbs have been sufficiently incapacitated to disarm them seems like a relatively sensible reaction.

>> No.8869290

Slapping their gun out of their hands with a stick causing soldiers cry like babies and run away is nonsense, I'm sorry.

>> No.8869293

They only drop their weapon when their arm hits 0 health. You must have slapped it hard enough to break their carpus.

>> No.8869301

>They only drop their weapon when their arm hits 0 health

>> No.8869310

Alright my bad, I didn't actually know that, I just saw it happening with the odd botched baton strike while untrained so I didn't consider that it was doing enough for that.

>> No.8869363

>the countless edgelords and thots that make up VtMB's cast. The character writing is basically the worst part of the game

I don't like VTMB much myself, but I don't think the writers are were at fault for following the conventions that are required both of this particular setting and of vampire fiction as a whole. Even in the nineteenth century, vampires were either brooding, sepulchral males (Ruthven/The Giaour/Dracula) or provocatively sluttish, carpet-munching females (Carmilla). If a writer wants to create a character who is not a gothic poser in love with their own villainy and transgressive sexuality, then that character will have to be someone who is not a vampire.

>> No.8869436

>edgelords and thots that make up VtMB's cast
Bruh, did you even read the lore? Like even just a page about a clan you consider zomg so edgy or whatever?

>> No.8869451

>If a writer wants to create a character who is not a gothic poser in love with their own villainy and transgressive sexuality, then that character will have to be someone who is not a vampire.
>Rosa and other thin-bloods, Thung, Isaac, Gary, Jack, Therese, Pisha, LaCroix and Zhao all totally fit that description
>even fucking Damsel, if not seen with the eyes of a thirsty teen
Literally only VV, Strauss, half of Anarchs and Magilla Gorilla fit that description.
Beckett only arguably.
Andrei? Brooding? LOL, he's revelling in it.
So that's less than half of the game's vampire characters.

>> No.8869458

And I forgot Jeanette who also only fits on a surface examination.

Although there's also one guy in Santa Monica, in the junkyard who largely fits. But then there is Bishop and that girl in the CDC quest in Hollywood who don't. It just keeps getting worse.

>> No.8869538

>VtMB doesn't even have locational damage
For most enemies it doesn't, but you can get headshots on zombies and Ming.

>> No.8869565

>>the worlds richest man
>>who controls a massive information platform
>>endorsed coups to get more resources to make money
>>who funds shit projects like the hyperloop that go nowhere
>>who is praised by reddit
>>who gets funds from the government like some nigger
>>who changes his mind on his positions based on memes
>>who hates unions and worker rights
>>this is the man who sees himself in Deus Ex

Does Elon actually think he is a Denton? This guys would straight up be one of the corporate illuminati tards Deus Ex warns us about, assuming he isnt irl (he did hang out with Epstein)

>> No.8870064

All of the characters in Deus Ex have the personality of a cardboard box, and they exist merely for infodumping you about the plot. It's bad writing even for (the deplorably low) video game standards.
VTMB is pretty solid here. The characters all have their own personalities with distinguishable traits, the dialogue flows really well, and there is a painterly comic book touch to them which I greatly enjoy.
>But, but Jeanette sleeps with men before marriage, can't show that in muh vidya gaymes

>> No.8870275

VTMB is helped by the fact that some of Futurama's cast is there to give personality to characters.

>> No.8870486

I really don't understand this elitist hateboner people will have for good games while defending others, I've seen people shit on Deus Ex and SS2 while claiming SS1 and Thief are the only good imsims; and now VTMB (which isn't really an imsim anyway) versus Deus Ex. There's room to like all of them you know, even if not equally, this genre is so small that there's no reason to pick and choose.
This list makes me irrationally mad

>> No.8870540


>> No.8870729

Should've used this as bg instead

>> No.8871283

Because companies don't want to, all they want to do is sell you the next Monster Hunter, Dark Souls or FIFA.
It's all downward into nothing

>> No.8871332

He's perfectly capable of emoting if he wants to, he voiced Paul after all.

>> No.8871338

>The new games have 1 theme
I mean they don't, it's more that 1 theme holds dominion over all others in the story.

