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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8860452 No.8860452 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on retroachievements? Trying to discuss achievements or trophies on /v/ tends to cause a lot of autism and seething for some reason, I'm curious about what /vr/ thinks of the concept.
I think it's a neat feature, but the overall community seems a bit spergy. Retro achievements lean a lot more towards skill than modern achievements, but that also comes with the caveat that some require you to do perfect no hit runs, or even overly complicated speed runner tactics that are way too specific for most people to pull off (look at SM64's RA page for a good example). This problem is exacerbated more if you play with hardcore settings (seems like the intended way according to most users on the site) meaning no save states or rewinding allowed.

I probably never would have bothered with it if it wasn't already seamlessly integrated into retroarch. The other alternative was to use their specific, in house built RA emulators before retroarch integration happened.

>> No.8860527

I turned it on for the novelty of it. I don't actively try to pursue a ladder or ranking, but it seems a different way to see a game. I try to not bother with it as much, I try to cater to my fun and enjoyment first and if the achievement happens is a bonus.

I have read some discussions on their forums a while back. It seems to be heated indeed. Adding new achievements sets for games is for those creative and it requires a passion feeling I guess.

>> No.8860564

As someone with ADHD and autism, the inclusion of achievements or light grindy RPG mechanics consistently help to get me to continue playing the game. It's easy for me to lose interest, achievements can help provide that incentive to go through the effort of playing through a new game.
I've never used retro achievements though besides whatever was on 360 etc. I didn't need achievements to beat Jet Set Radio a hundred times but I made sure to complete them all on every console I got the game on (as many as possible)

>> No.8860571

>I'm curious about what /vr/ thinks of the concept.
I think it's awesome, as I've mentioned in previous threads, but /vr/ goes full autistic at the mention of retroachivements as well. All the usual excuses aside, I figure it's mostly due to the fact that a fair amount of these achievements are difficult, and that's probably too much for a community that doesn't actually play old games. I think they're a neat way to revisit old games again, and they get me to play them in ways I never considered when I was a kid. That alone makes them worth it to me. I get that it's too much for some people, though.

>> No.8860586

If it can incite zoomers to actually try to play the games instead of watching longplays or using savestates to "fix the game", then why not.

>> No.8860605

It's fun, but I don't really take it all that seriously, it's just something to have on when I'm naturally playing through games.
Don't bother with Hardcore Mode unless it's something I know I can play through in one sitting.

>> No.8860626

Maybe it's because I wasnt a Sony kid or an Xbox kid but I genuinely don't see the appeal in achievements. Beating the game is the achievement.

>> No.8860638

>Trying to discuss achievements or trophies on /v/ tends to cause a lot of autism and seething for some reason
There are people out there who dock points on reviews because they don't like the achievements.
There are people out there who refuse to buy games because they don't like the achievements.
My cousin wanted a game, I bought him the game on GOG since it was DRM-free and had all the DLC at a better price, but it was the "wrong version" because "this one doesn't have achievements". I never bought him anything ever again, ungrateful little cunt.

>> No.8860661

It’s nice to have a store of record though. Along with that feather in your fedora you can at least look back at the accomplishments or point to it.

If most games of previous generations can be beaten in under an hour in most occasions anyways - why would playing something through again or even for the first time with the added feature which takes nothing away from the game matter?

If MiSTer could integrate this it would be insane how many more units it would move.

I love savestates. If tech allowed at the time most games would include a feature similar. And it’s akin to playing on an easier difficulty at worst - so if you beat a game once like this and get to know it better are you not allowed to play through again without it? Or what about just not having time in a single gaming session? Save states are great

>> No.8860665

You're like one of those /g/ autistics that runs around installing Linux on everyone's computer if they're stupid enough to leave the machine with you for tech support.

>> No.8860674

For me its just an easy way to catalog a list of games I've played and possibly completed.
I've seen people manually create lists for video games, movies, and anime they've experienced, this just let's me do it automatically.

>> No.8860687

>Save states are great
They take away any and all penalties for playing badly. There is no punishment or consequence anymore and can be used as a crutch for a severe lack of skill.

It's an optional feature though, just like achievements, so there's not really any need to get worked up about it. If someone wants to cheat themselves out of an authentic experience of getting good that's on them.

I can see it having its uses too. Using save states to practice a certain tough part of a game then going back and doing the whole thing legit seems like a valid use of the feature to me.

>> No.8861046

It’s really fun to do for games that I played the crap out of when I was younger, just as some new personal challenges.

For example when I got the Mega Man X legacy collection on Steam there was all kinds of interesting new stuff to try to do, like getting through the centipede stage in X2 without tripping the alarms or beating Bit and Byte in X3 with just the X buster. It breathed new life into games I had beaten a million times already which I really appreciated.

There’s nobody I know who is going to actually see the achievements, so it’s not for showing off or bragging rights or anything like that. It’s pure entertainment, just finding new challenges in familiar places

>> No.8861056

If I ever decide to make a emulator, should I copy Retroarch by adding retroachievements as well?

>> No.8861085

It's fine on paper, but a LOT of games have really shitty achievements that are just things you get by playing through the game normally.

>> No.8861104

I accidentally found their website back in 2014, while looking for some Famicom game. Made an account to try how it all works and stayed. There were like 10-15 active users at the time, community was really small and they were still tweaking their stuff and greeting newcomers. It was kinda comfy.

Nowadays it's really big and that comfy feeling is lost but I still play on their emulators from time to time. I think it's a fun idea and a way to re-discover favorite games for yourself.

>> No.8861908

I agree with this. A lot of the time, it feels like a parody. I shouldn't be getting achievements for getting 50 rings in Sonic or beating the first level of Super Mario Bros.

>> No.8861910

I turn them on to see the puns and wordplay

>> No.8861935

They need some low hanging fruit for the casuals. If every achievement was "beat this level under a time limit while taking no hits" tier then there'd be nonstop bitching.
If you want a good laugh go over to their forums and find the thread about them discontinuing softcore players from earning points or being on leaderboards, and see how the casuals seethe.

>> No.8861939

I feel like instead of hardcore giving double points, it would have been smarter to make hardcore and softcore entirely separate leaderboards.

>> No.8862004

They're fun to have, I guess. I don't care about cheevos or whatever, but it doesn't hurt anything. Sometimes it's nice to have a little acknowledgement for something that you'd otherwise do for shits and giggles, like a knife only run on Resident Evil.


>> No.8862015

Some people advocated for that, but I guess it's too much for the site runners to want to bother with. Thered probably be more rampant cheating too with softcore players trying to stay at the top of the board.

>> No.8862732

You're giving zoomers too much credit. They can't play a GBA game without 200% speedup.

>> No.8862745
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Achivements are for people that can't value their own experiences

>> No.8862748

Not having enough time is a lack of skill? Stfu you no life having faggot

>> No.8862751

My two sentence in reaction unwarranted. You are softer on save states than initially presumed. Lol. I dig em for exactly what you said. And also the not having enough time. Cmon man you want always have a dedicated few hours?!

>> No.8862753
File: 13 KB, 241x277, Chin_HK97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not fear the man who has beaten 10,000 games. I fear the man that has beaten one game 10,000 times.

>> No.8862807

it's awesome, right down to the hardcore achievements

>> No.8862860

Skilled people need less time to overcome a challenge than unskilled people, yeah.

>> No.8862924

why would I care about some "achievement" thought up by some literal who

>> No.8863132

>he needs an exclusive amount of time to beat a retro game