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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8843663 No.8843663 [Reply] [Original]

What's the weirdest anti-piracy scheme you ever ran into? Me? probably startropics.

>> No.8843692 [DELETED] 

>greenhaired pinfaced child
looks legit
Guess you're too young to remember when Sony rootkitted millions of computers with their copy protection

>> No.8843742
File: 76 KB, 640x640, Leather Goddesses of Phobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smell protection.
a great text adventure game called "Leather Goddesses of Phobos" came with a scratch N' Sniff card that you used and smelled during parts of the game. it was also used as copy protection, so that game asked you what a certain number smelled like and if you didn't know the game would quit.

>> No.8843779

I think there was this VN porn game that would connect to your facebook and tell everyone you knew that you were playing it if you didn't pay for the game.

>> No.8843786

i remember that, don't remember the name of the game though. Reminds me of lostboy.exe though

>> No.8843787

>tfw no green-haired mystery-meat mall goth piracy gf

>> No.8843790

thats fucking BASED holy shit

>> No.8843816

Quake 2 on PC having region locking
Just why the hell did they do that? It is so in-effective that most people never even noticed.

>> No.8843817

the fun ones are when breaking the protection causes the game to do something weird 17 hours into it

>> No.8843826
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>> No.8843832

IIRC Spyro 3 just made the game crash at the final boss

>> No.8843841
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It’s a better game to be fair

>> No.8843889


>> No.8843937 [DELETED] 

You sound unhinged. Do you always preface every retarded post you make with how old you are? Did you even read the text in the OP?

>> No.8843994
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>> No.8844023


>> No.8844038

I've heard about this but it took a picture of you through your webcam and put it on their website.

>> No.8844101 [DELETED] 

Not that guy but did you even read the text in the OP? The thread isn't about sending petty insults to others. If you get personally offended by an off-topic post you can just ignore it.

>> No.8844763 [DELETED] 

You sound unhinged. Do you always get mad when your hot take turns out to be not so hot? Did you even read anything?

>> No.8844778
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>> No.8844783
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>double all damage dealt to the player
>makes the third stage loop on itself and unbeatable
>hands out wrong password and makes it so valid passwords don't work

Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.8844793

Isn't that the "Play it loud" gril?

>> No.8844924

>took a picture of you through your webcam and put it on their website.

so how many photos of fourteen year old boys whacking off went up on their website before somebody spotted the flaw in this clever plan

>> No.8845028
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Gotta love dev butthurt.

>> No.8845140

The most offensive thing about this is how poorly written it is. Probably should have had a colleague proofread it before embarrassing the whole team with this shit.

>> No.8845163

Holy shit kek I would've probably ran out the room crying if I played this as a kid and this happened to me.

>> No.8845209

There was a message for a jap game that bitched about how the director was fucking a female co-worker and how said director gave some porn magz to the programers as a favor or some shit.
Funny stuff.

>> No.8845247

Found it.

>> No.8845402

I thought it screenshotted your desktop and the EULA said it would do exactly that.

>> No.8845445

Who the fuck is this ad targeting

>> No.8845575

The funny thing is that this is the only thing this particular game is known for.

>> No.8845640

>Tfw you actually got your legs broken by Furniss for pirating his game
Terrific chap, hell of a batting arm. Still don't know how he found me even to this day.

>> No.8845726

>tfw made that crop years ago
Always feels nice seeing shit you made still circulating.

>> No.8845732
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you can't pirate an mmo

>> No.8845740

Software developers.

>> No.8845741

>game was fully cracked 15 minutes later

>> No.8845862

Why the cute mystery meat mall goth then?

>> No.8845889

She's the software pirate.

>> No.8845934

I mean, probably. Only so many ways to verify the authenticity of a disk in code. Their "protection stages" were probably just routines that checked the program itself to see if it was modified, which is trivial to identify and patch as well.

>> No.8846032

She's cute!

>> No.8846054

>Software developers.
More specifically, software developers who were too stupid to realize SafeDisc was a scam.

>> No.8846156 [DELETED] 

>So brain rotted and obsessed with trannies that he's seeing them in 30 years old computer ads
Damn man. Touch grass

>> No.8846169

How did it know your region?

>> No.8846174 [DELETED] 

>watches youtube "documentary" of something from before he was born

>> No.8846190

Technically no but yes, private servers do it kinda ish, usually when the game is decomissioned or forgotten and left running for no reason

>> No.8846209
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Anyone ever unlocked this anti-piracy message in the PC-8801 version of Snatcher

>> No.8846372

She's deliberately meant to be sexually appealing to the target audience, in a hate fuck kinda way. I majored in marketing.

>> No.8846556
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I always find in-game second-layer protection interesting. In Merchant Prince, if you cracked it so you can continue past the password, the game will eventually change your name into "Pirate!" after several in-game turns. It will also regularly remove your money and drop all your fame and relationships down to red.

>> No.8846557
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Gangsters: Organized Crime will randomly throw your mooks into jail for no reason.

>> No.8846558
File: 136 KB, 640x480, buzz_016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space, your missions will critically fail every other time.

>> No.8846586

Not quite. The way Spyro 3's antipiracy worked was that at some point one of the fairies would call you out in game for playing a pirated copy. You would be able to go on playing the game as usual but over time your totals would randomly decrease and you'd be unable to 100% the game. Reaching the final boss would just drop you back at the start of the game without being able to beat it.

>> No.8846616

that's a fun gimmick, but also kinda ableist

>> No.8846717


>> No.8846728

>Aah, this is a nice song, isn’t it? Those were good old days, when people in this industry knew what they were doing. How did we find ourselves surrounded by these worthless individuals?

the more things change, etc

>> No.8846778


More specifically, boomer suits, hence why she's a disgusting stereotype and nothing like what any normal human looks like.