>> No.8871341

Just get rid of the Paris brown mess catacombs, trim the subway/underground level and there you go.

>> No.8871345


>> No.8871452

How is Invisible War?

>> No.8871454

Oh come on, this fucking game aged like milk

>> No.8871535

It has black market bio modification canisters with non piezochem functionality.

>> No.8871545

It tries different things, most of which don't really work out as intended. But the writing is still for the most part there and it has some of the greatest ragdoll physics in videogames.

>> No.8871549

Sit down, retard

>> No.8871651

I honestly would have tolerated every single mechanics change if the areas didn't constantly feel like tiny confining boxes. It killed my interest after a while of going through them and loading repeatedly and I never wound up finishing.

>> No.8871663

The subway tunnels are absolutely sewer-adjacent.

>> No.8871671

You ever fly through the walls in ghost mode?

>> No.8871684
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I think the Hengshua gardens/capsule apartments in HR reminded me a lot of Invisible War. Confined, but with a derelict and strange sense of comfort for some nostalgic reason.

>> No.8871704

Bad. The level design was even more dumbed down than Thief: Deadly Shadows and there's virtually zero difficulty.

>> No.8872002

That probably goes a long way without people realizing it.

>> No.8872018

>Unless the target is sitting
God it took me like a decade to realize that the baton sweetspot is on the back of the head for a sitting enemy. I wouldn't be surprised if the sweetspot simply does not act as if they are sitting, it's probably just where it'd be if they were standing.

>> No.8872025

GMDX is the objectively best way to play the game and you can not convince me otherwise.

>> No.8872117

See >>8871549

>> No.8872172

I wish that we lived in a world where time and money weren't factors limiting quality.

>> No.8872295

AI might make that world a reality one day. Coding isn't the hard part for games anymore it's all the art and other assets. You can already generate voices of characters with ok-ish results depending on how many voice lines you have to work with. Maybe in 10-15 years we'll have AI that can generate assets.

>> No.8872310

Bullshit. Novelai is all that and nobody uses the fucking thing. There are millions of artists out there willing to work for pennies so cheap asset creation was never a problem. I wish people stopped hyping neural networks AI.

>> No.8872327
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>There are millions of artists out there willing to work for pennies so cheap asset creation was never a problem.
-200IQ take

>> No.8872478

>I really don't understand this elitist hateboner people will have for good games while defending others
I'm defending and criticizing both because I don't hold them as some sacred cows. They need not irrational subservience, they stand on their own perfectly fine as a whole.

>> No.8872480

No, give differently-flavored shortcuts to those who apparently hate those. And let the rest carefully expand on the parts they like. I'll use whichever ends up better because I never cared much about either.

>> No.8872483

Overall a great disappointment. In addition to what others said, I believe there was exactly one aug slot choice I had to have any thought about. Also universal ammo.

>> No.8872518

I will never play this game due to the weirdos it attracts. What is wrong with you people?

>> No.8872528

your loss pal

>> No.8872534

Dumbest post in this thread. Do you think these "weirdos" are going to come to your house if you play Deus Ex?

>> No.8872535

I played it recently and it was worse than I remembered, a 5/10 game. The levels are not only small but also bland, the characters are forgettable (excepting those who return from the first game), and the story is mixture of rough ideas hung loosely together and never developed in satisfactory ways. The dialogue is flat and mechanical; possibly that's a stylistic choice but if so it's not a good one.

And yet - I did play it to the end, for the fourth time in my life, and I wasn't bored. There's just enough there to hold your interest if you are a fan of the first game, since it is a direct continuation of the story. You will find out what happened to JC (but you probably won't like it).

>> No.8872560
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So what's the current best way to play DX1?

GXDM? Or a manual setup of assorted pieces like Deus Exe + a modern renderer + one of the fanpatches?

>> No.8872570
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>> No.8872576

>GXDM? Or a manual setup of assorted pieces like Deus Exe + a modern renderer + one of the fanpatches?
no, download the compatibily .exe and you are good to go

>> No.8872587

Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.8872610

it's a very (very) light deus ex

>> No.8872618

The outclassed mechs were also used.

