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8865678 No.8865678 [Reply] [Original]

how do i beat Chemical plant zone act 2?

i still can't get past this water part

>> No.8865681

the Flooding Florintians

>> No.8865689

The Stumbling Estonians

>> No.8865712

If not trolling, time your jumps more carefully. Good luck with the boss it filtered me for 25 years.

If not,
The Escapading Eskimos

>> No.8866119

Literally just go up. When you get to the top, go left but slowly so you don't miss the jumps at the platforms. At the end the platforms flip so don't run after you get across. Be careful when you approach the boss because the platforms on each side flip there as well.

>> No.8866124

The wet welshmen

>> No.8866212

the drowning danes

>> No.8866225

Mischievous Mexicans

>> No.8866273
File: 161 KB, 862x475, cpz act 2 skip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this.

>> No.8866279

There is no trick to it though. How could anyone have trouble with it? You just jump on the moving blocks as they become available.

>> No.8866295

The post before yours is literally describing a trick with a diagram.

>> No.8866349

That's a shortcut, and the point is there'a no trick you need in order to get past the level. It's not like a puzzle you need to solve to be allowed forward. The path you take to move forward is as straightforward as it gets.

>> No.8866384

>a shortcut that requires abusing the pinball physics isn't a trick

>> No.8866392

Is it a trick? I figured this out on my own and to jump in certain parts of Sonic 1 to avoid screen death. I'm pretty sure OP is trolling but then again this place is full of /v/ posters.

>> No.8866483
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>Sonic was diagnosed with terminal cancer 2 years after completing this stage

>> No.8866516

The Moist Mujahideen

>> No.8866535

This level is really filtering. But if you practice every day, eventually you'll be able to clear. The next act is MUCH worse.

>the boss
The trick with the boss is to stay in the middle. Do NOT leave the middle part. It's the only part which is safe.

>> No.8866636

>jump here

>> No.8866672
File: 50 KB, 500x309, mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing the point you autist.
It isn't aome difficult level where you NEED to do a trick in order to proceed.
In fact most people have no idea about that shortcut and don't need to know because, once again and for the third time, it's a strajghtforward level where you can complete it simply by taking the obvious path forward and jumping on the slowly rotating block platforms.

>> No.8866734

Speed + ramp + jump = weeeeeeeeeee

Most of the time I see people fail this section it's because they're completely ignoring the movement pattern of the blocks, whch results in them jumping for blocks that move out from under them and fall down. Don't do that.

>> No.8866757

Is it okay if I complain about getting crushed by the moving blocks even though it looks like sonic fits between them?

>> No.8866842

>sonic 1
>how do you kill eggnik robotman with perfectly timed jumps Labyrinth zone even though you don't need to
>sonic 2
>how do you not drown at the moving block part where the chemical rises
>sonic 3
>how do you get past the barrel

>> No.8866882

That happens in 3 when you spindash under those spike shark pillars in Marble Garden sometimes, too.

>> No.8867000

Don't listen to the haters Op, I had problems with this level when I was a six year old too. The trick is to jump up onto the moving block above before it starts moving to the right.

The block will move under you as you land. Ez

>> No.8867003

This part was hard for me too when I was 8.
Then I learned patience is the key. But too much patience can be bad.

>> No.8867023

+water, which gives you a massive height boost combined with any speed off a slope making it one of the easiest tricks in the game.

>> No.8867043

The Escalating Epicureans

>> No.8867054

It's the second fucking level in the game. This is your first retro game, you get stuck for 10 mins, and you make a thread. I'm pretty sure girls aren't allowed to post on 4chan.

>> No.8867083
File: 58 KB, 1249x350, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the shortcut that skips the whole water section and drops you out right at the boss

>> No.8867090
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, SonicDontNeedThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the barrel one is an actual thing you would get stuck on.
Chemical Plant should, at absolute worst, maybe result in you dying the first time around because you didn't get the hang of how to play a basic platformer yet.
There's no trick to it though. You just jump on the slowly moving blocks and if you don't mash the buttons like a spastic retard you won't fall and won't run out of air during that 20 second interval where you're jumping from one block to another underwater.
It's so very far away from an actually difficult timing platformer like Battletoads that I can't believe anyone seriously has trouble with it for any longer than the first plauthrough. The timing for Chemical Plant is plenty forgiving. If you make an honest effort to pay attention and jump on the blocks you get past it. That's all there is to it.

>> No.8867501
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>> No.8867509

You never heard of gamefaqs?

>> No.8867513

The Gulping Germanics

>> No.8867725

I have no clue how I struggled so hard with this part as a kid

>> No.8867741

The Drenching Druids

>> No.8867752
File: 322 KB, 2048x1376, 279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could beat this was when I was 6 years old. Imagine having difficulty with some elementary platforming.

>> No.8868231

Does this work?

>> No.8868280

>you're struggling to learn German? I was speaking when I was 6 years old
This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.8868293

The water level doesn't rise until you enter the vertical trap at the right side, that jump can be made outside of water.

>> No.8868351
File: 2.25 MB, 1600x1200, sonic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted that image and, turns out it actually doesn't. My memory was wrong. It IS doable if you use the spinner thing on the left.

>> No.8868661

Nobody ever talks about the long term ramifications that some of these stages have on their protagonists. Chemical Factory and Oil Ocean come to mind, not like Sonic was wearing any protective gear. And let's not forget how much radiation he was exposed to during the Death Egg.

>> No.8868663

I've legit seen Sonic die from getting shot arrows in the Roaming Romans zone.

>> No.8868854

ok but did you see him take an arrow to the knee and have to spend 2 years in physical therapy just to be able to walk again?

>> No.8868864

Masturbaiting Mandrills

>> No.8868891

As a kid I had trouble with that section before.
Even now, if I mess up by falling down too far, there's a good chance I won't have time to make it all the way up because of the water slowing down movement too much

>> No.8869054

I actually remember doing this as a kid, funnily enough.

>> No.8869060

well, more this >>8868351

>> No.8869771

Trekking Turks

>> No.8870282

Jesus christ, stop playing it at this point. You are a fucking retard.

>> No.8870325

Don't take that route. Use this one instead:

>> No.8870361

Had zero problems with this as a 11 year old in 93. What is fucking wrong with you lmao

>> No.8870690

pvre sovl

>> No.8870785

Man that water looks awful. A complete hydrocity.

>> No.8870805
File: 44 KB, 960x720, NoBloodForOilZone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody ever talks about the long term ramifications that some of these stages have on their protagonists. Chemical Factory and Oil Ocean come to mind
I'm kind of ruining docfuture's Sonic 2 Special Edition series by linking you to the relevant one here but fuck it.

>> No.8870828

Prepping Pyrenees

>> No.8871238
File: 111 KB, 1014x976, VisigothMommyGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voluptuous Visigoths

>> No.8871241

I would roam that body, if you catch my drift.

>> No.8871247

I don't get it.

>> No.8871256
File: 92 KB, 828x888, ThenAndNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8871259

the Vicing Visigoths