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8852329 No.8852329 [Reply] [Original]

You ever prefer a worse version of a game even though you know its not as good and you can easily play a better of it? For me its tales of phantasia gba, i guess its because its the only version released officially in English and that's how i played it originally but I can't play any other version of it.

>> No.8852338
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>> No.8852341

The snes version made me go from disliking the game, to falling in love with it. I'm playing through it right now and I love it. That said, I also generally dislike handhelds and specifically the GBA. Something about the way audio sounds on that console really makes me feel a bit ill.

>> No.8852348

>get ambushed
>lose shitton of health no matter what
SNES is harder

>> No.8853040
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x768, 1645954832123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played this more times than I can count. It was the definitive way to play Mario 64 on the go for a long time

>> No.8853046

Doesn't fit. It's better than the N64 version.

>> No.8853313

Sonic Adventure dc vs DX.

I prefer the DC version.

>> No.8853317

Nope, DS controls make it automatically worse. Cant beat that n64 joystick for m64

>> No.8853375
File: 102 KB, 1280x800, uncharted-waters-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
DOS version looks much better, but I'd rather play the SNES version because I can't seem to get the hang of the mouse controls.

>> No.8853379
File: 2.44 MB, 640x480, RE1 Saturn Tick new move.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil and Castlevania SotN

on Saturn

They're worse "technicly speaking" but they're better

>> No.8853423
File: 61 KB, 400x480, 145803_3DS_DragonQuestVIII_PR_S_18_ExploringAlexandria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, OoT and MM on 3DS are my go to versions. DQ8 too, I guess I just like playing them on a handheld. I mean if I somehow lose access to my 3DS I'll emulate the originals of course

>> No.8853426

Shit didn't mean to reply

>> No.8853443

look at this guy actually enjoying video games.

>> No.8853447

>Random chance

>> No.8853457
File: 1009 KB, 1080x811, 1586561484193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diablo II Resurrected's bug fixes, QoL and new graphics is worth it over the 10-15% of censorship and questionable decisions (it's not always-online on my PS4 cracked version)

>> No.8853926

psp one is best

>> No.8853939

Original is always the best.

>> No.8853998

Sonic adventure in Dreamcast is actually better than DX They botched up a lot of graphical updates as well as gameplay related things

>> No.8854006

>completely remaking a three year old game
I love those strange little Jap freaks

>> No.8854721

The snes version would be the best if it had the ps1 sprites

>> No.8854741

It's a port for a portable device, you doofus.

>> No.8854746

Yup whenever I feel like playing baldurs gate I will just use the shitty fucking beamdog port and murder all their fanfiction deviant art characters. It's just easier than dealing with tutu and getting everything running smoothly at modern resolutions.

>> No.8854763
File: 241 KB, 948x950, Rayman_2_PS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fully voice acted
>Most of the missing/shortened levels are shit ones like the Sanctuary of Stone and Fire.
>Hall of doors is an eerie space-like void
>Better flying shell controls
>Includes unlockable beta of the side-scrolling 2D Rayman 2
>Some new music in cutscenes which better suit the dark tone of the story.
>Final boss fight is better and more challenging than the stupid flying shell part from the original.

I grew up with the PS1 version and just recently beat the Dreamcast version. The Dreamcast port is just gorgeous and runs at a rock solid 60fps, but fuck me were some of those levels cut from the PS1 version just so tedious and frustrating.

>> No.8854776

Well those are all upgrades.

>> No.8854782

Just emulate. Who the fuck plays a real ds anymore.

>> No.8854820
File: 60 KB, 466x464, 61mglv9NpZL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the version I played most as a kid and I didn't even realize there was less on the screen, and I still don't care

>> No.8854830

What fucking schizo would emulate the DS version instead of just playing the original?

>> No.8854831

Someone who wants to play the better version of the game.

>> No.8854847

this reminds me I have an aborted playthrough of the ps2 version and currently playing through n64, maybe I should really go back and finish ps2 too, the new areas are fascinating but everyone calls it terrible.
I'll still check out psx on my portable devices though

>> No.8854856

Is Rayman one of the earliest examples of being a multiplat series? All three games came out on every relevant console at the time of their respective releases including PCs

>> No.8854931

Rayman 2 gets a new port for like every console generation. I wonder which version is the true definitive one?

>> No.8854964
File: 175 KB, 1200x800, download (67).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda. I prefer Starfox 2 over 64 even though you can argue it's worse by every metric.

>> No.8855527

I bet you just like those furry girls on the right.

>> No.8855712

Nah. Fox+Falco for dem bombs

>> No.8855719

Not him, but the poodle chick looks like a cute bitch.

>> No.8855978
File: 286 KB, 316x316, Pokémon_box_art_-_Gold_Version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystal is the superior version by any reasonable metric but something about the increased emphasis on suicune always felt off to me. I prefer this version slightly

>> No.8856021

Tales for PS1 is a remake.

>> No.8857916
File: 547 KB, 2592x1944, The_Bourne_Hoarder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time, since I often play on consoles just because it was cheaper than the PC counterpart.

I prefer Chrono Trigger on the SNES as I would rather play without the animated cutscenes of the Playstation version, the extra dungeons of the DS, and I am not in need of all the accessibility features of the modern console/PC/phone releases.

I like the US Final Fantasy 2, even though it is the "easy type" because it flows better.

I routinely play the original Playstation release of Final Fantasy Tactics over the more robust iPad/PSP release because I like lines like "Blame yourself or God".

>> No.8859273

>Something about the way audio sounds on that console really makes me feel a bit ill.
As a kid, I used to be car sick a lot. Video Games or no video games. For school/work/etc, I usually play handheld in the commute. For some reasons, the better the graphics became, the less car sick I would get from the bus
One of the worst case of it was when I was talking Banjo-Kazooie Grunty Revenge, the swamp stage? The isometric perspective along with the extremely crusty graphics that day made me car sick to the point of having cold sweat

>> No.8859289

Yeah, it feels like an obvious addition to a game that otherwise lacks anything else like it, so it sticks out like a sore thumb

>> No.8859401

I don't understand. Is this a bad-remake-you-like-better-fuck-you thread or a bad-port-you-like-better-fuck-you thread?
Cuz I haven't played many remakes and I don't watch youtubers to know which ports are considered "worse" than other ports because I'm too busy fucking playing video games to give ha'penny jizz wtf some twat with a camera thinks.

>> No.8859456

Why the color spectrum on handheld is still this ugly ass oversaturated high contrast bullshit?

>> No.8859460

You might be onto something here. Most of my memories of the GBA were long car rides and I too got quite car sick. Maybe I associate it with that.

>> No.8860005

Take a breath

>> No.8860041

FFIX, for some reason I prefer to emulate it over downloading the PC version with that moguri mod.

>> No.8860402

Yeah, the only thing that did it on Switch was Gunvolt 1&2 and that's because the graphics looks clearly stretched. On GBA you often have clearly pixelated mess along with some manipulation of these sprites to make them bigger, rotate, etc and that just triggers it somehow

>> No.8860431

I know the Amiga version has way smoother movement than the DOS port but after two decades of playing the PC version I just can't help but love it more

>> No.8861209

The Moguri Mod looks like fucking dogshit so that makes perfect sense.

>> No.8861221

Ps1 version is so superior in every way. Even the combat is better because you get full control.

>> No.8861229

did not know that lol

>> No.8861230 [DELETED] 

because the original GBA didn't have a backlit screen, it was reflective and relied on you basically playing it under a lamp, so they cranked the saturation on all the colors up so it would look normal under these conditions.
Played on a normal GBA under proper lighting, it's much more muted.