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File: 90 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8848218 No.8848218 [Reply] [Original]

It blows my mind that anyone still likes this game. It's a complete betrayal of the SNES trilogy and the absolute nadir of 90's 3D platformer design. A closer 3D adaptation could have been something like Crash Bandicoot, with the Kongs racing through more linear levels full of action packed traps and set pieces, but instead we get another collect-a-thon in the exact style of Banjo Kazooie where life-or-death difficulty is replaced by checklists of collectable items. Rare made the huge number of pickups that count toward the completion percentage a huge selling point, justifying the literal system expansion pack by claiming this was a bigger game than anything before, it was one of the game's biggest selling points, but the final product is a giant segmented mess that when it doesn't feel like mindless busywork, becomes a tedious nightmare.

The game has extremely shallow player physics. Unlike Mario 64, where Mario has multiple different jumps that can be chained together to build momentum, every move in DK64 is flat and lifeless, and with the plain level design, there are rarely moments where you can use the character moments to cut corners or find shortcuts (or do anything other than move from point A to B). The game gives you a bunch of special moves and weapons, but none of them add anything to gameplay other than the most basic pattern matching. The gun is for shooting matching switches and specific enemies only it can kill. The grenades are for killing specific enemies immune to everything else. The instruments are basic screen-wipe bombs that are also just used for pressing switches. The individual kong special attacks are pretty much all contained to their own specific areas and switches as well. With 5 different characters, you end up doing a TON of backtracking that is completely unavoidable.

>> No.8848223

And, dear God, the mini-games are awful. Some of them like the beaver herding and bug swatting games are literally broken and require dumb luck to pass. The bosses are all awful too and require way too much running around and waiting for your designated turn to throw a barrel at their weak spot, and they even have the gall to repeat two of the bosses near the end of the game with minimal changes.

The game is buggy as fuck too. Did you know that you can cheat past the guys who block level entrances with Lanky's arm stretch? Did you know that pressing A+B at the same time on the minigames menu (after collecting all blueprints) takes you straight to a test room you can't escape from? Shit, nearly every intersection of two planes can be clipped past if you jump at the right angle.

What possible redeeming qualities does this game have? Because I'm not seeing it.

>> No.8848228

DKC is Eurojank. It was never good.

>> No.8848232

Didn't read but I liked the minigames even though the later ones were bullshut and being able to play the original Donkey Kong is cool

>> No.8848256

nice essay bro, might sub to your YT channel

>> No.8848269

you should put a tripfag on already so I can filter your posts.

>> No.8848278

The level "Manic Mincers" is a reference to "Manic Miner". That's all you need to know.

>> No.8849126

shouldn't you be sperging out in a different thread, what are you doing here >>8846707

>> No.8849663

>It's a complete betrayal of the SNES trilogy
we gonna pretend Oddworld Munch's Odyssey is bad? Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts?

>> No.8849756

>SNES: Cartoony Mario, Atmospheric DK
>N64: Atmospheric Mario, Cartoony DK
What was the reason for this?

>> No.8849780

What really blows my mind is you wrote all that and didn’t post a tl;dr

>> No.8849871

I mean, it's okay at best, but it's fun, so get mad

>> No.8849873

I played Nuts & Bolts recently, and I have to admit that it was fun. I'm less butthurt now that time has passed, but that framerate is still unacceptable.

>> No.8849897

i liked it

>> No.8849967

Collecting shit is still fun. The fact it is dressed up with a dinkey kang coat of paint makes it more fun. Shut the fuck up whore and bake me a pie.

>> No.8850092

I hate collectathons but I was always interested to see new environments in DK64. That trick hasn't worked on my since, I can't be bothered to do *shit* in yooka laylee.

>> No.8850108

Why did the guys who made the dk switch anywhere mod only make it for flashcarts?

>> No.8850115

I hope we get a good yooka sequel that fixes things but it beats you over the head with banjo references and its own identity doesnt quite have the spark that makes the world and characters worth investing in.
for the old games I was already invested in DK's world, and Banjo hooked me immediately.

>> No.8850139

>collectathons are fun
>bloat is fun

>> No.8850207 [DELETED] 

>i have opinion and GAME BAD!
who fucking cares

>> No.8850249

>The fact it is dressed up with a dinkey kang coat of paint makes it more fun.
it's sort of like digging up someone's grandmother and posing their corpse and then being like "what, i thought you'd be happy to see her again?"

>> No.8850280

Funny considering Wrinkly Kong in this game, but its not really like that. Its misguided but it wasnt that long after, the series wasn't dead yet and its the same guys making it. Gameplay is off but they cared enough to reference all 3 of K Rool's personas in the game and mecha crocodile isle is a good climax for the countrys' story.

>> No.8850462

>Oddworld Munch's Odyssey is bad?
yes? especially compared to oddysee and exoddusgda8m

>> No.8850942

The game has its shortcomings but its still good and one of the best the N64 had to offer. The sever hatred for it that developed over the last years is nothing but peak contrarianism.

>> No.8850963

>our game is looking shitty, how do we fix it?
>>keep adding more characters and mini games

>> No.8850982

>why do people like games for this console that only had like 200 games
cause everyone had the same games anon

>> No.8851034

Well it's a product of it's time. See, now, you have massive amounts of access to different games from many eras and can easily compare and bail on games when they stop being fun.

But in DK64's period, you usually got a single game for maybe Christmases or Birthdays or occasional treats. So this game being a big fat bloated collectathon, you didn't really care. It was more to do and bang for your buck.

In hindsight it's dull, repetitive gameplay and a cheap, lazy design. But back then it was more game, and you wrung the most fun out of it you possibly could, as you did with bad games.

Not justifying it, but explaining it.

>> No.8852075

they're so radically different, get out muh face

>> No.8852442

Yooka laylee got a sequel years ago, it was a 2d platformer and much better than the first game.

>> No.8853069

DK64 killed the collectathon. After it released, new IPs weren't being created anymore and the games that were being released were mostly pre-existing established and popular characters.