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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 142 KB, 256x372, Dragon_Warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8841710 No.8841710 [Reply] [Original]

Real question, did anyone even play the Dragon Warrior games back in the NES days, when they released in the US? I have never seen anyone claim they did.

>> No.8841727

Yeah I was like 5 I played them at my cousin's house, I had no clue what I was going.

>> No.8841729
File: 474 KB, 1280x1728, 1637004983247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The series was very often seen in the Top 10 in Nintendo Power, so yeah

>> No.8841736

huh, interesting. I thought the series had a pretty low profile in US. did Earthbound make it to the top 10s too? (I'm not even sure if top 10 was legit or just purely marketing bullshit)

>> No.8841743

>(I'm not even sure if top 10 was legit or just purely marketing bullshit)

According to NP it is made by using a mix of sales, what retailers consider hot, and players vote (based on a list given to them)

>> No.8841758

I have. My dad loved it. I was retarded back then so I never got anywhere.

>> No.8841760

Man look at all those games, look at them. Damn, I love video games

>> No.8842094

Only played the SNES ones. I didn't get into rpg's until i was older, and the NES ones look a little primitive for my liking.

>> No.8842117

Dragon Warrior 1 was a decent hit, the far better games in the series are the ones that bombed here although I think DW1+2 and DW3 on Gameboy did ok.

>> No.8842126

I thought the famicom came with a free copy of dragon warrior 1?

>> No.8842130

or nintendo gave away a copy of DW1 for every new nintendo power subscription, I don't remember

>> No.8842132

I was a Nintendo Power subscriber and got a free copy of the first game for renewing as a promotion they were running. My parents bought me the second one later when it came out.

>> No.8842164

My best friend did. It looked boring so I didn't. I've still never beaten a single DQ/DW game cuz they still look boring to me.

>> No.8842172

Nah, it was the first game i bought as teenager when i got back into nes. I miss you funcoland.

>> No.8842179

Ive got a nintendo power where they describe the nightmare of sending out the players guide for dw. The game mustve been sheer hell to ship out.

>> No.8842190

ya dude

>> No.8842478
File: 411 KB, 444x690, ayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owned 3 copies of DW1. People kept giving them to me.

>> No.8842783


I played it as a kid and I loved it. It blew my mind that a game could be like that. I guess I was at just the right age for it to be fully comprehensible yet still highly enchanting and not at all boring. And also, it was the first game of its type I'd ever encountered, so it had plenty of novelty value supporting it.

I loved Final Fantasy (1) even more, but this game was great. Of course I find the genre simplistic and repetitive now, since I am an adult. (I can still sometimes find ways to enjoy it though.)

>> No.8842836

It sucks but it has soul

>> No.8842841

but seriously tho its like they tried to make the worst interface possible

>> No.8842857

It took Final Fantasy to really refine RPG controls for consoles, reducing most things down to context based interactions instead of choosing the obvious from a list of mostly non-applicable options.

>> No.8843071

Not a single person, ever. Literally ever. Sold 0 copies. Not a single fucking person played it. NO ONE. NOT A SINGLE SOUL. YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

>> No.8843445

I had 1, 2, and 3. Never beat any of them as a kid, because I was a dumbass.

>> No.8843446

Yes but for decades I only had vague memories of what the game was and only when the internet came out did I say "OH, that was Dragon Warrior I played as a kid"

>> No.8843509

Dragon Quest 2 came out before FF1

>> No.8843528

Dragon Quest II still only supported interacting with the world using the menu until the SFC remake had a button for it. But at least they dropped the door/stairs options.