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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8839150 No.8839150 [Reply] [Original]

I keep trying to get into shmups but their gameplay is so tedious and lacking. You could say play for score, but then you're dealing with RNG, bad design and a ton of other issues that makes the score play not worth touching

>> No.8839156

M2 made this. What extras are in this one?

>> No.8839158

Play Tyrian. Less bullshit.

>> No.8839167

>trying the same thing over and over expecting different results

definition of insanity, just play somethnig else you fucking shit head.

>> No.8839170


>> No.8839228

You wouldn’t get it.

>> No.8839230

I keep trying to, I feel like I should enjoy them but I don't. I keep trying to get into G-Darius and Darius Gaiden but their systems are cancer, the Ray series is one of the few I actually enjoy.
Cave is a joke, and shmups older than the 90s are worthless.

>> No.8839235

If you're not having fun then just drop it mate. Life is too short to waste on bullshit you don't enjoy.

>> No.8839242

>Trying to score hardcore points on the internet
Just play what you enjoy. I'm never going to play a Shoot em Up for score, only survival.

>> No.8839262

> You could say play for score, but then you're dealing with RNG, bad design and a ton of other issues that makes the score play not worth touching
Practice, practice , practice.

This. Be prepared to get assblasted if not autofiring

>Cave is a joke
How? I almost fell for this meme but they’re actually pretty good bro.

Same. I just play for survival, but then I am a turbonoob

>> No.8839515

Your issue is you have no discipline. At the first sign of a real challenge you give up.
Play Ikaruga. Or get good and learn to adapt to RNG. RNG doesn't matter unless you go for WR tier scores, which you (and I) will never achieve any way.

>> No.8839537

>You could say play for score, but then you're dealing with RNG
RNG is one of the few positives of shmups that takes away the repetitive tedium involved in grinding out your predetermined robotic routes desu.

>> No.8840209

I don't understand why would you force yourself to play something you don't like. But if I understand you, you like some stg, just not all of them. For example I don't like fighters with juggles, so I play games with a focus on neutral and ground combat. If that's so, try to understand why you like Ray and find more games you like. You don't like Caves? You don't find them fun? Fuck them then!

Regarding playing for points, try to give a read to the full extent of the jam: https://mega.nz/file/suQQmLhQ#hWOhQsAVr_DN61aL6lDATJdTPVl9IUPX6evT68gMrDI
After I read this, I leaved the quest for points with a happy face. In my eyes, it's pure autism. Play for your fun, don't mind what a bunch of anons think of what you do with an emulated rom from 30 years ago.

>> No.8840798

try R-type

>> No.8840851

Some days you skim the whole catalog and can't find even one thread that's not stupid as fuck

>> No.8841169

Is it really that different if a bullet moves 5 pixels more to the right than your last run? It's just a band-aid solution for a fundamental issue with the genre.

>> No.8841595

>tedious and lacking
Yes, it's called being an auto-scroller with the same haphazard bullet spam popcorn enemies over and over again in slightly different arrangements.
Seems like you should take the photo bird-pill

>> No.8841709

yeah better play a fun genre instead of these autoscrolling turds, like puzzle or fighting games

>> No.8841725

But I play games to have fun, not give my life meaning

>> No.8841982

Exactly. Shmups tend to be too much about spending hours waiting through the same stages memorizing a trial-and-error route for where everything appears so you can get rid of the same enemies before they fire the same bullets at you for the billionth time and possibly before your autism meter resets back to 0.
If you find the genre tedious and repetitive in that sense, try Shoot the Bullet, it's 100% content 0% padding and really puts into perspective how fun shmups can be whenever they aren't held back by that stubbornly incompetent progression structure.

>> No.8842113

>I don't understand why would you force yourself to play something you don't like
jarpigs are mentally ill, simple as

>> No.8842674

News! (posted here since the general in vg is nowhere to be found) Harmful park has been translated!
Go play it!

>> No.8842713

RNG only applies to bad shmups. If you memorize a good game, it could feasibly be played with your eyes closed.

>> No.8843869
File: 297 KB, 358x512, ddp_doj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyrian is garbage.