It's more just the theme of humans becoming rapidly outclassed by technology and replaced. It's more obvious with the mech characters if you read the emails where they are some fairly patronizing emails on their account with UNATCO management trying to mollify their dissatistifcation at having basically ruined their social lives and bodies to become mechs only for their sacrifice to have been made rapidly obsolete with no way to reverse the process. The same thing almost immediately happened with Paul and JC.

>> No.8872621

Just play it vanilla unless you are a zoomer who can't handle low res textures etc in which case don't play it at all

>> No.8872641

Nowhere I mentioned using any texture mods or anything.

But do I really need to play it in 1024x768 on my 1080p monitor cause you're mentally stuck and slow?

>> No.8872646


>> No.8872652
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Here's a guide on how to play it as vanilla as possible, as you should.


It's just Kentie's Launcher, DX10 renderer, switch to classic lighting in the console

>> No.8872771
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>(but you probably won't like it)
>he doesn't like discounts

>> No.8872774

>1024x768 on my 1080p monitor
Sorry about your shitty monitor not being able to upscale properly. I'm perfectly happy with how even 640x480 games look on mine. 320x200/320x240 usually benefit more from being upscaled by DOSBox first, but even they look okay natively.

>> No.8873714

How would you guys rank the guns, since it sounds like you've played more than I have. Sniper Rifle, followed by what? Would you include utility if you were ranking them (ie Dragon's Tooth/GEP Gun)?

>> No.8873805

suck my dick

>> No.8874032

Plasma would probably be at the very bottom, slightly below flamethrower. The latter due to small tank and general fuel scarcity. Otherwise it is not as clear for the rest.
Stealth pistol is pretty weak and the regular cannot be silenced.
Crossbow is a must for non-lethal approach.
Assault shotgun is great, especially with the AP rounds but even when fully upgraded its drum capacity is not that great. And its firing rate never gets high.
Sawed-off I remember poorly, I think it is worse than assault shotgun in every way except inventory dimensions.
Assault rifle is rather terrible in terms of both ammo to damage ratio and damage per second, but the underbarrel grenades are great.
Shot and discard things are best expended sooner, no point in carrying them for long.

By the way, you can use the sniper rifle for most locked doors, some containers/grates and so on.
Similarly crowbar can destroy some obstacles but it is weaker than the rifle.

>> No.8874042

I haven't played in a while but I remember the assault shotgun being worse because it has lower damage. With the sawed-off it's easier to get one hit kills, and when it's fully upgraded it's really good since ammo capacity goes up.

>> No.8874058
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That's a real big claim considering how bad every game out of Japan has it in comparison.

>> No.8874096

Stealth pistol is one of the go-to upgradable DPS weapons of the game, with higher DPS than the sniper rifle thanks to its insane rate of fire and high capacity. I'd only rank it lower than sniper rifle as a weapon because the sniper's single-shot damage all at once produces more value overall to me (for locks and just because a 1-hit-kill has its own value independent of DPS). Stealth pistol is not just a slightly weaker silenced version of the pistol, it's a murder machine.

>> No.8874110

I remember the regular pistol being better if you just forgo stealth entirely.

>> No.8874112

Sawed off is more accurate and does more damage per shot than the assault shotgun. It's actually better most of the time, imo.

Also, the flamethrower ammo is actually very common. I made a guide. Here

The plasma rifle is also generally underrated. It's not good and it's bugged, but it still outperforms weapons like the pistol, stealth pistol and assault rifle in terms of damage.

>> No.8874119

Stealth pistol is mostly shit for stealth because of the loud takedowns, it's just one of the highest DPS weapons, above both pistol and sniper.

>> No.8874120

>Sawed off is more accurate and does more damage per shot than the assault shotgun.
With much smaller ammo capacity and slower firing rate I highly doubt that
>It's actually better most of the time
I have only tried extensively the not upgraded version but I doubt that it somehow catches up to the assault shotgun.

>Also, the flamethrower ammo is actually very common.
But how quickly you would expend it if you relied on flamethrower as the main weapon? I remember the amount of ammo the player can carry to be really low.

>The plasma rifle is also generally underrated.
I do like it, even deliberately made a run with maximized protective augmentations where I duelled Simons with it. But it is really lousy compared to pretty much everything else.

