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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8844784 No.8844784 [Reply] [Original]

When did original hardware become the non-poorfag option? Go back in time 10-15 years and if you saw a SNES, N64 or PS1/PS2 in someones house you assume they were poor for playing on that old stuff. Now the original hardware people are well-off and emulators are poor?

>> No.8844790

Reddit economy and people with their parents money are to blame.

>> No.8844801

Retro vidya was always a poorfag pastime until mentally ill degenerates started treating them as golden age comic books. In fact that's the reason why japanese games kept their prices low for a long time before succumbing to western retardation, that's how many japanese see it (and I imagine they probably seethe weekly about westoids plundering their reserves and driving prices up).

>> No.8844802
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I never threw out my old consoles or CRTs, still use them too and have even other ones as backup.
Meanwhile I was also always on the bleeding edge since I'm a sucker for technology.

So no idea.
I also still emulate with a proper CRT and stereo system and high end PC.

>> No.8844805

I want to say 2016-2018. Shit hit the fan in 2020 but it was still bad before then.

>> No.8844808 [DELETED] 

(((Speculators))) and (((Collectors))) drove up the prices.

>> No.8844812

I never assumed anyone was poor. I just thought they didn't get rid of their consoles and liked playing their old games. weird assumption to make desu. when i was in college ten years ago, my friends played N64, SNES, and other shit all the time. because it was fun.

>> No.8844816

I swear no one cared about old consoles until HDTVs became common. My friend and I would hop between Genesis, N64, and Gamecube games without a care.

>> No.8844913

You can't imagine being in middle school when the PS2 came out and seeing kids make fun of other kids if they still had 4th gen?

>> No.8844932
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Rich people buy excursions to get away from their massive houses filled with designer clothing and furniture, they don't obsess over mass produced consumer electronics unless they're already relatively nerdy. Vintage gaming is for middle class nerds, not the wealthy.

>> No.8844935

Not them, but no. The kids must've been a little less shitty where I grew up than where you did. I would still play PS1 and SNES even after my family bought a PS2

>> No.8844959

Going to someones house and seeing them play stuff on xbox360 will grant them the title of poorfag these days. Things change as time goes on anon. They've just ascended from poorfag tier to collectible tier.

>> No.8845301

It's clown world op, get used to it.

>> No.8845318

>Go back in time 10-15 years and if you saw a SNES, N64 or PS1/PS2 in someones house you assume they were poor for playing on that old stuff.
I was gonna say that this is dumb but people nowadays absolutely do this stuff. I don't think 15 years people gave a shit, but online play gave a rise to a new type of gaming that so many are unwilling to go back to single player stuff.

>> No.8845518

>When did original hardware become the non-poorfag option? Go back in time 10-15 years
anon, 15 years is a lot. it's almost enough for a console to become retro.
Youtube is just a bit over 15 years old. 4chan is 18 years old. we're talking pre-social media era.
>Now the original hardware people are well-off
see >>8844790. the culprits are manchildren and Youtubers who advertise retro games to them.

>> No.8845554 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x1500, 101k-mile-2000-ford-excursion-sells-for-67500-suspicions-arise-184997_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body on frame
>steel bumpers
>RWD (or RWD biased AWD)
>thicc 6.8L V10
>column shifter
>no center console
>just fucking gigantic
>fuel economy measured in yards per gallon

Now this was a real SUV, none of this unibody, plastic bumper, FWD bullshit. I'm surprised Ford got enough flak to discontinue it so quickly, it really was way ahead of its time, now that all the suburban white moms wants cars this fucking big just to drive her pit baby to Walmart.

>> No.8845560
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>zoomer thinks time dictates retro status

>> No.8845960

Since youtubers began shilling certain games as "hidden gems".

>> No.8846075

My parents bought me a NES in 1997 for $3 because we was poor. I wanted a N64. Oh well. I played that nes to death.

>> No.8846081

15 years ago you still had to buy each game to play on those systems. Was not cheap.

>> No.8846094

>Go back in time 10-15 years and if you saw a SNES, N64 or PS1/PS2 in someones house you assume they were poor for playing on that old stuff
No one would have thought that in those years. Or any year, really.
I reject the whole premise of your question.

