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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8855608 No.8855608 [Reply] [Original]

ITT/: blatant spyware you loved as a kid

>> No.8857034
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>> No.8857142

Funnily enough, I still have the original disc and Windows Defender detects the installer as some sort of malware.

>> No.8857145
File: 82 KB, 346x288, BonziBuddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The master

>> No.8857892

That was malware...? Oh, god...

>> No.8857923
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There will never be another era like early 00's.

>> No.8857940


>> No.8859112

I remember extensively making levels in the bundled level designed with this game.
I didn't have Internet at the time so the malware did literally nothing to me.

>> No.8859125

What exactly was he and OP pic doing to count as "malware"? Sending your private data to some fishy websites? Hijacking your browser to spam tits?

>> No.8859172

I can't attest to Bonzi Buddy but I do know that the disc that Speed Eggbert came on was from eGames, which unironically bundled spyware (or Adware at the very least) in to all of their discs, so that when you would run the installation of all of the games, you would also get it.

>> No.8859184

I never heard of this, so I did a basic wikipedia read. Speedy Eggbert was published by eGames. eGames had some sort of agreement with Conducent Affiliate Network to include adware (TSAdBot) into their installers. This page seems like a good rundown: http://www.cexx.org/tsadbot.htm

The basic summary is it connects to Conducent's servers to deliver ads to your desktop. It snoops on at least your browser history and file cache. It digs deep into your system to be a complete pain in the ass to root out. If you try blocking network connections, it hogs your system resources trying to phone home.

>> No.8859201

Didn't Serj Tankian make this game?

>> No.8859213

i got to download this and avenge my younger self.

>> No.8859226

Did they ever get sued for this?

>> No.8859269

I have no idea and it doesn't seem to be a quick search. They ceased operations according to http://www.cexx.org/pkzip.htm but I don't see any mention as to when they did (the page only says "this year"). I checked the WayBack Machine and that page exists as far back as August 2001, so they've been officially defunct for at least 20 years.

From what I've learned Speedy Eggbert is a rebranding of Speedy Blupi. Blupi has his own series of games which are all now available as freeware by Epsitec SA (original devs). I assume these are free of malware.

>> No.8859271

Neopets games back when they had popup ads

>> No.8859694

>trannies bitched and seethed on this old ass game
>They said this game is homophobic and incites violence against homosexuals
Literal clowb world.

>> No.8860773 [DELETED] 

What game?

>> No.8860818

I first got a computer in 2002 and downloaded bonzi buddy pretty early on.
Okay so get this, the malware/spyware Bonzi infected you with is literally what the entirety of the internet became. It’s telemetry. He would log everything you did on the internet and then direct advertisements to you and send the data back to Bonzi HQ who would then sell it. It was the toolbars and stupid bullshit he would download that had the potential to fuck up your windows install.
I have bonzi installed on my win10 machine and now that the servers are down he’s “safe”.

>> No.8861042

>bonzi was ahead of the curve

>> No.8861137

> It was the toolbars and stupid bullshit he would download that had the potential to fuck up your windows install.

I remember downloading some animated desktop wallpaper with 3D model of Solar system, thought it's really cool and sent it to friend. Then she said it doesn't turn off and I felt like I accidentaly sent her a malware and fucked up her PC.

Now when I think of it, there is a chance that it actually was a malware but I didn't realize it.

>> No.8861329
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That, and Zango Muncher

>> No.8862434

I had Minigolf Master as a game, also made by eGames, Came with a different thing which had demos of some their other games including Speedy Eggbert

>> No.8862482

he come to town