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8863817 No.8863817 [Reply] [Original]

What are top all overused annoying phrases of retro gaming discourse of all time?

>> No.8863824

(blank) game on vintage/retro console is just like darksouls!!

>> No.8863851

Not phrases as such, but "underrated" and "overrated" are probably the keystones for the worst kind of revisionist vidya rhetoric.

>> No.8863853


>> No.8863873

hidden gems™

>> No.8863907

>hidden gem
>now that the dust has settled
>how were you supposed to know without a guide?
>you didn't beat the game
>_______ is the dark souls of _______!
>nintendo hard
>whatever the new piece of youtube faggot trivia is for the week
I see any of these and I just tune out anything else you're saying/typing. You've outed yourself as a GenZ kid by using any of these, so I can reliably assume you're not going to say anything else worth hearing.

>> No.8863916

True. Firstly, you're basing your opinion on the game on what other people have said, and secondly, you often have an unclear picture of what other people have said anyway, because everyone lives in their own bubble.
You just need to look at a game. Look at what you think it does well. Look at what you think it does poorly, and stop giving attention to this crowd of people who live mostly in your head.

>> No.8863923

Saying something has bad controls or camera. Nine times out of ten, it doesn't. People just developed a massive bias for those modern style action games with shooter controls, where the camera is right up your ass, and they can't adapt.

>> No.8863931

Limited lives, continues and anything that can kill you is just padding.

How were you supposed to know?!

Did this game age well?

Savestates just fix out of date bad game design. It's the same thing with them anyway, just with less time wasted.

I just played [insert badly made remaster sold for 50$], I don't get the hype

>> No.8863941

> Sonic Adventure is a good game
> Sonic Adventure is a shit game

>> No.8863947

The most truthful thing you can say about Sonic Adventure is it's a game with some things that are kind of good.

>> No.8863957

I suspect this has something to do with the realization that games with "soulslike mechanics" have been around for a while, and one that stands out is Zelda 2. I imagine many, if not most people, grew up with this idea that Zelda 2 is a bad game, but it turns out it was, in a sense, ahead of its time. This realization has been striking enough that it's become a meme. Perhaps.

I'd say Sonic Adventure had some good ideas, but like many games of its era, the execution is piss poor. Practically the only reason people like Sonic Adventure is nostalgia. It's also to do with what COULD have been. Some of the stage concepts and music tease how cool of a game Sonic Adventure could have been, but alas.

>> No.8863965


>> No.8863969

"[famous game creator] is an overrated hack" is one that particularly grinds my gears.

>> No.8863984

Souls itself is kind of like a modern iteration of about a thousand classic fantasy action games like Zelda or Castlevania, which is why people going back to those games and saying "hey, this is like retro Dark Souls" annoys people so much. It's like, no shit, Dark Souls was directly influenced by this.

>> No.8863991

Right, I think a significant takeaway of soulslike games is that they're not far off from the gameplay loop of NES games. DS1 for example reminds me a lot of an NES game with unlimited continues, and you just grind it out until you git gud or memorize the level.

>> No.8864004


>> No.8864012

>play on a CRT.

>> No.8864014

>Savestates just fix out of date bad game design. It's the same thing with them anyway, just with less time wasted.
This is true in a few cases though.

>> No.8864028

"quality of life fixes"

>> No.8864039

The Authentic Experience™

>> No.8864081

>It's also to do with what COULD have been. Some of the stage concepts and music tease how cool of a game Sonic Adventure could have been, but alas.

It's what I feel for every Sonic game released in the last decade or so. I'm not even mad at bad quality anymore. I just feel sad it didn't live up to its full potential.

>> No.8864093

any form of tribalism between retro games and modern games

>> No.8864312

God, could you imagine back in the 90s some kid could have gotten furiously molested in the ass by their dad/uncle to this tune?


>> No.8864316

As the devs intended

>> No.8864318

"aged". nothing makes you and everything you stand for irrelevant faster than saying a game aged.

>> No.8864352

books and movies "age" so a game cannot?