>> No.8874179

Flamethrower is max 400 rounds. A single tap of the m1 button consumes 7 (iirc) rounds, but can also light multiple enemies on fire and everything weaker than an MiB will be killed by the fire damage.
I will admit that I have not used the flamethrower exclusively in any run, but full capacity without finding more napalm canisters nets you at least 57 kills of common troopers.
That should be entirely sufficient when you do start factoring in finding ammo.

>> No.8874184

So I guess it is viable. Nice, more options is always good.

Overall I am starting to suspect that I have more memories of a version before the latest patch (v1.12f or something like that).

>> No.8874220

>but I doubt that it somehow catches up to the assault shotgun.
Sure in terms of pure dps, the assault shotgun is better, but with Deus Ex's mechanics (on Realistic), I find the Sawed-Off better as you generally don't want out in the open, standing still with the Assault Shotgun. The Sawed-Off is usable as a discount Sniper Rifle and ambush weapon.
In my opinion, the Assault Shotgun is really only worth using if/when you max out Rifles, so accuracy is retained while moving.

>> No.8874265

Is it worse than the crossbow? Where they run around for a second even with max pistol + headshot? I always play non-lethal. I just assumed stealth pistol would be easier to use than the crossbow in every way.

>> No.8874301

Stealth pistol is two headshots to kill.
It's best to treat it as some kind of weird silenced SMG. Fill it up with clip and accuracy mods.

>> No.8874308

Crossbow has some niche use for nonlethal takedowns to very isolated troops (especially against NSF soldiers who will tick out eventually to a torso shot Untrained, others taking headshots or more) but it's more or less the same as using a lethal gun since as you say, it doesn't drop them instantly so they still alert people.

The best use of the crossbow is actually making NPCs face walls of your choosing, since it will only make a sound at the impact surface. You can use that to set up baton takedowns like ducks in a row on guys that would otherwise see you from any angle, or simply sneak past them.

>> No.8874310

wrong game

>> No.8874365

Lethal darts with the crossbow silently 1-shot unlike the stealth pistol. The tranq darts are a meme and so are "non-lethal" takedowns in general in DX. Like I'm pretty sure if you knock out all the enemies with he baton or tranq darts they still count as dead as far as changes to dialogue is concerned and you still get the chewouts from Carter and such about using too much force.

>> No.8874446

>and you still get the chewouts from Carter

>he doesn't know
That line of dialogue is actually triggered by crossing a certain line on the Castle Clinton map. It's unrelated entirely to your choices.
Lethal vs nonlethal is always presented as a choice in Deus Ex. There's a few times you'll get dialogue from killing someone, like Leo Gold, but it's ultimately the player's choice of how they want to approach the gameplay.

>> No.8874470
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I avoided the newer games because the common complaint I keep hearing is the game comes down to figuring out 1 of the 3 ways the dev wants you to tackle a situation. I can't stand that shit. It's like the devs are flat out telling me I'm too retarded to be given any agency or they're too big of pussies to have any open ended mechanics because god help them if they don't know every single practical application of every single mechanic they put in.

>> No.8874660

That's a kind of odd complaint given that the majority of Deus Ex itself is designed that way, just usually with more approaches planned than the later ones. The flaw isn't that they were intentionally planned and with specific approaches in mind.

>> No.8874663
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Killer 7

>> No.8874685

cosmo is epic and your gay

>> No.8874709

There's nothing odd about it. It's the most common complaint I see about the new games.

>> No.8874721

But without intentionally planned approaches, you actually just wind up with levels like VtMB's. No matter if the complaint is common or not, it's misguided. They need to design with *more* approaches like in the original Deus Ex, not stop specifically designing approaches.

>> No.8874725

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.8874727

>without intentionally planned approaches
Never said have 0
>They need to design with *more* approaches like in the original Deus Ex
Except Warren Spector always brags about how players come up with new solutions he never thought of and how it's what he wanted the game to be.