>> No.8846096

around the early 2010's gaming culture switched from "new good old bad" to "new bad old good"

You can really blame it on a few things. The abysmal state of AAA gaming and nintendo by that point, youtubers like Gamegrumps popularizing retro hardware and collecting, the industry itself popularizing old games with all those fucking cashgrab HD port collections.

>> No.8846117

Only on /vr/ does anyone consider retro gaming to be expensive.

Less than $200. Less than $100 if you buy a Super Famicom.

Games are like $10-50 which is fine if you are actually playing them and not just coomlecting. You're going to get a lot of hours of entertainment for that price.

Do you have any idea how much people spend on other hobbies? On just drinking and smoking? Spoiler: a lot more than that.

People spend as much on a single motorcycle helmet as an entire "richfag" /vr/ setup.

>> No.8846135

Where are you getting games for 10-50?

>> No.8846139

I was in high school when the ps2 came out and it would have been preposterous for anyone to do that and they would have been considered extremely stupid and lame by others if they tried it.

>> No.8846178

Nigga you just outed yourself for growing up in the hood.

>> No.8846180

no, my friend had a SNES at his house in 2002 when I slept over. I had a PS2 at the time. I thought it was so cool that he had it. I had never played Kirby Superstar and we got to play it together.

>> No.8846185

Ebay. That's the non-meme prices for games for those systems.

>> No.8846251

imagine you're tanaka-san and you pick up old super famicom games to play on sunday night's while the wife is out visiting her mum, they are super cheap so you can basically pick up anything you want for a few hours of fun and just recycle them back to the shop if they are no good or you're gather a few too many, then one day you see some white pig fat gaijin looking at the snes games in hard-off and think it's strange, it keeps happening more and more though and now the prices on games have jumped up that your whole little recycling system doesn't work any more, one day you've just had enough and metal fucking jesus rocks is now in your hard-off he gives a shitty American konnichiwa and you just punch him in the face

>> No.8846285

I'm basically building an SNES set right now from absolute scratch and I'm literally in $200 before I even buy any games. Cheap retro is over.

>> No.8846662

I still assume you're poor for being a low achievement gamer wasting your life on achievement porn

>> No.8847075


>> No.8847184

>low achievement gamer
What does this mean?

>> No.8847301

Name 5 /vr/ games that aren't arcade boards or on Xbox, CDi, Nuon that I can't finish at full speed/without noticeable glitches emulated. I'll give you one for free, faggot, you can even include it:
Rogue Squadron 3

>> No.8847321

Space Berserker
Rocket Coaster
Ghost Rush!
Blue Chicago Blues
Goalposts moving in 3

>> No.8847331

Emulation has always been the poorfag option.

>> No.8847337

It was on me for not specifying those literally whos on a gay moviegame platform no one cares about. So yeah. You "win". Do you feel proud of yourself? Do you feel you argued in good faith?

>> No.8847342


>> No.8847345

gamerscore, bro. sorta like taking a picture of your TV set when you defeated Mike Tyson and sending it to Nintendo as proof you beat the game

>> No.8847349

engage maximum back-pedaling

>> No.8847358

Do you own those, anon? Do you feel like an emufag is truly blown the fuck out by not owning or being able to play them? Could you at least try to cite examples people care about?

>> No.8847361

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying you could do better.

>> No.8847369

It's just shitposting anon. For all it's worth at least I do care about those games, Ghost Rush is a cute little dungeon crawler for example that I want to buy for my laseractive. Dunno much about emulation not being up to par since I emulate mostly 8 and 16 bit systems anyway.

>> No.8847370

>Thinks time stands still

>> No.8847390

I'm not the anon in question, just poking fun.

>> No.8847393
File: 24 KB, 400x400, https___images.pristineauction.com_194_1946167_main_1625846372-Bam-Margera-Signed-8x10-Photo-Beckett-COA-PristineAuction.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit makes me sad how hard that dude fell off

>> No.8847409
File: 13 KB, 300x168, erin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no barren firebush pick-me gf to own the emufags with
Why live?

>> No.8847438

This is Bam Margera and we're sunking phil's dink

>> No.8847441

few real achievements. video games are to achievement as porn is to sex.