>> No.8864375

I hate these 2 so fucking much, in any given context.

>> No.8864383

"Kino" is mesmerising though if you're German because it literally means cinema.
I still agree with you

>> No.8864386

>people saying this game is deep are pretentious and the game sucks. No, I did not beat the game

>> No.8864397

>picture of fantastic game

>> No.8864476

>hidden gem
>you didn't beat the game
>nintendo hard
What do these have to do with Gen Z?

>> No.8864562

I do the same thing but with people who say "dogshit"... I never met someone in real life who uses it, but subconsciously i associated "dogshit" with low IQ -_- !

>> No.8864585

your opinion is wet garbage

>> No.8864664

>Limited lives, continues and anything that can kill you is just padding.
That's just true though. Lives are a way to turn a 45 minute game into one that will last you weeks, or force you to rent it a dozen times.

>> No.8864669

And that's a good thing!

>> No.8864771

[insert shmup here] is too short

>> No.8864772

>ps2 is retro

It isn't.

>> No.8864786
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 1456636723831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching video about a castlevania game
>reviewer calls it a metroidvania

>> No.8864792

Sympathy for a Knight didn't add anything that wasn't already in Metroid games. The genre should be called Metroid-likes

There are Castlevania games that aren't Metroid-likes.

>> No.8864807

This list is pretty spot on, but you forgot soul/soulless. I can't stand when someone uses either one of those as an argument.

>> No.8864813


>> No.8864821 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8864838

This is how i felt about Demon's Souls. I heard people talk how it was so damn hard and i expected it to be like a new Devil May Cry or "modern" Ninja Gaiden hard, but it was just 3D Castlevania.

>> No.8864861

Any game with non linear exploration should be called Graphical-Zorks.

>> No.8864871

Exclusive to this site, but based, kino, soul, onions, Reddit, zoomer, boomer, cringe and comfy.
Outside of that, it’s more what the phrase tends to be used for instead of the phrase itself, but “A Retrospective on X” and the like. Nowadays it seems people can’t form their own opinions so they just copy what those shit videos say which either leads to a perfectly serviceable game getting relentlessly shat on because it doesn’t fit some 19 year old’s moviegame standards or floods the game’s fanbase with the aforementioned stereotype, who then parrot the video thinking they’re giving a geniunely unique contribution to whatever combo, so no matter what happens that game’s reputation will be tarnished regardless of what happens. This is of course as long as the video gets popular enough.

>> No.8864878

And a linear game will be called a Zorkless.

>> No.8864882

Ah shit, I meant convo, not combo.

>> No.8864890

Finally get Mario 2
It's the shitty All stars version
At least Wii virtual console got it right

>> No.8864891
File: 79 KB, 691x691, gts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X game in the franchise is 10/10 GOAT
>different game in the same series that's very similar but with maybe some things I like less is PURE SHIT 0/10

>> No.8864925

i clicked the thing (in a retro game)

>> No.8864958
File: 7 KB, 195x158, Wario grossed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It aged poorly
>Only liked for nostalgia
>It was a good game, now it's outdated

>> No.8864982

books and movies don't age either.

>> No.8864984

Everything there is correct except you didn't beat the game. Because you didn't unless you played purely as intended.

>> No.8864989

It sure sucks when I experience a minor bug and I have to restart from scratch so that I can actually beat the game

>> No.8864992

>i-i-i-i only save state to p-prevent bugs!
Stop kidding yourself you triple nigger

>> No.8864996

When did I ever talk about savestates?

>> No.8865272

It really irks me when people call one game similar to another a "clone" or "rip-off."

>> No.8865407

It's true if it's to save time skipping otherwise unskippable cutscenes after each death. I wish to god I'd had save states on the PSX for the Xenogears Ramsus part back in the 90s. So many wasted hours watching that s.o.b. talk.

>> No.8866032

>How were you supposed to know?!
This phrase in particular and all of its variations should be an instaban.

>> No.8866039

i tried the only button and it didn't work! how was i supposed to know to try the d-pad?

>> No.8866083

It added fun and a good art style.