>> No.8874729

>you actually just wind up with levels like VtMB's
VTMB is the most streamlined game imaginable what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.8874976


>> No.8874998

I tried playing it but it was just boring

>> No.8875004

Better than Human Revolution at least, I dropped HR about 2 hours in because it was just so boring

>> No.8875131

>but with Deus Ex's mechanics (on Realistic), I find the Sawed-Off better as you generally don't want out in the open, standing still with the Assault Shotgun.
I can now see how it is a good choice for builds that do not get that protection canister and are caught without a bulletproof vest.

>or they're too big of pussies to have any open ended mechanics because god help them if they don't know every single practical application of every single mechanic they put in.
I believe it has much more to do with budget and a publisher/management not ready to wait for like 7 years for you to ship it.

>> No.8875167
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>I believe it has much more to do with budget and a publisher/management not ready to wait for like 7 years for you to ship it.
Nah. We don't live in a time where a bored programmer can add something fun like pepper spray blocking laser beams just because he wanted to anymore. If you listen to devs do lets plays of /vr/ games, even non-immersive sim games, they mention how different it was back then. Everything has to be as polished and streamlined as possible now. It's the opposite for indies because they don't have the resources to make a huge cinematic AAA campaign, so they end up with a ton of cool ideas but no actual game like Underworld Ascendant and EYE.

It's the worst of both worlds. Either you're going through pre-planned motions or you're in a repetitive sandbox with no purpose.

>> No.8875173

Maybe I'll cap his ass too.

>> No.8875198

What the fuck happened to that clip? Is that a recreation? Because the one frequently posted before did not have parts of the models lacking textures.

>> No.8875224

He jumps off a cliff and hits a helicopter with a hammer causing it to explode and crash into a nearby cliff.
>parts of the models lacking textures.
Not sure what you're talking about

>> No.8875273
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>He jumps off a cliff and hits a helicopter with a hammer causing it to explode and crash into a nearby cliff.
To that clip, not in that clip. I have played E.Y.E. and the last mission map is one of the better ones. I mostly shot down the helis with the good sniper rifle but I can see someone getting bored enough to try hammering them.

>Not sure what you're talking about
My browser's video codec seems to be at fault.

>> No.8875496

He's Bob Page, but sees himself as JC Denton after merging Helios.

>> No.8875523

It's no wonder he goes on Lex podcast when the alternatives are mouth breathers like this shit interviewer.

>> No.8876330

Game developers of yore are a different breed. Today, a developer is any midwit that went to a state school and thinks deep cut sci-fi is Foundation or Dune. Game devs used to be nerds with eclectic and esoteric tastes that worked long hours to finish a project.

>> No.8876348

Ah, this is some good bait.

>> No.8876379
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I prefer this strip of The Bus to represent EYE

>> No.8876439

Tell me I'm wrong

>> No.8876541


>> No.8877479

immersive sim that did a lot of things that even some modern games still not have, great atmosphere caused by unreal 1, world building and interactive npcs that react to what's happened, atmospheric and dynamic tracker music composed by some of the best. memorable and well written story. They just don't make em like this anymore

>> No.8877624
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The only thing he got wrong is the long hours to finish a project. Crunch time still exists and is notorious. Everything else is right at least in the west. Most people who go into gamedev are retarded dregs. The only talented people are engine-level guys like Mike Acton. It's why most people now go into indie because they know how fucked AAA is. Too bad indie is just as bad with the levels of cronyism. A lot of people are convinced they can make a whole polished game by themselves with no resources and end up with crappy tech-demos despite dedicating years to it.

>> No.8877656

>countless edgelords and thots
Havent played the game

>> No.8877721

so how is it even possible to make a good game anymore? you cant form teams. none of that stuff exists anymore. if you cant make something entirely on your own then its all fucked

>> No.8877726

>Deus Ex
Where can i play or download?

>> No.8877763

>Like I'm pretty sure if you knock out all the enemies with he baton or tranq darts they still count as dead as far as changes to dialogue is concerned and you still get the chewouts from Carter and such about using too much force.
Yep. I almost always prod and tranq the NSF, and yet Carter always chastises me for too much force.

Speaking of tranq darts, it always bugged me how they work. Even if it's a headshot, an enemy still has enough time to run around and trigger and alarm before falling unconscious.