>> No.8846928

dude I've been playing WoW for 12 years and never paid a cent.

>> No.8846963

Cheeky bastard...

>> No.8847043

Not with that attitude

>> No.8847081 [DELETED] 

>Guess you're too young to remember when Sony rootkitted millions of computers with their copy protection
Sony BMG, not Sony. Like most Japanese companies they are made up of mostly autonomous sub-units and as a result some departments can be awesome and consumer led and others can be literally hitler. The rootkit scandal happened via one of those autonomous units acting alone and it was stopped because Sony proper kicked their cunt in when they found out.

>> No.8847350

IIRC rapelay

>> No.8847392


Not very obscure, but some arcade boards from midway had a copy protection that made the game exceedingly easy as in, giving you extra lives after a low amount of points if they detected a bootleg copy.

the target is simple, since its a coin operated game, if would almost ensure a infinite amount of game time to the player with a single coin, somewhat ruining the operators profits.

those probably haven't been seen running in the wild because they wouldn't be very useful commercially.

>> No.8847402

funny but untrue anon

>> No.8847808
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Like most millennial kids, I was a console gamer (essentially anti-piracy as hardware). That's why, when I saw this manual-based copy protection scheme in TIE Fighter (my first real PC game), I thought it was just a cool feature to make you feel more immersed. I had no idea that game piracy existed.

>> No.8847810

Yes, fun is ableism, you're getting it

>> No.8849226 [DELETED] 

Do you kids do anything but sit around projecting all day on the Internet?

>> No.8849539 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure that happened way after startropics came out on the NES, idiot.

>> No.8849620

I'm pretty sure it was this one.

>> No.8849687

Buycucks got punished hard during the manuals and code cards era.
Piratechads just pushed enter

>> No.8849712

Well I majored in bullshitting and you are a textbook example haha

>> No.8849857 [DELETED] 

Do you?
Bringing up "le tranny" or whatever boogeyman you had in mind when you typed your shit post regarding a decades old ad is certifiably retarded.
I HOPE you are just pretending to be old because if you truly are any older than 20 then that's just embarrassing.

>> No.8849860


>> No.8849971

I dont think startropics was anti piracy cause why would they bother sticking it all the way near the end of the game? I just think it was a dumb nintendo gimmick. I dont think they would have published the code in nintendo power if it was for anti piracy.

>> No.8849976 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, iconcur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty sure i can't into reading comprehension

>> No.8849989 [DELETED] 

Yeah you sure can't. It's puzzling how you managed to construct that post and still act defiant about it.

>> No.8850228 [DELETED] 

You deserve to be pushed down the stairs for fun.

>> No.8850230 [DELETED] 

Trannies deserve to be excommunicated from society wherever they're found though. They are human garbage literally and unironically ruining the world, this is completely secondary from how nauseating they are as people. We defeated the stalinists, we defeated the nazis, now the trannies want to bring the same old totalitarian culture-destroying garbage back into vogue.

>> No.8850236 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8850278 [DELETED] 

You sure are obsessed with them, you must be around them a lot. Maybe stop working at a drag queen bar.

>> No.8850282 [DELETED] 

This isn't a daycare for autists, go seek attention elsewhere, fatchild.

>> No.8850470 [DELETED] 

Trannies weren’t a thing back then

>> No.8850669 [DELETED] 

Let me show you a better world. A world without fat sweaties and cringey zoomers. Impossible, you say? Just try it. You'll be amazed.


>> No.8850718

Spyro YotD:
>PAL copies of the game will switch between English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
>The ability to Pause will be removed.
>Various enemies will not give Gems, and various Gems found on the ground will be removed.
>Whilst playing the game, or after resetting the system, various Eggs will be reset to being uncollected, particularly those awarded for reaching a level’s Exit Portal.
>Sparx will be unable to get to Blue and Gold colours, limiting Spyro’s health.
>Sometimes the player will be lifted off the ground and returned to an earlier point in the level for no apparent reason.
>Various areas in levels that require the use of a side-character will be locked off, even if you freed that character.
>Sometimes the game will return you to the wrong Home World or level when using the Return Home Portal.
>The game will randomly kick you from the stage as if you used a Return Home Portal. This compounds with the above note where you can be returned to a completely different level.
>Returning to Sheila’s Alp will require you to pay Moneybags to free her again.
>Sometimes using a Transport won’t work at all.
>Once the Rocket is completed in Evening Lake, it will force you to fight in Buzz’s Dungeon again before getting to Midnight Mountain.
>After getting to Midnight Mountain, the Rocket will take to you a random option on the list rather than the one you selected.
>All the Midnight Mountain Portals send you to Sunrise Spring levels instead.
>After spending some time in Midnight Mountain, the Rocket will have only Sunrise Spring available in the menu. Using this will then replace the Rocket with the original Balloon when you land.
>In the middle of the Sorceress boss fight, the player will be sent back to Sunrise Spring with all their save data wiped.
>The “payback” with Moneybags in Midnight Mountain won’t return all of the Gems you paid him.

>> No.8851669

Makes sense and I had never heard of this one! Unfortunately I never met this kind of anti-bootleg protection in any arcade back then :(

>> No.8851673


>> No.8851680

>SPAMfighter has noted that the intrusive nature of the trojan was "in fact explained in [the software's] terms of service"

>> No.8851985 [DELETED] 

Also, just to have it more concise, replace the tranny stuff with this