>> No.8877782

Always find it funny how Kojima fanboys say he predicted the future with the meta stuff in MGS 1 and 2 yet he ripped his shit off from Deus Ex which was ripping it off of right wing conspiracy novels.

>> No.8877798

Most gamers are unaware of games outside their bubble of interest, and don't read.

>> No.8878006

Were you always asking for more ammo? I don't remember Carter chastising me when I was doing nonlethal but I'd ask for multitools or lockpicks and he'd praise me. Is there something in his dialogue that specifically makes it seem like he thinks you killed them or is it possible he's pushing you to avoid encounters by stealth or finding alternate paths?

>> No.8878021
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A large amount of decent indies were made by IRL friends. Usually 2 dudes started it and it grew out from there.
>Cuphead was created by 2 brothers with help from their family + kickstart money.
>Hotline Miami was 2 dudes who bought a ton of licenses for songs they liked, these guys also made a shitton of games before hotline miami
>Risk of Rain was started by 2 college friends + Kickstarter money
>Dwarf Fortress is made by 2 brothers + donations.
Solo devs exist too but they are the exception. I know Stardew Valley was made by one dude living with/off his GF. Also the Teardown guy. Cruelty Squad may also have been made by one dude I'm not sure. Roller-coaster Tycoon was made by an assembly autist. I believe Cave Story also was one guy.
A lot of indie studios just start out as one dude who gets crowdfunded then creates a team and goes early access. Factorio was started by one dude but became a team after Indiegogo succeeded and I think Rim World was the same. Minecraft did this too but it wasn't crowd funded.

I think it's possible but the enormous amounts of gaslighting that you can do it alone, you don't need connections or resources and using Kickstarter will get you looked down upon is holding a lot of people back. Ignore the retards and look at how the actually successful people succeeded. They pretty much do the opposite of what you hear shitheads on the internet say. There's a reason 99% of indies are techdemo trash and it's not just dudes asset flipping or trying to make a quick buck.

>> No.8878039

I have no friends or skills or creativity. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.8878158

You can get all three of those things. Step one is to stop hating yourself, that shit destroys motivation.

>> No.8878249

How do I get creativity without drugs?

>> No.8878258

It's based on where you go in the level, not how you leave them.

>> No.8878293

Get bored. Getr really, REALLY bored for a prolonged period. Go to the park and sit and watch the leaves blowing in the wind.
If you're not constantly feeding your brain stuff to keep it entertained, it will start coming up with things on its own instead. It's so easy to prevent boredom nowadays that it kills creativity and imagination.

>> No.8878302

You need to practice and work at developing your skills first. It'll be hard to be creative if you don't have the skills to create in the first place. Responsible drug use probably does enhance creativity sometimes but drugs also end up ruining a lot of people and making them perform worse too.

>> No.8878337

my brain doesnt work this way though. im not one of those overstimulated people. but if im not doing anything my mind is just blank. i dont think of anything like that. the only thing in particular i think about is what a piece of shit i am. its been like this for over a decade

>> No.8878343

That's a good idea. I've heard about Dopamine Detoxes but didn't know if they were a meme or not

>> No.8878360

Are you bored, though? You put someone in a sensory deprivation tank and after a while they will begin hallucinating, it's just what the brain does when it has nothing else to work on.
Yeah it's good to do once in a while.

>> No.8878363

that just doesnt work for me.

>> No.8878364

Cruelty Squad was made by one guy. It was an art project of his or something, I dunno

>> No.8878370

Is it any fun or is it just meme-fodder?

>> No.8878407

Either your neurology is weird enough to deserve study by scientists, or this is the self-loathing/defeatism talking. Pre-emptively giving up on things because "I know it won't work" is a pretty common trait among people suffering from depression.

>> No.8878559

where are all the inspired deus ex games?

>> No.8878656

They exist they just all are shit.

>> No.8880080

Neither of those anons, but it obviously is normally not possible as we don't have many good new games to play.

>you cant form teams.
You can, you just need passionate autists who won't suddenly grow into their middle twenties, realize that they want kids and a fancier car and quit games forever (or at least they think it's forever). Which is difficult because the economy is even less forgiving to those not obsessing with financial success than back then.
Also, the very same economy problem feeds into the potential buyers problem because those interested in actual games as opposed to fancier Skinner boxes have less buying power.

Essentially you need to have game development be 100% a hobby now. A life-long passion. Naturally there must be exceptions, but the norm ought to be this.

>> No.8880113

How many of you played Deus Ex for the first time in like 2015+ and still found it awesome?

>> No.8880341

Zoomer here, I played vanilla in 2016 and loved it

>> No.8880350

>yet he ripped his shit off from Deus Ex
Stop parroting stupid shit you seen from Razorshit's videos. MGS2 was already being made when Deus Ex came out and MGS1 predated it.

If anything, they were both ripping off the X-Files.

>> No.8880694

I remember hearing the Deus Ex writer was on a huge x-files binge when he was working on the story. Conspiracy stuff was pretty big in the late 90s-early 00s and even made it into the mainstream with stuff like MIB and the Matrix blowing up. Alex Jones even got his start around then I'm pretty sure that was when he broke into the bohemian grove and took a ton of pictures of some weird shit going on. Anyone acting like either game came up with this huge conspiracy story in a bubble all on their own is a confirmed zoomer.

>> No.8880739

I played it in 2015 or 2016. It's one of the few times I really got sucked into a game. I love first person stealth so that probably played a big part. The level designed and non-lethal run really lent itself to stealth.

>> No.8880807

I want to play this but i feel like i ruined it by watching the first 2 hours of gameplay a couple years ago. Tried it a couple days ago and was bored

>> No.8880965

the best part is further on

>> No.8881268

You watched the first 3% of the game and you don't want to try the other 97% now?

>> No.8881320

>Liberty Island
>Battery Park, Hell's Kitchen, Warehouse District
>Brooklyn Bridge Station, Mole Tunnels, LaGuardia
>Hell's Kitchen, NSF Headquarters
>MJ12, Unatco
Okay, not my schtick
>Hong Kong
Kino beyond belief
>Hell's Kitchen
>Naval Yards, Cemetery
Tedious but good
>Paris Streets, Chateau
Could have been great, ultimately meh
>Templay, Morgan's Home
Another could have been great but went nowhere
>Air Force Base
Tedious, felt like a rehash
>Sub Base, Lab, Silo
>Area 51
Deus Ex isn't frontloaded with good content, but I wouldn't blame someone if they stopped after Hong Kong

>> No.8881371

>>Sub Base, Lab, Silo
The sub base always kills my replays. I don't know what it is specifically but I can never get through it.

Your list also doesn't mention the cathedral level which is great.

>> No.8881404

Do you put any points in swimming? It's always a joke how it's useless but I usually upgrade it at least once and it makes any levels with water more enjoyable since it lets you swim faster.

>> No.8881410

Why would you tap out when you're so close to the end?
Also, I did put the Cathedral, I just shortened it to Templar and misspelled it as Templay. I thought it could have used more of the Hell's Kitchen/Battery Park/Paris treatment, where it has neutral NPCs outside the Cathedral. And the whole thing with Morgan's home felt incomplete. Like you were supposed to return there before the final level.

>> No.8881467

I hear swimming isn't actually that bad and opens a ton of routes in some levels but it requires you to pre-emptively know those routes or at least the level layout to some degree.

Usually by that point I'm already getting bored of the game. I hate that level and the levels afterwards are also pretty bad so there's no point suffering through it. I got pretty much everything I wanted out of it.

>> No.8881473

Okay, that's fair enough. I did say I wouldn't blame someone if they stopped after Hong Kong. The only level I'd really miss is maybe Paris and maybe Morgan's Home. But you do those two before the base/lab/silo.

>> No.8881480

JoJo (the pimp) was the commander in the area for NSF if I recall, so swing and a miss anon

>> No.8881501

Best guns when fully upgraded:
1)GEP Gun: Ultimate lockpick and a must for krakens or robots
2) Sniper Rifle: Can shoot cameras, 1-hit KO
3) Assault Rifle: No recoil, highest dps vs. bosses

>> No.8882182

I'm thinking for my first playthrough I will go advanced hacking and trained pistol and low tech.

>> No.8882190

Games ruined for me because of the YouTube pedophile

>> No.8882196

Wasn't he "self-proclaimed"? He was just some poseur who wanted to be cool, so he kept saying he's with NSF. In reality, I don't think even NSF knew he's working for them.

>> No.8882203

IMO, the best build for the first playthrough is hacking/lockpicking/computers. You want to open as many doors as you can and exploration is key in this game.

>> No.8882268

For me it's the bitching sword, used it almost exclusively once I got it.

>> No.8882967

>No worse than Deus Ex peaking in Hong Kong.
No I'd say it's much worse. Your idiot fanboyism is clearly clouding your judgment.

>> No.8882972

>I like Human Revolution but the single-minded fixation in the writing was annoying.
That's very ironic, I wonder if you'll ever get there.

>> No.8882979

I think comparing Deus Ex and Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines is futile because they're two different design philosophies. A comparison between System Shock 2 and Deus Ex is much more warranted. VtMB is more akin to a Bethesda game.

>> No.8882986

I don't care about that retard, it's still my favorite game.

>> No.8882992

Why the fuck is Bioshock even in that list at all? I don't care if they use 0451 in the game, it just doesn't belong.
>through the Q movement
You mean the Russian propaganda network for hillbillies and losers. Go fuck yourself, seek a cliff you goddamn trailer trash.

>> No.8883061

>deathloop that high
delete this dumb shit and kys

>> No.8883069

>Why the fuck is Bioshock even in that list at all?
better question is why is niggerloop in it. that game is dogshit

>> No.8883091

It isn't, you just saw a black guy on the cover and lost your mind with lust.

>> No.8883116

In the statue of Liberty you can overhear 2 NSF goons talking about Jojo and one of them says something along the lines of
>In ALABAMA we would never let a man with EARRINGS plan a military operation!

And also something about Jojo purposefully sabotaging the ambrosia operation so that he can have a monopoly on selling it on the streets so I think he was a big deal in the NSF

>> No.8883123

>tfw Deus Ex/VTMB never got proper sequels within a year or two of their release and wasted the potential of something better

>> No.8883260

>Troika was planning a VtMB sequel until the company disbanded

>> No.8883372

it looks dark as shit though, it just doesn't display properly on modern machinery

>> No.8883454

>It isn't, you just saw a black guy on the cover and lost your mind with lust.
You just outed yourself with your projection tranny

>> No.8883580

Aren't they pretty much Obsidian, though?

>> No.8883606

Computers, Electronics and a weapon. Electronic doors are your main barrier, not Lockpicking ones. The vast, vast majority of doors can be blown open just by having GEP Gun (untrained or not) or LAMs. If it takes more than a pick or two, never be shy of just forcing it open. Later you might want Trained just to save picks as the weak locks start requiring above 2 to pick, but the baseline is fine early with liberal use of explosions.

>> No.8883787

I didn't play it til exactly around that time frame myself, but that's because I didn't play PC games back when it came out.

Late 90's up to the Early 2010's, I was console+handhelds only.

>> No.8884024

I am hearing only good things about Elon's new Niggaloop.

>> No.8884045

The funniest part about that is the guy who made it started with some condescending remark like
>Just because you FEEL like a game is an immersive sim doesn't make it one
Then adds Bioshock because it FEELS like an immersive sim.

It's from the guy trying to be the civvie equivalent for immersive sims. He gets away with it because he ranks all the new games high unless they're such shitshows he can't get away with it like Thief 4 and Underworld Ascendant.

>> No.8884054

Wasn't Russia. Don't drink the mainstream coolaids.

>> No.8884071

as a poor, I kinda like the slowburn release of Deus Ex games over the years. It didn't pile on the sequels like some Mass Effect whores do.

>> No.8884091

JoJo's a big deal in hells kitchen. He acquired the warehouse NSF get up their generator and sat dishes(?). Seems to be the head of the entire hells kitchen op. he was a crime lord before NSF armed him and his gang. But it's still not comparable to New-deus exs one note single focus writing.

>> No.8884109

Don't try to gaslight people, you stupid piece of shit. I'm going to brick in your mouth.

>> No.8884132

Try bitch.

>> No.8885612
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>> No.8885821

Ok, where?